6 research outputs found

    Use of artificial intelligence in sports medicine: a report of 5 fictional cases

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    Background Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising areas in medicine with many possibilities for improving health and wellness. Already today, diagnostic decision support systems may help patients to estimate the severity of their complaints. This fictional case study aimed to test the diagnostic potential of an AI algorithm for common sports injuries and pathologies. Methods Based on a literature review and clinical expert experience, five fictional “common” cases of acute, and subacute injuries or chronic sport-related pathologies were created: Concussion, ankle sprain, muscle pain, chronic knee instability (after ACL rupture) and tennis elbow. The symptoms of these cases were entered into a freely available chatbot-guided AI app and its diagnoses were compared to the pre-defined injuries and pathologies. Results A mean of 25–36 questions were asked by the app per patient, with optional explanations of certain questions or illustrative photos on demand. It was stressed, that the symptom analysis would not replace a doctor’s consultation. A 23-yr-old male patient case with a mild concussion was correctly diagnosed. An ankle sprain of a 27-yr-old female without ligament or bony lesions was also detected and an ER visit was suggested. Muscle pain in the thigh of a 19-yr-old male was correctly diagnosed. In the case of a 26-yr-old male with chronic ACL instability, the algorithm did not sufficiently cover the chronic aspect of the pathology, but the given recommendation of seeing a doctor would have helped the patient. Finally, the condition of the chronic epicondylitis in a 41-yr-old male was correctly detected. Conclusions All chosen injuries and pathologies were either correctly diagnosed or at least tagged with the right advice of when it is urgent for seeking a medical specialist. However, the quality of AI-based results could presumably depend on the data-driven experience of these programs as well as on the understanding of their users. Further studies should compare existing AI programs and their diagnostic accuracy for medical injuries and pathologies.Peer Reviewe

    Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review

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    Rigamonti L, Albrecht U-V, Lutter C, Tempel M, Wolfarth B, Back DA. Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 2020;19(4):157-163.Digital transformation is becoming increasingly common in modern life and sports medicine, like many other medical disciplines, it is strongly influenced and impacted by this rapidly changing field. This review aims to give a brief overview of the potential that digital technologies can have for health care providers and patients in the clinical practice of sports medicine. We will focus on mobile applications, wearables, smart devices, intelligent machines, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, big data, system interoperability, virtual reality, augmented reality, exergaming, or social networks. While some technologies are already used in current medical practice, others still have undiscovered potential. Due to the diversity and ever changing nature of this field, we will briefly review multiple areas in an attempt to give readers some general exposure to the landscape instead of a thorough, deep review of one topic. Further research will be necessary to show how digitalization applications could best be used for patient treatments.Beteiligte Körperschaft: AG Digitalisierung der Dt. Gesellschaft fĂŒr OrthopĂ€die und Unfallchirurgi

    Digital implications for human resource management in surgical departments

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    Background Changes in demographics and dynamics of our society are affecting the healthcare system, leading to an intensified "war for talents," especially for surgical departments. Also with regard to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the present work analyzes the potential of digitalization for human resource management of surgical departments in hospitals. Methods PubMed and Google Scholar were searched to identify articles referring to the specific subject of human resource management and its digital support in hospitals and surgical departments in particular. Results The main topics include the digital affinity of young physicians and surgeons in terms of staff recruiting, digital support for everyday working life in surgical departments, and the potential of digital approaches for surgical training. These topics are put into the context of company strategies, and their future potential is identified accordingly. Conclusion Digital programs, digital structures, and digital tools can today be used by human resources departments to advertise the hospital and to make the recruitment of future candidates increasingly attractive. In addition, by making digital tools available, the employees' satisfaction can be raised with the potential of a strong employer branding. In times of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital personnel strategies and training formats have to be regarded a contemporary offering

    An Augmented Reality Device for Remote Supervision of Ultrasound Examinations in International Exercise Science Projects: Usability Study

