135 research outputs found

    Social Relationships in Free-Ranging Male Macaca arctoides

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    Macaque social relationships differ greatly between species. Based on captive studies that focus mainly on females, researchers have classified stumptail macaque (Macaca arctoides) social relationships as tolerant, as indicated by a high rate of affiliation, frequent aggression, and symmetrical conflicts. To accumulate more data on male social relationships, which are relatively understudied, and to generate comparative data, we investigated male social relationships in a provisioned group of 68 free-ranging, naturally dispersing stumptail macaques in southern Thailand. We collected continuous focal animal and ad libitum data on 7 adult and 2 subadult males, recording social behavior during 283 contact hours between December 2006 and March 2007. Stumptail macaques of this population were less tolerant than predicted based on previous studies on captive groups: Rates of spatial proximity, affiliation, and aggression were low, most males directed affiliative behavior toward higher-ranking males, and conflicts were generally of low intensity and relatively asymmetrical. Thus, male stumptail macaques of the focal group appear to differ in their social style from a previous study of a captive group that mainly comprised of females. In some traits, they are even more intolerant than rhesus macaques, an intensively studied intolerant macaque species. We also compare our data on stumptail macaque males to those on other male macaques, but available data are too sparse to draw final conclusions

    Der Einfluss des E2F1/miR-888/APLF-Signalweges auf die c-NHEJ-vermittelte DNA-Doppelstrangbruch-Reparatur und Tumorprogression im humanen Harnblasenkarzinom

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    Muskelinvasive Blasenkarzinome (BC) sind durch genomische InstabilitÀt und erhöhte E2F1-Level gekennzeichnet. In BC-Zelllinien konnte gezeigt werden, dass E2F1 am DNA-Reparaturmechanismus c-NHEJ beteiligt ist, indem es c-NHEJ-Faktoren direkt transaktiviert und gleichzeitig APLF durch Aktivierung der OncomiR hsa-miR-888-5p herunterreguliert. Der E2F1/miR-888/APLF-Signalweg hat negative Auswirkungen auf die DSB-Reparatur und fördert Krebsprogression. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit eröffnen neue mechanistische Einblicke in die Entstehung genomischer InstabilitÀt und BC-Progression.Muscle-invasive bladder carcinomas (BC) are characterised by genomic instability and increased expression of E2F1. In BC cell lines, E2F1 was shown to be involved in the DNA double-strand break repair mechanism c-NHEJ by directly transactivating c-NHEJ factors and simultaneously down-regulating APLF expression by activating the OncomiR hsa-miR-888-5p. This E2F1/miR-888/APLF signalling pathway has negative effects on DSB repair and promotes cancer progression. The results of this work provide a new mechanistic insight into the genomic instability and tumour progression of human bladder cancer

    Personal factors, entrepreneurial intention, and entrepreneurial status:A multinational study in three institutional environments

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    Based on the person-entrepreneurship fit perspective, this study examines the role of personal factors, including broad personality traits (openness, extraversion, emotional stability, and conscientiousness), narrow traits (risk-taking propensity, innovativeness, and proactiveness), and personal ability (emotional intelligence) for entrepreneurial intention and status. In this study, two samples are used with entrepreneurial intentions being analyzed among university business students and entrepreneurial status being analyzed by surveying entrepreneurs versus employees. We analyze findings in three different institutional environments (Germany, Russia, and the USA) to also identify potential effects stemming from country context. Therefore, this study offers findings for a (i) comprehensive set of personal factors on (ii) different outcomes in the entrepreneurial process in (iii) different countries. The results suggest that the role of broad personality traits for entrepreneurial outcomes is highly contextual. Also, the role of narrow traits shows some contextuality for which further theorizing is promoted-for instance, while risk-taking propensity seems to be a trait of relevance in all contexts, innovativeness and proactiveness are of different relevance in the different institutional environments. Moreover, the narrow traits that impact entrepreneurial intention and status differ considerably-for instance, innovation is of special relevance for entrepreneurial status, but less important for entrepreneurial intentions. Hence, this study contributes to our understanding not only of individual personal factors contributing to entrepreneurial intention and status but also to understanding which factors overlap for individuals who intend to start a new business and those that do so

    Dietary patterns of adolescents in Germany - Associations with nutrient intake and other health related lifestyle characteristics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to identify dietary patterns among a representative sample of German adolescents and their associations with energy and nutrient intake, socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics, and overweight status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the analysis, data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents were used. The survey included a comprehensive dietary history interview conducted among 1272 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. Dietary patterns were determined with principal component analysis (PCA) based on 48 food groups, for boys and girls separately.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three dietary patterns among boys and two among girls were identified. Among boys, high adherence to the 'western' pattern was associated with higher age, lower socioeconomic status (SES), and lower physical activity level (PA). High adherence to the 'healthy' pattern among boys, but not among girls, was associated with higher SES, and higher PA. Among boys, high adherence to the 'traditional' pattern was associated with higher age. Among girls, high adherence to the 'traditional and western' pattern was associated with lower age, lower SES and more hours watching TV per day. The nutrient density of several vitamins and minerals, particularly of B-vitamins and calcium, increased with increasing scores of the 'healthy' pattern among both sexes. Conversely, with increasing scores of the 'western' pattern among boys, most nutrient densities decreased, particularly of fibre, beta-carotene, vitamin D, biotin and calcium. Among girls with higher scores of the 'traditional and western' pattern, nutrient densities of vitamin A, C, E, K and folate decreased. Among boys, high adherence to the 'traditional' pattern was correlated with higher densities of vitamin B<sub>12 </sub>and vitamin D and lower densities of fibre, magnesium and iron. No significant associations between dietary patterns and overweight were found.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Higher scores for dietary patterns characterized by higher consumption of take away food, meat, confectionary and soft drinks ('western' and 'traditional and western') were found particularly among 16- to 17-years old boys and among adolescents with lower SES. These patterns were also associated with higher energy density, higher percent of energy from unsaturated fatty acids and lower percent of energy from carbohydrates as well as lower nutrient densities of several vitamins and minerals. Therefore, nutritional interventions should try to focus more on adolescents with lower SES and boys in general.</p

