3,159 research outputs found

    Tree-Network Overrun Model Associated with Pilots’ Actions and Flight Operational Procedures

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    The runway excursions are defined as the exit of an aircraft from the surface of the runway. These excursions can take place at takeoff or at landing and consist of two types of events: veer off and overrun. This last one, which occurs when the aircraft exceeds the limits at the end of the runway, is the event of interest in the current study. This chapter aims to present an accident model with a new approach in aeronautical systems, based on the tasks of the pilots related to the operational procedures necessary for the approach and landing, in order to obtain the chain of events that lead to this type of accident. Thus, the tree-network overrun model (TNO model) was proposed, unlike most traditional models, which consider only the hardware failures or which do not satisfactorily explain the interrelationship between the factors influencing the operator. The proposed model is developed in a fault tree and transformed into a Bayesian network up to the level of the basic elements. The results showed the qualitative model of the main tasks performed by the pilots and their relation to the accident. It has also been suggested how to find and estimate the probability of factors that can impact on each of the tasks

    Shock index and heart rate standard reference values in the immediate postpartum period: a cohort study

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    To determine Shock Index (SI) reference values in the first two hours of the postpartum period after objectively measuring postpartum bleeding. Materials and methods A complementary analysis using data from a prospective cohort study at Women's Hospital of the University of Campinas, Brazil, between 1 February 2015 and 31 March 2016. It included women giving birth vaginally unless they had one of these conditions: gestational age below 34 weeks, hypertension, hypo-or hyperthyroidism without treatment, any cardiac disease, infections with fever or sepsis, history of coagulopathy or delivery by C-section. Blood loss was measured by adding the blood volume collected in the drape placed under the women's buttocks and the weight of gauzes and compresses used (excluding the dry weight). Vital signs were measured every 5-15 min after delivery. Exploratory data analysis was performed to assess the mean, standard deviation, median, and percentiles (5 th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th). To identify variation among the periods after delivery, the mean SI and heart rate (HR) values observed for the following intervals were used in the analysis: 0-20 min, 21-40 min, 41-60 min, 61-90 min and 91-120 min. Results One hundred eighty-six women were included. The mean age +/- SD was 24.9 +/- 6.1 years and the mean gestational age at birth was 39.2 +/- 1.8 weeks. At the puerperal period, the mean SI values ranged from 0.68 +/- 0.14 to 0.74 +/- 0.15. The percentile distribution ranged from 0.46 (5 th percentile) to 1.05 (95 th percentile). The mean HR values ranged from 80.8 +/- 12.7 bpm to 92.3 +/- 14.4 bpm. The percentile distribution ranged from 62.0 bpm (5th percentile) to 117 bpm (95 th percentile). Conclusion Reference ranges were established for SI and HR values which showed small variations throughout the postpartum period14


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    O presente estudo buscou levantar os principais dados da produção de biodiesel e girassol em Mato Grosso. Com este levantamento foi possível compreender o cenário da atual produção e se existe espaço para uma diversificação agroenergética no estado. A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral identificar quais os motivos que impedem a cultura do girassol ser utilizada na produção biodiesel. Para encontrar este objetivo geral perseguiu-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) Descrever o atual cenário da produção de girassol e de biodiesel em Mato Grosso; b) Comparar a cultura da soja com o girassol verificando as vantagens que o girassol possui em relação a soja no que tange a ser matéria-prima na produção de biodiesel e, c) Apontar os principais motivos que impedem a utilização do girassol na fabricação de biodiesel no estado. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi a qualitativa/quantitativa com emprego do método comparativo que utilizou o critério de notas para avaliar os fatores de competitividade. O girassol se mostrou viável para a produção de biodiesel, porém precisa superar barreiras ligadas às políticas públicas e de rentabilidade

    O PERFIL DOS AGRICULTUORES URBANOS DE CUIABÁ-MT: um estímulo à Economia Ecológica

