96 research outputs found
Issues of GIS data management
The paper deals with current issues of spatial data modelling and management used by spatial management applications. As a case study for explaining the problem, we use comparison of two main groups of software tools covering this area GIS and CAD systems - and the posibilities of their integration. Studying its functionality, we have found two main problematic issues. The first of them is the density distribution characteristics of stored data according to described area. CAD systems are oriented towards modeling individual man-made objects and structures with relatively high level of detail, so the data stored covers small areas with huge amount of information. On the other side GIS applications maintain large-scale models of real world with significantly lower amount of detail. Here the density distribution of data coverage is better balanced. So the combination of described different densities is the first problem. The second watched issue is the way of storing spatial data. While CAD data are usually stored in individual files (like DXF, IGES), GIS data tend to be stored in files or realtional databases. The question we see is, if it is possible to store CAD data along with GIS data in the same database in spite of different distribution densities and different data models. Our paper describes ways of solving this problem
Towards Conceptual and Logical Modelling of NoSQL Databases
NoSQL databases support the ability to handle large volumes of data in the absence of an explicit data schema. On the other hand, schema information is sometimes essential for applications during data retrieval. Consequently, there are approaches to schema construction in, e.g., the JSON DB and graph DB communities. The difference between a conceptual and database schema is often vague in this case. We use functional constructs – typed attributes for a conceptual view of DB that provide a sufficiently structured approach for expressing semantics of document and graph data. Attribute names are natural language expressions. Such typed functional data objects can be manipulated by terms of a typed λ-calculus, providing powerful nonprocedural query features for considered data structures. The calculus is extendible. Logical, arithmetic, and aggregation functions can be included there. Conceptual and database modelling merge in this case
Integration of weakly heterogeneous semistructured data
While most business applications typically operate on structured data that can be effectively managed using relational databases, some applications use more complex semistructured data that lacks a stable schema. XML techniques are available for the management of semistructured data, but such techniques tend to be ineffective when applied to large amounts of heterogeneous data, in particular in applications with complex query requirements. We describe an approach that relies on the mapping of multiple semistructured data sets to object-relational structures and uses an object-relational database to support complex query requirements. As an example we use weakly heterogeneous oceanographic data. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
ABSTRACT : THE EFFECT OF GIVING LAVENDER AROMA THERAPY IN THE FIRST DAY PAIN ON POST CESAREAN SECTION MATERNAL IN DELIVERY ROOM PERTAMINA BINTANG AMIN HOSPITAL BANDAR LAMPUNG Background: In the previous research which had been carried out at Pertamina Hospital, Bintang Amin Bandar Lampung, there were observational data on the medical record of the previous patient which showing that the 10 cesarean section patients who experienced severe pain on a scale of 8 on the first day post partum as many as 5 people (50%) and 3 people (30%) with moderate scale 6 pains.Purpose: The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of lavender aroma therapy on the first day pain on cost caserean section maternal in delivery room Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital Bandar Lampung 2018.Methods: This research used a pre-experimental approach to one group pretest and post test. Respondents in this research are the first day on post cesarean section maternal in the delivery room of Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital in 37 cases. Univariate analysis in this research uses percentages while bivariate analysis uses the dependent T test.Result: The result of this research showed that the first day pain on post cesarean section maternal before giving lavender aroma therapy in delivery room Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital with an average value of 5,8378, while the first day pain on post cesarean section maternal after giving lavender aroma therapy in delivery room Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital with an average value of 3,4054.Conclusion: There is an effect of giving lavender aroma therapy to the first day pain on post cesarean section maternal in delivery room at Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital (p value = 0,000). The suggestion in this research is health workers, especially policy makers at Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital Bandar Lampung 2018 is to provide policies to nurses or midwives to apply lavender aroma therapy as a complementary therapy to post cesarean section patients, so that it can help reduce pain. Keyword : the effect of giving lavender aroma therapy, the first day pain on post cesarean section. INTISARI : PENGARUH PEMBERIAN AROMA TERAPI LAVENDER TERHADAP NYERI PADA IBU POST SECTIO CAESAREA HARI PERTAMA DI RUANG BERSALIN RUMAH SAKIT PERTAMINA BINTANG AMIN BANDAR LAMPUNG Pendahuluan: Pada studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di RS Pertamina Bintang Amin Bandar Lampung, terdapat data hasil observasi pada rekam medik pasien sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 pasien sectio caesarea yang mengalami nyeri berat dengan skala 8 pada hari pertama post partum sebanyak 5 orang (50%) dan 3 orang (30%) dengan nyeri sedang skala 6.Tujuan: Diketahui pengaruh pemberian aroma terapi lavender terhadap nyeri pada ibu bersalin post sectio caesarea hari pertama di ruang bersalin RS Pertamina Bintang Amin Bandar Lampung Tahun 2018.