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    BackgroundSupport for long-distance research and clinical collaborations is in high demand and has increased owing to COVID-19–related restrictions on travel and social contact. New digital approaches are required for remote scientific exchange. ObjectiveThis study aims to analyze the options of using an augmented reality device for remote supervision of exercise science examinations. MethodsA mobile ultrasound examination of the diameter and intima-media thickness of the femoral and carotid arteries was remotely supervised using a head-mounted augmented reality device. All participants were provided with a link to a YouTube video of the technique in advance. In part 1, 8 international experts from the fields of engineering and sports science were remotely connected to the study setting. Internet connection speed was noted, and a structured interview was conducted. In part 2, 2 remote supervisors evaluated 8 physicians performing an examination on a healthy human subject. The results were recorded, and an evaluation was conducted using a 25-item questionnaire. ResultsIn part 1, the remote experts were connected over a mean distance of 1587 km to the examination site. Overall transmission quality was good (mean upload speed: 28.7 Mbps, mean download speed: 97.3 Mbps, mean ping: 21.6 milliseconds). In the interview, participants indicated that the main potential benefits would be to the fields of education, movement analysis, and supervision. Challenges regarding internet connection stability and previous training with the devices used were reported. In part 2, physicians’ examinations showed good interrater correlation (interclass correlation coefficient: 0.84). Participants valued the experienced setting as highly positive. ConclusionsThe study showed the good feasibility of the chosen design and a highly positive attitude of all participants toward this digital approach. Head-mounted augmented reality devices are generally recommended for collaborative research projects with physical examination–based research questions

    Recommendations for self-monitoring in pediatric diabetes: A consensus statement by the ISPED

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    A panel of experts of the Italian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology comprehensively discussed and approved the Italian recommendations regarding self-monitoring of blood glucose, continuous glucose monitoring and other measures of glycemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. After an extensive review of the literature, we took these issues into account: self-monitoring blood glucose, continuous glucose monitoring, glycemic variability, glycosuria, ketonuria, ketonemia, glycated hemoglobin, fructosamine and glycated albumin, logbook, data downloading, lancing devices, carbohydrate counting, and glycemic measurements at school. We concluded that clinical guidelines on self-management should be developed in every country with faithful adaptation to local languages and taking into account specific contexts and local peculiarities, without any substantial modifications to the international recommendations. We believe that the National Health Service should provide all necessary resources to ensure selfmonitoring of blood glucose and possibly continuous glucose monitoring of all children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes, according to the standards of care provided by these recommendations and internationally

    Recommendations for self-monitoring in pediatric diabetes: A consensus statement by the ISPED

