584 research outputs found

    The European Market for Organic Food

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    Most of the information and statistics presented in this chapter were compiled as part of a survey among national experts of national or international organic markets. Many of these figures are based on estimates, and the methods of data collection vary from country to country as no uniform data collection system for organic market data is yet in place. In addition, national organic sales figures may vary between years depending on the information sources. Descriptions of market trends in this chapter are the result of market observations by Toralf Richter (Bio Plus AG, Switzerland) and Susanne Padel (University of Wales). The authors would welcome any comments that may help to improve the quality of data and information about the organic market in Europe in future. Some content of this chapter was already published in the Soil Association ‘Organic Market Report 2006’3

    Structure of 3,4-Dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-Phosphate Synthase from Methanococcus jannaschii in Complex with Divalent Metal Ions and the Substrate Ribulose 5-Phosphate: implications for the catalytic mechanism

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    Skeletal rearrangements of carbohydrates are crucial for many biosynthetic pathways. In riboflavin biosynthesis ribulose 5-phosphate is converted into 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate while its C4 atom is released as formate in a sequence of metal-dependent reactions. Here, we present the crystal structure of Methanococcus jannaschii 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase in complex with the substrate ribulose 5-phosphate at a dimetal center presumably consisting of non-catalytic zinc and calcium ions at 1.7-Å resolution. The carbonyl group (O2) and two out of three free hydroxyl groups (OH3 and OH4) of the substrate are metal-coordinated. We correlate previous mutational studies on this enzyme with the present structural results. Residues of the first coordination sphere involved in metal binding are indispensable for catalytic activity. Only Glu-185 of the second coordination sphere cannot be replaced without complete loss of activity. It contacts the C3 hydrogen atom directly and probably initiates enediol formation in concert with both metal ions to start the reaction sequence. Mechanistic similarities to Rubisco acting on the similar substrate ribulose 1,5-diphosphate in carbon dioxide fixation as well as other carbohydrate (reducto-) isomerases are discussed

    Gründungsaktivitäten im Handelsregisterbezirk Lüneburg: Eine empirische Studie zur Unternehmergesellschaft

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    Die Unternehmergesellschaft ist als neue Erscheinungsform der GmbH entwickelt worden, die den Bedürfnissen der Praxis entgegenkommen und vom Ansehen der GmbH profitieren soll. Der Regelungsaufwand wurde in § 5a GmbHG auf ein Minimum reduziert, ohne die bei der Gründung gestellten Seriositätsanforderungen zu beeinträchtigen. Durch Verzicht auf vorgegebenes Mindeststammkapital sollen Existenzgründungen vor allem im Bereich von Branchen mit geringen Eigenkapitalerfordernissen gefördert und es auch kapitalschwachen Existenzgründern ermöglicht werden, das Haftungsrisiko zu begrenzen. In einem empirischen Teil werden die bislang im Handelsregisterbezirk Lüneburg gegründeten Gesellschaften erfasst und anhand verschiedener Kriterien typisiert. -- The German 'Unternehmergesellschaft' has been developed as a new manifestation of the traditional German 'GmbH', which should implement the needs of practice and profit from the reputation of the 'GmbH'. Regulation has been reduced to a minimum of one paragraph, but the seriousness prerequisites for the establishment of the enterprise have not been impaired. Especially business start-ups in the range of industries with small own capital requirements are to be encouraged and by renouncement of a given minimum capital even entrepreneurs without capital are able to limit their liability risk. In an empirical part the companies established in the Register of Companies in the district Lunenburg are seized and typed on the basis of different criteria.Unternehmergesellschaft,Handelsregisterbezirk Lüneburg,Kapitalgesellschaft,Existenzgründung,Mindeststammkapital,Haftungsbeschränkung,business startup,enterprise,minimum capital,limited liability,corporation,Register of Companies,Lunenburg

