739 research outputs found

    HST Observations of the Host Galaxies of BL Lacertae Objects

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    Six BL Lac objects from the complete 1 Jy radio-selected sample of 34 objects were observed in Cycle 5 with the HST WFPC2 camera to an equivalent limiting flux of mu_I~26 mag/arcsec^2. Here we report results for the second half of this sample, as well as new results for the first three objects, discussed previously by Falomo et al. (1997). In addition, we have analyzed in the same way HST images of three X-ray-selected BL Lacs observed by Jannuzi et al. (1997). The ensemble of 9 BL Lac objects spans the redshift range from z=0.19 to ~1. Host galaxies are clearly detected in seven cases, while the other two, at z~0.258 (redshift highly uncertain) and z=0.997, are not resolved. The HST images constitute a homogeneous data set with unprecedented morphological information between a few tenths of an arcsecond and several arcseconds from the nucleus, allowing us in 6 of the 7 detected host galaxies to rule out definitively a pure disk light profile. The host galaxies are luminous ellipticals with an average absolute magnitude of M_I~-24.6 mag (with dispersion 0.7 mag), more than a magnitude brighter than L* and comparable to brightest cluster galaxies. The morphologies are generally smooth and have small ellipticities (epsilon<0.2). Given such roundness, there is no obvious alignment with the more linear radio structures. In the six cases for which we have HST WFPC2 images in two filters, the derived color profiles show no strong spatial gradients and are as expected for K-corrected passively evolving elliptical galaxies. The host galaxies of the radio-selected and X-ray-selected BL Lacs for this very limited sample are comparable in both morphology and luminosity.Comment: 23 pages, including 6 postscript figures and 3 tables (embedded). Latex requires aaspp4.sty and psfig.sty (not included). Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Risk perception, safer sex practices and PrEP enthusiasm: Barriers and facilitators to oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in Black African and Black Caribbean women in the UK

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    Objectives: UK Black African/Black Caribbean women remain disproportionately affected by HIV. Although oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) could offer them an effective HIV prevention method, uptake remains limited. This study examined barriers and facilitators to PrEP awareness and candidacy perceptions for Black African/Black Caribbean women to help inform PrEP programmes and service development. Methods: Using purposive sampling through community organisations, 32 in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with Black African/Black Caribbean women living in London and Glasgow between June and August 2018. Participants (aged 19–63) included women of varied HIV statuses to explore perceptions of sexual risk and safer sex, sexual health knowledge and PrEP attitudes. A thematic analysis guided by the Social Ecological Model was used to explore how PrEP perceptions intersected with wider safer sex understandings and practices. Results: Four key levels of influence shaping safer sex notions and PrEP candidacy perceptions emerged: personal, interpersonal, perceived environment and policy. PrEP-specific knowledge was low and some expressed distrust in PrEP. Many women were enthusiastic about PrEP for others but did not situate PrEP within their own safer sex understandings, sometimes due to difficulty assessing their own HIV risk. Many felt that PrEP could undermine intimacy in their relationships by disrupting the shared responsibility implicit within other HIV prevention methods. Women described extensive interpersonal networks that supported their sexual health knowledge and shaped their interactions with health services, though these networks were influenced by prevailing community stigmas. Conclusions: Difficulty situating PrEP within existing safer sex beliefs contributes to limited perceptions of personal PrEP candidacy. To increase PrEP uptake in UK Black African/Black Caribbean women, interventions will need to enable women to advance their knowledge of PrEP within the broader context of their sexual health and relationships. PrEP service models will need to include trusted ‘non-sexual health-specific’ community services such as general practice

    Stigma and Social Power: Expecting to Interact with an Obese Person Activates Power in the Self-concept

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    People's sense of power is often a more crucial determinant of their behavior than their actual level of power. In this paper, we suggest that individuals may perceive themselves as more powerful when anticipating interaction with a member of a stigmatized out-group than with a member of a nonstigmatized group. Normal weight participants (N = 77) expected to have an interaction with a target randomly identified as obese or thin. Participants were quicker to endorse words describing themselves in terms of traits associated with power when the target was obese than thin. They were also likely to expect greater interpersonal power, to endorse more negative attitudes towards obese people and to form more negative impressions, if the target was obese rather than thin. These findings suggest that a perception of empowerment is spontaneously activated prior to interaction with an obese person.http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a907123882~frm=titlelinkSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    A 180 Kpc Tidal Tail in the Luminous Infrared Merger Arp 299

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    We present VLA HI observations and UH88 deep optical B- and R-band observations of the IR luminous merger Arp 299 (= NGC 3690 + IC 694). These data reveal a gas-rich, optically faint tidal tail with a length of over 180 kpc. The size of this tidal feature necessitates an old interaction age for the merger (~750 Myr since first periapse), which is currently experiencing a very young star burst (~20 Myr). The observations reveal a most remarkable structure within the tidal tail: it appears to be composed of two parallel filaments separated by ~20 kpc. One of the filaments is gas rich with little if any starlight, while the other is gas poor. We believe that this bifurcation results from a warped disk in one of the progenitors. The quantities and kinematics of the tidal HI suggest that Arp 299 results from the collision of a retrograde Sab-Sb galaxy (IC 694) and a prograde Sbc-Sc galaxy (NGC 3690) that occurred 750 Myr ago and which will merge into a single object in ~60 Myr. We suggest that the present IR luminous phase in this system is due in part to the retrograde spin of IC 694. Finally, we discuss the apparent lack of tidal dwarf galaxies within the tail.Comment: LaTex, 14 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, uses emulateapj.sty. Accepted to AJ for July 1999. For version with full-resolution images see http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~jhibbard/a299/HIpaper/a299HI.htm

    A randomised controlled trial of nurse-managed trial conclusion following early phase cancer trial participation

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    The effect of a nurse-managed intervention, for early phase cancer trial participants at trial conclusion, on psychosocial outcomes was evaluated at two cancer centres in the Midlands, England using a randomised controlled trial. It involved 117 patients who were participating in an early phase cancer clinical trial. It was a nurse-managed trial exit, which included a trial exit interview, trial feedback information leaflet and telephone follow-up compared with standard care at trial conclusion. Psychological distress at 1 week and 4–6 weeks post-trial conclusion, patient's knowledge and understanding and patient's satisfaction were assessed. The results showed there was no significant difference between the two groups regarding scores for anxiety and depression at time one and time two. There is some suggestion that the intervention reduced anxiety from trial conclusion to follow-up (P=0.27). Patients in both groups felt they had contributed to cancer research through trial participation. However, intervention patients were more likely to feel that they knew how the trial was going (P<0.001), knew how other people in the trial were doing (P=0.001), had all the feedback they needed about the trial they took part in (P<0.01) and knew how they would be followed up (P=0.02). Patient satisfaction with the intervention was high (median score=4.5 where 5 is greatest satisfaction). In conclusion, nurse-managed trial conclusion led to positive outcomes for patients who had recently completed a clinical trial
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