359 research outputs found

    Antecedents and consequences of bank reputation: a comparison of the United Kingdom and Spain

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    Purpose: – The purpose of this paper is to identify the key antecedents and consequences of bank reputation and whether their relative importance varies across countries. Design /methodological approach – The sample consists of 900 bank customers, representative of the national populations in the United Kingdom (500) and Spain (400), two of the countries in which the weight of the financial system on the GDP is much bigger than that of other European countries. The research hypotheses were tested by conducting a multi-group analysis with covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM). Findings: – In contrast with previous studies, it was discovered that the most important cognitive antecedent of banks’ reputation is reliability/financial strength. This study reinforces the prominence of satisfaction as a key emotional aspect of reputation. Differences between the United Kingdom and Spain were found in the impact of employer branding and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The positive effect of bank reputation on consumer behaviour (loyalty and word of mouth) and the existence of cross-country differences as regards loyalty were also confirmed. Originality/value: – This is a systematic cross-country analysis of corporate reputation which includes not only cognitive antecedents but also emotional determinants that have been repeatedly ignored. This paper sheds light on whether the antecedents and consequences of corporate reputation vary across countries. The choice of the banking sector provides a unique opportunity to observe the determinants and outcomes of corporate reputation following an unstable time in the banking sector

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    Análisis crítico de la Programación Anual y de la Unidad Didáctica

    Factores ambientales condicionantes de la presencia de la lagartija de Carbonell Podarcis carbonelli (Pérez-Mellado, 1981) en la comarca de Doñana

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    The Carbonell lizard (Podarcis carbonelli) is an Iberian endemism. The region of Doñana is its southernmost and more isolated stronghold. We used logistic regressions to investigate the factors conditioning the presence of this lizard in Doñana. All selected models retained the distance to the coast as the main variable. This variable is related with less humidity and more continental climatic conditions, including more extreme temperatures, when further from the coast. This climatic factor was observed both spatially and temporarily, with adult lizards drastically reducing their activity both in winter and in summer. We observed juveniles from June to January, with a maximum in September. Scrubland management was another important environmental factor affecting the presence of lizards. The probability of finding this species was higher where the scrubland was partially cleared, and lower in areas with a high plant cover (hygrophytic scrubland) or in areas with sparse vegetation (dune scrubland), probably due to a lower amount of incident light and less protection when moving between refuges, respectively.La lagartija de Carbonell es un endemismo ibérico que encuentra en la comarca de Doñana el reducto más meridional y aislado de su área de distribución. Mediante el uso de regresiones logísticas se ha intentado conocer qué factores condicionan la presencia de la lagartija de Carbonell en Doñana. La variable principal de los distintos modelos fue la distancia a la costa. Ésta se relaciona con un menor grado de humedad y una mayor continentalidad del clima, con temperaturas más extremas, a medida que nos alejamos del mar. Este condicionante climático se ha observado tanto espacial como temporalmente, reduciéndose drásticamente la actividad de los animales adultos en verano e invierno. Los juveniles se observan desde junio a enero con un máximo en septiembre. Otro de los factores importantes ha resultado ser la gestión del matorral. Se ha observado una mayor probabilidad de encontrar la lagartija de Carbonell en zonas en las que el matorral ha sido parcialmente clareado, ya que evita los lugares con elevadas densidades de plantas (matorral hidrofílico), que reducirían el paso de la luz, o con una densidad muy baja (matorral de las dunas), que no permitiría el tránsito seguro entre refugios

    La tecnología en el proceso de contratación: Uleplus 2.13 = Technology in the hiring process: Uleplus 2.13

