1,208 research outputs found

    A relação entre solvabilidade e o crédito bancário: o caso do Crédito Agrícola

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    JEL Classification System: C1, G2Os bancos cooperativos têm apresentado indicadores financeiros e económicos positivos ao longo dos últimos anos, provando estar bem preparados para combater as consequências da crise económica e financeira que teve início em 2007. É de salientar os robustos rácios de solvabilidade que estes bancos apresentam face aos bancos comerciais, não tendo que recorrer ao Governo e a injecções rápidas de capital . Atravé s do Programa de Assistência Económica e Financeira acordado com a “Troika” em 2011, Portugal iniciou um processo de significativas mudanças a todos os níveis, nomeadamente no sistema financeiro. Uma regulação a dequada de capital e um processo de desalavan cagem do sistema bancário, são as principais medidas exigidas pelo Banco de Portugal. Um dos maiores grupos bancários portugueses, o SICAM, apresenta ao longo dos últimos cinco anos, um rácio de solvabilidade acima do mínimo exigido e um rácio de transform ação abaixo do máximo exigido pelo Banco de Portugal. Na presente dissertação procura - se compreender a relação existente entre solvabilidade e o crédito bancário no caso do Crédito Agrícola , bem como as características dos bancos cooperativos que os tornam diferentes dos bancos comerciais. Desta forma, foi utilizado um modelo econométrico com o estimador 3SLS ( Three Stage Least Square ) com os dados das 84 caixas agrícolas pertencent es ao SICAM, e foram testadas quatro hipóteses empíricas. Conclui - se que a t eoria do capital buffer tem pouca aderência no Crédito Agrícola, o que pode ser explicado possivelmente pelo perfil conservador das caixas.Cooperative banks have shown positive economic and financial indicators over the last few years, proving to be well prepared to combat the consequences of the economic and financial crisis that began in 2007. It should be noted the robust solvency levels show that these banks face commercial banks, not having to appeal to government and fast capital injections. Through the Economic and Financial Assistance Programme agreed with the "troika" in 2011, Portugal began a process of significant changes at all levels, particularly in the financial system. A adequate regulation of capital and a process of deleveraging of the banking system, are the main measures required by the Bank of Portugal. One of the biggest Portuguese banking groups, SICAM, has over the past five years, a solvency ratio above the minimum requirement and a credit to deposits ratio below the maximum required by the Bank of Portugal. In this dissertation we seek to understand the relationship between solvency and bank cr edit in the case of Crédito Agrícola, as well as the characteristics of the cooperative banks that make them different from commercial banks. Thus, we used an econometric model with 3SLS estimator (Three Stage Least Square) with data from 84 “Caixas” belonging to SICAM, and were tested four empirical hypotheses. We conclude that the theory of capital buffer has little grip on Crédito Agrícola, which can possibly be explained by the conservative profile of “Caixas”

    Articulación teoría-práctica y proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en un Curso de Enfermería en Salud Colectiva

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    Este estudo tomou como objeto a articulação teoria-prática da disciplina Fundamentos e Práticas da Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva, do curso de graduação em enfermagem da EEUSP, e como objetivos: identificar a apreensão dos conceitos da disciplina e verificar sua aplicação nas práticas de enfermagem entre esses estudantes de graduação. Utilizou questionário com questões fechadas e abertas para apreensão empírica do objeto, através de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam que a dimensão teórica apenas em parte possibilitou sínteses capazes de fomentar práticas sociais coerentes com o arcabouço teórico-conceitual da Saúde Coletiva. Para superar essa dificuldade faz-se necessário explicitar as diferentes abordagens teórico-metodológicas que fundamentam as práticas e que o educador direcione o educando para elaboração de sínteses, com a finalidade de formar enfermeiros comprometidos com a interpretação da saúde-doença como processo social e da saúde como direito social e, portanto, com a transformação das práticas reiterativas do modelo hegemônico.This study focused on the relationship theory-practice of the discipline Fundamentals and Practices of Collective Health Nursing, offered to undergraduate students of the Nursing School, University of São Paulo, Brazil. The objectives were: to identify and understand the concepts studied in the discipline and to identify its application in nursing practices among these students Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by content analysis. Results: theoretical dimension only partly allowed students to make syntheses potent to develop social practices consistent with the conceptual framework of Collective Health. To overcome this difficulty - and prepare nurses committed to the interpretation of health and disease as a social process and health as social right and, therefore, the transformation of reiterative practices of the hegemonic model -, it is necessary to clarify the different theoretical and methodological approaches underpinning the practices, having teachers directing students to articulate theory and practice.Este estudio tuvo como objeto la articulación teoría-práctica del curso Fundamentos y Prácticas de Enfermería en Salud Colectiva, para alumnos de graduación de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Sao Paulo. Se buscó identificar la aprehensión de los conceptos del curso y evaluar su aplicación en las prácticas de enfermería. Se utilizó un cuestionario para aprehender empíricamente el objeto. Las informaciones fueron analizadas con análisis de contenido. Resultados: la dimensión teórica, apenas en parte, posibilitó una síntesis capaz de fomentar prácticas sociales coherentes con la estructura teórica-conceptual de Salud Colectiva. Para superar esa dificultad es necesario explicar los diferentes enfoques teórico-metodológicos que fundamentan las prácticas y que el educador conduzca al educando en la elaboración de síntesis. De esta manera, formar enfermeros comprometidos con la interpretación de salud-enfermedad como proceso social, con la salud como derecho social y con la transformación de las prácticas reiterativas del modelo hegemónico

