3 research outputs found
La tasa de cuajado es un factor determinante en la producci贸n de un cultivar. Este proceso, regulado en gran medida por se帽ales hormonales, representa la primera etapa del desarrollo de un fruto y depende del 茅xito de la polinizaci贸n y de la fecundaci贸n. A pesar de su importancia agron贸mica, los mecanismos moleculares que regulan el proceso del cuajado del fruto son a煤n desconocidos. La identificaci贸n y caracterizaci贸n de mutantes afectados en la tasa de cuajado es una de las mejores estrategias para lograr este prop贸sito.
En este trabajo de investigaci贸n hemos abordado la caracterizaci贸n de tres mutantes insercionales de tomate afectados en la tasa de cuajado de fruto. Dos de estos mutantes, Lower fruit setting 2084 y 2448 (Lfs2084 y Lfs2448), identificados en el contexto de esta Tesis Doctoral, exhiben menor tasa de cuajado de fruto y presentan un patr贸n de herencia autos贸mica dominante. La caracterizaci贸n de ambas mutaciones ha permitido descubrir que est谩n asociadas a un fen贸meno de letalidad del gameto masculino.
La mutaci贸n Lfs2084 promueve la degeneraci贸n de los granos de polen que portan el inserto, pero tambi茅n afecta al desarrollo reproductivo del ovario, lo que reduce de forma dram谩tica la tasa de cuajado de fruto. El an谩lisis del contenido end贸geno de hormonas de este mutante parece indicar una alteraci贸n de la ruta del 2C-metil-Deritrol 4-fosfato (MEP), responsable de la s铆ntesis de fitohormonas, pigmentos fotosint茅ticos y mol茅culas de defensa. Los menores contenidos de GA1 en Lfs2084, la giberelina activa m谩s importante en el inicio del desarrollo del fruto de tomate, podr铆an estar asociados con una mayor actividad del enzima catab贸lico SlGA2ox2. Estos resultados, junto con los cambios en los perfiles de expresi贸n de SlARF7 y TAG1, son coherentes con el fenotipo de menor tasa de cuajado observado en el mutante.
La mutaci贸n Lfs2448 tambi茅n promueve la degeneraci贸n de los granos de polen portadores del inserto, reduciendo en gran medida la cantidad de tubos pol铆nicos que progresan a lo largo del estilo durante el proceso de polinizaci贸n. Su caracterizaci贸n molecular ha indicado que el fenotipo de Lfs2448 podr铆a estar ocasionado por la alteraci贸n de la funci贸n de uno o dos genes que codifican prote铆nas CYP450 y que se expresan mayoritariamente en botones florales y frutos de 1 cm. Los resultados sugieren que la mutaci贸n desempe帽a un relevante papel en el desarrollo reproductivo de tomate, afectando al proceso de polinizaci贸n y al cuajado de fruto.
Adem谩s, la caracterizaci贸n del mutante Arlequ铆n (Alq) ha revelado alteraciones en su programa de desarrollo vegetativo y reproductivo. Respecto al desarrollo vegetativo, Alq promueve un patr贸n de crecimiento m谩s vigoroso que el que exhiben las l铆neas hermanas que carecen de la mutaci贸n, as铆 como cambios en la configuraci贸n espacial del desarrollo radicular. Con relaci贸n al desarrollo reproductivo, Alq conduce a un mayor cuajado de fruto como consecuencia de eventos de divisi贸n celular en el pericarpio del ovario previos al proceso de polinizaci贸n. Un aspecto esencial desde un punto de vista agron贸mico es que la mayor tasa de cuajado permite que Alq mantenga la producci贸n de fruto en condiciones de moderada salinidad.Fruit setting rate is one of the most determining factors in the yield of a cultivar. This process, largely regulated by hormonal signals, is the first stage of fruit development and depends on the successful completion of pollination and fertilization. Despite their agronomic importance, the molecular mechanisms regulating the fruit setting process are still unknown. The identification and characterization of mutations affecting fruit set rate is one of the best strategies to achieve this purpose.
In this research work the characterization of three tomato insertional mutants altered in the fruit set rate has been addressed. Two of these mutants, Lower fruit setting 2084 y 2448 (Lfs2084 and Lfs2448), identified in the context of this Doctoral Thesis, exhibit decreased fruit set rate and present an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. The characterization of both mutations allowed us to discover that they are associated with a phenomenon of lethality of the male gametes carrying the T-DNA insert.
