62 research outputs found

    The Starburst Nature of Lyman-Break Galaxies: Testing UV Extinction with X-rays

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    We derive the bolometric to X-ray correlation for a local sample of normal and starburst galaxies and use it, in combination with several UV reddening schemes, to predict the 2--8 keV X-ray luminosity for a sample of 24 Lyman-break galaxies in the HDF/CDF-N. We find that the mean X-ray luminosity, as predicted from the Meurer UV reddening relation for starburst galaxies, agrees extremely well with the Brandt stacking analysis. This provides additional evidence that Lyman-break galaxies can be considered as scaled-up local starbursts and that the locally derived starburst UV reddening relation may be a reasonable tool for estimating the UV extinction at high redshift. Our analysis shows that the Lyman-break sample can not have far-IR to far-UV flux ratios similar to nearby ULIGs, as this would predict a mean X-ray luminosity 100 times larger than observed, as well as far-IR luminosities large enough to be detected in the sub-mm. We calculate the UV reddening expected from the Calzetti effective starburst attenuation curve and the radiative transfer models of Witt & Gordon for low metallicity dust in a shell geometry with homogeneous or clumpy dust distributions and find that all are consistent with the observed X-ray emission. Finally, we show that the mean X-ray luminosity of the sample would be under predicted by a factor of 6 if the the far-UV is unattenuated by dust.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in A

    ACCESS - V. Dissecting ram-pressure stripping through integral-field spectroscopy and multi-band imaging

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    We study the case of a bright (L>L*) barred spiral galaxy from the rich cluster A3558 in the Shapley supercluster core (z=0.05) undergoing ram-pressure stripping. Integral-field spectroscopy, complemented by multi-band imaging, allows us to reveal the impact of ram pressure on the interstellar medium. We study in detail the kinematics and the physical conditions of the ionized gas and the properties of the stellar populations. We observe one-sided extraplanar ionized gas along the full extent of the galaxy disc. Narrow-band Halpha imaging resolves this outflow into a complex of knots and filaments. The gas velocity field is complex with the extraplanar gas showing signature of rotation. In all parts of the galaxy, we find a significant contribution from shock excitation, as well as emission powered by star formation. Shock-ionized gas is associated with the turbulent gas outflow and highly attenuated by dust. All these findings cover the whole phenomenology of early-stage ram-pressure stripping. Intense, highly obscured star formation is taking place in the nucleus, probably related to the bar, and in a region 12 kpc South-West from the centre. In the SW region we identify a starburst characterized by a 5x increase in the star-formation rate over the last ~100 Myr, possibly related to the compression of the interstellar gas by the ram pressure. The scenario suggested by the observations is supported and refined by ad hoc N-body/hydrodynamical simulations which identify a rather narrow temporal range for the onset of ram-pressure stripping around t~60 Myr ago, and an angle between the galaxy rotation axis and the intra-cluster medium wind of ~45 deg. Taking into account that the galaxy is found ~1 Mpc from the cluster centre in a relatively low-density region, this study shows that ram-pressure stripping still acts efficiently on massive galaxies well outside the cluster cores.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication; MNRAS 201

