374 research outputs found

    Participación de las universidades en el proceso de aplicación de la informática jurídica en el fin del siglo

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    1. EL PROBLEMA En realidad, son varios los problemas que se plantean al proponer la participación de las Universidades en el proceso de aplicación de la informática jurídica para Colombia en el fin del siglo y el futuro. Tales problemas son:  Se aplica o no la informática jurídica en nuestro país.? Por qué clase de aplicación optamos? Cómo se hace la aplicación escogida

    Nueva ruta de síntesis para el dióxido de titanio

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    Se obtuvo dióxido de titanio por medio de una nueva ruta de síntesis que combina la técnica solgel con reacción a presión autógena. Se ensayaron dos geles de síntesis con diferentes fuentes de titanio; una de ellas usó tetraisopropil ortotitanato empleando agua e isopropanol como estructurantes en diversas proporciones, obteniéndose en todos los experimentos TiO2 en fase anatasa. Para el segundo tipo de síntesis se empleó el tetracloruro de titanio en mezcla con sílica e isopropanol algunos de los TiO2 se obtuvieron como fase anatasa mientras que otros cristalizaron como una mezcla anatasa-rutilo en diferentes proporciones, dependiendo de las relaciones entre los precursores en la gel de síntesis. La caracterización de los materiales obtenidos se realizó por medio de DRX y UV-Vis para determinar la cristalinidad y propiedades ópticas de los materiales obtenidos

    The capitation payment unit : 17 years in the General Social Security System in Health

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    ABSTRACT: To analyze the evolution of the Capitation Payment (UPC for its Spanish name “unidad de pago por capitación”) as well as the methodologies and variables for defining it that have existed in the Colombian Social Security System in Health since its implementation between 1995 and 2011. Methodology: An observational, longitudinal descriptive study. The reference population was made up of all the papers reviewed, including books, journal articles, databases, and official presentations containing the key concepts. Results: It was found that the Capitation Payment (UPC) is valued as an essential element to maintain the financial balance of the health system. From 1995 to 2011 there were a number of methodologies for defining this payment. They ranged from a definition based only on the financial balance and the availability of resources, to a technical study using statistical tools to annually adjust the value of the UPC. Conclusions: The origin of the UPC can be attributed to the system’s orientation toward a market scheme and to the convergence of three basic theories. The variations in the value of the UPC have always resulted in a similar value year after year; this is why even if the methodology for defining it changed, the proportions will be the same when compared to previous years.RESUMEN: Analizar la evolución de la unidad de pago por capitación (upc), los métodos y las variables existentes para su definición dentro del Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud colombiano, luego de su implementación entre 1995 y el 2011. Metodología: estudio de tipo observacional descriptivo de corte longitudinal. La población de referencia la constituyeron todos los documentos consultados, entre libros, artículos de revista, bases de datos y presentaciones oficiales, que contuvieran los términos claves. Todos los documentos analizados se clasificaron tomando como referencia una escala de tipo Likert con cinco niveles. Resultados: se encontró que la upc se valora como elemento indispensable para mantener el equilibrio financiero del sistema. Desde 1995 hasta el 2011, los métodos para definirla fueron variados, pasando por una definición basada solo en el equilibrio financiero y la disponibilidad de recursos hasta configurar un estudio técnico con herramientas estadísticas que la ajustara anualmente. Conclusiones: el origen de la upc puede atribuirse a la orientación del sistema hacia un esquema de mercado y a la confluencia de tres teorías básicas. Las variaciones de la upc siempre han referido un valor similar año tras año; por ello, aunque cambie la metodología para su definición, esta seguirá en proporciones iguales si se compara con años anteriores

