1,644 research outputs found

    Reducing the carbon footprint through textile reuse: the case study of a textile valuation company

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    After food, housing, and transport, textiles are the fourth most pressured category in terms of raw material and water use, and the fifth in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. In order to significantly reduce waste and the use of natural resources in the textile and clothing industry, and to reduce the environmental impact associated with the sector, thus contributing to sustainable development, there is a need to create business models based on the principles of circular economy, in which clothes, fabrics, and fibers re-enter the economy after their use. In environmental terms, we can say that reuse provides greater benefits than recycling because it reduces the impact generated by the life cycle of textiles, particularly in reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Currently, a few companies exist in the country to collect urban textile "waste" with the purpose of textile valuation. Ultriplo (U3) is a nationwide company that aims essentially at the valuation of collected textile waste by promoting reuse, contributing to sustainable development in its environmental, social, and economic dimensions. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the potential environmental benefits of reusing clothing at the end of product life, namely by reducing the carbon footprint associated with the textile industry. For this study, the company provided a database for the northern part of the country. The company's database is extensive and complex and can be described simplistically as a table that compiles and integrates all the information regarding all the textile collection routes. Furthermore, the database was limited to the first six months of the year 2021. In this study, only variables such as Id, Start, End, Schedule, Mileage (Km), Total Pickups, Contentores, Filing, Weighing, Id Contentor, Município, Filing contentor (%), and Weighing contentor (kg) were used. These variables were selected because they were required to evaluate the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) resulting from the textile reuse activity developed by U3. Each kilogram of clothing that is reused and not incinerated avoids the emission of 3.169 kg of CO2e, according to data from the European Commission. This value was used to acess the reduction in GHG emission reduction assessment methodology developed in this study. This methodology has allowed estimating the amount of CO2e not emitted to the atmosphere at the municipality scale. The results show that, for instance, for Santa Maria da Feira municipality, for the six months under study, a total of 330,61 tonnes of CO2e were not emitted to the atmosphere due to the total weight of clothes collected for reuse. The developed methodology has the potential to be replicated in other regions of the country

