160 research outputs found

    Analysis of the power balance In the cells of a multilevel cascaded H-Bridge converter

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    Multilevel cascaded H-Bridge converters (CHB) have been presented as a good solution for high power applications. In this way, several control and modulation techniques have been proposed for this power converter topology. In this paper the steady state power balance in the cells of the single phase two cell CHB is studied. The capability to be supplied with active power from the grid or to deliver active power to the grid in each cell is analyzed according to the dc-link voltages and the desired ac output voltage value. Limits of the maximum and minimum input active power for stable operation of the CHB are addressed. Simulation results are shown to validate the presented analysis

    Encapsulación de la piperine presente en la especie Piper tuberculatum utilizando vesículas multilamelares y determinación de su poder antioxidante

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    The piperine is an alkaloid present in the vegetal species pipilongo (Piper tuberculatum). Antioxidant properties are associated to this plant. It was encapsulated in multilamellar vesicles (MLV). For that, the validation of the extraction methodology through calibration curves of standard piperine by high resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC) was performed, using a column of C18, mobile phase MetOH: H2O (70:30) and detected by UV to 340nm with a fluency rate of 0.7 mL/ min. The lineal and non-lineal ranges were found between 1 and 300 ppm, with R2 of 0.995. During the extraction of the pipilongo fruit, the effect of two factors, solvents and ultrasound power, was studied, for the optimization of conditions and higher extraction of piperine in pipilongo. The maximum concentration of piperine (246.50 ppm) was found, using ethanol as extraction solvent. The piperine was isolated from its extract, using a solution of KOH with 10 % ethanol. It was purified and characterized by melting point, IR, GC-MS y RMN 1H. Once the extract was obtained, it was proceeded to the formation of liposomes. The phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol vesicles were prepared with extract and with piperine at different concentrations and hydrated with buffer pH 7.40. The average size of the particles formed, measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS), was in a range of 299.7–531.9 nm. For the study of antioxidant activity, a solution of DPPH 0.2 mM was prepared and a reaction was carried out with the extract and piperine liposomes and their corresponding free forms. The IC50 calculated for the extract and piperine were 2.8±0.2 and 21333±1499 ppm, respectively. These values of IC50 were compared against a standard of reference Quercetin, prepared under the same conditions. The test with DPPH showed that the released form possesses greater antioxidant activity while in encapsulation form, it attenuates and stabilizes this capacity.La piperina, alcaloide presente en la especie vegetal pipilongo (Piper tuberculatum) a la cual se le asocian propiedades antioxidantes, fue encapsulada en vesículas multilamelares (MLV). Para ello se realizó la validación de la metodología de extracción a través de curvas de calibración de piperina estándar por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC) utilizando una columna C18, fase móvil MetOH:H2O (70:30) y detectada por UV a 340 nm con una tasa de flujo de 0.7 mL/min. El rango lineal y linealidad fueron halladas entre 1 a 300 ppm, con R2 de 0.995. En la extracción del fruto de pipilongo se estudió el efecto de dos factores, disolventes y potencia de ultrasonido, para la optimización de condiciones y mayor extracción de piperina en pipilongo. La máxima concentración de piperina (246.50 ppm) fue encontrada en las condiciones de ultrasonido (US 20 KHz a 175W, 40 min) utilizando etanol como disolvente de extracción. Del extracto, se aisló la piperina utilizando una solución de KOH 10% etanólico. Fue purificada y caracterizada mediante punto de fusión, IR, GC-MS y RMN 1H. Una vez obtenido el extracto, se procedió a la formación de liposomas. Las vesículas de fosfatidilcolina y colesterol fueron preparadas con extracto y con piperina a diferentes concentraciones e hidratadas con buffer PBS a pH 7.40. El tamaño promedio de las partículas formadas, medido por dispersión de luz dinámica (DLS), estuvo en un rango de 299.7–531.9 nm. Para el estudio de la actividad antioxidante, se preparó una solución de DPPH 0.2 mM y se llevó a reacción con los liposomas de extracto y de piperina y sus correspondientes formas libres durante 60 min, medidos a 520 nm. El IC50 calculado para el extracto y la piperina fueron 2.8±0.2 y 21333±1499 ppm, respectivamente. Estos valores de IC50 fueron comparados frente a un estándar de referencia preparado bajo las mismas condiciones, quercetina (IC50 2.5±0.1 ppm). El ensayo con DPPH mostró que la forma liberada posee mayor actividad antioxidante mientras que en la encapsulación atenúa y estabiliza esta capacidad