    Antimicrobial resistance profile of bacteria isolated from canine and feline samples at the Preventive Veterinary Laboratory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – Brazil

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global health threat. In small animals such as dogs and cats, antimicrobials are most commonly prescribed for skin and genitourinary diseases; therefore, the AMR of bacteria involved in these infections should be monitored. In addition, the results of antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) may be interpreted as a local epidemiological history of AMR. The Preventive Veterinary Medicine Laboratory (PVML) received clinical samples from dogs and cats for bacterial isolation and AST. Thus, this study aimed to assess the AMR of bacteria isolated from the samples of dogs and cats received at the Preventive Veterinary Medicine Laboratory (PVML). Materials, Methods & Results: Data from bacteriological examinations performed at the PVML of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) during 5 years were analyzed. Skin and ear canal samples were inoculated in 5% sheep blood agar, and urine samples were streaked on CHROMagar™ orientation. After incubation at 36±1°C for up to 72 h, identification and AST were performed according to routine protocols. Of 1,534 samples submitted to the PVML, 1,086 (70.8%) were collected from dogs and 29.2% from feline patients. Otological swabs (n = 533, 49.1%) were the most frequent samples from dogs, while cat urine samples (n = 384, 84.8%) predominated by far. Considering the canine samples, no bacterial growth (NBG) was observed in 443 (40.8%) samples, while only one colony type was noted in 516 (47.5%) samples. Gram-positive bacteria (n = 298) were more frequent than gram-negative bacteria (n = 77) in the skin. In urine samples, gram-negative bacteria (n = 94) were isolated more frequently than gram-positive bacteria (n = 47). In feline samples, a high number of NBG (n = 308, 68%) was observed. Gram-positive (n = 22) was predominant in comparison to gram-negative bacteria (n = 9) in cultures from the ear and skin swabs. Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli were the most frequently identified bacteria in urine samples. Among the Staphylococcus sp. strains of any origin, AMR frequency varied from 4.22% (amikacin) to 50.70% (sulfa/trimethoprim). Enterococcus spp. showed AMR frequencies from 12.5% (amoxicillin/clavulanic acid) to 62.06% (enrofloxacin). Among the gram-negative genera, E. coli presented AMR frequencies from 10.20% (gentamicin) to 60.0% (neomycin). The frequency of AMR was stable over time, and a profile of much higher resistance to fluoroquinolones in comparison to beta-lactams was observed. Discussion: The recurrence of skin and urinary infections implies the need for frequent treatment with antibiotics, which exerts selection pressure for resistance and multidrug resistance. In this study, the frequency of multidrug resistance was low, and the resistance to the tested antimicrobials showed high variation. However, a trend of high resistance to the fluoroquinolone group was observed in contrast to the low resistance to beta-lactams. This trend was consistent among the isolated bacteria, regardless of the type of sample or origin. The overprescription of fluoroquinolones in small animal practices has been widely documented in several countries. However, this class of antimicrobials, is highly prioritized for the treatment of infections in humans. Therefore, the selection of resistant strains has gained special emphasis, especially when considering the possibility of the transmission of resistant bacteria between pets and humans. In summary, the results of bacteriological tests conducted at the PVML-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul confirmed that ubiquitous bacteria predominate in clinical samples of dogs and cats. The high frequency of resistance to the fluoroquinolone group, while a predominance of susceptible strains in the first-choice drugs such as amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, may indicate excessive and empirical use of the second-choice drugs in clinical practice

