12 research outputs found

    Tanggapan Pelaku Olahraga Futsal Di Kota Banda Aceh Tahun 2016

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Tanggapan Pelaku Olahraga Futsal di Kota Banda Aceh Tahun 2016”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan pelaku olahraga futsal terhadap olahraga futsal di kota Banda Aceh. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 30 orang yang peneliti ambil dari beberapa tempat penyedia olahraga futsal di kota Banda Aceh. Teknik pengambilan informasi yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling yaitu dengan mengambil subjek penelitian yang memenuhi kriteria. Pengolahan data menggunakan teknik statistik sederhana dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Olahraga futsal telah menjadi trend baru di kota Banda Aceh yang digemari mulai dari anak- anak muda hingga orang dewasa. Olahraga futsal disamping menyehatkan dan menyenangkan juga telah menjadi sebuah komunitas sosial yang positif di kota Banda Aceh sekarang ini. (2)Tempat- tempat penyedia fasilitas futsal dikota Banda Aceh masih sebatas sebagai ajang bisnis pengusaha. Dari segi fasilitas yang ditawarkan memang sudah standar tetapi masih banyak pengelola USAha futsal yang belum paham tentang peraturan- peraturan olahraga futsal. (3) Peran pemerintah kota Banda Aceh dalam mengembangkan olahrga futsal di kota Banda Aceh belum maksimal

    The use of reflection mode ultrasonic transceiver sensor in pipeline inspection guage to monitor pipeline internal corrosion

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    Aging gas transmission pipelines are prone to internal corrosion due to the presence of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide in the natural gas constituents. Commonly, the in-line inspection tool known as Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) is applied to perform the corrosion inspection of the pipeline. This paper describes an ultrasonic instrumentation system for PIG to monitor internal corrosion of pipeline. The system consists of ultrasonic transceiver sensor, ultrasonic driving circuitry and data acquisition system. The hardware is equipped with a sensor carrier which is propelled along the test pipeline. The time of flight (TOF) of the ultrasonic wave is measured and was used to evaluate the internal corrosion of pipeline. An initial experimental instrument was set up to perform the distance measurement test at a frequency of 390 kHz, to simulate the changes of pipe wall thickness due to corrosion effect. Surface anomalies were created at different positions to simulate the changes of pipe wall thickness due to the corrosion effect. Variation in measured distances implied the existence of the surface anomalies. The results of the simulated surface anomalies showed that the percentage error was less than + 5%. The large value of average DC voltage gave indication of distance increment due to the depth of the surface anomalies. The developed ultrasonic instrumentation system is capable to monitor the internal corrosion of pipeline

    Response of Financial Markets to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Literature on Stock Markets

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    The objective of this research is to consolidate the literature published on the COVID-19 crisis impact on global stock markets to gain managerial implications from the crisis. It performs a thematic bibliometric review of the literature published in Scopus-ranked journals since the beginning of the pandemic using FCWI, Piecharts, and VOSViewer. It identifies the most under-researched regions and eight emerging sub-themes. The research finds that the benchmark theme is market behavior during the COVID-19 crisis, whereas an emerging benchmark theme is the markets after the COVID-19 crisis. The holistic view of the literature supporting eight sub-themes suggests that the government's role is of utmost importance to handle the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, which should be industry-specific. It identifies that all eight sub-themes of the research are the future research directions in all and specifically in the South American, African, South East Asian, and Oceania regions till the crisis continues. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-SPER-03 Full Text: PD

    Effect Of Bio-Based Lubricant Towards Emissions And Engine Breakdown Due To Spark Plug Fouling In A Two-Stroke Engine

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    Two-stroke also known as two-cycle gasoline engine is a spark ignition engine. Its uniqueness to the four-stroke engine is that this engine does not require lubricant sump, which makes construction lightweight and simple. Its lubricant is mixed with gasoline and burnt together during combustion. There are reports which stated that higher spark plug fouling is due to carbon deposition on the spark plug electrodes on a two-stroke engine when compared to the four-stroke. While many factors could have affected this situation, however, in this paper, the effect of mineral and bio-based lubricants towards carbon deposition and emissions are studied and reported. Idle, half and full throttle operation modes had been conducted on a two-stroke, 43 cubic centimeter engine. To keep combustion temperature below self-cleaning temperature on all three modes of operation, a zero-load test was utilized. This situation accelerates the deposition process as low temperature causes incomplete combustion. This could lead to the accumulation of char, unburned fuel, as well as condensed water and acids as the byproducts blanket the spark plug electrodes and the exhaust system. Five samples had been prepared with a commercially available mineral lubricant (T0) as reference. Trimethylolpropane Trioleate, TMPTO derived from plant origin was used as the bio-based candidate. It was then mixed with T0 which created another four lubricant samples namely T10, T15, T20 and T50 with 10%, 15%, 20% and 50% TMPTO accordingly. Results show that mineral lubricant T0 delivers the lowest hydrocarbon HC, carbon monoxide CO and smoke opacity during idle and half throttle operations. However, it exhibits a greasy deposit on the spark plug circumference and dry carbon deposits on its insulator tip. T0 also emits a liquid residue at the exhaust manifold. T10 and T50 show a wet deposit blanketing both electrodes. Severe deposition was recorded by T50 that caused the engine to fail half way with its emissions had the worst recording. T15 and T20 exhibit only dry carbon deposition on the spark plug circumference. However, T20 has outperformed T15 in terms of emissions with lower CO and CO2 emissions during idling and half-throttling. With better emissions than T15 and better carbon deposition than mineral (T0), T20 could be proposed to be used as a commercial two-stroke lubricant