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pra eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pretest dan post test. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu bersalin dengan post sectio caesarea di hari pertama di ruang bersalin RS Pertamina Bintang Amin sebanyak 37 kasus. Analisis univariate dalam penelitian ini menggunakan persentase sedangkan analisis bivariate menggunakan uji T dependen.Hasil penelitian: ini menunjukkan bahwa nyeri pada ibu bersalin post SC hari pertama sebelum pemberian aroma terapi lavender di ruang kebidanan RS Pertamina Bintang Amin dengan nilai rata-rata (mean) sebesar 5,8378, sedangkan nyeri pada ibu bersalin post SC hari pertama setelah pemberian aroma terapi lavender di ruang kebidanan RS Pertamina Bintang Amin dengan nilai rata-rata (mean) sebesar 3,4054.Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh pemberian aroma terapi lavender terhadap nyeri pada ibu bersalin post SC hari pertama di ruang bersalin RS Pertamina Bintang Amin (p value = 0,000). Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah petugas kesehatan terutama pembuat kebijakan di RS Pertamina Bintang Amin Bandar Lampung sebaiknya memberikan kebijakan kepada perawat ataupun bidan untuk mengaplikasikan pemberian aroma terapi sebagai terapi komplementer kepada pasien post SC sehingga dapat membantu menurunkan rasa nyeri
Resilience mechanisms at work: The psychological immunity-psychological elasticity (PI-PE) model of psychological resilience
Recently, scientists have shifted their focus from studying psychological resilience as a single, isolated construct (e.g. attribute or outcome) to studying it as a dynamic process encompassing a number of temporally related elements. Models depicting this process explain why some people adapt to stressor exposure, whereas others do not. To date, these process models did not sufficiently explain how people adapt differently to a stressor. To address this issue, we developed a new model of psychological resilience, called the Psychological Immunity-Psychological Elasticity (PI-PE) model. The aim of this article is to clarify this model and to discuss its added value. First, we explain how we derived the PI-PE model from the literature regarding both the crucial elements in any resilience process model and the (mal)adaptive outcomes following stressful events. Secondly, we describe the different elements that make up the model. Characteristic of the PI-PE model is that it distinguishes between two pathways of psychological resilience – psychological immunity and psychological elasticity – with four adaptive outcomes, namely sustainability, recovery, transformation and thriving. To explain how people arrive at these different outcomes, we argue that two consecutive mechanisms are critical in these pathways: tolerance and narrative construction. Taken as a whole, the PI-PE model presents a comprehensive framework to inspire both research and practice. It explains how the process of psychological resilience works differently for different people and how to support individuals in their process towards successfully and differently adapting to stressors
Dynamic Software Architectures for Distributed Embedded Control Systems
Tato prace se zabyva dynamickou rekonfigurovatelnosti distribuovanych ridicich systemu. Vzhledem k charakteristice techto systemu je pro definici jejich behu pouzit formalismus Petriho siti. Tyto jsou transformovany do proveditelne podoby a nasledne pak interpretovany specializovanym software nainstalovanym na jednotlivych uzlech systemu. Diky vlastnostem pouziteho formalismu je mozne jednotlive casti systemu nahrazovat novymi variantami. Stejne tak je mozne generovat formalni specifikace dilcich casti systemu z abstraktnejsich workflow modelu a popisu ve forme domenove specifickych jazyku
Révolution scientifique et technique et transformations sociales
Richta Radovan. Révolution scientifique et technique et transformations sociales. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 3, 1967. pp. 83-103
La dialectique de l'homme et de son œuvre dans la civilisation moderne
Richta Radovan. La dialectique de l'homme et de son œuvre dans la civilisation moderne. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 13, 1969. Sociologie et philosophie. pp. 39-57
Dynamic Software Architectures for Distributed Embedded Control Systems
Tato prace se zabyva dynamickou rekonfigurovatelnosti distribuovanych ridicich systemu. Vzhledem k charakteristice techto systemu je pro definici jejich behu pouzit formalismus Petriho siti. Tyto jsou transformovany do proveditelne podoby a nasledne pak interpretovany specializovanym software nainstalovanym na jednotlivych uzlech systemu. Diky vlastnostem pouziteho formalismu je mozne jednotlive casti systemu nahrazovat novymi variantami. Stejne tak je mozne generovat formalni specifikace dilcich casti systemu z abstraktnejsich workflow modelu a popisu ve forme domenove specifickych jazyku.This thesis deals with dynamic reconfigurability of distributed control systems. Due to the characteristics of these systems, the Petri nets formalism is used to define their functionality. These are transformed into a interpretable form and then executed by specialized software installed on each system node. Thanks to the properties of used formalism, it is possible to replace the individual parts of the system with new variants. Similarly, it is possible to generate formal specifications for the system's parts from more abstract workflow models and descriptions in the form of domain specific languages.
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