The Lfs2084 mutation not only promotes degeneration of pollen grains bearing the T-DNA, but also affects the reproductive development of the ovary, dramatically reducing the fruit set rate. Analysis of the endogenous hormone content of this mutant suggests an alteration of the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway, responsible for the synthesis of phytohormones, photosynthetic pigments and plant defence molecules. The lower GA1 content in Lfs2084 mutant, the main active form to induce fruit development, may be associated with increased activity of the SlGA2ox2 catabolic enzyme. These results, together with the changes in the expression profiles of both SlARF7 and TAG1 genes, are consistent with the phenotype of lower fruit set rate.
The Lfs2448 mutation also promotes degeneration of the pollen grains carrying the T-DNA, largely reducing the number of pollen tubes that progress along the style during the pollination process. Its molecular characterization indicated that the Lfs2448 mutant phenotype could be caused by the functional alteration of one or two genes that encode CYP450 proteins mostly expressed in floral buds and young fruits. Results suggest that the tagged gene plays an important role in tomato reproductive development, affecting both normal pollination and fruit set process.
Furthermore, the characterization of the Arlequ铆n (Alq) mutant revealed alterations in its vegetative and reproductive developmental program. As regards vegetative development, Alq mutation promotes a more vigorous growth pattern, as well as changes in the spatial configuration of root system. Regarding reproductive development, Alq mutation leads to increased fruit set as a consequence of cell division events in the ovary pericarp prior to the pollination process. Finally, it should be noted that, thanks to its higher fruit set rate, the Arlequin mutant is capable of maintaining fruit production in moderate salinity conditions, which is of great importance from an agronomic point of view.La taxa de quallat 茅s un factor determinant en la producci贸 d`un cultivar. Aquest proc茅s, regulat en gran mesura per senyals hormonals, representa la primera etapa del desenvolupament d驴un fruit i dep茅n de l驴猫xit de la pol路linitzaci贸 i de la fecundaci贸. A pesar de la seua import脿ncia agron貌mica, els mecanismes moleculars que regulen el proc茅s de quallat s贸n encara desconeguts. La identificaci贸 i caracteritzaci贸 de mutants afectats en la taxa de quallat 茅s una de les millors estrat猫gies per aconseguir aquest prop貌sit.
En aquest treball d驴investigaci贸 hem abordat la caracteritzaci贸 de tres mutants insercionals de tomaca afectats en la taxa de quallat de fruit. Dos d驴aquests mutants, Lower fruit setting 2084 i 2448 (Lfs2084 i Lfs2448), identificats en el context d驴aquesta Tesi Doctoral, exhibixen una menor taxa de quallat de fruit i presenten un patr贸 d驴her猫ncia autos貌mica dominant. La caracteritzaci贸 d驴ambd贸s mutacions ha perm茅s descobrir que es troben associades a un fenomen de letalitat del g脿meta mascul铆.
La mutaci贸 Lfs2084 promou la degeneraci贸 dels grans de pol路len que porten l驴insert, per貌 tamb茅 afecta el desenvolupament reproductiu de l驴ovari, la qual cosa redu茂x de forma dram脿tica la taxa de quallat de fruit. L驴an脿l路lisi del contingut endogen d驴hormones d驴aquest mutant pareix indicar una alteraci贸 de la ruta 2C-metil-Deritrol 4-fosfato (MEP), responsable de la s铆ntesi de fitohormones, pigments fotosint猫tics i mol猫cules de defensa. Els menors continguts de GA1 en Lfs2084, la gibberel路lina activa m茅s important a l'inici del desenvolupament del fruit de tomaca, podrien estar associats amb una major activitat de l驴enzim catab貌lic SlGA2ox2. Aquests resultats, juntament amb els canvis en els perfils d驴expressi贸 de SlARF7 i TAG1, s贸n coherents amb el fenotip de menor taxa de quallat observat en el mutant.
La mutaci贸 Lfs2448 tamb茅 promou la degeneraci贸 dels grans de pol路len portadors de l驴insert, reduint en gran mesura la quantitat de tubs pol路l铆nics que progressen al llarg de l驴estil durant el proc茅s de pol路linitzaci贸. La seua caracteritzaci贸 molecular ha indicat que el fenotip de Lfs2448 podria estar ocasionat per una alteraci贸 de la funci贸 d驴un o dos gens que codifiquen prote茂nes CYP450 i que s'expressen majorit脿riament en botons florals i fruits d驴un cent铆metre. Els resultats suggerixen que la mutaci贸 t茅 una funci贸 important en el desenvolupament reproductiu de la tomaca, afectant el proc茅s normal de pol路linitzaci贸 i el quallat de fruit.
