374 research outputs found

    Parenting practices as risk or preventive factors for adolescent involvement in cyberbullying: Contribution of children and parent gender

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    Literature points out the role of parenting on adolescent cyberbullying involvement. However, it is necessary to clarify how gender affects this relationship. The aim of this study has been to examine the relation between the adolescents’ perception about parenting practices, and their involvement in cyberbullying, bearing in mind both girls’ and boys’ gender and progenitors’ gender. The sample comprised 2060 Spanish secondary school students (47.9% girls; Mage = 14.34). Two-way ANOVA and binary logistic regression analyses were carried out. An effect of the interaction between sex and cyberbullying roles in maternal affection and communication, inductive discipline, and psychological control, as well as paternal promotion of autonomy and psychological control, was found. In general, it can be observed that the more negative results were found in cyber-aggressors, especially when this role is assumed by girls. The results of logistic regression analysis suggest that parenting practices explain better cyberbullying involvement in girls compared to boys, finding some important differences between both sexes regarding protective and risk factors. These findings highlight the importance of parenting practices to explain cyberbullying involvement, which supports the necessity of including family among the addresses of intervention programs.Gobierno de España PSI2016-74871-RGobierno de España PSI2015-64114-REuropean Research Council H2020 grant number 75517

    Magnetization vector in the reversible region of a highly anisotropic cuprate superconductor: anisotropy factor and the role of 2D vortex fluctuations

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    By using a high quality Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 (Tl-2223) single crystal as an example, the magnetization vector was probed in the reversible region of highly anisotropic cuprate superconductors. For that, we have measured its components along and transverse to the applied magnetic field for different crystal orientations. The analysis shows that the angular dependence of the perpendicular component of the magnetization vector follows the one predicted by a London-like approach which includes a contribution associated with the thermal fluctuations of the 2D vortex positions. For the Tl-2223 crystal studied here, a lower bound for the anisotropy factor was estimated to be about 190.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Are loneliness and emotional intelligence important factors for adolescents?: understanding the influence of bullying and cyberbullying victimization on suicidal ideation

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    Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron examinar (1) si la soledad mediaba la relación entre dos tipos de victimización entre iguales y la ideación suicida y (2) si la inteligencia emocional (IE) ejercía un papel moderador en el efecto indirecto y/o directo del modelo de mediación en una muestra amplia de adolescentes. Se analizaron datos transversales de una muestra de 1,929 estudiantes (Medad = 14.65, DT = 1.79). Se utilizó un cuestionario autoinformado para medir las variables sociodemográficas (curso académico, sexo y edad), los tipos de victimización entre iguales (victimización por acoso tradicional y cibervictimización), la soledad, la IE y la ideación suicida. Los resultados indicaron que la soledad solo mediaba parcialmente la relación entre la victimización por acoso tradicional y la ideación suicida. Por el contrario, la soledad no fue un mediador significativo entre la cibervictimización y la ideación suicida. Además, se halló que los efectos indirectos del modelo de mediación para la victimización por acoso tradicional fueron moderados por la IE. A mayor IE los efectos indirectos de la victimización por acoso tradicional sobre la ideación suicida eran menos intensos. Los resultados sugieren que las intervenciones dirigidas a mejorar las habilidades de IE podrían ayudar a debilitar la asociación entre la victimización entre iguales, la soledad y la ideación suicida en adolescentes víctimas de acoso escolar.The aims of the present study were to examine whether (1) loneliness mediated the association between two types of peer victimisation and suicidal ideation and (2) emotional intelligence (EI) played a moderating role in the indirect and/or direct effect of a mediation model in a large sample of adolescents. Cross-sectional data on 1,929 students (Mage = 14.65, SD = 1.79) were analysed. A self-report questionnaire was used to measure demographic variables (course grade, sex, and age), peer victimisation types (traditional and cybervictimisation), loneliness, EI, and suicidal ideation. The results indicated that loneliness only partially mediated the relationship between traditional victimisation and suicidal ideation. By contrast, loneliness was not a significant mediator between cybervictimisation and suicidal ideation. Furthermore, the indirect effects of the mediation model for traditional victimisation were moderated by EI. The greater the level of EI, the weaker the indirect effects of traditional victimisation on suicidal ideation. The findings suggest that interventions targeted at improving EI abilities may help break the links among peer victimisation, loneliness, and suicidal ideation in adolescent victims of bullying

