174 research outputs found

    Effects of fertilizers, mulches and land contours on the growth of sea buckthorn cultivars in organic farming

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    The effects of different organic cultivation methods on the growth of two Finnish sea buckthorn was studied for two years

    Anti-Candida Activity of Extracts Containing Ellagitannins, Triterpenes and Flavonoids of Terminalia brownii, a Medicinal Plant Growing in Semi-Arid and Savannah Woodland in Sudan

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    Various parts of Terminalia brownii (Fresen) are used in Sudanese traditional medicine against fungal infections. The present study aimed to verify these uses by investigating the anti-Candida activity and phytochemistry of T. brownii extracts. Established agar diffusion and microplate dilution methods were used for the antifungal screenings. HPLC-DAD and UHPLC/QTOF-MS were used for the chemical fingerprinting of extracts and for determination of molecular masses. Large inhibition zones and MIC values of 312 ”g/mL were obtained with acetone, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of the leaves and acetone and methanol extracts of the roots. In addition, decoctions and macerations of the leaves and stem bark showed good activity. Sixty compounds were identified from a leaf ethyl acetate extract, showing good antifungal activity. Di-, tri- and tetra-gallotannins, chebulinic acid (eutannin) and ellagitannins, including an isomer of methyl-(S)-flavogallonate, terflavin B and corilagin, were detected in T. brownii leaves for the first time. In addition, genipin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, apigenin, kaempferol-4’-sulfate, myricetin-3-rhamnoside and sericic acid were also characterized. Amongst the pure compounds present in T. brownii leaves, apigenin and ÎČ-sitosterol gave the strongest growth inhibitory effects. From this study, it was evident that the leaf extracts of T. brownii have considerable anti-Candida activity with MIC values ranging from 312 to 2500 ”g/mL

    Alkaloid-Rich Crude Extracts, Fractions and Piperamide Alkaloids of Piper guineense Possess Promising Antibacterial Effects

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    Piper guineense is a food and medicinal plant commonly used to treat infectious diseases in West-African traditional medicine. In a bid to identify new antibacterial compounds due to bacterial resistance to antibiotics, twelve extracts of P. guineense fruits and leaves, obtained by sequential extraction, as well as the piperine and piperlongumine commercial compounds were evaluated for antibacterial activity against human pathogenic bacteria. HPLC-DAD and UHPLC/Q-TOF MS analysis were conducted to characterize and identify the compounds present in the extracts with promising antibacterial activity. The extracts, with the exception of the hot water decoctions and macerations, contained piperamide alkaloids as their main constituents. Piperine, dihydropiperine, piperylin, dihydropiperylin or piperlonguminine, dihydropiperlonguminine, wisanine, dihydrowisanine and derivatives of piperine and piperidine were identified in a hexane extract of the leaf. In addition, some new piperamide alkaloids were identified, such as a piperine and a piperidine alkaloid derivative and two unknown piperamide alkaloids. To the best of our knowledge, there are no piperamides reported in the literature with similar UV absorption maxima and masses. A piperamide alkaloid-rich hexane leaf extract recorded the lowest MIC of 19 mu g/mL against Sarcina sp. and gave promising growth inhibitory effects against S. aureus and E. aerogenes as well, inhibiting the growth of both bacteria with a MIC of 78 mu g/mL. Moreover, this is the first report of the antibacterial activity of P. guineense extracts against Sarcina sp. and E. aerogenes. Marked growth inhibition was also obtained for chloroform extracts of the leaves and fruits against P. aeruginosa with a MIC value of 78 mu g/mL. Piperine and piperlongumine were active against E. aerogenes, S. aureus, E. coli, S. enterica, P. mirabilis and B. cereus with MIC values ranging from 39-1250 mu g/mL. Notably, the water extracts, which were almost devoid of piperamide alkaloids, were not active against the bacterial strains. Our results demonstrate that P. guineense contains antibacterial alkaloids that could be relevant for the discovery of new natural antibiotics.Peer reviewe

    HPLC-DAD and UHPLC/QTOF-MS Analysis of Polyphenols in Extracts of the African Species Combretum padoides, C. zeyheri and C. psidioides Related to Their Antimycobacterial Activity

