84 research outputs found

    Enhanced Acoustic Transmission Into Dissipative Solid Materials Through The Use Of Inhomogeneous Plane Waves

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    A number of applications, for instance ultrasonic imaging and nondestructive testing, involve the transmission of acoustic energy across fluid–solid interfaces into dissipative solids. However, such transmission is generally hindered by the large impedance mismatch at the interface. In order to address this problem, inhomogeneous plane waves were investigated in this work for the purpose of improving the acoustic energy transmission. To this end, under the assumption of linear hysteretic damping, models for fluid–structure interaction were developed that allow for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous incident waves. For low-loss solids, the results reveal that, at the Rayleigh angle, a unique value of the wave inhomogeneity can be found which minimizes the reflection coefficient, and consequently maximizes the transmission. The results also reveal that with sufficient dissipation levels in the solid material, homogeneous incident waves yield lower reflection values than inhomogeneous waves, due to the large degrees of inhomogeneity inherent in the transmitted waves. Analytical conditions have also been derived which predict the dependence of the optimal incident wave type on the dissipation level and wave speeds in the solid medium. Finally, implications related to the use of acoustic beams of limited spatial extent are discussed

    Use of Evanescent Plane Waves for Low-Frequency Energy Transmission Across Material Interfaces

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    The transmission of sound across high-impedance difference interfaces, such as an air-water interface, is of significant interest for a number of applications. Sonic booms, for instance, may affect marine life, if incident on the ocean surface, or impact the integrity of existing structures, if incident on the ground surface. Reflection and refraction at the material interface, and the critical angle criteria, generally limit energy transmission into higher-impedance materials. However, in contrast with classical propagating waves, spatially decaying incident waves may transmit energy beyond the critical angle. The inclusion of a decaying component in the incident trace wavenumber yields a nonzero propagating component of the transmitted surface normal wavenumber, so energy propagates below the interface for all oblique incident angles. With the goal of investigating energy transmission using incident evanescent waves, a model for transmission across fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interfaces has been developed. Numerical results are shown for the air-water interface and for common air-solid interfaces. The effects of the incident wave parameters and interface material properties are also considered. For the air-solid interfaces, conditions can be found such that no reflected wave is generated, due to impedance matching among the incident and transmitted waves, which yields significant transmission increases over classical incident waves

    Developing an Electromechanical Carbon Dioxide Sensor for Occupancy Monitoring

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    The Energy Information Administration reported in 2012 that heating and cooling processes consume nearly 35% of the total energy used by commercial buildings. In an effort to limit the amount of energy wasted in conditioning empty buildings and rooms, various occupancy detection techniques have been developed that can be paired with a smart heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) control system. This work focused on the development of a novel carbon dioxide detector that is sensitive enough to accurately determine if, and when, a room is occupied. To test the new sensor design, a customized chamber with gas inlets was used to isolate the sensors in a controlled environment. The sensors were tested in this chamber alongside various commercial-off-the-shelf options for the purpose of both validating the developed sensors and observing if they exhibited increased sensitivity and selectivity over previous designs. Following these tests, the overall performance of the sensors was compared. The results of this comparison were subsequently used to assess the capabilities of the sensor designs and to identify areas for further improvement

    The Influence of Macroscale Stress Concentrations on the Near-Resonant Thermomechanics of Mock Energetic Materials

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    The characterization of particulate composite energetic materials, both with and without stress concentration, is currently of great interest to the defense community. This work seeks to further characterize the self-heating effect of composite energetic plates, particularly around regions of high stress, when subjected to harmonic excitation near resonance. Mock energetic plates with macroscale stress concentrations are prepared in various compositions based on the PBXN-109 formulation, and are tested near the first resonant frequency using an electrodynamic shaker. The resulting mechanical and thermal responses are recorded using a laser Doppler vibrometer and an infrared camera, respectively. Upon comparison between the regions of heightened strain and stress, a strong correlation was found between the respective areas of heightened response. Additionally, the effect of the type of stress concentration on the resulting levels of stress and strain is discussed. This characterization will aid the defense community in their mission to better understand particulate composite energetic materials

    The Construction of Acoustic Waveforms from Plane Wave Components to Enhance Energy Transmission into Solid Media

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    The transmission of acoustic energy into solid materials is of interest in a wide range of applications, including ultrasonic imaging and nondestructive testing. However, the large impedance mismatch at the solid interface generally limits the transmission of incident acoustic energy. With the goal of improving the fraction of the energy transmitted into solid materials, the use of various bounded spatial profiles, including commonly-employed forms, such as Gaussian distributions, as well as newly-constructed profiles, has been investigated. The spatial profile is specified as the pressure amplitude distribution of the incident wave. Bounded acoustic beams are represented here as sums of harmonic plane waves, and results obtained for the optimal parameters of incident plane wave components are used to inform the construction of bounded wave profiles. The effect of the form of the spatial profile is investigated, with the total energy carried by the incident wave held constant as the profile is varied, and the relationship with the plane wave components which superimpose to form the bounded wave is discussed. Direct comparisons are made for the efficiency of the energy transmission of different profiles. The results reveal that, by tuning the form of the profile, substantial improvements in the total energy transmission can be achieved as compared to Gaussian and square waveforms

    On The Use Of Evanescent Plane Waves For Low-Frequency Energy Transmission Across Material Interfaces