    Adestramento de forza en persoas maiores para mellorar a súa calidade de vida

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    [Resumen] Introducción. Debido a la inversión de la pirámide poblacional, la población mayor representa uno de los campos con mayor crecimiento, es decir, el número de personas mayores de 60 años aumenta exponencialmente. Una de las deficiencias más recurrentes entre los mayores es la falta de fuerza y masa muscular la cual, si permanece en el tiempo, puede derivar en una enfermedad progresiva del músculo esquelético, denominada sarcopenia. El principal tratamiento para evitar patologías como esta es el entrenamiento de fuerza pero, para conseguir que la población lo realice y cree una adherencia al tratamiento, sería interesante conocer cómo afecta este tipo de programas de entrenamiento en la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Objetivo. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la evidencia actual de cómo afecta el entrenamiento de fuerza en la calidad de vida de las personas mayores al someterse a un entrenamiento de fuerza. Material y método. Se llevo a cabo una revisión bibliográfica a través de diversas búsquedas en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, PEDro y Web of Science. Se incluyeron en el estudio los ensayos clínicos que sometían a personas mayores de 60 años sin patologías a un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza, y utilizaban algún tipo de cuestionario para medir su calidad de vida. Resultados. Se analizaron un total de 7 artículos con una muestra total de 573 personas. Además, se llevo a cabo una valoración de la calidad metodológica según la escala PEDro, con una media de 5,14 sobre 10. Conclusiones. El entrenamiento de fuerza proporciona mejoras en la calidad de vida de las personas mayores de 60 años. Todos los estudios concuerdan con que el componente físico de la calidad de vida mejora gracias a este tipo de entrenamientos. Sin embargo, existe controversia acerca de cómo mejoran los componentes social y psicológico.[Abstract] Background. Due to the inversion of the population pyramid, elderly people are becoming one of the social fields that face a bigger growth, this means that the number of people over 60 years old is increasing exponentially. Moreover, one of the most common deficiencies found in older people is the lack or loss of strength and muscle mass, which can turn into a progressive illness of the skeletal muscle if it endures in time, known as sarcopenia. The preventive treatment to avoid this kind of diseases would be strength training. However, in order to encourage society to create an adherence to the treatment, it is necessary to know how this kind of training programs affect elder people’s life. Objective. The aim of this dissertation is to get to know the actual evidence of how elderly’s quality of life varies when applying a strength training to them. Methods. According to the methodology used, there were employed some researches over different data bases, like: PubMed, PEDro and Web of Science. From which there were taken some clinic essays that applied strength training to elderly people of more than 60 years-old with no pathology. These clinic essays also used tests in order to measure their quality of life. Outcomes. There were analised a total of 7 articles with a total sample of 573 people. Moreover, a valuation took place in order to assess the patients’ quality of life according to PEDro scale. The result measured a total of 5,14 over 10. Conclusions. The strength training provides an improvement in elderly people over 60 years-old’s quality of life. All the articles agree that the physical component regarding the quality of life improves because of this kind of training. Nevertheless, there is a huge controversy between how the social and psychological components improve.[Resumo] Introdución. Debido a inversión da pirámide poblacional, a población maior representa un dos campos con maior crecemento, é decir, o número de persoas maiores de 60 anos aumenta exponencialmente. Unha das deficiencias máis recurrentes entre os maiores é a falta de forza e masa muscular a cal, se permanece no tempo, pode derivar nunha enfermidade progresiva do músculo esquelético, denominada sarcopenia. O principal tratamento para evitar patoloxías como esta é o adestramento de forza mais, para conseguir que a población se adhira ao tratamento, sería interesante coñecer como afectan este tipo de programas de adestramento na calidade de vida das persoas maiores. Obxectivo. O obxectivo deste traballo é coñecer a evidencia actual de como varía a calidade de vida das persoas maiores ao someterse a un adestramento de forza. Material e método. Levouse a cabo unha revisión bibliográfica a través de diversas búsquedas nas seguintes bases de datos: PubMed, PEDro e Web of Science. Incluíronse no estudio ensaios clínicos que sometían a persoas maiores de 60 anos sen patoloxía a un adestramento de forza, e utilizaban algún tipo de cuestionario para medir a súa calidade de vida. Resultados. Analizáronse un total de 7 artículos, cunha mostra total de 573 persoas. Ademais, levouse a cabo unha valoración da calidade metodolóxica según a escala PEDro, cunha media de 5,14 sobre 10. Conclusións. O adestramento de forza proporciona melloras na calidade de vida das persoas maiores de 60 anos. Todos os estudos concordan con que o compoñente físico da calidade de vida mellora gracias a este tipo de adestramento. Porén, existe controversia acerca de como melloran os componentes social e psicolóxico.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2019/202

    Beyond Cyberbullying: Investigating When and How Cybervictimization Predicts Suicidal Ideation.

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    Copyright de los autoresCybervictimization is a public health concern in adolescence. Victims of cyberbullying may present with important short- and long-term sequelae. Specifically, past research has demonstrated positive associations between being cybervictimized and risk of suicide among adolescents. Nonetheless, the underlying mechanisms that may mediate or moderate this relationship remain unclear. The present research examined perceived stress as a mediator and forgiveness as a moderator to explore the relationship between cybervictimization and suicidal ideation. Specifically, vengeance, avoidance, and benevolence motivations, as a means of measuring forgiveness experienced, were analyzed as moderators in the relations between cybervictimization and suicidal ideation. The sample included 1,821 adolescents (954 girls) who ranged in age from 12 to 17 years from nine centers. Adolescents’ self-reported perceived stress levels, cybervictimization, and forgiveness were collected. A mediation and a moderated mediation analyses were used to explore the aim of the present study. Results suggest that, after controlling for sex and age, perceived stress partially mediates the association between cybervictimization and suicidal ideation. Furthermore, the mediation effects of perceived stress were independently moderated by vengeance and avoidance. Thus, revenge and avoidance might intensify the adverse impact of perceived stress on suicidal ideation. These results highlight how and when cybervictimization is related to suicidal ideation. We discuss the results in relation to previous research and consider their practical implications. These findings suggest that adolescents’ perceived stress, together with vengeance and avoidance motivations, may be key targets for prevention and intervention programs dealing with cybervictimization. This highlights the need to implement treatment and prevention programs focused on decreasing such motivations.Universidad de Málaga (PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/23). Grupo PAIDI Applied Positive Lab CTS-1048 (Junta de Andalucía

    Ceftriaxone for treatment of severe infections in peripheral health centers in Africa

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    L'article étudie l'importance des maladies infectieuses dans les hôpitaux ivoiriens hors d'Abidjan et les problèmes posés par le suivi d'une thérapeutique correcte. La ceftriaxone malgré son prix à des avantages certains grâce à sa longue durée d'action et son spectre large. (Résumé d'auteur