44 research outputs found

    The copy number variations at genes related to neuronal functions under selection in great tit

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    The great tit (Parus major) is a well-studied wild bird which has been used as a model species to document the effects of global warming on nature. The recent completion of a reference genome sequence of the great tit and the availability of a high density (HD) 500K SNP-chip, have enabled detailed genomic studies in this species. These genomic tools allowed precise and scalable measures of genetic and non-genetic (i.e. epigenetic marks) variation, identification of SNP variants under selection and copy number variations (CNV)

    Landscape genomics reveals regions associated with adaptive phenotypic and genetic variation in Ethiopian indigenous chickens

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    Climate change is a threat to sustainable livestock production and livelihoods in the tropics. It has adverse impacts on feed and water availability, disease prevalence, production, environmental temperature, and biodiversity. Unravelling the drivers of local adaptation and understanding the underlying genetic variation in random mating indigenous livestock populations informs the design of genetic improvement programmes that aim to increase productivity and resilience. In the present study, we combined environmental, genomic, and phenotypic information of Ethiopian indigenous chickens to investigate their environmental adaptability. Through a hybrid sampling strategy, we captured wide biological and ecological variabilities across the country. Our environmental dataset comprised mean values of 34 climatic, vegetation and soil variables collected over a thirty-year period for 260 geolocations. Our biological dataset included whole genome sequences and quantitative measurements (on eight traits) from 513 individuals, representing 26 chicken populations spread along 4 elevational gradients (6–7 populations per gradient). We performed signatures of selection analyses (and XP-EHH) to detect footprints of natural selection, and redundancy analyses (RDA) to determine genotype-environment and genotype-phenotype-associations. RDA identified 1909 outlier SNPs linked with six environmental predictors, which have the highest contributions as ecological drivers of adaptive phenotypic variation. The same method detected 2430 outlier SNPs that are associated with five traits. A large overlap has been observed between signatures of selection identified byand XP-EHH showing that both methods target similar selective sweep regions. Average genetic differences measured by are low between gradients, but XP-EHH signals are the strongest between agroecologies. Genes in the calcium signalling pathway, those associated with the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) transcription factors, and sports performance (GALNTL6) are under selection in high-altitude populations. Our study underscores the relevance of landscape genomics as a powerful interdisciplinary approach to dissect adaptive phenotypic and genetic variation in random mating indigenous livestock populations

    Copy number variations in Friesian horses and genetic risk factors for insect bite hypersensitivity

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    Background: Many common and relevant diseases affecting equine welfare have yet to be tested regarding structural variants such as copy number variations (CNVs). CNVs make up a substantial proportion of total genetic variability in populations of many species, resulting in more sequence differences between individuals than SNPs. Associations between CNVs and disease phenotypes have been established in several species, but equine CNV studies have been limited. Aim of this study was to identify CNVs and to perform a genome-wide association (GWA) study in Friesian horses to identify genomic loci associated with insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH), a common seasonal allergic dermatitis observed in many horse breeds worldwide. Results: Genotypes were obtained using the Axiom® Equine Genotyping Array containing 670,796 SNPs. After quality control of genotypes, 15,041 CNVs and 5350 CNV regions (CNVRs) were identified in 222 Friesian horses. Coverage of the total genome by CNVRs was 11.2% with 49.2% of CNVRs containing genes. 58.0% of CNVRs were novel (i.e. so far only identified in Friesian horses). A SNP- and CNV-based GWA analysis was performed, where about half of the horses were affected by IBH. The SNP-based analysis showed a highly significant association between the MHC region on ECA20 and IBH in Friesian horses. Associations between the MHC region on ECA20 and IBH were also detected based on the CNV-based analysis. However, CNVs associated with IBH in Friesian horses were not often in close proximity to SNPs identified to be associated with IBH. Conclusions: CNVs were identified in a large sample of the Friesian horse population, thereby contributing to our knowledge on CNVs in horses and facilitating our understanding of the equine genome and its phenotypic expression. A clear association was identified between the MHC region on ECA20 and IBH in Friesian horses based on both SNP- and CNV-based GWA studies. These results imply that MHC contributes to IBH sensitivity in Friesian horses. Although subsequent analyses are needed for verification, nucleotide differences, as well as more complex structural variations like CNVs, seem to contribute to IBH sensitivity. IBH should be considered as a common disease with a complex genomic architecture

    [Avian cytogenetics goes functional] Third report on chicken genes and chromosomes 2015

