304 research outputs found

    Revisiting the dynamic of Q-deformed logistic maps

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    We consider the logistic family and apply the qq-deformation ϕq(x)=1qx1q\phi_q(x)=\frac{1-q^x}{1-q}. We study the stability regions of the fixed points of the qq-deformed logistic map and the regions where the dynamic is complex through topological entropy and Lyapunov exponents. Our results show that the dynamic of this deformed family is richer than that of the qq-deformed family studied in [8].Comment: 23 pages, 52 figur

    Fractional-based iterative learning-optimal model predictive control of speed induction motor regulation for electric vehicles application

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    Introduction. A new control strategy based on the combination of optimal model predictive control (OMPC) with fractional iterative learning control (F-ILC) for speed regulation of an induction motor (IM) for electric vehicles (EVs) application is presented. OMPC uses predictive models to optimize speed control actions by considering the dynamic behavior of the IM, when integrated with the F-ILC, the system learns and refines the speed control iteratively based on previous iterations, adapting to the specific characteristics of the IM and improving performance over time. The synergy between OMPC and F-ILC named F-ILC-OMPC enhances the precision and adaptability of speed control for IMs in EVs application, and optimizes the energy efficiency and responsiveness under varying driving conditions. The novelty lies in the conjunction of the OMPC with the ILC-based on the fractional calculus to regulate the speed of IMs, which is original. Purpose. The new control strategy provides increased performance, robustness and adaptability to changing operational conditions. Methods. The mathematical development of a control law that mitigates the disturbance and achieves accurate and efficient speed regulation. The effectiveness of the suggested control strategy was assessed via simulations in MATLAB conducted on an IM system. Results. The results clearly show the benefits of the F-ILC-OMPC methodology in attaining accurate speed control, minimizing steady-state error and enhanced disturbance rejection. Practical value. The main perspective lies in the development of a speed control strategy for IMs for EVs and the establishment of reliable and efficient electrical systems using ILC-OMPC control. This research has the prospect of a subsequent implementation of these results in experimental prototypes. References 24, tables 2, figures 9.Вступ. Представлено нову стратегію керування, яка базується на поєднанні прогнозного керування оптимальною моделлю (OMPC) з дробовим ітеративним навчальним керуванням (F-ILC) для регулювання швидкості асинхронного двигуна (АД) для застосування в електромобілях. OMPC використовує прогнозні моделі для оптимізації дій керування швидкістю, враховуючи динамічну поведінку АД. При інтеграції з ILC на основі дробів система вивчає та вдосконалює керування швидкістю ітеративно на основі попередніх ітерацій, адаптуючись до конкретних характеристик АД та підвищення продуктивності з часом. Синергія між ОMPC і F-ILC під назвою F-ILC-OMPC підвищує точність і адаптивність регулювання швидкості для АД в електромобілях, а також оптимізує енергоефективність і чутливість за різних умов руху. Новизна полягає в поєднанні OMPC з ILC на основі дробового числення для регулювання швидкості АД, що є оригінальним. Призначення. Нова стратегія управління забезпечує підвищену продуктивність, надійність і адаптивність до мінливих умов експлуатації. Методи. Математичний розвиток закону керування, який пом’якшує збурення та досягає точного та ефективного регулювання швидкості. Ефективність запропонованої стратегії керування була оцінена за допомогою моделювання у MATLAB, проведеного на системі АД. Результати. Результати чітко показують переваги методології F-ILC-OMPC у досягненні точного контролю швидкості, мінімізації стаціонарної помилки та покращеного усунення перешкод. Практична цінність. Основна перспектива полягає в розробці стратегії регулювання швидкості АД для електромобілів і створення надійних і ефективних електричних систем з використанням керування ILC-OMPC. Дане дослідження має перспективу подальшого впровадження цих результатів в експериментальні прототипи. Бібл. 24, табл. 2, рис. 9

    Pathotypic diversity of Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem) in Tunisia

