16 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Impact of Incorporating Wind Energy on the Electric Grid

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    We investigate the impact of increasing the penetration of wind generation with real variability on the risk to, and robustness of, the power transmission grid using a dynamic model of the power transmission system (OPA). It is found that with different fractions and distributions of wind generation and central generation, varied dynamics and risk are possible. An important parameter is the fraction of the total power demand supplied by the wind generation. It is found that the risk has a minimum in fraction of wind power supplied, after which the risk increased as the wind penetration increases. Decreasing the number of central generators without decreasing their power supplied in general increases the risk after a critical minimum number of generators is reached

    Progress in the modelling of 3-D effects on MHD stability with the PB3D numerical code and implications for ITER

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    IntroductionThe theory of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is valuable because it leads to baseline considerations for toroidal magnetic configurations, even when the parameter ranges in which these configurations are situated often don’t strictly satisfy the assumptions behind the MHD theory. The reason for this lies in the strong anisotropy of these configurations, where the dynamics perpendicular to the magnetic field lines is often indeed well-described by the theory, even though the direction parallel to the magneticfield lines is not. This work is situated in the study of fluted or high-n modes, which are normal modes that fit in the theory of MHD stability, that show very fast variation accross the magnetic field lines, as compared to the behavior along them. High-n MHD stability is important by itself as it can describe phenomena that are known to be important for the current and next generation of nuclear fusion devices, such as ELMs, which can be interpreted as due to two types of high-n instabilities: ballooning modes and peeling modes. In the view of studying these phenomena in enough detail, the two ingredients that this work combines within the world of high-n stability are the inclusion of a possible vacuum perturbation,which is necessary for peeling modes to exist in the absence of resistivity; and the correct treatment of 3-D effects, which are important not only for stellarators, but also for tokamaks. An example thereof can be found in the well-known consequences that toroidal field (TF) ripples can have on confinement [Sai+07; Wey+17]; but also in the application of resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) coils to control ELMs by destabilizing them [Eva+06]. After briefly summarizing the theory of ideal linear 3-D MHDstability and the advancements of the PB3D (Peeling-Ballooning in 3-D) code over the past year in 2, this work then treats its application to the study of 3-D ballooning stability when applying RMPs in tokamaksin 3 and 4. Finally, in section 5, conclusions are phrased as well as the plans for future work

    Progress in the modelling of 3-D effects on MHD stability with the PB3D numerical code and implications for ITER

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    Introduction\u3cbr/\u3eThe theory of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is valuable because it leads to baseline considerations for toroidal magnetic configurations, even when the parameter ranges in which these configurations are situated often don’t strictly satisfy the assumptions behind the MHD theory. The reason for this lies in the strong anisotropy of these configurations, where the dynamics perpendicular to the magnetic field lines is often indeed well-described by the theory, even though the direction parallel to the magnetic\u3cbr/\u3efield lines is not. This work is situated in the study of fluted or high-n modes, which are normal modes that fit in the theory of MHD stability, that show very fast variation accross the magnetic field lines, as compared to the behavior along them. High-n MHD stability is important by itself as it can describe phenomena that are known to be important for the current and next generation of nuclear fusion devices, such as ELMs, which can be interpreted as due to two types of high-n instabilities: ballooning modes and peeling modes. In the view of studying these phenomena in enough detail, the two ingredients that this work combines within the world of high-n stability are the inclusion of a possible vacuum perturbation,\u3cbr/\u3ewhich is necessary for peeling modes to exist in the absence of resistivity; and the correct treatment of 3-D effects, which are important not only for stellarators, but also for tokamaks. An example thereof can be found in the well-known consequences that toroidal field (TF) ripples can have on confinement [Sai+07; Wey+17]; but also in the application of resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) coils to control ELMs by destabilizing them [Eva+06]. After briefly summarizing the theory of ideal linear 3-D MHD\u3cbr/\u3estability and the advancements of the PB3D (Peeling-Ballooning in 3-D) code over the past year in 2, this work then treats its application to the study of 3-D ballooning stability when applying RMPs in tokamaks\u3cbr/\u3ein 3 and 4. Finally, in section 5, conclusions are phrased as well as the plans for future work

