12 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency of Quantum Statevector Simulation at Scale

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    Classical simulations are essential for the development of quantum computing, and their exponential scaling can easily fill any modern supercomputer. In this paper we consider the performance and energy consumption of large Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) simulations run on ARCHER2, the UK's National Supercomputing Service, with QuEST toolkit. We take into account CPU clock frequency and node memory size, and use cache-blocking to rearrange the circuit, which minimises communications. We find that using 2.00GHz instead of 2.25GHz can save as much as 25% of energy at 5% increase in runtime. Higher node memory also has the potential to be more efficient, and cost the user fewer CUs, but at higher runtime penalty. Finally, we present a cache-blocking QFT circuit, which halves the required communication. All our optimisations combined result in 40% faster simulations and 35% energy savings in 44 qubit simulations on 4,096 ARCHER2 nodes.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Sustainable Supercomputing at SC2

    Isospin-breaking corrections to light leptonic decays in lattice QCD+QED at the physical point

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    We report on the physical-point RBC/UKQCD calculation of the leading isospin-breaking corrections to light-meson leptonic decays. This is highly relevant for future precision tests in the flavour physics sector, in particular the first-row unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix containing the elements VusV_{us} and VudV_{ud}. The simulations were performed using Domain-Wall fermions for 2+12+1 flavours, and with isospin-breaking effects included perturbatively in the path integral through order α\alpha and (mu−md)/ΛQCD(m_u - m_d)/\Lambda _{\mathrm{QCD}}. We use QEDL_{\mathrm{L}} for the inclusion of electromagnetism, and discuss here the non-locality of this prescription which has significant impact on the infinite-volume extrapolation.Comment: Proceedings for The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 8th-13th August, 2022, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit\"at Bonn, Bonn, German

    Isospin-breaking and all-to-all propagators on the lattice

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    The precision calculation of hadronic observables allows for a detailed understanding of the physical world and analysis of the Standard Model. Many of the observables calculated using lattice QCD have reached a precision where percent level isospinbreaking corrections (the splitting of the up and down quark mass and QED effects) have become significant. In order to improve the precision of numerical predictions using lattice QCD, we need to calculate isospin-breaking effects to correct existing results. In this thesis we present the calculation of the isospin-breaking correction to a number of quantities, including leptonic decay rates in order to improve the precision of CKM matrix elements. We employ a novel method to calculate correlators using all-to-all propagators to form meson fields. These meson fields allow us to form many correlators with precision through the reuse of data.<br/

    Dataset for Thesis: Isospin-breaking and all-to-all propagators on the lattice

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    Data set supports: University of Southampton Doctoral Thesis. &quot;Isospin-breaking and all-to-all propagators on the lattice.&quot; After an embargo period, this data will be available on request. Please complete the request form attached</span

    Efficiently unquenching QCD+QED at O(α)

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    We outline a strategy to efficiently include the electromagnetic interactions of the sea quarks in QCD+QED. When computing iso-spin breaking corrections to hadronic quantities at leading order in the electromagnetic coupling, the sea-quark charges result in quark-line disconnected diagrams which are challenging to compute precisely. An analysis of the variance of stochastic estimators for the relevant traces of quark propagators helps us to improve the situation for certain flavour combinations and space-time decompositions. We present preliminary numerical results for the variances of the corresponding contributions using an ensemble of Nf=2+1 domain-wall fermions generated by the RBC/UKQCD collaboration.ISSN:1824-803

    Near-physical point lattice calculation of isospin-breaking corrections to Kℓ2/πℓ2

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    In recent years, lattice determinations of non-perturbative quantities such as fK and fπ, which are relevant for Vus and Vud, have reached an impressive precision of O(1%) or better. To make further progress, electromagnetic and strong isospin breaking effects must be included in lattice QCD simulations.We present the status of the RBC/UKQCD lattice calculation of isospin-breaking corrections to light meson leptonic decays. This computation is performed in a (2+1)-flavor QCD simulation using Domain Wall Fermions with near-physical quark masses. The isospin-breaking effects are implemented via a perturbative expansion of the action in α and (mu−md). In this calculation, we work in the electro-quenched approximation and the photons are implemented in the Feynman gauge and QEDL formulation

    Near Physical Point Lattice Calculation of Isospin-Breaking Corrections to Kℓ2/πℓ2K_{\ell2}/\pi_{\ell2}

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    In recent years, lattice determinations of non-perturbative quantities such as fKf_K and fπf_\pi, which are relevant for VusV_{us} and VudV_{ud}, have reached an impressive precision of O(1%)\mathcal{O}(1\%) or better. To make further progress, electromagnetic and strong isospin breaking effects must be included in lattice QCD simulations. We present the status of the RBC\&UKQCD lattice calculation of isospin-breaking corrections to light meson leptonic decays. This computation is performed in a (2+1)-flavor QCD simulation using Domain Wall Fermions with near-physical quark masses. The isospin-breaking effects are implemented via a perturbative expansion of the action in α\alpha and (mu−md)(m_u-m_d). In this calculation, we work in the electro-quenched approximation and the photons are implemented in the Feynman gauge and QEDL\text{QED}_\text{L} formulation.In recent years, lattice determinations of non-perturbative quantities such as fKf_K and fπf_\pi, which are relevant for VusV_{us} and VudV_{ud}, have reached an impressive precision of O(1%)\mathcal{O}(1\%) or better. To make further progress, electromagnetic and strong isospin breaking effects must be included in lattice QCD simulations. We present the status of the RBC/UKQCD lattice calculation of isospin-breaking corrections to light meson leptonic decays. This computation is performed in a (2+1)-flavor QCD simulation using Domain Wall Fermions with near-physical quark masses. The isospin-breaking effects are implemented via a perturbative expansion of the action in α\alpha and (mu−md)(m_u-m_d). In this calculation, we work in the electro-quenched approximation and the photons are implemented in the Feynman gauge and QEDL\text{QED}_\text{L} formulation

    Isospin-breaking corrections to light-meson leptonic decays from lattice simulations at physical quark masses

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    The decreasing uncertainties in theoretical predictions and experimental measurements of several hadronic observables related to weak processes, which in many cases are now smaller than O(1%)\mathrm{O}(1\%), require theoretical calculations to include subleading corrections that were neglected so far. Precise determinations of leptonic and semi-leptonic decay rates, including QED and strong isospin-breaking effects, can play a central role in solving the current tensions in the first-row unitarity of the CKM matrix. In this work we present the first RBC/UKQCD lattice calculation of the isospin-breaking corrections to the ratio of leptonic decay rates of kaons and pions into muons and neutrinos. The calculation is performed with Nf=2+1N_\mathrm{f}=2+1 dynamical quarks close to the physical point and domain wall fermions in the M\"obius formulation are employed. Long-distance QED interactions are included according to the QEDL\mathrm{QED_L} prescription and the crucial role of finite-volume electromagnetic corrections in the determination of leptonic decay rates, which produce a large systematic uncertainty, is extensively discussed. Finally, we study the different sources of uncertainty on ∣Vus∣/∣Vud∣|V_\mathrm{us}|/|V_\mathrm{ud}| and observe that, if finite-volume systematics can be reduced, the error from isospin-breaking corrections is potentially sub-dominant in the final precision of the ratio of the CKM matrix elements