    Aspectos patológicos de mastocitomas cutâneos com metástases em cães

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    O mastocitoma é uma das neoplasias cutâneas mais frequentemente diagnosticadas em cães e possui comportamento biológico amplo, variando de tumores bem diferenciados a tumores com comportamento maligno e doença metastática disseminada. As principais localizações anatômicas das metástases em cães são pouco estudadas, principalmente devido à falta de realização de necropsia nesses casos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os principais sítios metastáticos de mastocitomas cutâneos caninos e descrever os aspectos macroscópicos e histológicos das metástases. Foi conduzido um estudo retrospectivo nos arquivos de necropsia do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul de Janeiro de 2008 a Março de 2020 em busca de casos de mastocitomas cutâneos com metástases em cães. No período de 12 anos foram detectados 49 casos, todos classificados como mastocitomas cutâneos de alto grau. Os principais sítios metastáticos relatados foram os linfonodos (47/49; 95,9%), seguidos do baço (33/49;67,3%), fígado (29/49; 59,2%), medula óssea (20/49; 40,8%), rim (16/49; 32,7%) e coração (14/49; 28,6%). Outras localizações incomuns incluíram os pulmões (9/49; 18,4%), glândulas adrenais (4/49; 8,2%), músculo esquelético (4/49; 8,2%), osso (3/49; 6,1%), bexiga (2/49; 4.1%), próstata (2/49; 4.1%), esôfago (2/49; 4.1%), intestino delgado (2/49; 4.1%) e palato mole (1/49; 2%). Macroscopicamente, os linfonodos afetados apresentavam, em todos os casos, leve a acentuado aumento de volume, frequentemente com perda de distinção corticomedular. O padrão de metástase esplênica foi predominantemente caracterizado por esplenomegalia (28/33; 84,8%), por vezes associado a nódulos (13/33; 39,4%) e áreas puntiformes brancas (4/33; 12,1%). Hepatomegalia foi a principal apresentação macroscópica de metástase hepática (28/29; 96,5%), associada a áreas puntiformes brancas (9/29; 31%) e nódulos (2/29; 6,9%). Metástases renais eram caracterizadas por nódulos unilaterais ou bilaterais (9/16; 56,3%), áreas puntiformes brancas (3/16; 18,8%) ou palidez difusa do parênquima (1/16; 6,3%). O coração exibia nódulos na superfície epicárdica (6/14; 42,9%), palidez difusa (2/14; 14,3%) ou múltiplas áreas brancas no miocárdio (1/14; 7,1%). Nódulos metastáticos pulmonares foram observados em dois casos, enquanto nos demais sete cães as lesões eram apenas microscópicas e envolviam os vasos dos septos alveolares. Histologicamente, os linfonodos apresentavam obliteração do parênquima por mastócitos neoplásicos, os quais também estavam presentes nos seios medulares. No baço, as células neoplásicas estavam dispersas no parênquima (16/33; 48,5%), formando nódulos (10/33; 30,3%) ou difusamente distribuídas (9/33; 27,3%). No fígado, os mastócitos estavam principalmente nos sinusoides (24/29; 82,8%), formavam nódulos (10/29; 34,5%) e ocupavam espaços periportais (5/29; 17,2%). Nos rins e no coração, metástases intersticiais e nodulares foram observadas. Todas os mastocitomas apresentaram marcação imuno-histoquímica positiva para proteína KIT, com padrão de marcação KIT III em 29 casos (59,2%) e KIT II em 20 casos (40,8%).Mast cell tumor (MCT) is one of the most common cutaneous neoplasms of dogs, and it has a variable biological behavior, ranging from well differentiated to more aggressive tumours with metastatic disease. Nonetheless, the main metastatic sites of MCT are poorly described because of the lack of necropsy in cases with MCT-related disease and death. This study aimed to evaluate the metastatic sites of canine MCT and describe the macroscopic and histologic aspects of the metastases. A retrospective study was performed using the necropsy database of the pathology laboratory of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul between January 2008 and March 2020 in search for cases of metastatic cutaneous MCTs. In the 12-year period, 49 cases were selected, and all tumours were classified as high-grade MCTs. The main metastatic sites were the lymph nodes (47/49; 95.9%), followed by spleen (33/49; 67.3%), liver (29/49; 59.2%), bone marrow (20/49; 40.8%), kidneys (16/49; 32.7%) and heart (14/49; 28.6%). Other sites included the lungs (9/49; 18.4%), adrenal glands (4/49; 8.2%), skeletal muscle (4/49; 8.2%), bone (3/49; 6.1%), urinary bladder (2/49; 4.1%), prostate gland (2/49; 4.1%), esophagus (2/49; 4.1%;), small intestine (2/49; 4.1%) and soft palate (1/49; 2%). Grossly, there was mild to severe lymphadenomegaly in all cases, which was frequently accompanied by loss of the nodal corticomedullary differentiation. Splenic metastases were mainly characterized by splenomegaly (28/33; 84.8%), occasionally associated with nodules (13/33; 39.4%) and white pinpoint areas (4/33; 12.1%). Hepatomegaly was the most common gross feature of hepatic metastasis (28/29; 96.5%) and was associated with white pinpoint foci (9/29; 31%) and nodular areas (2/29; 6.9%). Renal metastases were characterized by unilateral or bilateral nodules (9/16; 56.3%), white pinpoint areas (3/16; 18.8%) or pale discoloration of the parenchyma (1/16; 6.3%). The heart had nodules in the epicardial surface (6/14; 42.9%), pale myocardium (2/14; 14.3%) or multifocal white areas in the myocardium (1/15; 7.1%). The lungs had metastatic nodules in 2 dogs, while in the remaining cases there were only histologic lesions with neoplastic mast cells in the blood vessels of alveolar septa. Histologically, the lymph nodes were obliterated by neoplastic mast cells, which were also in the medullary sinus. In the spleen, neoplastic mast cells were multifocally scattered (16/33; 48.5%), arranged in nodules (10/33; 30.3%) or diffusely distributed (9/33; 27.3%). In the liver, neoplastic cells were mainly in the sinusoids (24/29; 82.8%), but also formed nodules (10/29; 34.5%) and were arranged in a periportal pattern (5/29; 17.2%). In the kidneys and heart, interstitial and nodular metastases were observed. All neoplasms had positive immunolabeling for KIT protein, with KIT III staining pattern in 29 cases (59.2%) and KIT II staining pattern in 20 cases (40.8%)

    Educational equity and social vulnerability in the territories: cases of Ceará State municipal networks in Fortaleza