    Old and Young X-ray Point Source Populations in Nearby Galaxies

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    We analyzed 1441 Chandra X-ray point sources in 32 nearby galaxies. The total point-source X-ray luminosity L_XP is well correlated with B, K, and FIR+UV luminosities of spiral host galaxies, and with the B and K luminosities for ellipticals. This suggests an intimate connection between L_XP and both the old and young stellar populations, for which K and FIR+UV luminosities are proxies for the galaxy mass M and star-formation rate SFR. We derive proportionality constants 1.3E29 erg/s/Msol and 0.7E39 erg/s/(Msol/yr), which can be used to estimate the old and young components from M and SFR, respectively. The cumulative X-ray luminosity functions for the point sources have quite different slopes for the spirals (gamma ~= 0.5-0.8) and ellipticals (gamma ~= 1.4), implying *the most luminous point sources dominate L_XP* for the spirals. Most of the point sources have X-ray colors that are consistent with either LMXBs or Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs a.k.a. IXOs) and we rule out classical HMXBs (e.g. neutron-star X-ray pulsars) as contributing much to L_XP. Thus, for spirals, the ULXs dominate L_XP. We estimate that >~20% of all ULXs found in spirals originate from the older (pop II) stellar populations, indicating that many of the ULXs that have been found in spiral galaxies are in fact pop II ULXs, like those in elliptical galaxies. The linear dependence of L_XP on the SFR argues for either a steepening in the X-ray luminosity function of the young (pop I) X-ray source population at L_X >~10^(38.5-39) erg/s, or a decreasing efficiency for producing all types of young X-ray point sources as the galaxy SFR increases.Comment: 33 pages AASTEX, ApJ accepted. Please download full version with figures from http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~colbert/chps_accepted.p

    Far-Ultraviolet Radiation from Elliptical Galaxies

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    Far-ultraviolet radiation is a ubiquitous, if unanticipated, phenomenon in elliptical galaxies and early-type spiral bulges. It is the most variable photometric feature associated with old stellar populations. Recent observational and theoretical evidence shows that it is produced mainly by low-mass, small-envelope, helium-burning stars in extreme horizontal branch and subsequent phases of evolution. These are probably descendents of the dominant, metal rich population of the galaxies. Their lifetime UV outputs are remarkably sensitive to their physical properties and hence to the age and the helium and metal abundances of their parents. UV spectra are therefore exceptionally promising diagnostics of old stellar populations, although their calibration requires a much improved understanding of giant branch mass loss, helium enrichment, and atmospheric diffusion.Comment: 46 pages; includes LaTeX text file, 9 PS figures, 1 JPG figure, 2 style files. Full resolution figures and PS version available at http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~rwo/araa99/. Article to appear in Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 199

    Multi-wavelength Observations of Dusty Star Formation at Low and High Redshift

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    This paper examines what can be learned about high-redshift star formation from the small fraction of high-redshift galaxies' luminosities that is emitted at accessible wavelengths. We review and quantify empirical correlations between bolometric luminosities produced by star formation and the UV, mid-IR, sub-mm, and radio luminosities of galaxies in the local universe. These correlations suggest that observations of high-redshift galaxies at any of these wavelengths should constrain their star-formation rates to within 0.2--0.3 dex. We assemble the limited evidence that high-redshift galaxies obey these locally calibrated correlations. The characteristic luminosities and dust obscurations of galaxies at z ~ 0, z ~ 1, and z ~ 3 are reviewed. After discussing the relationship between the high-redshift populations selected in surveys at different wavelengths, we calculate the contribution to the 850um background from each. The available data show that a correlation between star-formation rate and dust obscuration L_dust/L_UV exists at low and high redshift. This correlation plays a central role in the major conclusion of this paper: most star formation at high redshift occurred in galaxies with 1 < L_dust/L_UV < 100 similar to those that host the majority of star formation in the local universe and to those that are detected in UV-selected surveys. (abridged)Comment: Scheduled for publication in ApJ v544 Dec 2000. Significant changes to section 4. Characteristic UV and dust luminosities of star-forming galaxies at redshifts z~0, z~1, and z~3 presented. Existence of extremely obscured galaxies more clearly acknowledged. Original conclusions reinforced by the observed correlation between bolometric luminosity and dust obscuration at 0<z<

    Ultraviolet Properties of Primeval Galaxies: Theoretical Models from Stellar Population Synthesis

