309 research outputs found

    Dendritic Cell Regulation of Peripheral Tolerance in Polyclonal T Cell Repertoires

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) play a pivotal role in determining whether the outcome of the immune system\u27s encounter with antigen will be immunity or tolerance. Using an antibody against the DEC-205 receptor, antigens have been delivered specifically to DCs in vivo. Under steady state conditions, such presentation of antigen leads to peripheral tolerance in transgenic T cells, either by deletion, anergy or the induction of regulatory T cells. We wanted to examine whether delivery of autoantigens to DCs using this approach, could be used to tolerize autoreactive polyclonal T cells, thereby preventing autoimmunity in mouse models. We succeeded in inducing tolerance to the myelin oligodendrocyte protein and preventing disease in the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model. However no halt or delay in onset of autoimmune diabetes was observed when insulin was targeted to DCs in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model. Also, foreign antigen-specific T cell responses could not be abolished by targeting antigen to DCs in the NOD mouse. These results strongly suggested that establishing peripheral tolerance in disease-prone polyclonal repertoires such as in the NOD model, would be far more challenging than the previously studied tolerance in non-autoreactive transgenic models had been. We recognized that success in DC-targeting-based autoimmune therapy would first require a better understanding of tolerance in non-disease prone polyclonal T cell repertoires. Towards that end, we examined T cell tolerance in C57BL/6 mice. In the steady state, targeting ovalbumin (OVA) to DCs resulted in polyclonal CD4 and CD8 T cell tolerance. This tolerance was non-deletional and characterized by persistence of T cells that produced IFNÎł, but no IL-2. CD4 dependent antibody production by B cells in vivo was abrogated. Also, both CD4 and CD8 proliferative responses in vitro were abolished. Subsequent to tolerization, depending on the strength of the costimulatory stimulus that the CD4 and CD8 T cells are exposed to, tolerance can be reversed both in vivo and in vitro. Thus our results demonstrate that while tolerance in non-autoreactive polyclonal repertoires in steady state DC environments can be achieved, reversal of the tolerized state can also occur. This suggests that in autoreactive T cell repertoires in chronically inflamed DC environments, the prevention or treatment of autoimmune disease is a challenge that will require comprehensive understanding of the balance between immunity and tolerance

    Impact Of Selected Innovative Teaching Pedagogies On U.G. Students’ Learning Outcomes In Maharashtra State

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    Innovative teaching pedagogy represents a vibrant and developing approach to education that goes beyond traditional methods, embracing creativity, adaptability, and student-centered learning. This abstract discovers the key elements of an innovative teaching pedagogy, emphasizing the integration of technology, active learning strategies, and a holistic approach to education. In Maharashtra, there is a need to implement technology based teaching learning process. Innovative teaching pedagogies will always help to motivate new learning habits among the students. It helps to improve soft skills and continuous improvement of the students. This research paper helps to study the impact of innovative teaching pedagogy on the UG students learning outcome. The study is based on experiment conducted with the various groups of students. This experiment concludes the innovative teaching methods are useful and helpful for the students

    The Reconfiguration Of Radial Distribution Networks With Distributed Generation For Reliability Improvement And Loss Minimization

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    The purpose of the paper is to find the best distributed generators (DGs) location for improving reliability and reducing power loss using distribution system reconfiguration. This is implemented in the presence of the tie-switches. It proposes a search-based algorithm for the reconfiguration problem. Individual DG placement is obtained for all system configurations, and analytical hierarchy process tool is used for finding the overall best location. This is carried out for various system loadings. The proposed methodology has been tested on 33-node, 69-node and 12-node test distribution systems. The main is to improve the distribution system and to minimize the loss in the system

    Case Study Based Learning for System Development

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    The presented case study based activity supports collaboration between students. Case study based activity consists of a story of an organization and how the problem is solved by using planning strategy, coordination and using any advance system for example management information system is a subject which can be taught using the case study based activity .Outcome to analyse the problem, develop problem solving capabilities and to take appropriate decision that leads to success. The student’s role is to read and explore case study. Participate in online discussions, lead a discussion, engage in classroom discussion and present their reflections. Finally the discussion leads to idea or solution to the problem. The teacher’s role is to select the appropriate case study or story or provide case material, set up questions and explain requirements or expectations. The teacher should keep the discussion on track and make sure that all the questions are answered. Finally teacher should read or summarize the points of discussion .The teacher should prepare rubric for final grading. The paper deals with how this activity was implemented to teach management information system (MIS) subject of final year engineering study

    Search Engine Optimization of Websites Using Google Tools

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    Search Engines are the software tools fundamentally intended for searching the content. Search engine is a device that enables client to enter a specific catchphrase and presents information on site having in its database. Search Engine Optimization is the collection of methods tools and practices which are utilized to build the positioning of any sites in primary body of any Search Engine comes about. Search Engine Optimization is the movement of streamlining the site page or the entire site so as to influence them to search motor cordial, to get higher position in search comes about. Search Engine Optimization is ordered into two sections initial one is on page and second one is off page. The system or respect of enhancing the positioning of site in the group of search motor outcomes is conceivable utilizing diverse methods and tools accessible in the market. The paper depicts the concept and review of Search Engine optimization and tools and procedures utilized for it


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    Malaysia, along with many other countries, made a pledge to all children to ensure that all their rights including the rights to education will be protected and promoted when the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was adopted. In line with that, inclusive education was introduced in the Education Act 1996 and has been established ever since. According to the Malaysian Education Blueprint (2013-2025), the goal was to have children of 5 years registered in a preschool whether if it is public or private because the period from birth to five years is extremely crucial for any child as these are vital in laying the foundation for children to nurture their cognitive, language, physical, social, emotional, behavioral development. This study investigates the knowledge level of mainstream preschool teachers in identifying children with ASD. By focusing on teachers’ knowledge, the research aims to provide a better understanding of the promotion of inclusive education in Malaysia’s preschools. A mixed-method approach was used in this study. 30 respondents who worked in the field of early childhood education were recruited for this study. An online questionnaire was sent out for respondents to answer. Six respondents were recruited for the interview session that followed. Findings show that the knowledge level of the respondents ranges between moderate to high with the majority having a high knowledge level. The findings also resulted that one of the most important factors that affect the respondents’ knowledge in identifying children with ASD is through hands-on experiences and training related to ASD. This study implies that mainstream preschool teachers need to be exposed to ASD children so that they can have hands-on experiences, which will further strengthen their knowledge on ASD to ensure that they can identify children with ASD in the future
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