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    The present article is an analysis about the association between educational equity in municipal public primary schools, herein called PS, in Ceará State and in Fortaleza City (more than 70% of school enrollments), and social vulnerability in their territories, between 2011 and 2017. The Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) by Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) [Applied Economics Research institute] was used in the study and schools were georeferenced. The concept of equity based on the poverty index model proposed by Foster, Greer and Thorbecke ( 1984) was operationalized in light of Crahay ( 2000) and Ribeiro ( 2014). Social markers, such as race/skin color, gender and economic class, were defined according to ‘Critério Brasil’ [Brazil Criterion]. All of them took into account students’ answers in questionnaires associated with ‘Prova Brasil’ [Brazil Test], and it allowed widening the sight over equity. It was possible concluding that equity was broadened in Ceará State, and that it has benefited social vulnerability zones in the territories, in a more remarkable way than in the Northeastern region and in Brazil. This trend also benefited traditionally disfavored social groups when social, gender and race/skin color markers were taken into account. Fortaleza shows signs of improved equity in high and low social vulnerability territories in comparison to the other Northeastern capitals.Este artigo analisa a relação entre a equidade educacional em escolas públicas municipais do ensino fundamental 1 do Estado do Ceará e do município de Fortaleza (mais de 70% das matrículas) e a vulnerabilidade social nos seus territórios, entre 2011 e 2017. Usou-se o Índice de Vulnerabilidade Social (IVS) do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) e georreferenciou-se as escolas. Com base no modelo do índice de pobreza proposto por Foster, Greer e Thorbecke ( 1984), operacionalizou-se o conceito de equidade à luz de Crahay ( 2000) e Ribeiro ( 2014). Marcadores sociais como raça/cor, gênero e classe econômica, nesse caso, definidas à luz do Critério Brasil, todos considerando as respostas dos alunos aos questionários associados à Prova Brasil, permitiram ampliar o olhar sobre a equidade. Concluiu-se que, no Estado do Ceará, houve ampliação da equidade, beneficiando também os territórios de vulnerabilidade social nos territórios, de forma mais intensa que no país e no Nordeste. Essa tendência beneficiou também grupos sociais tradicionalmente desfavorecidos, quando se observa os marcadores sociais gênero e raça/cor. Em comparação com outras capitais do Nordeste, Fortaleza denota melhora da equidade em territórios de alta e média vulnerabilidade social

    Aspectos clínicos e patológicos da hiperfosfatasemia progressiva associada à hepatopatia vacuolar e carcinoma hepatocelular em uma cadela da raça Scottish Terrier

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    Hyperphosphatasemia refers to an increase in alkaline phosphatase serum activity, and Scottish Terriers (STs) are predisposed to develop this condition of uncertain pathogenesis. This study describes a case of progressive hyperphosphatasemia with vacuolar hepatopathy and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a ST bitch. This dog had a five-year clinical follow-up with progressive hyperphosphatasemia (up to 5503 U/L) and with ultrasound findings and histologic diagnosis of vacuolar hepatopathy, in addition to posterior onset of HCC. A steroidogenic adrenal panel revealed an increase of adrenocortical hormones, especially progesterone and androstenedione, consistent with a subdiagnosed hypercortisolism. Euthanasia was elected and at necropsy, multinodular, yellow to red masses were observed in the liver, which were histologically and immunohistochemically defined as HCC. The association of the clinical, imaging, biochemical, adrenal panel and pathologic findings allowed to characterize and confirm a progressive disorder in this ST bitch associated with elevated adrenocortical hormones.Hiperfosfatasemia é o aumento sérico de fosfatase alcalina, sendo que Scorrish Terriers estão predispostos a desenvolverem essa condição de patogênese desconhecida. Este trabalho descreve um caso de hiperfosfatasemia progressiva com hepatopatia vacuolar e carcinoma hepatocelular em um canino da raça Scottish Terrier. Uma cadela Scottish Terrier foi acompanhada clinicamente por cinco anos devido à hiperfosfatasemia persistente (até 5503 U/L), com achados ultrassonográficos e histológicos compatíveis com hepatopatia vacuolar, além de posterior desenvolvimento de carcinoma hepatocelular. O painel esteroidogênico realizado indicou aumento dos hormônios adrenocorticais, principalmente progesterona e androstenediona, consistente com diagnóstico de hipercortisolismo subdiagnosticado “atípico”. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável, a eutanásia foi realizada e na necropsia, massas amarelas a vermelhas e multinodulares foram observadas no fígado, com diagnóstico de carcinoma hepatocelular pela análise histológica e imuno-histoquímica. A associação dos achados clínicos, de imagem, bioquímicos, do painel androgênico e patológicos permitiram caracterizar e confirmar um distúrbio progressivo no canino da raça Scottish Terrier associado ao aumento dos hormônios adrenocorticais