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    High-density gridded libraries of large-insert clones using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and other vectors are essential tools for genetic and genomic research in chicken and other avian species... Taken together, these studies demonstrate that applications of large-insert clones and BAC libraries derived from birds are, and will continue to be, effective tools to aid high-throughput and state-of-the-art genomic efforts and the important biological insight that arises from them

    Genomic insight into the influence of selection, crossbreeding, and geography on population structure in poultry

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    In poultry, the population structure of local breeds is usually complex mainly due to unrecorded breeding. Local chicken breeds offer an interesting proxy to understand the complexity of population structure in the context of human-mediated development of diverse morphologies and varieties. We studied 37 traditional Dutch chicken breeds to investigate population structure and the corresponding genomic impact using whole-genome sequence data. Results: Looking at the genetic differences between breeds, the Dutch chicken breeds demonstrated a complex and admixed subdivided structure. The dissection of this complexity highlighted the influence of selection adhering to management purposes, as well as the role of geographic distance within subdivided breed clusters. Identification of signatures of genetic differentiation revealed genomic regions that are associated with diversifying phenotypic selection between breeds, including dwarf size (bantam) and feather color. In addition, with a case study of a recently developed bantam breed developed by crossbreeding, we provide a genomic perspective on the effect of crossbreeding. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the complex population structure of local traditional Dutch chicken, and provides insight into the genomic basis and the factors involved in the formation of this complexity

    Low genetic connectivity in a fouling amphipod among man-made structures in the southern North Sea

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    Offshore environments are increasingly invaded by man-made structures that form hard-substrate habitats for many marine species. Examples include oil and gas platforms, wind turbines and shipwrecks. One of the hypothesised effects is an increased genetic connectivity among natural populations due to new populations growing on man-made structures that may act as stepping stones. However, few data are available on genetic connectivity among organisms inhabiting artificial offshore structures. Here, we present a study on the common fouling amphipod Jassa herdmani from offshore structures in the southern North Sea. Partial mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome-c-oxidase 1, N = 514) were obtained from artificial structures at 17 locations in the southern North Sea, including 13 shipwrecks, 2 wind turbines and 2 platforms. Samples from these locations were significantly differentiated, meaning that strong population structure exists for this species in the area. Levels of intraspecific variation were consistent with stable population sizes. No evidence was found for isolation by distance. Using coalescent simulations, the oldest population subdivision events were estimated to date back to the time the study area was flooded following the Last Glacial Maximum. We therefore tentatively conclude that J. herdmani may have colonised man-made structures from previously existing populations on the sea floor, and that the increase in offshore installations has not led to an overall increase in genetic connectivity for this species

    Unique genetic signature and selection footprints in Dutch population of German Longhaired Pointer dogs

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    The German Longhaired Pointer (GLP) breed is a versatile pointer dog breed. In the current study, we investigated the genetic diversity of these dogs based on SNP array data and compared it to 11 other pointer setter breeds. The results show that GLPs have a relatively low level of inbreeding among these pointer breeds. In addition, with the availability of pedigree information of the GLPs, we demonstrate that the correlation between pedigree-based inbreeding and genotype-based inbreeding coefficients was high (R = 0.89 and 0.85). By investigating population structure between these 12 pointer setter breeds we showed that GLP is a breed distinct from other pointers and shares common ancestry with a few other pointing breeds. Finally, we identified selection signatures in GLPs using the runs of homozygosity islands method. The most significant runs of homozygosity island was detected on chromosome 30 harboring the genes RYR3, FMN1, and GREM1. The RYR3 gene plays a role in skeletal muscle contraction while the FMN1 and GREM1 genes are involved in limb development. The selection on these three genes could have contributed to the excellent athletic performance of GLPs, which is an extremely important characteristic for this hunting dog

    Introgression contributes to distribution of structural variations in cattle

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    Structural variations (SVs) are an important source of phenotypic diversity in cattle. Here, 72 whole genome sequences representing taurine and zebu cattle were used to identify SVs. Applying multiple approaches, 16,738 SVs were identified. A comparison against the Database of Genomic Variants archives revealed that 1575 SVs were novel in our data. A novel duplication covering the entire GALNT15 gene, was observed only in N'Dama. A duplication, which was previously reported only in zebu and associated with navel length, was also observed in N'Dama. Investigation of a novel deletion located upstream of CAST13 gene and identified only in Italian cattle and zebu, revealed its introgressed origin in the former. Overall, our data highlights how the SVs distribution in cattle is also shaped by forces such as demographical differences and gene flow. The cattle SVs of this study and its meta-data can be visualized on an interactive genome browser at https://tinyurl.com/svCowAr