A m茅s, la caracteritzaci贸 del mutant Arlequ铆n (Alq) ha revelat alteracions en el seu programa de desenvolupament vegetatiu i reproductiu. Pel que fa al desenvolupament vegetatiu, Alq promou un patr贸 d驴expressi贸 m茅s vigor贸s que el que exhibixen les l铆nies germanes que no porten la mutaci贸, aix铆 com canvis en la configuraci贸 espacial del desenvolupament radicular. Quant al desenvolupament reproductiu, Alq condu茂x a un major quallat de fruit com a conseq眉猫ncia d驴events de divisi贸 cel路lulars en el pericarp de l驴ovari previs al proc茅s de pol路linitzaci贸. Un aspecte essencial des d驴un punt de vista agron貌mic 茅s que la major taxa de quallat pemet que Alq mantinga la producci贸 de fruit en condicions de moderada salinitat.Ribelles Alfonso, C. (2018). IDENTIFICACI脫N Y CARACTERIZACI脫N DE MUTANTES DE TOMATE RELACIONADOS CON EL CUAJADO DEPENDIENTE E INDEPENDIENTE DE POLINIZACI脫N [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111833TESI
Alq mutation increases fruit set rate and allows the maintenance of fruit yield under moderate saline conditions
[EN] Arlequin (Alq) is a gain-of-function mutant whose most relevant feature is that sepals are able to become fruit-like organs due to the ectopic expression of the ALQ-TAGL1 gene. The role of this gene in tomato fruit ripening was previously demonstrated. To discover new functional roles for ALQ-TAGL1, and most particularly its involvement in the fruit set process, a detailed characterization of Alq yield-related traits was performed. Under standard conditions, the Alq mutant showed a much higher fruit set rate than the wild type. A significant percentage of Alq fruits were seedless. The results showed that pollination-independent fruit set in Alq is due to early transition from flower to fruit. Analysis of endogenous hormones in Alq suggests that increased content of cytokinins and decreased level of abscisic acid may account for precocious fruit set. Comparative expression analysis showed relevant changes of several genes involved in cell division, gibberellin metabolism, and the auxin signalling pathway. Since pollination-independent fruit set may be a very useful strategy for maintaining fruit production under adverse conditions, fruit set and yield in Alq plants under moderate salinity were assessed. Interestingly, Alq mutant plants showed a high yield under saline conditions, similar to that of Alq and the wild type under unstressed conditions.This work was supported by the research grants AGL2015-64991-C3-3-R and AGL2015-64991-C3-1-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO/FEDER). The PhD grant to CRA (BES-2013-063778) was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.The authors thank Dr Isabel Lopez-Diaz and Dr Esther Carrera for their help in hormone quantification carried out at the Plant Hormone Quantification Service, IBMCP,Valencia, Spain. The authors thank David Harry Rhead for reviewing the manuscript in the English language.Ribelles Alfonso, C.; Garc铆a Sogo, B.; Yuste-Lisbona, FJ.; Atar茅s Huerta, A.; Casta帽eda, L.; Capel, C.; Lozano, R.... (2019). Alq mutation increases fruit set rate and allows the maintenance of fruit yield under moderate saline conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70(20):5731-5744. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz342S57315744702
Caracterizaci贸n in vivo e in vitro de mutantes alterados en caracteres vegetativos
[ES] En este trabajo de investigaci贸n se han caracterizado 7 mutantes recesivos de tomate afectados en caracteres vegetativos en condiciones de cultivo in vivo e in vitro. Asimismo, se ha determinado si existe co-segregaci贸n entre el inserto de T-DNA y la mutaci贸n.[EN] n this research work seven recessive tomato mutants affected in vegetative traits have been characterized both in vivo and in vitro culture conditions. Also, the co-segregation between the T-DNA insert and the mutation has been determined in each mutant.Ribelles Alfonso, C. (2013). Caracterizaci贸n in vivo e in vitro de mutantes alterados en caracteres vegetativos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38021Archivo delegad