650 research outputs found

    Fragmentary worlds: Unnatural perceptions of and responses to severe weather by people with sensory/mobility impairments.

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    This study is the first to investigate how people with disabilities perceive and respond to severe weather alerts. Their unfortunate experiences, underscored by the Indian Ocean monster tsunami in 2004 and hurricane Katrina in 2005 reinforced the need to further understand the manner in which people with sensory/physical impairments perceive and respond to severe weather warnings. In this dissertation I argue that people with sensory/physical impairments often demonstrate an unnatural quality to 'natural' hazards in their approach and behavior to severe weather. In order to achieve this objective I use a methodology first developed and implemented by Zimmerman and Wieder (1977), the Diary: Diary-Interview Method, to examine these unnatural personal experiences of 5 research subjects with diverse sensory and physical impairments, between the ages of 24 and 60, during the Spring and Summer months of 2005 and 2006. These experiences are then compared to the experiences of a able-bodied control group. Analysis of the data reveals that a lack of social capital suggests an unnatural hazards component when severe weather events threaten. However, participants with access to social capital exhibit a commonalty with able-bodied participants and demonstrate natural circumstances when dealing with severe weather events. Following this evidence, I conclude from the results of the research that social capital is a necessity for people with sensory and/or physical impairments, and this evidence should be accounted for when considering the theory of unnatural hazards.Key words: people with sensory/physical disabilities, natural/unnatural hazards, personal experiences

    Validation of time-dependent shift using the pulsed sphere benchmarks

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    The detailed behavior of neutrons in a rapidly changing time-dependent physical system is a challenging computational physics problem, particularly when using Monte Carlo methods on heterogeneous high-performance computing architectures. A small number of algorithms and code implementations have been shown to be performant for time-independent (fixed source and k-eigenvalue) Monte Carlo, and there are existing simulation tools that successfully solve the time-dependent Monte Carlo problem on smaller computing platforms. To bridge this gap, a time-dependent version of ORNL’s Shift code has been recently developed. Shift’s history-based algorithm on CPUs, and its event-based algorithm on GPUs, have both been observed to scale well to very large numbers of processors, which motivated the extension of this code to solve time-dependent problems. The validation of this new capability requires a comparison with time-dependent neutron experiments. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) pulsed sphere benchmark experiments were simulated in Shift to validate both the time-independent as well as new time-dependent features recently incorporated into Shift. A suite of pulsed-sphere models was simulated using Shift and compared to the available experimental data and simulations with MCNP. Overall results indicate that Shift accurately simulates the pulsed sphere benchmarks, and that the new time-dependent modifications of Shift are working as intended. Validated exascale neutron transport codes are essential for a wide variety of future multiphysics applications

    MyD88 in lung resident cells governs airway inflammatory and pulmonary function responses to organic dust treatment.

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    Inhalation of organic dusts within agriculture environments contributes to the development and/or severity of airway diseases, including asthma and chronic bronchitis. MyD88 KO (knockout) mice are nearly completely protected against the inflammatory and bronchoconstriction effects induced by acute organic dust extract (ODE) treatments. However, the contribution of MyD88 in lung epithelial cell responses remains unclear. In the present study, we first addressed whether ODE-induced changes in epithelial cell responses were MyD88-dependent by quantitating ciliary beat frequency and cell migration following wounding by electric cell-substrate impedance sensing. We demonstrate that the normative ciliary beat slowing response to ODE is delayed in MyD88 KO tracheal epithelial cells as compared to wild type (WT) control. Similarly, the normative ODE-induced slowing of cell migration in response to wound repair was aberrant in MyD88 KO cells. Next, we created MyD88 bone marrow chimera mice to investigate the relative contribution of MyD88-dependent signaling in lung resident (predominately epithelial cells) versus hematopoietic cells. Importantly, we demonstrate that ODE-induced airway hyperresponsiveness is MyD88-dependent in lung resident cells, whereas MyD88 action in hematopoietic cells is mainly responsible for ODE-induced TNF-α release. MyD88 signaling in lung resident and hematopoietic cells are necessary for ODE-induced IL-6 and neutrophil chemoattractant (CXCL1 and CXCL2) release and neutrophil influx. Collectively, these findings underscore an important role for MyD88 in lung resident cells for regulating ciliary motility, wound repair and inflammatory responses to ODE, and moreover, show that airway hyperresponsiveness appears uncoupled from airway inflammatory consequences to organic dust challenge in terms of MyD88 involvement