    Insuficiência renal aguda associada à intoxicação por picadas de abelhas em um cavalo

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    Bee envenomation is frequent in humans and dogs, but uncommon in horses. This study aimed to describe a case of acute renal failure following mass envenomation in a horse. A mare was attacked by a swarm of bees and showed reluctance to move, epistaxis, and dark-brown urine. Biochemical exams revealed increase in urea and creatine serum levels. The mare did not respond to treatment and euthanasia was elected after four days of clinical course. At the necropsy, there were multifocal pinpoint to elevated skin lesions associated with edema and hemorrhage, which extended to the subcutaneous tissue and skeletal muscle, and the kidneys were diffusely dark-brown and friable. Microscopically, renal tubules were distended and filled with an orange-red, hyaline globular material, and had severe epithelial tubular cell necrosis. The diagnosis was established based on clinical and histological analysis, and pathological evaluation was essential to confirm acute renal failure due to bee sting toxicity.Acidentes por picada de abelhas são frequentemente descritos em humanos e cães, entretanto relatos em cavalos são escassos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever um caso de insuficiência renal aguda em um equino após múltiplas picadas de abelhas. Uma égua foi atacada por um enxame de abelhas desenvolvendo quadro clínico de relutância em se movimentar, epistaxe e urina marrom-escura. Exames bioquímicos demonstraram aumento nos níveis séricos de ureia e creatina. O equino não respondeu ao tratamento e a eutanásia foi realizada após quatro dias de curso clínico. Na necropsia havia múltiplas elevações cutâneas, que ao corte exibiam edema e hemorragia, os quais se estendiam ao subcutâneo e musculatura adjacente. Os rins estavam difusamente marrom-escuros e havia friáveis. Microscopicamente, os túbulos renais estavam distendidos e preenchidos por um material hialino, globular, laranja-avermelhado e havia acentuada necrose das células epiteliais tubulares. O diagnóstico foi obtido por meio da análise clínica e histológica, e a avaliação patológica foi essencial para confirmar a insuficiência renal aguda por picada de abelha

    Importância relativa dos caracteres para diversidade da cultura do tomateiro

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    Seed collections are an alternative for conserving plant genetic resources. The characterization of plant species contained in the collections has been carried out with the help of tables of botanical, morphological, and agronomic descriptors, which are mainly used without parameters referring to their effective contribution to variability, causing an increase in time and labor in the characterization of plants. This study aimed to evaluate the relative importance of the morphoagronomic traits in 85 low-growing tomato accessions from the collection of the Federal University of Goiás and estimate the descriptors that most help in the dissimilarity of the accessions and thus remove the redundant descriptors. The experimental design consisted of three complete randomized blocks, 85 plots (each plot corresponding to a different accession), and 12 plants per plot. The evaluations used adapted morphological descriptors described in the MAPA guidelines for distinguishability, homogeneity, and stability trials. 56.4% of the selected morphoagronomic descriptors are essential in the characterization study since they significantly contribute to the discrimination of genetic divergence between low-growing tomato accessions. Discarding 43.6% of the descriptors does not cause loss of information, reduces costs, and streamlines the management of the classification of the collection.As coleções de sementes são uma alternativa para a conservação dos recursos genéticos vegetais. A caracterização das espécies vegetais contidas nas coleções vem sendo executada com ajuda de tabelas de descritores botânicos, morfológicos e agronômicos, que em sua maioria são utilizados sem parâmetros referentes a sua contribuição efetiva para a variabilidade, ocasionando aumento de tempo e mão-de-obra no momento da caracterização das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar a importância relativa dos caracteres morfoagronômicos em 85 acessos de tomate rasteiro da coleção da Universidade Federal de Goiás-UFG, bem como, estimar os descritores que mais auxiliam na dissimilaridade dos acessos e desta maneira retirar os descritores redundantes. O delineamento experimental foi constituído por 3 blocos completos casualizados, 85 parcelas (sendo cada parcela correspondendo a um acesso diferente) e 12 plantas por parcela. As avaliações utilizaram descritores morfológicos adaptados descritos nas orientações para execução dos ensaios de distinguibilidade, homogeneidade e estabilidade do MAPA. Dos descritores morfoagronômicos selecionados, 56,4% são essenciais no estudo de caracterização por apresentarem contribuições importantes na discriminação da divergência genética entre acessos do tomateiro rasteiro. O descarte de 43,6% dos descritores não ocasiona perda de informação, diminui os custos e dinamiza o manejo da classificação da coleção