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    Scald, caused by Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem), is an important disease of barley in Tunisia particularly in northern, northwestern and central parts of the country where the climate is usually cold and wet during most of the barley growing season. Pathogenic variability of the barley scald pathogen in Tunisia was determined by testing the pathogenicity of 100 isolates from 5 different regions on 19 host differentials. Pathotypic diversity was high, with 93 R. secalis pathotypes identified on two differential sets (one comprising 9 and the other 10 barley lines) containing known resistance genes. A few pathotypes comprised 2% of the isolates; however, the majorities were represented by a single isolate. None of the differential lines was resistant to all isolates. The differential cultivar “Astrix” was the least compatible with the scald pathotypes followed by the differential cultivars “Atlas” and “Abyssinia”. Compatibility of the pathotypes on “Rihane” (69%) was close to that on “Osiris” (73%) and “La Mesita” (61%). None of the pathotypes was found in all the five regions of Tunisia surveyed. Some pathotypes were specific to a single region while others were found in several regions. The incidence of pathotypes varied considerably among regions, with region 3 (northwestern Tunisia) comprising the largest number of pathotypes. Virulent pathotypes were recovered in all regions but more pathotypic variability (44%) was observed in the semi-arid region 3. Differential cultivars allowed classification of R. secalis in four virulence groups. Canonical discriminant analysis showed no apparent association between virulence and geographical origin of the populations. Pathogenic variability in R. secalis in Tunisia was found not to be associated with geographical region, hence, the necessity for deployment of different resistance sources in major barley growing areas.Key words: Rhynchosporium secalis, barley, virulence groups, pathotypic variation

    Power quality enhancement using active power filter five-level cascade H-bridge under unbalanced and distorted grid

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    Introduction. To improve the power quality of a supply system, the total harmonic distortion (THD) is the most important parameter in the quantification of harmonics caused by nonlinear loads. In practice, it must be less than 5 %. The novelty of the proposed work consists in the use of a cascaded five level active filter, when the converter consisting of six H-bridge pairs, each one includes four transistors. Purpose. To increase the efficiency of this filter, two techniques for quantification of harmonic currents are proposed, first the PQ-theory which is simple but can only be used in case of a balanced grid, and second the synchronous reference frame theory (SFR-theory), which is capable of creating harmonic current not only in an unbalanced grid, but also in an unbalanced and distorted beam. Methods. Using the control techniques, the harmonic current is extracted from load current and considered as a reference. The constructed current should follow this reference. Results. The estimation of the active and reactive powers is based on the measurement of the currents crossing the load and the network voltages, these powers are used to determine the shape of the harmonic (reference) current. Using the PI regulator, the output current of the five-level inverter follows the reference current perfectly. The inverters output current is injected into the grid to eliminate harmonic currents. Practical value. In practice, the harmonic distortion rate THD is the most widely used criterion for criticizing the waveform of the currents and judging the quality of the energy involved. For currents on the source side, the THD is considered acceptable if it is less than 5 %, in our proposal the THD is 0.85 % with the PQ-theory and 2.34 % with SFR-theory, so it is optimal.Вступ. Для поліпшення якості електроенергії у системі електропостачання загальне гармонічне спотворення (ЗГС) є найважливішим параметром кількісної оцінки гармонік, викликаних нелінійними навантаженнями. На практиці вона має бути меншою за 5 %. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у використанні каскадного п’ятирівневого активного фільтра, коли перетворювач складається з шести пар Н-мостів, кожна з яких включає чотири транзистора. Мета. Щоб підвищити ефективність цього фільтра, пропонуються два методи кількісного визначення гармонійних струмів: по-перше, PQ-теорія, яка проста, але може використовуватися лише у разі збалансованої сітки, і, по-друге, теорія синхронної системи відліку (теорія SFR). , який здатний створювати гармонійний струм не тільки в несиметричній сітці, а й у несиметричному та спотвореному пучку. Методи. Використовуючи методи управління, гармонійний струм витягується зі струму навантаження і розглядається як опорний. Побудований струм повинен слідувати за цим посиланням. Результати. Оцінка активної та реактивної потужностей заснована на вимірюванні струмів, що проходять через навантаження, та мережевих напруг, за цими потужностями визначається форма гармонійного (опорного) струму. При використанні ПІ-регулятора вихідний струм п’ятирівневого інвертора точно відповідає опорному струму. Вихідний струм інвертора подається до мережі для усунення гармонійних струмів. Практична цінність. Насправді коефіцієнт гармонійних спотворень ЗГС є найбільш широко використовуваним критерієм для критики форми хвилі струмів та оцінки якості задіяної енергії. Для струмів на стороні джерела ЗГС вважається прийнятним, якщо він менше 5 %, за нашою пропозицією ЗГС становить 0,85 % з PQ-теорією і 2,34 % з SFR-теорією, тому він є оптимальним

