61 research outputs found

    Exploration of Strange Electromagnetics in Carbon Films

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    Results of magnetic force microscopy (MFM), dc SQUID magnetization, reversed Josephson effect (RJE), and resistance measurements in thin carbon arc (CA) films are presented. The observation of a RJE induced voltage as well as its rf frequency, input amplitude, and temperature dependence reveals the existence of Josephson Junction arrays. Oscillating behavior of the DC SQUID magnetization reminiscent of the Fraunhofer-like behavior of superconducting (SC) critical current in the range of 10000 Oe has been observed. The dc SQUID magnetization measurement indicates a possible elementary 102 nm SC loop; this is compared to MFM direct observations of magnetic clusters with a median size of 165 nm. All these data are consistent with the existence of a high temperature SC-like phase or fluctuations up to 650 K. It is proposed to expose such CA film to energetic particle (neutron or ion) bombardment to verify this hypothesis. Such bombardment would change both the structure of film and consequently the experimental measurements. In addition such bombardment-induced changes will provide a basis for particle detectors utilizing the Josephson effect.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    In-plane anomalies of the exchange bias field in Ni80Fe20/Fe50Mn50 bilayers on Cu(110)

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    We report on the exchange bias effect as a function of the in-plane direction of the applied field in twofold symmetric, epitaxial Ni 80 Fe 20 /Fe 50 Mn 50 bilayers grown on Cu~110! single-crystal substrates. An enhancement of the exchange bias field, H eb , up to a factor of 2 is observed if the external field is nearly, but not fully aligned perpendicular to the symmetry direction of the exchange bias field. From the measurement of the exchange bias field as a function of the in-plane angle of the applied field, the unidirectional, uniaxial and fourfold anisotropy contributions are determined with high precision. The symmetry direction of the unidirectional anisotropy switches with increasing NiFe thickness from [110] to [001]

    Asymmetric magnetization reversal in exchange biased polycrystalline F/AF bilayers

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    This paper describes a model for magnetization reversal in polycrystalline Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic exchange biased bilayers. We assume that the exchange energy can be expanded into cosine power series. We show that it is possible to fit experimental asymmetric shape of hysteresis loops in exchange biased bilayer for any direction of the applied field. The hysteresis asymmetry is discussed in terms of energy considerations. An angle beta is introduced to quantify the easy axis dispersion of AF grains.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Sign reversal of the order parameter in s-wave superconductors

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    We show that in a superconductor where two or more bands cross the Fermi level it is possible, in the framework of the conventional (s-wave) BCS theory, that the sign of the superconducting gap is different on the different sheets of the Fermi surface. At least one of two conditions has to be satisfied: (1) The interband pairing interaction is weaker than the Coulomb pseudopotential, while the intraband one is stronger, or (2) there is strong interband scattering by magnetic impurities. In the case of YBa2_2% Cu3_3O7_7 we shall argue that the first condition is possibly satisfied, and the second one very likely satisfied. In many aspects such a sign-reversal ss-wave superconductor is similar to a d-wave superconductor, and thus demands revising recent experiments aimed to distinguish between the ss- and dd-wave superconductivity in this compound.Comment: RevTex; Physica C, in pres

    The origin of paramagnetic magnetization in field-cooled YBa2Cu3O7 films

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    Temperature dependences of the magnetic moment have been measured in YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} thin films over a wide magnetic field range (5 <= H <= 10^4 Oe). In these films a paramagnetic signal known as the paramagnetic Meissner effect has been observed. The experimental data in the films, which have strong pinning and high critical current densities (J_c ~ 2 \times 10^6 A/cm^2 at 77 K), are quantitatively shown to be highly consistent with the theoretical model proposed by Koshelev and Larkin [Phys. Rev. B 52, 13559 (1995)]. This finding indicates that the origin of the paramagnetic effect is ultimately associated with nucleation and inhomogeneous spatial redistribution of magnetic vortices in a sample which is cooled down in a magnetic field. It is also shown that the distribution of vortices is extremely sensitive to the interplay of film properties and the real experimental conditions of the measurements.Comment: RevTex, 8 figure

    Detailed investigation of the superconducting transition of niobium disks exhibiting the paramagnetic Meissner effect

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    The superconducting transition region in a Nb disk showing the paramagnetic Meissner effect (PME) has been investigated in detail. From the field-cooled magnetization behavior, two well-defined temperatures can be associated with the appearance of the PME: T_1 (< T_c) indicates the characteristic temperature where the paramagnetic moment first appears and a lower temperature T_p (< T_1) defines the temperature where the positive moment no longer increases. During the subsequent warming, the paramagnetic moment begins to decrease at T_p and then vanishes at T_1 with the magnitude of the magnetization change between these two temperatures being nearly the same as that during cooling. This indicates that the nature of the PME is reversible and not associated with flux motion. Furthermore, the appearance of this paramagnetic moment is even observable in fields as large as 0.2 T even though the magnetization does not remain positive to the lowest temperatures. Magnetic hysteresis loops in the temperature range between T_1 and T_p also exhibit a distinct shape that is different from the archetypal shape of a bulk type-II superconductor. These behaviors are discussed in terms of the so-called 'giant vortex state'.Comment: Total 4 printed pages, 4 Figure

    Paramagnetic Meissner Effect in Multiply-Connected Superconductors

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    We have measured a paramagnetic Meissner effect in Nb-Al2O3-Nb Josephson junction arrays using a scanning SQUID microscope. The arrays exhibit diamagnetism for some cooling fields and paramagnetism for other cooling fields. The measured mean magnetization is always less than 0.3 flux quantum (in terms of flux per unit cell of the array) for the range of cooling fields investigated. We demonstrate that a new model of magnetic screening, valid for multiply-connected superconductors, reproduces all of the essential features of paramagnetism that we observe and that no exotic mechanism, such as d-wave superconductivity, is needed for paramagnetism.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Surface superconducting states and paramagnetism in mesoscopic superconductors

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    In the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau equation, the temperature dependence of the upper critical field of small ring-like superconductors is studied. At equilibrium small parts of the phase diagram show paramagnetism for width / radius ratios below 0.85. Their number and extension increase with the size of the hole. In these regions, only the inner part of the ring shows a positive magnetic moment. The order parameter density profile appears to change, when crossing a first order transition line, which separates different angular momentum values, and we clarify the relationship between the localization of superconductivity nucleation and paramagnetism of those samples.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    In-plane anomalies of the exchange bias field in Ni 80Fe 20/Fe 50Mn 50 bilayers on Cu(110)

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    We report on the exchange bias effect as a function of the in-plane direction of the applied field in two-fold symmetric, epitaxial Ni80Fe20/Fe50Mn50 bilayers grown on Cu(110) single crystal substrates. An enhancement of the exchange bias field, Heb, up to a factor of two is observed if the external field is nearly, but not fully aligned perpendicular to the symmetry direction of the exchange bias field. From the measurement of the ex-change bias field as a function of the in-plane angle of the applied field, the unidirectional, uniaxial and four-fold anisotropy contributions are determined with high precision. The symmetry direction of the unidirec-tional anisotropy switches with increasing NiFe thickness from [110] to [001]