    Die Etymologie von griechisch ψυχή

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    All scholars agree that homeric ψῡχή is the soul of the departed, the 'free-soul'. Nevertheless there is an irresistable belief that ψῡχή etymologically means 'breath-soul'. But this is not the case. ψῡ́χω does not mean 'breathe', and ψῡχή does not mean 'breath-soul' either. Rather, ψῡ́χω means 'blow, cool' (as vedic -psu- means 'blow'); the most probable solution for the original meaning of ψῡχή is 'cooling down, being cold'. A detailed morphological analysis shows that ψῡ́χω, ψῡχή can be explained as inner greek developments, basing on an indo-european secondary root *psu-. ψῡχή is likely to have been originally a designation of the corpse, then a metonymic (and tabuistic) designation of the departing soul

    European Information System for Organic Markets (EISFOM QLK5-2002-02400): WP 2: “Data collection and processing systems (DCPS) for the conventional markets” and WP 3: “Data collection and processing systems for organic markets” = Deliverable D2

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    European markets for organic products are developing fast. In Europe, as other parts of the world, more and more farm land is being converted to organic production. In order to adjust production and consumption levels, detailed market information is needed, especially where decisions with a long-term impact need to be taken, for example on converting specific land or livestock enterprises requiring high levels of investment in glasshouses, housing, processing facilities etc. Since public subsidies (regional / national / European) are heavily involved in these investments, valid, accurate and up-to-date information is essential not only for farmers and growers, but also for policy-makers, consultants, processing industry etc. EU-research projects such as OFCAP (FAIR3-CT96-1794) and OMIaRD (QLK5-2000-01124) have shown that regional or national data gathering takes place in many countries, but often only very basic data are reported, such as certified organic holdings, land areas and livestock numbers. Important market data, e.g. the amount of production, consumption, international trade or producer and consumer prices, do not exist in most European countries. In some European countries there are only rough estimates of the levels of production and consumption. There is no standardization and data are seldom comparable. Furthermore, detailed information on specific commodities is missing. Hence, investment decisions are taken under conditions of great uncertainty. Likewise, if politicians want to support organic agriculture, they do not know whether it would be better to support production or consumption or to address problems in the marketing channel. The EU concerted action EISfOM (QLK5-2002-02400) (European Information System for Organic Markets) is attempting to take the first steps in solving these problems. The aim of this concerted action is to build up a framework for reporting valid and reliable data for relevant production and market sectors of the European organic sector in order to meet the needs of policy-makers, farmers, processors, wholesalers and other actors involved in organic markets. In order to reach this aim, this action was split into several workpackages. This report describes the approach and results of workpackages 2 and 3. In this first chapter the objective and general approach of these work packages are described. Chapters 2 and 3 provide an overview of international statistics and data collection systems within the food supply chain at the public and the private level. Chapter 4 describes national statistics and data collection systems within the food supply chain. In Chapter 5, an analysis and appraisal is made of the results with regard to organic data collection and processing systems (DCPSs) and their integration into existing common DCPSs. Chapter 6 draws several general conclusions. Two substantial annexes complete the report, one with the country reports on the situation of data collection and processing in all investigated countries and the other with the first and the second stage questionnaires covering the different data collection levels

    Personality and attitudes towards current political topics

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    Riemann R, Grubich C, Hempel S, Mergl S, Richter M. Personality and attitudes towards current political topics. Personality and Individual Differences. 1993;15(3):313-321.We presented a representative list of 162 political issues currently discussed in Germany and the German NEO-FFI to 184 subjects (45% university students). Principal components analysis of the attitude items reveals four factors which are interpreted as (1) general conservatism, preference for authoritarian punitiveness, (2) social welfare and support of women's equality, (3) liberalism and affirmation of technological progress, and (4) affirmation of increase in taxation for environmental protection and the development of East Europe. The first unrotated factor is identified as general conservatism. The analysis of zero and higher order correlations shows meaningful relationships between political attitudes and personality dimensions. The highest (negative) correlations are found between openness to experience and conservatism. Age and sex effects on political attitudes are reported