    Effects of nitrogen rates on grain yield and nitrogen agronomic efficiency of durum wheat genotypes under different environments

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    Durum wheat is an important staple food crop in Tunisia and other Mediterranean countries and is grown in various climatic conditions. Production and yield are however severely limited not only by drought events but also by reduced levels of nitrogen fertilisation. A study was carried out at two locations in the sub-humid area of Tunisia: Mateur in 2009–10 and 2010–11 and Beja in 2011–12 and 2012–13 under rainfed conditions. Four durum wheat genotypes (landraces: Bidi, Azizi; improved: Om Rabia, Khiar) were evaluated for nitrogen agronomic efficiency and related agronomic traits under various nitrogen rates: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kgNha−1, with three replications. There was a significant interaction effect (P ≤ 0.001) environments × genotypes ×N treatments for grain yield (GY), biomass yield (BY), harvest index (HI), partial factor productivity of applied nitrogen (PFPN) and nitrogen agronomic use efficiencies (NAE). GY was the most affected trait by nitrogen applied showing an increase of 94% under high N treatment (250 kgNha−1) compared to control plots without N treatments. A significant linear regression exists between GY (0 N) and GY for the different N rates (r =0.70; P < 0.001). This effect was more pronounced for improved genotypes than landraces for all parameters excepting BY and NAEBY. BY showed +11% increase in landraces than improved genotypes. PFPN showed an average decrease of 65% under high-N fertilisation with 10% prevalence for improved genotypes. Landraces tend to promote vegetative growth while grain filling efficiency was higher for improved genotype

    Comportement agronomique d'une collection de pois (Pisum sativum L)

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    Agronomical Behaviour of a Pea Collection (Pisum sativum L.). This experience was achieved under greenhouse conditions. Twelve genotypes of pea were used (Asgrow, Jumbo, Lincoln, Merveille de Kelvedon, Purser, Rajai Torpe, Snajor Kosep, Korai,Wando, Rondo, local genotype, Major Kosep Korai and Surgevil). They were cultivated on peat during 5.5 months (from October to April). Some agronomical parameters were studied: resistance to diseases, (Powdery-mildew, mildew, top yellow virus, anthracnose, browning), fresh matter, number of branches/plant, number of flowers/plant, number of pods/ plant and the yield of grains /plant. Results showed that only the genotype Purser is resistant to all diseases and Surgevil is sensitive only to the Top Yellow virus. The local genotype is sensitive to three frequent diseases (Powdery-mildew, mildew and Anthracnose). With regard to vegetative growth, the highest yield of fresh matter do not contribute towards a high fertility rate. In fact, only the genotypes having a weak yield of fresh matter (Snajor Kosep Korai, Asgrow, Major Kosep Korai, Rajai Torpe and Purser) have the most important rate of fertility (&gt; 30%). Within this group, the most important yield (&gt; 9 g/plant) is a result of high: number of pods/plant (7.5 to 21.6) and of grains/pod (2.8 to 4.92). Finally, genotype Purser should be retained for farmers and programs of genetic amelioration for its resistance to diseases and agronomical performances

    Review of building energy performance certification schemes towards future improvement

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    The building sector accounts for 40% of the total energy consumption in the EU. It faces great challenges to meet the goal of transforming the existing building stocks into near zero-energy buildings by 2050. The development of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) schemes in the EU provides a powerful and comprehensive information tool to quantitatively predict annual energy demand from the building stock, creating a demand-driven market for energy-effective buildings. Properties with improved energy rating have had a positive impact on property investments and rental return because of the reduced energy bills. In addition, the EPC databases have been applied to energy planning and building renovations. However, it should be mentioned that the current evaluation system faces problems, such as not being fully implemented, delivering low quality and insufficient information to stimulate renovation, therefore requiring improvements to be made. This paper provides a review of the current EPC situations in the EU and discusses the direction of future improvements. The next generation EPC should rely on BIM technology, benefit from big data techniques and use building smart-readiness indicators to create a more reliable, affordable, comprehensive and customer-tailored instrument, which could better represent energy efficiency, together with occupants’ perceived comfort, and air quality. Improved EPC schemes are expected to play an active role in monitoring building performance, future energy planning and quantifying building renovation rates, promoting energy conservation and sustainability