757 research outputs found

    Influence de la motivation sur l’apprentissage d’un système linéaire

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    Cette étude examine le rôle médiateur de la démarche cognitive, le niveau de motivation à la tâche et l’apprentissage qui en résulte. Quatre dimensions ont été considérées pour définir la motivation initiale : les attentes de réussite, l’anxiété, le défi et l’intérêt. L’analyse de ces dimensions a permis d’identifier trois profils motivationnels. Dans le premier profil qualifié de très motivé, les participants s’attendent à réussir. Intéressés, ils vivent leur défi avec peu d’anxiété. Dans le deuxième, les participants sont dits peu motivés ; leur niveau d’intérêt et d’attentes de réussite s’avère peu élevé. Quant au troisième profil, il est composé de participants qui présentent un faible sentiment de défi et un niveau d’anxiété élevé.This study focuses on the mediating role of the cognitive process, the level of on-task motivation and the learning resulting from it. Four dimensions were considered to define initial motivation : success expectations, anxiety, challenge, and interest. The analysis of these dimensions helped to identify three motivational profiles. In the first profile described as very motivated, the participants expect to succeed. They are interested and face challenges with little anxiety. In the second profile, the participants are known for having a low level of motivation ; their level of interest and success expectations proves to be relatively low. As for the third profile, it is composed of participants who do not feel very challenged and have a high level of anxiety.Este estudio analiza el papel mediador del enfoque cognitivo, el nivel de motivación a la tarea y el aprendizaje que de ello se deduce. Cuatro dimensiones han sido consideradas para definir la motivación inicial : las expectativas de logro, la ansiedad, el desafío y el interés. El análisis de esas dimensiones ha permitido identificar tres perfiles motivacionales. En el primer perfil, designado como motivación alta, los participantes tienen la expectativa de tener éxito.Interesados, viven su reto con poca ansiedad. En el secundo perfil, los participantes son considerados como poco motivados; su nivel de interés y de expectativas de logro es bajo. En cuanto al tercer perfil, está compuesto de participantes que presentan un bajo sentimiento de desafío y un nivel elevado de ansiedad.Diese Studie untersucht die Vermittlerrolle des Erkenntnisvorgangs, den Motivationsgrad bei der Ausführung einer Aufgabe und die Lehre, die sich daraus ergibt. Vier Dimensionen wurden berücksichtigt, um die Anfangsmotivation zu definieren : die Erfolgserwartungen, die Angst, die Herausforderung und das Interesse. Die Analyse dieser Dimensionen hat ermöglicht, drei Motivationsprofile zu identifizieren. Im ersten Profil, das als sehr motiviert qualifiziert ist, erwarten die Teilnehmer erfolgreich zu sein. Da sie interessiert sind, erleben sie eine Herausforderung mit wenig Angst. Im zweiten Profil, betrachtet man die Teilnehmer als wenig motiviert ; ihr Interessenniveau und ihre Erfolgserwartungen erweisen sich als niedrig. Das dritte Profil hingegen, besteht aus Teilnehmern die ein schwaches Herausforderungsgefühl und ein hohes Angstniveau darstellen


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    Despite strong interest in various research disciplines over two decades, adapting the \u27flow\u27 theory of Csikszentmihalyi to understand user behavior in information systems, existing literature shows high inconsistencies on both the conceptual and the methodological side. This paper addresses these inconsistencies by considering flow from the perspective of the conceptual and methodological status quo of research in psychology. Based on qualitative and quantitative data of 216 respondents, a consistent conceptualization and measurement of flow via the Flow Short Scale (FSS), which is utilized for the first time in the context of the web, is demonstrated and validated in a nomological network regarding website usage continuance intentions. Building upon this, a cross-section of activities on the web, whereat flow is experienced (flow activities), is collected and categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. Furthermore, the intensity of different aspects of the flow experience and potential for their improvement are disclosed. Looking ahead to the explanation of user behavior and implications for web design, the study makes suggestions for relevant further research