    Lrg1 Regulates β (1, 3)-Glucan Masking in Candida albicans through the Cek1 MAP Kinase Pathway

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    Candida albicans is among the most prevalent opportunistic human fungal pathogens. The ability to mask the immunogenic polysaccharide β (1,3)-glucan from immune detection via a layer of mannosylated proteins is a key virulence factor of C. albicans. We previously reported that hyperactivation of the Cek1 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway promotes β (1,3)-glucan exposure. In this communication, we report a novel upstream regulator of Cek1 activation and characterize the impact of Cek1 activity on fungal virulence. Lrg1 encodes a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) that has been suggested to inhibit the GTPase Rho1. We found that disruption of LRG1 causes Cek1 hyperactivation and β (1,3)-glucan unmasking. However, when GTPase activation was measured for a panel of GTPases, the lrg1ΔΔ mutant exhibited increased activation of Cdc42 and Ras1 but not Rho1 or Rac1. Unmasking and Cek1 activation in the lrg1ΔΔ mutant can be blocked by inhibition of the Ste11 MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK), indicating that the lrg1ΔΔ mutant acts through the canonical Cek1 MAP kinase cascade. In order to determine how Cek1 hyperactivation specifically impacts virulence, a doxycycline-repressible hyperactive STE11ΔN467 allele was expressed in C. albicans. In the absence of doxycycline, this allele overexpressed STE11ΔN467, which induced production of proinflammatory tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) from murine macrophages. This in vitrophenotype correlates with decreased colonization and virulence in a mouse model of systemic infection. The mechanism by which Ste11ΔN467 causes unmasking was explored with RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis. Overexpression of Ste11ΔN467 caused upregulation of the Cph1 transcription factor and of a group of cell wall-modifying proteins which are predicted to impact cell wall architecture

    SB-224289 Antagonizes the Antifungal Mechanism of the Marine Depsipeptide Papuamide A

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    In order to expand the repertoire of antifungal compounds a novel, high-throughput phenotypic drug screen targeting fungal phosphatidylserine (PS) synthase (Cho1p) was developed based on antagonism of the toxin papuamide A (Pap-A). Pap-A is a cyclic depsipeptide that binds to PS in the membrane of wild-type Candida albicans, and permeabilizes its plasma membrane, ultimately causing cell death. Organisms with a homozygous deletion of the CHO1 gene (cho1ΔΔ) do not produce PS and are able to survive in the presence of Pap-A. Using this phenotype (i.e. resistance to Pap-A) as an indicator of Cho1p inhibition, we screened over 5,600 small molecules for Pap-A resistance and identified SB-224289 as a positive hit. SB-224289, previously reported as a selective human 5-HT1B receptor antagonist, also confers resistance to the similar toxin theopapuamide (TPap-A), but not to other cytotoxic depsipeptides tested. Structurally similar molecules and truncated variants of SB-224289 do not confer resistance to Pap-A, suggesting that the toxin-blocking ability of SB-224289 is very specific. Further biochemical characterization revealed that SB-224289 does not inhibit Cho1p, indicating that Pap-A resistance is conferred by another undetermined mechanism. Although the mode of resistance is unclear, interaction between SB-224289 and Pap-A or TPap-A suggests this screening assay could be adapted for discovering other compounds which could antagonize the effects of other environmentally- or medically-relevant depsipeptide toxins