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    The transmission of airborne sound into high-impedance media is of interest in several applications. For example, sonic booms in the atmosphere may impact marine life when incident on the ocean surface, or affect the integrity of existing structures when incident on the ground. Transmission across high impedance-difference interfaces is generally limited by reflection and refraction at the surface, and by the critical angle criterion. However, spatially decaying incident waves, i.e., inhomogeneous or evanescent plane waves, may transmit energy above the critical angle, unlike homogeneous plane waves. The introduction of a decaying component to the incident trace wavenumber creates a nonzero propagating component of the transmitted normal wavenumber, so energy can be transmitted across the interface. A model of evanescent plane waves and their transmission across fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interfaces is developed here. Results are presented for both air-water and air-solid interfaces. The effects of the incident wave parameters (including the frequency, decay rate, and incidence angle) and the interfacial properties are investigated. Conditions for which there is no reflection at the air-solid interface, due to impedance matching between the incident and transmitted waves, are also considered and are found to yield substantial transmission increases over homogeneous incident waves

    The Influence of Thermal Conditions on the Thermomechanics of Particulate-Composite, Mock Explosive Samples under Near-Resonant Excitation

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    Vapor detection is one of the most effective ways to find hidden plastic-bonded explosives in the field today. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that providing near-resonant vibratory excitation to explosives dramatically increases their vapor pressure, allowing for easier detection. Unfortunately, there currently exists a limited understanding of the thermomechanics of energetic material. This study seeks to help fill this technical void by exploring the thermomechanics of mock plastic-bonded explosives using direct mechanical excitation with varying thermal conditions. Using two different ambient thermal boundary conditions (insulated geometric boundaries and boundaries with free convection), a 7 by 10 by 0.5 HTPB/Ammonium Chloride particulate-composite plate was tested by fixing it to an electrodynamic shaker and vibrating the sample at low frequencies (under 1000 Hz). Vibratory and thermal data was collected using a Polytec scanning laser Doppler vibrometer and a FLIR infrared camera. It was determined that insulating boundary conditions, allow the mock energetic material temperature to increase significantly as compared to the convective boundaries under near-resonant excitation. Future work will investigate alternate thermal boundary and initial conditions, as well as alternate mock energetic materials

    Low-Frequency Energy Transmission across Material Interfaces using Incident Evanescent Waves

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    Transmission of airborne sound into higher-impedance materials is of interest in a range of applications. Sonic booms, for example, may adversely affect marine life, if incident on the ocean surface, or may produce underground pressure waves potentially capable of impacting the integrity of existing structures, if incident on the ground surface. Energy transmission into higher-impedance materials is generally limited by significant reflection and refraction at the material interface, and by the critical angle criteria. However, unlike classical waves, spatially-decaying, or evanescent, incident waves can transmit energy at angles beyond the critical angle. When a decaying component is introduced into the incident trace wavenumber, the interaction at the interface produces a nonzero propagating component of the transmitted surface normal wavenumber, so energy is transmitted across the interface for all oblique incident angles. With the aim of investigating energy transmission using incident evanescent waves, a model for pressure and intensity transmission across the fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interfaces has been developed. Numerical results are given for common interfaces that include the air-water interface and typical air-solid interfaces, where the effects of the incident wave parameters and interface material properties are considered as well. For the air-solid interfaces, conditions can be tuned such that no reflected wave is generated at the interface, owing to impedance matching between the incident and transmitted waves, which yields considerable transmission increases over classical incident waves

    Stress and Energy Transmission by Inhomogeneous Plane Waves into Dissipative Media

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    The characteristics of sound transmission into real, or dissipative, media differ from those of transmission into lossless media. In particular, when a plane wave in a fluid is incident upon a real, dissipative elastic material, the transmitted waves are in general inhomogeneous, even when the incident wave is itself homogeneous and incident at a sub-critical angle; and more significantly, energy transmission occurs even above the critical angle. In addition, for any real incidence angle, the parameters of an incident inhomogeneous wave may be tuned so that there is no reflection from the surface of a viscoelastic solid. That phenomenon may be exploited in applications requiring energy transmission into solids. In this work, the transmission of incident inhomogeneous, as well as homogeneous, acoustic waves into solid materials is characterized; a hysteretic damping model is assumed. Numerical results are presented for the transmitted stress and energy distributions for typical solid materials, including polymer-based solids. The conditions for total transmission, i.e., no reflection at the interface, are explored, where the propagation angle, degree of inhomogeneity, and frequency of the incident wave are varied for a given material. These investigations show substantial transmission gains in the vicinity of the zero of the reflection coefficient, compared to homogeneous incident waves

    Thermal And Mechanical Response Of Particulate Composite Plates Under Inertial Excitation

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    The thermal and mechanical, near-resonant responses of particulate composite plates formed from hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) binder and varying volume ratios of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) particles (50, 65, 75%) are investigated. Each test specimen is clamped and forced with three levels of band-limited, white noise inertial excitation (10–1000 Hz at 1.00, 1.86 and 2.44 g RMS). The mechanical response of each plate is recorded via scanning laser Doppler vibrometry. The plates are then excited at a single resonant frequency and the thermal response is recorded via infrared thermography. Comparisons are made between the mechanical operational deflection shapes of each plate and spatial temperature distributions, with correlation seen between the observed level of strain, as visualized by strain energy density, and heat generation. The effect of particle/binder ratio on both the thermal and mechanical responses is discussed. Acquired results are also compared to an analytical model of the system. The observed thermomechanical effects render an improved understanding of the thermomechanics of plastic-bonded composites, an essential step in support of the development of new technologies for the vapor-based detection of hidden explosives
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