    Fourier signature of filamentary vorticity structures in two-dimensional turbulence

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    It is shown that coherent regions of isotropic two-dimensional (2D) turbulence can be clearly identified in the phase part of the Fourier spectrum. Certain spectral phase events are particularly prominent, and are much stronger in the range of wave numbers corresponding to the dissipation range. It is shown that these events are associated with spatially localized filamentary structures in the 2D vorticity field that historically have been related to the intermittency of dissipation. The identified phase signature provides a particularly transparent diagnostic of the temporal evolution of the coherent coupling of disparate scales in anisostropic intermittent dissipative events. These results open the possibility of using the phase of the Fourier transform as a new turbulence diagnostic that identifies and quantitatively characterizes details pertaining to dissipative events

    Progress in the modelling of 3-D effects on MHD stability with the PB3D numerical code and implications for ITER

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    Introduction The theory of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is valuable because it leads to baseline considerations for toroidal magnetic configurations, even when the parameter ranges in which these configurations are situated often don’t strictly satisfy the assumptions behind the MHD theory. The reason for this lies in the strong anisotropy of these configurations, where the dynamics perpendicular to the magnetic field lines is often indeed well-described by the theory, even though the direction parallel to the magnetic field lines is not. This work is situated in the study of fluted or high-n modes, which are normal modes that fit in the theory of MHD stability, that show very fast variation accross the magnetic field lines, as compared to the behavior along them. High-n MHD stability is important by itself as it can describe phenomena that are known to be important for the current and next generation of nuclear fusion devices, such as ELMs, which can be interpreted as due to two types of high-n instabilities: ballooning modes and peeling modes. In the view of studying these phenomena in enough detail, the two ingredients that this work combines within the world of high-n stability are the inclusion of a possible vacuum perturbation, which is necessary for peeling modes to exist in the absence of resistivity; and the correct treatment of 3-D effects, which are important not only for stellarators, but also for tokamaks. An example thereof can be found in the well-known consequences that toroidal field (TF) ripples can have on confinement [Sai+07; Wey+17]; but also in the application of resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) coils to control ELMs by destabilizing them [Eva+06]. After briefly summarizing the theory of ideal linear 3-D MHD stability and the advancements of the PB3D (Peeling-Ballooning in 3-D) code over the past year in 2, this work then treats its application to the study of 3-D ballooning stability when applying RMPs in tokamaks in 3 and 4. Finally, in section 5, conclusions are phrased as well as the plans for future work

    Extension of the SIESTA MHD equilibrium code to free-plasma-boundary problems

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    is a recently developed MHD equilibrium code designed to perform fast and accurate calculations of ideal MHD equilibria for three-dimensional magnetic configurations. Since SIESTA does not assume closed magnetic surfaces, the solution can exhibit magnetic islands and stochastic regions. In its original implementation SIESTA addressed only fixed-boundary problems. That is, the shape of the plasma edge, assumed to be a magnetic surface, was kept fixed as the solution iteratively converges to equilibrium. This condition somewhat restricts the possible applications of SIESTA. In this paper, we discuss an extension that will enable SIESTA to address free-plasma-boundary problems, opening up the possibility of investigating problems in which the plasma boundary is perturbed either externally or internally. As an illustration, SIESTA is applied to a configuration of the W7-X stellarator.This research was funded in part by the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad of Spain, Grant No. ENE2015-68265. This research was carried out in part at the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald (Germany), whose hospitality is gratefully acknowledged. This research was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences under Award DE-AC05-00OR22725. SIESTA runs have been carred out in Uranus, a supercomputer cluster located at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and funded jointly by the European Regional Development Funds (EU-FEDER) Project No. UNC313-4E-2361, and by the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad via the National Project Nos. ENE2009-12213-C03-03, ENE2012-33219, and ENE2012-31753