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    Este trabalho levanta a temática da Agricultura Urbana na cidade de Cuiabá- MT, e sua relação com a Economia Ecológica. Assim, teve por problemática a seguinte pergunta: Qual o perfil dos agricultores urbanos de Cuiabá e como estes podem contribuir para o pensamento da Economia Ecológica? Desta forma, teve-se como objetivo geral descrever o perfil socioeconômico e produtivo dos agricultores urbanos de Cuiabá. Para tanto, construiu-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) tipificar socioeconomicamente os produtores urbanos e as suas formas de produção; b) verificar quais os produtos cultivados nesta prática agrícola e os seus destinos e c) compreender as características socioeconômica e ecológicas encontradas e traçar propostas para que a agricultura urbana possa estimular o pensamento e a prática da Economia Ecológica em Cuiabá- MT. No referencial teórico foram discutidos os aspectos teóricos e conceituais da agricultura urbana e da Economia Ecológica. A metodologia utilizada possui uma abordagem mista de cunho descritiva com a coleta de dados primários via aplicação de questionários. Conclui-se que muitas das vezes, essa prática tem surgido como uma alternativa de sobrevivência das populações mais pobres, provenientes da zona rural, e que a mesma pode contribuir, se devidamente apoiada e assistida, com uma melhor compreensão e prática da Economia Ecológica na região

    Detection of human papillomavirus in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Recent studies have reported a human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence of 20% to 30% in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC), although clinical data on HPV involvement remain largely inconsistent, ascribed by some to differences in HPV detection methods or in geographic origin of the studies. Objective To perform a systematic review and formal meta-analysis of the literature reporting on HPV detection in LSCC. Methods Literature was searched from January 1964 until March 2015. The effect size was calculated as event rates (95% confidence interval [CI]), with homogeneity testing using Cochran's Q and I2 statistics. Meta-regression was used to test the impact of study-level covariates (HPV detection method, geographic origin) on effect size. Potential publication bias was estimated using funnel plot symmetry. Results One hundred seventy nine studies were eligible, comprising a sample size of 7,347 LSCCs from different geographic regions. Altogether, 1,830 (25%) cases tested HPV-positive considering all methods, with effect size of 0.269 (95% CI: 0.242 to 0.297; random-effects model). In meta-analysis stratified by the 1) HPV detection technique and 2) geographic study origin, the between-study heterogeneity was significant only for geographic origin (P = .0001). In meta-regression, the HPV detection method (P = .876) or geographic origin (P = .234) were not significant study-level covariates. Some evidence for publication bias was found only for studies from North America and those using non–polymerase chain reaction methods, with a marginal effect on adjusted point estimates for both. Conclusions Variability in HPV detection rates in LSCC is explained by geographic origin of study but not by HPV detection method. However, they were not significant study-level covariates in formal meta-regression

    Análise de fatores humanos e organizacionais relacionados ao procedimento de frenagem de aeronaves em condições ambientais desfavoráveis / Analysis of human and organizational factors related to aircraft braking procedure in unfavorable environmental conditions

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    Este artigo identifica e prioriza os principais fatores contribuintes relacionados ao procedimento de frenagem que ocorrem durante pouso de aeronaves comerciais de médio e grande porte. A literatura disponível e a pesquisa com especialistas indicam que as condições adversas durante o procedimento de frenagem ocorre principalmente quando há condições ambientais desfavoráveis e/ou quando a pista do aeroporto é desfavorável ao pouso. Com o objetivo de identificar os principais fatores humanos, organizacionais, aeroportuários e ambientais que influenciam o procedimento de frenagem, foram analisados os relatórios de acidentes e incidentes da base de dados do National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) entre 2005 e 2015. Os fatores identificados foram analisados utilizando um modelo de acidente e priorizados de acordo com a probabilidade de ocorrência obtida através da Rede Bayesiana. Assim, os resultados obtidos permitem a seleção dos fatores que devem ser priorizados pelos órgãos competentes, a fim de colaborar com a gestão da segurança no transporte aéreo e reduzir as excursões de pista durante o procedimento de pouso dessas aeronaves. A metodologia utilizada e os resultados encontrados são as principais contribuições deste estudo

    Congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in an geriatric Persian cat