    You Cannot Have Your Cake and Eat It, too: How Induced Goal Conflicts Affect Complex Problem Solving

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    Managing multiple and conflicting goals is a demand typical to both everyday life and complex coordination tasks. Two experiments (N = 111) investigated how goal conflicts affect motivation and cognition in a complex problem- solving paradigm. In Experiment 1, participants dealt with a game-like computer simulation involving a predefined goal relation: Parallel goals were independent, mutually facilitating, or interfering with one another. As expected, goal conflicts entailed lowered motivation and wellbeing. Participants’ understanding of causal effects within the simulation was im- paired, too. Behavioral measures of subjects’ interventions support the idea of adaptive, self-regulatory processes: reduced action with growing awareness of the goal conflict and balanced goal pursuit. Experiment 2 endorses the hypotheses of motivation loss and reduced acquisition of system-related knowledge in an extended problem-solving paradigm of four conflicting goals. Impairing effects of goal interference on motivation and wellbeing were found, although less distinct and robust as in Experiment 1. Participants undertook fewer interventions in case of a goal conflict and acquired less knowledge about the system. Formal complexity due to the interconnectedness among goals is discussed as a limiting influence on inferring the problem structure

    Flow Experience in Information Systems Research: Revisiting its Conceptualization, Conditions, and Effects

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    Despite strong interest in Csikszentmihalyi’s flow theory to understand user behavior in information systems, existing literature shows significant inconsistencies on the conceptualization, conditions, and effect mechanisms of the flow construct. Reviewing extant literature in IS on the concept of flow, this paper discusses the most common theoretical and methodological shortcomings, drawing on current considerations of flow research in motivational psychology. We argue that widely proposed assumptions of IS flow research, such as the inclusion of intrinsic motivation and the exclusion of fluency to measure flow, the flow condition of balanced skills and demands, and the proposed direct effect of flow on continuance intention, should be revisited to fully account for the construct’s nature. Reconceptualizing and validating the flow construct for IS flow research, we show that flow does not substantially depend on balanced demands and skills and that the effect of flow on continuance intention is mediated by enjoyment

    Motivating children to learn effectively: exploring the value of intrinsic integration in educational games

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    The concept of intrinsic motivation lies at the heart of the user engagement created by digital games. Yet despite this, educational software has traditionally attempted to harness games as extrinsic motivation by using them as a sugar coating for learning content. This article tests the concept of intrinsic integration as a way of creating a more productive relationship between educational games and their learning content. Two studies assessed this approach by designing and evaluating an educational game called Zombie Division to teach mathematics to 7- to 11-year-olds. Study 1 examined the learning gains of 58 children who played either the intrinsic, extrinsic, or control variants of Zombie Division for 2 hr, supported by their classroom teacher. Study 2 compared time on task for the intrinsic and extrinsic variants of the game when 16 children had free choice of which game to play. The results showed that children learned more from the intrinsic version of the game under fixed time limits and spent 7 times longer playing it in free-time situations. Together, these studies offer evidence for the genuine value of an intrinsic approach for creating effective educational games. The theoretical and commercial implications of these findings are discussed

    Studien zur lehramtsbezogenen Berufswahlmotivation in schulpraktischen Ausbildungsphasen