    Mamey sapote seed oil (<em>Pouteria sapota</em>). Potential, composition, fractionation and thermal behavior

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    The chemical composition of the waste from mamey sapote (<em>Pouteria sapota</em>) and its oil extracted from the seed (MSSO) of ripe and unripe fruits, was studied. The MSSO from ripe fruits was dry-fractionated, and the thermal and phase behaviors of its fractions and their mixtures with other known natural fats were analyzed. The main components of the mamey peel and the seed were crude fiber (81.32%) and fat (44.41% db), respectively. The seed oil contained oleic, stearic, palmitic and linoleic as its main fatty acids. The MSSO showed a simple thermal behavior with a broad fusion range and four maximum temperature peaks. The solid fractions showed maximum melting peaks at higher temperatures than the residual liquid. The MSSO solid fractions showed a potential for use as constituents in mixtures with other natural fats, such as cocoa butter or mango seed fat.<br><br>Se estudió la composición de los residuos del zapote mamey (<em>Pouteria sapota</em>) y del aceite extraído de la semilla (ASZM) de frutos maduros e inmaduros. El ASZM de frutos maduros fue fraccionado en seco y se analizó la conducta térmica y de fase de las fracciones y mezclas de éstas con otras grasas naturales conocidas. Los principales componentes de la cáscara y de la semilla fueron fibra cruda (81.32% bs) y grasa (44.41% bs), respectivamente. Los principales ácidos grasos del ASZM fueron: oleico, esteárico, palmítico y linoleico y mostró una conducta térmica simple con un intervalo de fusión amplio y cuatro máximos de temperatura. Las fracciones sólidas obtenidas presentaron máximos de fusión a temperaturas más altas que la fracción líquida residual. Las fracciones sólidas del ASZM mostraron potencialidad para usarse como constituyente en mezclas con la manteca de cacao y la grasa de la semilla de mango

    Influence of 2′-fucosyllactose on the microbiota composition and metabolic activity of fecal cultures from breastfed and formula-fed infants at two months of age

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    Although breast milk is considered the gold standard of nutrition for infant feeding, some circumstances may make breastfeeding difficult. Several commercial milk preparations include syn-thetic human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in their composition. However, the effect of HMOs on the establishment of the intestinal microbiota remains incompletely understood. Independent batch fermentations were performed with feces from six full-term infant donors of two months of age (three breastfed and three formula-fed, exclusively) in the presence of 2′fucosyllactose (2′FL), one of the most abundant HMOs in human milk. Microbiota composition was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing at baseline and at 24 h of incubation. The 2′FL consumption, gas accumulation, and levels of different metabolites were determined by chromatography. Microbiota profiles at baseline were clearly influenced by the mode of feeding and by the intrinsic ability of microbiotas to degrade 2′FL. The 2′FL degradation rate clustered fecal cultures into slow and fast degraders, regardless of feeding type, this being a determinant factor influencing the evolution of the microbiota during incubation, although the low number of donors precludes drawing sound conclusions. More studies are needed to decipher the extent to which the early intervention with HMOs could influence the microbiota as a function of its ability to utilize 2′FL.This research was funded by a contract of Lallemand Health Solutions Inc. with IPLA-CSIC and by the Intramural CSIC Research project PIE201970E061. S.A. was the recipient of a postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva Contract (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Ref. IJCI-2017-32156) and NS has a postdoctoral contract awarded by the Biosanitary Research Foundation in Asturias (FINBA, Spain)

    In Vitro Probiotic Modulation of the Intestinal Microbiota and 2′Fucosyllactose Consumption in Fecal Cultures from Infants at Two Months of Age