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    Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH) is a rare condition that is caused by defective diaphragm and pericardium development. It occurs in dogs and cats and is most prevalent in Weimaraner and Persian breeds. This study presents the first report of a congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in a geriatric cat in Espírito Santo in Brazil. A 12-year old male Persian cat was referred to the veterinary hospital. Clinical examination revealed hyporexia, cachexia, alopecia, dyspnea, and an adherent and irregularly shaped nodule in the left caudal breast. Cytopathological examination of the abdominal nodulation revealed a mammary carcinoma. Thoracic radiography revealed PPDH. The animal was euthanized. On necropsy, the abdominal cavity revealed a part of the liver inside the diaphragm, and the thoracic view revealed the heart and liver inside the pericardial sac. Histopathological analysis confirmed mammary carcinoma and revealed dermatophytic pseudomycetoma. This is the first report of PPDH, which was incidentally detected, in a geriatric Persian cat that had survived for several years without diagnosis in Espírito Santo, Brazil. From the observations made, we conclude that comprehensive clinical examination, involving imaging, is important in detecting congenital abnormalities such as PPDH

    Beneficial effects of whole-body vibration exercise for brain disorders in experimental studies with animal models:A systematic review

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    Brain disorders have been a health challenge and is increasing over the years. Early diagnosis and interventions are considered essential strategies to treat patients at risk of brain disease. Physical exercise has shown to be beneficial for patients with brain diseases. A type of exercise intervention known as whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise gained increasing interest. During WBV, mechanical vibrations, produced by a vibrating platform are transmitted, to the body. The purpose of the current review was to summarize the effects of WBV exercise on brain function and behavior in experimental studies with animal models. Searches were performed in EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science including publications from 1960 to July 2021, using the keywords "whole body vibration" AND (animal or mice or mouse or rat or rodent). From 1284 hits, 20 papers were selected. Rats were the main animal model used (75%) followed by mice (20%) and porcine model (5%), 16 studies used males species and 4 females. The risk of bias, accessed with the SYRCLE Risk of Bias tool, indicated that none of the studies fulfilled all methodological criteria, resulting in possible bias. Despite heterogeneity, the results suggest beneficial effects of WBV exercise on brain functioning, mainly related to motor performance, coordination, behavioral control, neuronal plasticity and synapse function. In conclusion, the findings observed in animal studies justifies continued clinical research regarding the effectiveness and potential of WBV for the treatment of various types of brain disorders such as trauma, developmental disorders, neurogenetic diseases and other neurological diseases

    Evaluation of total protein, peroxidase, and nutrients measured by pXRF for the determination of tissue rejuvenation / reinvigoration of Eucalyptus microcorys

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    Ontogenetic aging of tissues and the gradual decrease of adventitious rooting are known challenges for the clonal propagation of woody species, hampering clonal forestry programs. This study examined possible signatures of tissue rejuvenation/reinvigoration in different propagated materials of Eucalyptus microcorys by analyzing the total protein profile, peroxidase activity, macro-and micronutrient contents, and adventitious rooting of mini cuttings. The analyses were performed on E. microcorys shoots which were successfully obtained by seminal and grafting propagation, micropropagation with epicormic shoots, and indirect organogenesis. Among four mature trees used in the propagation, tissues from the one with the best propagation results were investigated for signs of tissue rejuvenation and/or reinvigoration. Five individuals from each technique were randomly selected and transferred to a semi-hydroponic “channel” system. After four weeks in the seedbed, the total protein, peroxidase activity, nutrient content and rooting of the minicuttings were evaluated. SDS-PAGE enabled the differentiation of leaf samples obtained by grafting from the other propagation techniques, as revealed by two distinct bands. Materials obtained by micropropagation with epicormic shoots showed the highest peroxidase activity, while those obtained by seminal propagation and from the selected mature tree showed the lowest peroxidase activity. A portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscope (pXRF) identified adequate nutrient content in most of the nutrients tested in materials obtained by seminal and grafting propagation, and by indirect organogenesis. The analysis of adventitious rooting showed that the highest rooting percentage was observed in mini cuttings from seminal propagation (75%) followed by indirect organogenesis (35%). Based on principal component analysis, it was concluded that rooting of mini cuttings from both seminal propagation and indirect organogenesis organogenesis was associated with phosphorous, sulphur, and potassium contents, which suggests a higher level of tissue rejuvenation/reinvigoration in these propagated plants. Further studies are recommended to search for other methods that present similarities with the responses to adventitious rooting in forest species and thus optimize the rescue and propagation of plants with distinct ontogenetic stages