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    Die kumulative Dissertation ist als Teil des Forschungsprojektes ESIS (Entwicklung Studierender in Schulpraktika) entstanden. In ESIS werden seit 2009 in mittlerweile sieben Studienanfängerkohorten des Lehramts-Bachelors Vollerhebungen der Lehramtsstudierenden zu sechs Messzeitpunkten rund um die zu absolvierenden, verpflichtenden Schulpraktika durchgeführt. Dabei spielten neben der Erforschung der Entwicklung Allgemeindidaktischer Kompetenzen der Probanden auch zahlreiche weitere Kompetenzfacetten, Einstellungen und Fähigkeitsüberzeugungen eine Rolle. Der Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit lag auf der Darstellung der Entwicklung der Berufswahlmotivation von Lehramtsstudierenden in schulpraktische Lehrveranstaltungen. Dabei wurde sowohl die Bedeutsamkeit von Berufswahlmotivation als Thema der Praktikumsforschung in den Blick genommen als auch die Einflüsse der schulpraktischen Lehrveranstaltungen auf Berufswahlmotivation und Zusammenhänge des Konstruktes mit dem Belastungserleben und den Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen der Studierenden untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass entgegen der bisherigen Grundannahme hoher Zeitstabilität von Berufswahlmotivation durchaus Veränderungen dieser motivationalen Facette stattfinden. Vor allem die extrinsische Motivation der Befragten Lehramtsstudierenden nahm im Studienverlauf ab, insbesondere, wenn die jeweiligen Schulpraktika mit einem erhöhten Arbeitsaufwand verbunden waren

    The adaptation of Flow Short Scale to Turkish: A validity and reliability studyFlow Yaşantısı Ölçeği Kısa Formunun Türkçeye uyarlama, geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Flow Short Scale that was developed by Rheinberg, Vollmeyer ve Engeser (2003) in Germany, for Turkey’s conditions. 222 university prep class students (124 female; 98 male) participated in the study. The validity of scale was investigated by construct and criterion related validity methods and the reliability analysis of the scale, measured by assessing the internal consistency parameter. The factor structure of the scale was investigated by exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results of the analysis showed that the factor structures of the scale, which has two complementary sub- scales (flow- anxiety), were similar with the original scale.  It is found that the adapted scales internal reliability co- efficient was .78. The foreign language achievement final points of the semester were used for the criterion validity. There was r=.21 correlation between flow experience and the language achievement final points and r=.34 correlation between anxiety and the language achievement final points (p<.01). The findings revealed that the Flow Short Scale was a reliable and valid instrument for measuring university students’ Flow Experiences by the foreign language lessons in prep- classes. ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı, Rheinberg, Vollmeyer ve Engeser (2003) tarafından geliştirilen Flow Yaşantısı Ölçeği Kısa Formu’nun (Flow Kurz Skala) Türkçeye uyarlama, geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmasını yapmaktır. Araştırmaya 124’ü kadın, 98’i erkek toplam 222 yabancı dil hazırlık sınıfı üniversite öğrencisi katılmıştır. Ölçeğin geçerliğine yapı geçerliği ve ölçüt bağlantılı geçerlik yaklaşımlarıyla bakılmıştır. Aracın güvenirliği ise iç tutarlık katsayısı hesaplanarak incelenmiştir. Ölçeğin basit ve kararlı bir yapıya sahip olup olmadığını anlamak için Açıklayıcı Faktör Analizi uygulanmıştır.  Analiz sonucunda, maddelerin ölçeğin orijinaline benzer şekilde flow ve kaygı yaşantısı boyutlarına yüklendiği görülmüştür. Aracın ölçüt bağıntılı geçerliliğini sınamak amacıyla, ölçek puanları cinsiyete göre karşılaştırılmış ve dönem sonu yabancı dil başarı puanları ile ölçek puanları arasındaki ilişkilere bakılmıştır. Sonuçta ölçek puanlarının cinsiyete göre farklılaşmadığı görülmekle birlikte, yabancı dil başarı puanlarının flow yaşantısı ile pozitif yünde (r=.21) ve kaygı ile negatif yönde (r=.34) düşük düzeyde anlamlı ilişkileri olduğu bulunmuştur. Ölçek maddelerinin tümüne ilişkin iç tutarlık katsayısı .78, flow yaşantısı puanları için .88 ve kaygı puanları için de .67 olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular, uyarlaması yapılan Flow Yaşantısı Ölçeği Kısa Formu’nun Türk kültüründe yabancı dil öğrenen üniversite öğrencilerinin öğrenme sürecindeki flow yaşantılarını ölçmek için kullanılabilecek bir araç olduğunu göstermektedir