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    2-fucosyllactose (2 FL) is one of the most abundant oligosaccharides in human milk, with benefits on neonatal health. Previous results point to the inability of the fecal microbiota from some infants to ferment 2 FL. We evaluated a probiotic formulation, including the strains Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell®-52 (R0052), Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis Rosell®-33 (R0033), and Bifidobacterium bifidum Rosell®-71 (R0071), individually or in an 80:10:10 combination on the microbiota and 2 FL degradation. Independent batch fermentations were performed with feces from six full-term infant donors of two months of age (three breastfed and three formula-fed) with added probiotic formulation or the constituent strains in the presence of 2 FL. Microbiota composition was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Gas accumulation, pH decrease and 2 FL consumption, and levels of different metabolites were determined by chromatography. B. bifidum R0071 was the sole microorganism promoting a partial increase of 2 FL degradation during fermentation in fecal cultures of 2 FL slow-degrading donors. However, major changes in microbiota composition and metabolic activity occurred with L. helveticus R0052 or the probiotic formulation in cultures of slow degraders. Further studies are needed to decipher the role of the host intestinal microbiota in the efficacy of these strains.This research was funded by a contract of Lallemand Health Solutions Inc. with IPLA-CSIC (Spanish National Research Council contract number 201266) and by the Intramural Spanish National Research Council project PIE201970E061. S.A. was the recipient of a postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva contract (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ref. IJCI-2017-32156), and N.S. has a postdoctoral contract awarded by the Biosanitary Research Foundation in Asturias (FINBA, Spain)

    Partial substitution of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour for fishmeal in extruded diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Effects on yield parameters

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate yield parameters (gained weight, weight percentage, survival, feed conversion factor (FCR), feed conversion efficiency (FCE), condition factor (K), specific growth rate (SGR) and hepatosomatic index (HSI)) of trouts fed with experimental diets elaborated with bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) flour instead of fishmeal with 15, 30 and 45% (BF15, BF30 and BF45, respectively) for 32 days, as well as a control diet (CD). The greatest weight gain was presented by fish fed with BF15 and BF30 (14.48 and 14.14 g, respectively) with no significant differences (p>0.05) and an approximate increase of 50% of their initial weight. FCR did not show significant differences (p>0.05) among CD, BF15 and BF30 diets with an average value of 2.05. FCE did not show significant differences (p>0.05) between diets BF15 and BF30 with an average value of 46.70%. SGR did not show significant differences (p>0.05) between BF15 and BF30 diets with an average value of 1.25. It is concluded that 30% is the maximum substitution without causing a decrease in yield and nutritional parameters in rainbow trout under the experiment conditions, although further research is suggested

    Manual para la evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias, versión corta

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    The objective of this article is to present the methodological guidelines established in the manual of Short Health Technology Assessment, which were developed by the Peruvian National Network of Health Technology Assessments. The purpose of the manual is to standardize the methodologies of development of Short Health Technology Assessments between institutions of health technology assessment. This manual seeks to contribute to evidence-informed decision-making to improve the population's access to safe and effective health technologies in PeruEl objetivo de este artículo es presentar las pautas metodológicas establecidas en el manual de Evaluaciones Tecnológicas Sanitarias Cortas, que fueron desarrolladas por la Red Nacional de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias del Perú. El propósito del manual es estandarizar las metodologías de desarrollo de las Evaluaciones Tecnológicas Sanitarias Cortas entre las instituciones de evaluación de tecnologías de salud. Con la elaboración de este manual se busca contribuir a la toma de decisiones informada en evidencia para mejorar el acceso de la población a tecnologías sanitarias seguras y eficaces en el país

    Modulación in vitro de la microbiota intestinal de niños lactantes y del consumo de 2’-fucosillactosa con cepas de bacterias lácticas probióticas

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado a la 15ª Reunión de la Red Española de Bacterias Lácticas: Bacterias Lácticas en Alimentación y Salud, celebrada en Valencia (España), los días 26 y 27 de mayo de 2022.El establecimiento de la microbiota neonatal en las primeras etapas de la vida está modulado por varios tipos de factores entre los que destaca especialmente el tipo de alimentación (leche maternaLM o leche de fórmula-LF). La 2´-fucosillactosa (2´FL) es uno de los oligosacáridos más abundantes de la leche materna (“human milk oligosaccharides”-HMO), con actividad prebiótica. Los niños que no son amamantados con LM, lo ingieren en LF suplementadas, en combinación con cepas probióticas en muchas ocasiones. Sin embargo, el efecto tanto de este HMO como de la combinación con cepas probióticas a nivel de la microbiota intestinal y sus metabolitos no ha sido estudiado en detalle. Por tanto, es de gran interés la evaluación del efecto de la 2’FL y cepas probióticas destinadas a la alimentación de lactantes sobre la microbiota intestinal infantil (MI)