    Oferta de escolas de educação escolar quilombola no nordeste brasileiro

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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar panorama de implantação das Escolas de Educação Escolar Quilombola (EEEQ) na região Nordeste. Três aspectos foram analisados: (a) distribuição das EEEQ por estados da região Nordeste e por classe populacional; (b) identificação da relação entre comunidade quilombola certificada e oferta de EEEQ; (c) análise das matrículas nas EEEQ. Como já detectado em outros trabalhos, informações desencontradas e de baixa confiança produzidas pelo Estado dão continuidade às práticas que negligenciam informações importantes que nos levam à porta de entrada do racismo institucional que persiste na sociedade brasileira.The present study aims to present an overview of the implantation of Quilombola Schools (EEEQ) in the Northeast Region. Three aspects have been analyzed: (a) distribution of EEEQ by state and populational class in the Northeast region; (b) identification of the relation among communities self-defined as quilombolas, certified by the Palmares Cultural Foundation, and EEEQ offers; (c) analysis of enrolments in EEEQ. As it has been detected in previous studies, conflicting and unreliable information produced by the State foster the continuity of practices that neglect important information and take us to the road of institutionalized racism that lingers in Brazilian society

    A brincadeira como instrumento de desenvolvimento na Educação Infantil a partir da teoria de Vigotski

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    This paper investigates the appropriations of kindergarten teachers about play and its relationship to child development from the Cultural-Historical Psychology (CHP). This is a qualitative research of exploratory nature, using semi-structured interviews with five kindergarten teachers from a public school in Limoeiro do Norte (in the state of Ceará, Brazil). The studies of Prestes (2010), Costa (2012), and Vigotski (2010, 2020 and 2021) served as a reference for the analysis of the information found in this field research, whose results demonstrate approximations of the theoretical bases of PHC and its perceptions about play, from the categories: Culture, History, Learning, Psychological Development and Signs. However, we detected that there is still fragility in the knowledge and use of the Vigotskian theoretical framework in the practice of teachers, demonstrating a low level of knowledge articulated in teacher training. New investigations about the appropriations of PHC in teacher training spaces are needed.Este trabalho investiga as apropriações das professoras da Educação Infantil acerca do brincar e sua relação com o desenvolvimento da criança a partir da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural (PHC). Pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, de natureza exploratória, utilizando a entrevista semiestruturada com cinco professoras da Educação Infantil de escola pública em Limoeiro do Norte (no Estado do Ceará, Brasil). Os estudos de Prestes (2010), Costa (2012), e Vigotski (2010, 2020 e 2021) serviram de referência para análise das informações encontradas nesta pesquisa de campo, cujos resultados demonstram aproximações das bases teóricas da PHC e suas percepções sobre a brincadeira, a partir das categorias: Cultura, História, Aprendizagem, Desenvolvimento psicológico e Signos. Entretanto, detectamos que ainda há fragilidade no conhecimento e utilização do referencial teórico vigotskiano na prática das professoras, demonstrando baixo nível de conhecimento articulado na formação docente. Impõem-se novas investigações acerc

    Pandemia e educação jurídica em IESs públicas no Ceará

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    This article aims to understand, from a student perspective, how remote teaching was developed in publica law schools in the state of Ceará (Brazil), as well as to know the profile of this student and identify possible critical points caused by the change in the way of teaching/learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020. An exploratory and descriptive survey, carried out in the first half of September 2021, through the application of electronic questionnaires (Google Forms) sent to 196 students from the Federal University of Ceará and the Regional University of Cariri, located in the cities of Fortaleza and Crato (Ceará, Brazil), respectively.O presente artigo visa compreender, a partir de uma perspectiva discente, como se desenvolveu o ensino remoto nos cursos de Direito em IESs públicas do estado do Ceará, bem como conhecer o perfil deste discente e identificar possíveis pontos críticos ocasionados pela mudança na forma de ensino/aprendizagem durante a pandemia do Covid-19, em 2020. Utiliza-se uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória e descritiva, tipo survey, realizada na primeira quinzena de setembro de 2021, por meio da aplicação de questionários eletrônicos (Google Forms) encaminhados a 196 estudantes da Universidade Federal do Ceará e da Universidade Regional do Cariri, situadas nas cidades Fortaleza e Crato (Ceará), respectivamente

    Geological Characterization, Lithogeochemistry and the Metallogenic Potential for Chromium of the Riacho do Mocambo Mafic-Ultramafic Body, Northeast of the São Francisco Craton, BA, Brazil