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    none165noScaramuzza, Andrea; Cherubini, Valentino; Tumini, Stefano; Bonfanti, Riccardo; Buono, Pietro; Cardella, Francesca; D’Annunzio, Giuseppe; Frongia, Anna Paola; Lombardo, Fortunato; Monciotti, Anna Carla Maria; Rabbone, Ivana; Schiaffini, Riccardo; Toni, Sonia; Zucchini, Stefano; Frontino, Giulio; Iafusco, Dario; Arnaldi, Claudia; Banin, Patrizia; Barbetti, Fabrizio; Beccaria, Luciano; Benelli, Marzia; Berardi, Rosario; Biagioni, Martina; Bianchi, Giuliana; Bizzarri, Carla; Blasetti, Annalisa; Bobbio, Adriana; Boccato, Stefano; Bontempi, Franco; Bruzzese, Mariella; Cadario, Francesco; Calcaterra, Valeria; CannatĂ , Alessandra; Cappa, Marco; Cardani, Roberta; Cardinale, Giuliana Marcella; Carloni, Ines; Castaldo, Vincenzo; Cauvin, Vittoria; Cerutti, Franco; Cester, Anna Maria; Chessa, Margherita; Chiarelli, Francesco; Chiari, Giovanni; Chiumello, Giuseppe; Cicchetti, Mario; Cirillo, Dante; Citriniti, Felice; Citro, Giuseppe; Coccioli, Maria Susanna; Cotellessa, Mario; CrinĂČ, Antonino; De Berardinis, Fiorella; De Filippo, Gianpaolo; De Giorgi, Giovanni; De Luca, Filippo; De Marco, Rosaria; Delvecchio, Maurizio; Faleschini, Elena; Federico, Giovanni; Fifi, Anna Rita; Fontana, Franco; Franzese, Adriana; Frezza, Elda; Frongia, Annapaola; Gaiero, Alberto; Galderisi, Alfonso; Gallo, Francesco; Gargantini, Luigi; Ghione, Silvia; Giorgetti, Chiara; Gualtieri, Antonella; Guasti, Monica; Guerraggio, Lucia; Iannilli, Antonio; Ingletto, Dario; Iossa, Carmine; Iovene, Brunella; Iughetti, Lorenzo; Kaufmann, Peter; La Loggia, Alfonso; Lazzaro, Nicola; Lenzi, Lorenzo; Lera, Riccardo; Lia, Rosanna; Lo Presti, Donatella; Lorini, Renata; Lucchesi, Sonia; Luceri, Sergio; Madeo, Simona Filomena; Maffeis, Claudio; Mainetti, Benedetta; Mammi, Francesco; Manca Bitti, Maria Luisa; Marigliano, Marco; Marinari, Alessandra; Marinaro, Anna Maria; Meloni, Gianfranco; Marsciani, Alberto; Mastrangelo, Lisa; Mastrangelo, Costanzo; Meschi, Franco; Minasi, Domenico; Minenna, Adelaide; Minuto, Nicola; Monciotti, Carlamaria; Morganti, Gianfranco; Mozzillo, Enza; Nugnes, Rosa; Paradiso, Emanuela; Pardi, Daniela; Pasquino, Bruno; Patrizia Patera, Ippolita; Pennati, Cristina; Pepe, Rossella; Piccini, Barbara; Perrotta, Angelo; Piccinno, Elvira; Pinelli, Leonardo; Piredda, Gavina; Pocecco, Mauro; Ponzi, Giuseppe; Prandi, Elena; Predieri, Barbara; Prisco, Francesco; Quinci, Maria; Ricciardi, Maria Rossella; Rigamonti, Andrea; Ripoli, Carlo; Sabbion, Alberto; Salardi, Silvana; Salvatoni, Alessandro; Salvo, Caterina; Salzano, Giuseppina; Saporiti, Anna; Sardi, Rita; Schieven, Eleonardo; Scipione, Mirella; Soci, Cristina; Soro, Miriam; Spallino, Luisa; Stamati, Filomena; Suprani, Tosca; Savastio, Silvia; Taccardi, Rosa Anna; Tarchini, Luis; Tomaselli, Letizia; Tonini, Giorgio; Torelli, Cataldo; Tornese, Gianluca; Trada, Michela; Valerio, Giuliana; Vanelli, Maurizio; Vanini, Roberto; Vascotto, Marina; Vergerio, Amedeo; Viscardi, Matteo; Zaffani, Silvana; Zampolli, Maria; Zanatta, Manuela; Zanette, Giorgio; Zanfardino, Angela; Zecchino, Clara; Zedda, Maria