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    Combretum padoides Engl. & Diels, C. psidioides Welv. and C. zeyheri Sond. are used for the treatment of infections and tuberculosis related symptoms in African traditional medicine. In order to verify these uses, extracts were screened for their growth inhibitory effects against M. smegmatis ATCC 14468. Ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC/QTOF-MS) and GC-MS were used to investigate the polyphenolic composition in the active extracts. The lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), 625 ”g/mL, was shown by a methanol extract of the stem bark of C. psidioides. A butanol extract of C. psidioides gave large inhibition zone diameters (IZD 21 mm) and inhibited 84% of the mycobacterial growth at 312 ”g/mL. Combretastatin B-2 and dihydrostilbene derivatives were present in the methanol extract of C. psidioides, whereas the butanol extract of this species contained punicalagin, corilagin, and sanguiin H-4. Methanol and butanol extracts of the stem bark of C. padoides gave large inhibition zone diameters (IZD 26.5 mm) and MIC values of 1250 and 2500 ”g/mL, respectively. C. padoides contained an ellagitannin with a mass identical to punicalagin ([M-H]− 1083.0587) and a corilagin like derivative ([M-H]− 633.0750) as well as ellagic acid arabinoside and methyl ellagic acid xyloside. A butanol extract of the roots of C. zeyheri showed mild antimycobacterial activity and contained a gallotannin at m/z [M-H]− 647.0894 as the main compound along with punicalagin and three unknown ellagitannins at m/z [M-H]− 763.0788, 765.0566, and 817.4212. Our results indicate that the studied species of Combretum contain phenolic and polyphenolic compounds with possible potential as leads for antimycobacterial drugs or as adjuvants for conventional anti-TB drugs

    1,6-Dehydropinidine Is an Abundant Compound in Picea abies (Pinaceae) Sprouts and 1,6-Dehydropinidine Fraction Shows Antibacterial Activity against Streptococcus equi Subsp. equi

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    Knowledge about the defensive chemistry of coniferous trees has increased in recent years regarding a number of alkaloid compounds; in addition to phenolics and terpenes. Here, we show that Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.), an important boreal zone tree species; accumulates 1,6-dehydropinidine (2-methyl-6-(2-propenyl)-1,6-piperideine) in its needles and bark. We reanalyzed previously published GC-MS data to obtain a full picture of 1,6-dehydropinidine in P. abies. 1,6-dehydropinidine appeared to especially accumulate in developing spring shoots. We used solid-phase partitioning to collect the alkaloid fraction of the sprouts and thin-layer chromatography to purify 1,6-dehydropinidine. The antibacterial properties of the 1,6-dehydropinidine fraction were tested using a broth microdilution method; with Streptococcus equi subsp. equi as a model organism. Based on our results 1,6-dehydropinidine is common in alkaloid extractions from P. abies (0.4 ± 0.03 mg g−1 dw in mature needles) and it is especially abundant in young spruce shoots (2.7 ± 0.5 mg g−1 dw). Moreover; 1,6-dehydropinidine extracted from P. abies sprouts showed mild antibacterial potential against Streptococcus equi subsp. equi (MIC 55 ”g mL−1). The antibacterial activity of a plant compound thought of as an intermediate rather than an end-product of biosynthesis calls for more detailed studies regarding the biological function of these coniferous alkaloid

    1,6-Dehydropinidine Is an Abundant Compound in Picea abies (Pinaceae) Sprouts and 1,6-Dehydropinidine Fraction Shows Antibacterial Activity against Streptococcus equi Subsp. equi

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    Knowledge about the defensive chemistry of coniferous trees has increased in recent years regarding a number of alkaloid compounds; in addition to phenolics and terpenes. Here, we show that Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.), an important boreal zone tree species; accumulates 1,6-dehydropinidine (2-methyl-6-(2-propenyl)-1,6-piperideine) in its needles and bark. We reanalyzed previously published GC-MS data to obtain a full picture of 1,6-dehydropinidine in P. abies. 1,6-dehydropinidine appeared to especially accumulate in developing spring shoots. We used solid-phase partitioning to collect the alkaloid fraction of the sprouts and thin-layer chromatography to purify 1,6-dehydropinidine. The antibacterial properties of the 1,6-dehydropinidine fraction were tested using a broth microdilution method; with Streptococcus equi subsp. equi as a model organism. Based on our results 1,6-dehydropinidine is common in alkaloid extractions from P. abies (0.4 ± 0.03 mg g−1 dw in mature needles) and it is especially abundant in young spruce shoots (2.7 ± 0.5 mg g−1 dw). Moreover; 1,6-dehydropinidine extracted from P. abies sprouts showed mild antibacterial potential against Streptococcus equi subsp. equi (MIC 55 ”g mL−1). The antibacterial activity of a plant compound thought of as an intermediate rather than an end-product of biosynthesis calls for more detailed studies regarding the biological function of these coniferous alkaloid

    Silicon, endophytes and secondary metabolites as grass defenses against mammalian herbivores

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    Article Accepted Date: 30 August 2014 Acknowledgments This study was supported by the Academy of Finland (grant no. 133495 to Otso Huitu; grants no. 137909 and 110658 to Kari Saikkonen) and by the NERC (grant no. NE/F003994/1 to Xavier Lambin). We thank Dr. Stefan Reidinger and Dr. James Stockdale for help with the silicon analyses. Technician Sinikka Sorsa conducted the phenolic extractions. Stephen Ryan and AnaĂŻs Zimmer assisted with field work.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