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    In the geotectonic context of the Salvador-Curaçá Orogen, north portion of the São Francisco Craton, an association of mafic-ultramafic (M-UM) rocks was identified and described in this paper as the Riacho do Mocambo Mafic- Ultramafic Body (RMMUB). Despite being located approximately 60 km from the Vale do Jacurici Complex (VJC), the host of Brazil’s largest reserves of  Cr, the RMMUB has never been associated with this Complex in regional geologic mapping projects. When it is mentioned in the bibliography, the M- UM rocks of the RMMUB are genetically related to the São José do Jacuípe Suite (SJJS). While the VJC is described as differentiated sills, associated with a synorogenic to a tardi-orogenic event, the SJJS is interpreted as fragments of an Archean-Paleoproterozoic oceanic crust or as a Gabbro- Anorthosite Stratiform Complex. Such contrasting genesis raised doubts about the RMMUB’s origin and field work along with geochemical analyses were carried out in order to better understand the possible source of the RMMUB. In the field, the RMMUB exhibits an elongated shape of small thickness (7 km of extension by less than 100 m of apparent thickness), displayed concordantly with the Tanque Novo-Ipirá Complex metasediments. In the mapped outcrops it is possible to observe the rhythmic and gradual alternation amid the lithotypes of the RMMUB, varying from serpentinite to metagabbro, suggesting that it is a layered igneous body. The geochemical results support the primitive aspect of the ultramafic rocks of this body (MgO up to 38 wt.%; Ni up to 2972 ppm; Cr up to 7799 ppm) and suggest that the RMMUB shows distinctive characteristics from the SJJS, but similar ones with magma of the VJC such as geochemical signatures, source, depth, and tectonic environment. The discovery of this new M-UM body in an area of great metallogenic fertility opens a potential for the identification of new Cr mineralization and magmatic sulfides of Ni, Cu, and EGP, in the Salvador- Curaçá Orogen, São Francisco Craton, the northeast region of the state of Bahia

    Cenários para a Atividade de Mineração de Areia no Lago Guaíba (RS), Sul do Brasil

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    Guaíba lake, located near the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, is the main source of raw water for the nearby municipalities. In the last decades, the bottom sediment was exploited to provide sand to the region's construction market. However, the mining activity was paralyzed after complaints of environmental damage. Therefore, the continuity of the activity was conditioned to the previous Guaíba Lake zoning. The present study intends to contribute to this zoning proposal, structuring spatial information about Guaíba Lake and later, using InVEST ecosystem models - Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs to propose the modeling of distinct zoning scenarios for sand mining activity. The different scenarios considered, in different levels of restrictiveness, physical and environmental aspects of the lake. Points that attract human activities were inserted into the model as Hotspots. To evaluate the overlapping use, we obtained maps of the Frequency of Overlapping Use and Use Importance. In view of the developed scenarios, the areas with no restrictions and with lower degrees of importance for human activities were considered more suitable for mining activity. Scenario A, or Conservationist, presented mining restrictions in 76% of the study area. Scenario B, Developmental, resulted in 28% of mining restrictions. And, finally, Scenario C, Management, resulted in 50.1% of mining restriction. The results present in an integrated way the main aspects to be observed in the proposition of a mining zoning for Guaíba Lake, supporting the decision-making process.O Lago Guaíba, localizado na região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, é o principal manancial para os municípios próximos. Nas últimas décadas, o sedimento de fundo foi explorado para fornecimento de areia ao mercado de construção civil. No entanto, a atividade de mineração foi paralisada após denúncias de danos ambientais. Assim, a retomada da mineração ficou condicionada ao prévio zoneamento do Lago Guaíba. O presente estudo visa contribuir à proposição deste zoneamento, ao estruturar as informações espaciais sobre o Lago Guaíba e, posteriormente, utilizando o modelo ecossistêmico InVEST - Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs para propor a modelagem de diferentes cenários de zoneamento para mineração. Os diferentes cenários consideraram de forma mais ou menos restritiva aspectos físicos e ambientais do lago. Os pontos que notadamente atraem atividades humanas foram inseridos no modelo na forma de Hotspots. Para avaliação da sobreposição de usos, obteve-se mapas de Frequência de Sobreposição de Uso e de Importância de Usos. Frente aos cenários desenvolvidos, as áreas sem restrições e com menores graus de importância para as outras ações humanas foram consideradas mais aptas para a prática de mineração. O Cenário A, ou Conservacionista, apresentou restrições em 76% da área de estudo, o Cenário B, Desenvolvimentista, em 28% e o Cenário C, de Gestão, em 50,1%. Os resultados gerados apresentam, de forma integrada, os principais aspectos a serem observados na proposição de um zoneamento da mineração para o Lago Guaíba, podendo vir a auxiliar no processo de tomada de decisão