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    The ultraviolet luminosity evolution of star-forming galaxies is explored from the theoretical point of view, especially focusing on the theory of UV energetics in simple and composite stellar populations and its relationship to the star formation rate and other main evolutionary parameters. Galaxy emission below 3000 Angstroms directly correlates with actual star formation, not depending on the total mass of the system. A straightforward calibration is obtained, in this sense, from the theoretical models at 1600, 2000 and 2800 Angstroms, and a full comparison is carried out with IUE data and other balloon-borne observations for local galaxies. The claimed role of late-type systems as prevailing contributors to the cosmic UV background is reinforced by our results; at 2000 Angstroms Im irregulars are found in fact nearly four orders of magnitude brighter than ellipticals, per unit luminous mass. The role of dust absorption in the observation of high-redshift galaxies is assessed, comparing model output and observed spectral energy distribution of local galaxy samples. Similar to what we observe in our own galaxy, a quick evolution in the dust environment might be envisaged in primeval galaxies, with an increasing fraction of luminous matter that would escape the regions of harder and "clumpy" dust absorption on a timescale of some 10^7 yr, comparable with the lifetime of stars of 5-10 solar masses.Comment: 20 pages and 14 PS figures - To appear in the March issue of the Astronomical Journal. See http://www.merate.mi.astro.it/~eps/home.html for more info and model retrieva

    Galaxy properties from Voids to Clusters in the SDSS-DR4

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    We investigate the environmental dependence of galaxy population properties in a complete volume-limited sample of 91566 galaxies in the redshift range 0.05 <= z <= 0.095 and with M_r <= -20.0, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 4. Our aim is to search for systematic variations in the properties of galaxies with the local galaxy density. In particular, we analize how the (u - r) color index and the morphological type of galaxies (the latter evaluated through the SDSS Eclass and FracDev parameters) are related to the environment and to the luminosity of galaxies, in order to find hints that can be related to the presence of a ''void'' galaxy population. Void galaxies are identified through a highly selective criterion, which takes also into account redshift and allows us to exclude from the sample all the galaxies that are not really close to the center of underdense regions. We study the (u - r) color distribution for galaxies in different luminosity bins, and we look for correlations of color with the environment, the luminosity, and the morphological type of the galaxies. We find that galaxies in underdense regions (voids) have lower luminosity (M_r > -21) and are bluer than cluster galaxies. The transition from overdense to underdense environments is smooth, the fraction of late-type galaxies decreases while the fraction of early-type galaxies increases smoothly from underdense to dense environments. We do not find any sudden transition in the galaxy properties with density, which, according to a suggestion by Peebles (2001), should mark the transition to a population of "void" galaxies in LCDM models. On the contrary, our results suggest a continuity of galaxy properties, from voids to clusters.Comment: A&A, accepted for publication. 17 pages, 9 figures. Constructive comments welcom

    Cepheid calibration of type Ia Supernovae and the Hubble constant

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    We investigate how a different calibration of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity (PL) relation taking into account the metallicity corrections, affects the absolute magnitude calibration of Supernovae (SNe) Ia and, in turn, the determination of the Hubble constant H_0. We exploit SN Ia light curves from literature and previously unpublished data, to build the M_B -- Delta m_{15}(B) relation and we calibrate the zero point by means of 9 type Ia SNe with Cepheid measured distances. This relation was then used to build the Hubble diagram and in turn to derive H_0. In the attempt to correct for the host galaxy extinction, we found that the data seems to suggest a value for the total to selective absorption ratio, R_B=3.5, which is smaller than the standard value for our own Galaxy R_B=4.315. Depending on different metallicity corrections for the Cepheids P-L relation, values of R_B and SN sample selection criteria, we found that the values of the Hubble constant H_0 is in the range 68--74 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}, with associated uncertainties of the order of 10%. Unpublished photometry is also presented for 18 SNe of our sample (1991S, 1991T, 1992A, 1992K, 1993H, 1993L, 1994D, 1994M, 1994ae, 1995D, 1995ac, 1995bd, 1996bo, 1997bp, 1997br, 1999aa, 1999dk, 2000cx), which are the results of a long standing effort for supernova monitoring at ESO - La Silla and Asiago Observatories.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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