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    La necesidad de adaptar las empresas a las nuevas tecnologías y al formato digital les ofrece muchas oportunidades a la hora de diferenciarse de sus competidores, especialmente en el campo de los recursos humanos que suponen un activo intangible para la empresa. El departamento de recursos humanos se encarga de una gran diversidad temática, por lo que este trabajo se centrará en el proceso de contratación, y cómo puede influir una aplicación que se encarga de que el proceso sea más rápido y tenga menos costes. Por ello, la idea consiste en realizar un sistema de información de los recursos humanos para la administración de empleados en empresas del sector industrial: “Uleplus 2.13”, proporcionará una serie de servicios que permitirá a la empresa reducir tiempos y costes en la elección y selección de trabajadores y obtener una plataforma digital a bajo coste y sin la necesidad de una infraestructura especifica. Finalmente, en la parte práctica, se puede ver cómo influye un Sistema de Información de Recursos Humanos en el proceso y cómo influye en las diferentes fases del proceso de contratación en la empresa manufacturer

    Plant-KBBE: Cornfed: lntegration of advanced mapping and phenotyping methods to identify key alleles for building European maize ideotypes

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    1 página, 3 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado al "Gabi Status Seminar" celebrado en Paris (Francia) en Marzo de 2010.-- et al.The project is funded in the framework of the Transnational (France, Germany, Spain) Cooperation within the PLANT-KBBE initiative, with funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). and the Ministry os Science and Innovation (MICINN).Peer reviewe

    Admixture in Latin America

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    Latin Americans arguably represent the largest recently admixed populations in the world. This reflects a history of massive settlement by immigrants (mostly Europeans and Africans) and their variable admixture with Natives, starting in 1492. This process resulted in the population of Latin America showing an extensive genetic and phenotypic diversity. Here we review how genetic analyses are being applied to examine the demographic history of this population, including patterns of mating, population structure and ancestry. The admixture history of Latin America, and the resulting extensive diversity of the region, represents a natural experiment offering an advantageous setting for genetic association studies. We review how recent analyses in Latin Americans are contributing to elucidating the genetic architecture of human complex traits

    Fingerprints of Anthocyanins and Flavonols in Wild Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi)

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    Phenolic compounds are a group of natural products that play an important role in the quality of wines. Most phenolic compounds present in wine are derived from those contained in grapes and extracted from skins, seeds, and pulp during the initial steps of winemaking. Among them, anthocyanins and flavonols are involved in the color of red wines as pigments or copigments and also as precursors of polymeric pigments after reaction with other phenols. Biosynthesis of those phenolics in grapes is regulated by different genes; thus, each grape genotype presents a characteristic phenolic fingerprint, which is modulated by different environmental conditions. In this chapter, the anthocyanins and flavonols composition of different genotypes of wild grapes preserved at El Encin Germplasm Bank has been examined in detail. Wild grapevines are a remarkable genetic resource that may be used in breeding programs to improve the phenolic composition of cultivated grapes and, hence, the quality of red wines

    High-degree atrioventricular block. An unusual presentation of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: a case report

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    Background: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a non-ischemic cardiomyopathy characterized by acute left ventricular systolic dysfunction with transient wall motion abnormalities without a culprit coronary stenosis or other concurrent diagnoses. Its coexistence with transient high-degree AV block is very infrequent. Case presentation: A 61-year-old man presented with a new onset of high degree AV block without ST segment deviations developing an anterior and apical dyskinesia with a low left ventricular ejection fraction in the absence of coronary artery disease. Conclusion: Atrioventricular block is an uncommon presentation of Takotsubo syndrome. The management of patients with relevant conduction disorders in this scenario is a challenge for the clinician. In case of persistence of advanced conduction disorders, it seems appropriate to implant a pacemaker

    Vasoespastic angina, plaque erosion, ischemia and cardiac arrest: four of a kind or straight?

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    A 56-year-old woman, current smoker with a history of arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia was previously studied due to recurrent syncope with chest pain associated in recent months. Normal cardiac morphology and function was assessed by echocardiography and a coronary computed tomography angiography showed a noncalcified plaque with a 40% stenosis in the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). Single antiplatelet therapy and a statin were started..