    Response of Financial Markets to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Literature on Stock Markets

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    Abstract The objective of this research is to consolidate the literature published on the COVID-19 crisis impact on global stock markets to gain managerial implications from the crisis. It performs a thematic bibliometric review of the literature published in Scopus-ranked journals since the beginning of the pandemic using FCWI, Piecharts, and VOSViewer. It identifies the most under-researched regions and eight emerging sub-themes. The research finds that the benchmark theme is market behavior during the COVID-19 crisis, whereas an emerging benchmark theme is the markets after the COVID-19 crisis. The holistic view of the literature supporting eight sub-themes suggests that the government's role is of utmost importance to handle the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, which should be industry-specific. It identifies that all eight sub-themes of the research are the future research directions in all and specifically in the South American, African, South East Asian, and Oceania regions till the crisis continues

    The Implementation of Local Values in Aceh Education Curriculum

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    This study aimed at finding the values ​​of local wisdom as well as strategies for transformation and internalization of these values ​​in the curriculum for students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah. This was qualitative research, and the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interview techniques, documentation, and strengthened by focus group discussions (consisting of 5 experts). The validity of the data was confirmed by the triangulation technique. The data were analyzed using inductive techniques to reveal the implicit/explicit meaning of the information in the field. The results of the study indicated that the value of learning needed to be adjusted to the character of the community. Characteristics of the Acehnese people who have a strong, reactive, and exocentric character, are more effective in learning through the use of symbols of local values. One of these local values ​​is peumalèe. Peumalèe can be explicitly implemented in the curriculum and implicitly embedded in the school curriculum. The value of peumalèe not only has a strong foundation in student learning because it is related to their daily beliefs and worship but also has social and religious sanctions for those who violate it

    Anticancer activity of grassy Hystrix brachyura bezoar and its mechanisms of action: An in vitro and in vivo based study

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    Porcupine bezoar (PB) is a calcified undigested material generally found in porcupine’s (Hystrix brachyura) gastrointestinal tract. The bezoar is traditionally used in South East Asia and Europe for the treatment of cancer, poisoning, dengue, typhoid, etc. However, limited scientific studies have been performed to verify its anticancer potential to substantiate its traditional claims in the treatment of cancers. Hence, this study was aimed at investigating the in vitro and in vivo anticancer properties of two grassy PB aqueous extract (PB-A and PB-B) using A375 cancer cell line and zebrafish model, respectively. This paper presents the first report on in vitro A375 cell viability assay, apoptosis assay, cell cycle arrest assay, migration assay, invasion assay, qPCR experimental assay and in vivo anti-angiogenesis assay using the grassy PBs. Experimental findings revealed IC50 value are 26.59 ± 1.37 μg/mL and 30.12 ± 3.25 μg/mL for PB-A and PB-B respectively. PBs showed anti-proliferative activity with no significant cytotoxic effect on normal human dermal fibroblast (NHDF). PBs were also found to induce apoptosis via intrinsic pathway and arrest cell cycle at G2/M phase. Additionally, the findings indicated its ability to debilitate migration and invasion of A375 cells. Further evaluation using embryo zebrafish model revealed LC50=450.0 ± 2.50 μg/mL and 58.7 ± 5.0 μg/mL for PB-A and PB-B which also exerted anti-angiogenesis effect in zebrafish. Moreover, stearic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid and pregnenolone were identified as possible metabolites that might contribute to the anticancer effect of the both PBs. Overall, this study demonstrated that PB-A and PB-B possess potential in vitro and in vivo anticancer effects which are elicited through selective cytotoxic effect, induction of apoptosis, inhibition of migration and invasion and anti-angiogenesis. This study provides scientific evidence that the porcupine bezoar do possess anti-cancer efficacy and further justifies its traditional utility. However, more experiments with higher vertebrae models are still warranted to validate its traditional claims as an anticancer agent