Antonietta; Zuccotti, Gian VincenzoScaramuzza, Andrea; Cherubini, Valentino; Tumini, Stefano; Bonfanti, Riccardo; Buono, Pietro; Cardella, Francesca; D’Annunzio, Giuseppe; Frongia, Anna Paola; Lombardo, Fortunato; Monciotti, Anna Carla Maria; Rabbone, Ivana; Schiaffini, Riccardo; Toni, Sonia; Zucchini, Stefano; Frontino, Giulio; Iafusco, Dario; Arnaldi, Claudia; Banin, Patrizia; Barbetti, Fabrizio; Beccaria, Luciano; Benelli, Marzia; Berardi, Rossana; Biagioni, Martina; Bianchi, Giuliana; Bizzarri, Carla; Blasetti, Annalisa; Bobbio, Adriana; Boccato, Stefano; Bontempi, Franco; Bruzzese, Mariella; Cadario, Francesco; Calcaterra, Valeria; CannatĂ , Alessandra; Cappa, Marco; Cardani, Roberta; Cardinale, Giuliana Marcella; Carloni, Ines; Castaldo, Vincenzo; Cauvin, Vittoria; Cerutti, Franco; Cester, Anna Maria; Chessa, Margherita; Chiarelli, Francesco; Chiari, Giovanni; Chiumello, Giuseppe; Cicchetti, Mario; Cirillo, Dante; Citriniti, Felice; Citro, Giuseppe; Coccioli, Maria Susanna; Cotellessa, Mario; CrinĂČ, Antonino; De Berardinis, Fiorella; De Filippo, Gianpaolo; De Giorgi, Giovanni; De Luca, Filippo; De Marco, Rosaria; Delvecchio, Maurizio; Faleschini, Elena; Federico, Giovanni; Fifi, Anna Rita; Fontana, Franco; Franzese, Adriana; Frezza, Elda; Frongia, Annapaola; Gaiero, Alberto; Galderisi, Alfonso; Gallo, Francesco; Gargantini, Luigi; Ghione, Silvia; Giorgetti, Chiara; Gualtieri, Antonella; Guasti, Monica; Guerraggio, Lucia; Iannilli, Antonio; Ingletto, Dario; Iossa, Carmine; Iovene, Brunella; Iughetti, Lorenzo; Kaufmann, Peter; La Loggia, Alfonso; Lazzaro, Nicola; Lenzi, Lorenzo; Lera, Riccardo; Lia, Rosanna; Lo Presti, Donatella; Lorini, Renata; Lucchesi, Sonia; Luceri, Sergio; Madeo, Simona Filomena; Maffeis, Claudio; Mainetti, Benedetta; Mammi, Francesco; Manca Bitti, Maria Luisa; Marigliano, Marco; Marinari, Alessandra; Marinaro, Anna Maria; Meloni, Gianfranco; Marsciani, Alberto; Mastrangelo, Lisa; Mastrangelo, Costanzo; Meschi, Franco; Minasi, Domenico; Minenna, Adelaide; Minuto, Nicola; Monciotti, Carlamaria; Morganti, Gianfranco; Mozzillo, Enza; Nugnes, Rosa; Paradiso, Emanuela; Pardi, Daniela; Pasquino, Bruno; Patrizia Patera, Ippolita; Pennati, Cristina; Pepe, Rossella; Piccini, Barbara; Perrotta, Angelo; Piccinno, Elvira; Pinelli, Leonardo; Piredda, Gavina; Pocecco, Mauro; Ponzi, Giuseppe; Prandi, Elena; Predieri, Barbara; Prisco, Francesco; Quinci, Maria; Ricciardi, Maria Rossella; Rigamonti, Andrea; Ripoli, Carlo; Sabbion, Alberto; Salardi, Silvana; Salvatoni, Alessandro; Salvo, Caterina; Salzano, Giuseppina; Saporiti, Anna; Sardi, Rita; Schieven, Eleonardo; Scipione, Mirella; Soci, Cristina; Soro, Miriam; Spallino, Luisa; Stamati, Filomena; Suprani, Tosca; Savastio, Silvia; Taccardi, Rosa Anna; Tarchini, Luis; Tomaselli, Letizia; Tonini, Giorgio; Torelli, Cataldo; Tornese, Gianluca; Trada, Michela; Valerio, Giuliana; Vanelli, Maurizio; Vanini, Roberto; Vascotto, Marina; Vergerio, Amedeo; Viscardi, Matteo; Zaffani, Silvana; Zampolli, Maria; Zanatta, Manuela; Zanette, Giorgio; Zanfardino, Angela; Zecchino, Clara; Zedda, Maria Antonietta; Zuccotti, Gian Vincenz