    Autonomic Nervous System Function Following Prenatal Opiate Exposure

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    In utero exposure to opiates may affect autonomic functioning of the fetus and newborn. We investigated heart rate variability (HRV) as a measure of autonomic stability in prenatal opiate-exposed neonates (n = 14) and in control term infants (n = 10). Electrocardiographic data during both non-nutritive and nutritive sucking were evaluated for RR intervals, heart rate (HR), standard deviation of the consecutive RR intervals (SDRR), standard deviation of the differences of consecutive RR intervals (SDDRR), and the power spectral densities in low and high frequency bands. In controls, mean HR increased significantly, 143-161 per min (p = 0.002), with a trend toward a decrease in RR intervals from non-nutritive to nutritive sucking; these measures did not change significantly among exposed infants. Compared to controls, exposed infants demonstrated significantly greater HRV or greater mean SDRR and SDDRR during non-nutritive period (p \u3c 0.01), greater mean SDDRR during nutritive sucking (p = 0.02), and higher powers in the low and high frequency bands during nutritive feedings. Our findings suggest that prenatal opiate exposure may be associated with changes in autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning involving both sympathetic and parasympathetic branches. Future studies are needed to examine the effects of prenatal opiate exposure on ANS function

    Dimensions of biodiversity in Chesapeake Bay demersal fishes: patterns and drivers through space and time

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    Biodiversity has typically been described in terms of species richness and composition, but theory and growing empirical evidence indicate that the diversity of functional traits, the breadth of evolutionary relationships, and the equitability with which individuals or biomass are distributed among species better characterize patterns and processes within ecosystems. Yet, the advantages of including such data come at the expense of measuring traits, sequencing genes, and counting or weighing individuals, and it remains unclear whether this greater resolution yields substantial benefits in describing diversity. We summarized a decade of high-resolution trawl data from a bimonthly trawl survey to investigate spatial and seasonal patterns of demersal fish diversity in the Chesapeake Bay, USA, with the goal of identifying areas and times of mismatch between different dimensions of diversity, and their response to environmental forcing. We found moderate to strong positive relationships among all metrics of diversity, and that functional and phylogenetic differences were well-reflected in an index derived from taxonomic (Linnaean) hierarchy. Compared with species richness and species diversity, functional, phylogenetic, and taxonomic indices peaked later in the year, which was a consequence of the distribution of biomass among functionally and evolutionarily divergent species. Generalized additive models revealed that spatial, temporal, and environmental variables explained roughly similar proportions of deviance across all aspects of diversity, suggesting that these three factors do not differentially affect the functional and phylogenetic aspects of community structure. We conclude that an index of diversity derived from taxonomic hierarchy served well as a practical surrogate for functional and phylogenetic diversity of the demersal fish community in this system. We also emphasize the importance of evenness in understanding diversity patterns, especially since most ecological communities in nature are dominated by one or few species

    High resolution sequencing of hepatitis C virus reveals limited intra-hepatic compartmentalization in end-stage liver disease

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    Background & Aims The high replication and mutation rate of hepatitis C virus (HCV) results in a heterogeneous population of viral sequences in vivo. HCV replicates in the liver and infected hepatocytes occur as foci surrounded by uninfected cells that may promote compartmentalization of viral variants. Given recent reports showing interferon stimulated gene (ISG) expression in chronic hepatitis C, we hypothesized that local interferon responses may limit HCV replication and evolution. Methods To investigate the spatial influence of liver architecture on viral replication we measured HCV RNA and ISG mRNA from each of the 8 Couinaud segments of the liver from 21 patients undergoing liver transplant. Results HCV RNA and ISG mRNA levels were comparable across all sites from an individual liver but showed up to 500-fold difference between patients. Importantly, there was no association between ISG and HCV RNA expression across all sites in the liver or plasma. Deep sequencing of HCV RNA isolated from the 8 hepatic sites from two subjects showed a similar distribution of viral quasispecies across the liver and uniform sequence diversity. Single genome amplification of HCV E1E2-envelope clones from 6 selected patients at 2 hepatic sites supported these data and showed no evidence for HCV compartmentalization. Conclusions We found no differences between the hepatic and plasma viral quasispecies in all patients sampled. We conclude that in end-stage liver disease HCV RNA levels and the genetic pool of HCV envelope sequences are indistinguishable between distant sites in the liver and plasma, arguing against viral compartmentalization