    The efficacy of etodolac and ibuprofen, regarding gender, on pain, edema and trismus after impacted lower third molar surgery:a randomized prospective clinical split-mouth study

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    This study aimed to conduct a randomized prospective study about the efficacy of etodolac and ibuprofen on trismus, pain and edema regarding gender of patients submitted to impacted lower third molar teeth extraction. Thirty patients aging between 16 and 35 year-old were submitted to the exodontia of impacted lower third molars. During the postoperative period, patients received nine ibuprofen (600 mg) or etodolac (300 mg) pills via oral administration immediately after surgery and repeated doses every eight hours during three days. Patients were evaluated regarding pain, trismus and edema. Sixteen men and fourteen women participated of the study. No statistical difference was established regarding gender according to the evaluated parameters. However, etodolac use showed better results regarding pain, trismus and edema. Pain, edema and trismus after impacted third molars extraction were not influenced by gender

    Characterization and modeling of acid mine drainage in a highly acidic stream (Trimpancho Mining Complex, SW of Spain)

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    The Trimpancho mining complex is a group of abandoned mines affected by acid mine drainage. The present work was focused on studying the hydrochemical behavior of the receiving stream and the secondary phases associated with potential natural attenuation processes. The results indicate extreme acidity conditions, with pH in the range of 1,97 to 2,87. At the time of the sampling campaign, no clear spatial distinction was observed in relation to the different sources of acid mine drainage. Several secondary minerals were identified, mainly close to the waste dumps or suspended in the watercourse. Besides the ability to immobilize pollutants through precipitates, this abandoned area requires rehabilitation as it still has a high environmental risk of water contamination

    O sistema judicial e os desafios da complexidade social: novos caminhos para o recrutamento e a formação de magistrados

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    A crise económica e social que afecta os países em todo o mundo aprofundou a mudança do contexto social da acção dos tribunais, hoje, marcado por fenómenos como a despolitização da regulação social, o aumento das desigualdades sociais, a emergência de novos riscos públicos, a globalização das sociedades, a crescente confrontação entre o político e o poder judicial, a forte mediatização da justiça, a maior organização individual e colectiva e o maior activismo dos cidadãos, as alterações, quantitativas e qualitativas, na procura sociojurídica, que pressionam o sistema judiciário a aceitar novos desafios e a novas funções. Neste novo contexto, as profissões forenses e, de entre estas, as magistraturas, quer judicial, quer do Ministério Público sofrem, um pouco por todo o lado, processos de mudança e são vistas como motores essenciais para o sucesso das reformas legais e das transformações do sistema judicial (Santos et al., 1996; Garapon, 1998). Neste quadro, a formação dos magistrados assume uma importância central, não só no aumento da eficiência e qualidade do sistema judicial, mas, fundamentalmente, na sua renovação democrática no sentido de melhor responder aos desafios da sociedade e às expectativas dos cidadãos

    Interprofessional Education and Integration with Primary Care: A Systematic Review

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    Interprofessionalism encompasses teamwork, knowledge construction, open dialogue, and respect among the peculiarities related to professional practice. This study consists of a systematic review, structured by the P.V.O. is does Primary Health Care (V - variable), favor the development of interprofessionalism (O - outcomes), during the training of higher education health students (P - population). We used searches of the PubMed (United States National Library of Medicine Service) and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) databases with descriptors from the DeCS (Descriptors in Health Sciences) and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) platforms. The Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (MERSQI) was used to assess risk of bias and quality. After reading and analyzing the 15 selected articles, three categories emerged: "The dimensions of interprofessionalism in the strengthening of Primary Health Care"; "Interprofessionalism and the teaching-learning process in health"; "Perspectives for interprofessional training in higher education: challenges in implementation and possible solutions". Primary Health Care favors the development of interprofessionalism in many countries, especially in Brazil. However, it is up to the academic staff to use this strategy to advance interprofessional competencies in health education. It is indicated that more didactic-pedagogical resources on interprofessional education be developed and implemented, in such a way that Primary Care is the focal point for the development of interprofessionalism