    Associations between dietary patterns and biomarkers of nutrient status and cardiovascular risk factors among adolescents in Germany: results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents in Germany (KiGGS)

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    Background: The aim of this study is to analyse prevailing dietary patterns among German adolescents and their associations with biomarkers of nutrient status and cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: Analyses were based on data from the nationwide, representative Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents in Germany, conducted between 2003 and 2006 (KiGGS baseline). Dietary habits of 12 to 17 year olds (2646 boys and 2551 girls) were determined using 34 food groups assessed with a food frequency questionnaire. Principal component analysis was applied to determine the major dietary patterns. The associations between dietary patterns and biomarkers were analysed using linear regression analyses. Results: We identified three major dietary patterns among boys and two among girls. Higher scores of the ‘healthy’ patterns (fruits, salad vegetables, wholemeal bread) were associated with higher levels of serum folate and lower levels of homocysteine among both sexes and higher levels of serum vitamin B12 among girls. Conversely, higher scores of the ‘western’ pattern among boys (salty snacks, burger, French fries) were associated with a lower ferritin level and lower diastolic blood pressure. The ‘traditional’ pattern among boys (white bread, processed meat, meat) was associated with a lower folate level and the ‘western and traditional’ pattern among girls (salty snacks, burger, French fries) with lower folate and higher homocysteine levels. No associations between dietary patterns and blood lipids, HbA1c and uric acid were found. The mean age of boys with higher scores in the ‘western’ pattern was higher, whereas the mean age of girls with higher scores in the ‘western and traditional’ dietary patterns was lower. Conclusions: Adolescents with higher scores in the ‘healthy’ dietary patterns had a better nutrient profile. Therefore, healthy dietary patterns should be promoted early in life, with a special focus on the sex differences

    Analysis of Mrgprb2 Receptor-Evoked Ca2+ Signaling in Bone Marrow Derived (BMMC) and Peritoneal (PMC) Mast Cells of TRPC-Deficient Mice

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    Mast cells are a heterogeneous group of immune cells. The simplest and commonly accepted classification divides them in two groups according to their protease content. We have compared the action of diverse secretagogues on bone marrow derived (BMMC) and peritoneal (PMC) mast cells which represent classical models of mucosal and connective tissue type mast cells in mice. Whereas, antigen stimulation of the FcΔRI receptors was similarly effective in triggering elevations of free intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in both BMMC and PMC, robust [Ca2+]i rise following Endothelin-1 stimulation was observed only in a fraction of BMMC. Leukotriene C4 activating cysteinyl leukotriene type I receptors failed to evoke [Ca2+]i rise in either mast cell model. Stimulation of the recently identified target of many small-molecule drugs associated with systemic pseudo-allergic reactions, Mrgprb2, with compound 48/80, a mast cell activator with unknown receptor studied for many years, triggered Ca2+ oscillations in BMMC and robust [Ca2+]i rise in PMCs similarly to that evoked by FcΔRI stimulation. [Ca2+]i rise in PMC could also be evoked by other Mrgprb2 agonists such as Tubocurarine, LL-37, and Substance P. The extent of [Ca2+]i rise correlated with mast cell degranulation. Expression analysis of TRPC channels as potential candidates mediating agonist evoked Ca2+ entry revealed the presence of transcripts of all members of the TRPC subfamily of TRP channels in PMCs. The amplitude and AUC of compound 48/80-evoked [Ca2+]i rise was reduced by ~20% in PMC from Trpc1/4/6−/− mice compared to Trpc1/4−/− littermatched control mice, whereas FcΔRI-evoked [Ca2+]i rise was unaltered. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings showed that the reduction in compound 48/80-evoked [Ca2+]i rise in Trpc1/4/6−/− PMC was accompanied by a reduced amplitude of Compound 48/80-induced cation currents which exhibited typical features of TRPC currents. Together, this study demonstrates that PMC are an appropriate mast cell model to study mechanisms of Mrgprb2 receptor-mediated mast cell activation, and it reveals that TRPC channels contribute at least partially to Mrgprb2-mediated mast cellactivation but not following FcΔRI stimulation. However, the channels conducting most of the Ca2+ entry in mast cells triggered by Mrgprb2 receptor stimulation remains to be identified