    NClassG+: A classifier for non-classically secreted Gram-positive bacterial proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most predictive methods currently available for the identification of protein secretion mechanisms have focused on classically secreted proteins. In fact, only two methods have been reported for predicting non-classically secreted proteins of Gram-positive bacteria. This study describes the implementation of a sequence-based classifier, denoted as NClassG+, for identifying non-classically secreted Gram-positive bacterial proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Several feature-based classifiers were trained using different sequence transformation vectors (frequencies, dipeptides, physicochemical factors and PSSM) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) with Linear, Polynomial and Gaussian kernel functions. Nested <it>k</it>-fold cross-validation (CV) was applied to select the best models, using the inner CV loop to tune the model parameters and the outer CV group to compute the error. The parameters and Kernel functions and the combinations between all possible feature vectors were optimized using grid search.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The final model was tested against an independent set not previously seen by the model, obtaining better predictive performance compared to SecretomeP V2.0 and SecretPV2.0 for the identification of non-classically secreted proteins. NClassG+ is freely available on the web at <url>http://www.biolisi.unal.edu.co/web-servers/nclassgpositive/</url></p

    Comparación de tres sistemas de labranza en maíz

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    An experiment was conducted at the Montelindo form, of the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia) with an altitude of 1.050 m. Above sea level. The objetives of the experiment were: To analize and compare the behavior of corn (Zea mays) under three different tillage systems, and to determine the effect of them on some of the physical properties of the soil. The main results obtained show that the reduction in the number of tillage operations do not substantially affect neither the development of the crop nor its production. Some of the soil physical properties such an soil moisture content and the apparent specific gravity are more stable when the number of tillage operations is reduced.El presente trabajo Se realizó en la Granja Montelindo, propiedad de la Universidad de Caldas, a 1.050 m.s.n.m. Los objetivos del ensayo fueron: analizar y comparar el comportamiento del cultivo del maíz, bajo tres sistemas de labranza y determinar el comportamiento que sobre las propiedades físicas del suelo ejercen los diferentes sistemas de preparación del suelo. Los principales resultados obtenidos indican que la reducción en las labores de labranza no afectan, sustancialmente, el desarrollo del cultivo ni la producción. Algunas propiedades físicas del suelo como la retención de humedad y la densidad aparente son más estables cuando se reducen las labores de preparación del suelo.Maíz-Zea may

    Stubble mulching and minimum tillage with barley

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    In the Colombian Tibaitatá CNI (2500 m.a.s.l., 14°C an bimodal rainfall) was carried out a soil management as an alternative for minimizing environmental constraints for barley or wheat production in a medial isomesic Dystric Haplustand, Some progress has been obtained by adoption of minimum tillage with or without straw in the arable layer, to minimize the negative effects of both low and bad distributed rainfall during the cropping season. By reducing soil disturbance, grain yield was better and had an increase in water content in the surface arable layer, associated with an improving penetrability. Other units using cereal straw (4 and 8 t/ha)and minimum tillage only improve physical soil  properties.En el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Tibaitatá (2.550 m.s.n.m., 14°C y una precipitación bimodal de 950 mm) se llevó a cabo un estudio para evaluar el manejo del suelo como alternativa para minimizar las restricciones ambientales para cebada o trigo en un Dystric Haplustand medial isomésico. Cierto progreso se ha logrado mediante la adopción de la labranza mínima con o sin la incorporación del rastrojo del cereal en la capa arable, para minimizar el efecto de la baja e inadecuada distribución de las lluvias durante el período de crecimiento del cultivo. Reduciendo la disturbación del suelo, el rendimiento de grano fue mayor, hubo un incremento en el contenido de agua de los primeros centímetros de la capa arable, asociado con un incremento en la penetrabilidad. Al incorporar entre 4 y 8 toneladas de rastrojo con labranza reducida, solamente mejoraron algunas propiedades físicas del suelo

    Validating subcellular localization prediction tools with mycobacterial proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The computational prediction of mycobacterial proteins' subcellular localization is of key importance for proteome annotation and for the identification of new drug targets and vaccine candidates. Several subcellular localization classifiers have been developed over the past few years, which have comprised both general localization and feature-based classifiers. Here, we have validated the ability of different bioinformatics approaches, through the use of SignalP 2.0, TatP 1.0, LipoP 1.0, Phobius, PA-SUB 2.5, PSORTb v.2.0.4 and Gpos-PLoc, to predict secreted bacterial proteins. These computational tools were compared in terms of sensitivity, specificity and Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC) using a set of mycobacterial proteins having less than 40% identity, none of which are included in the training data sets of the validated tools and whose subcellular localization have been experimentally confirmed. These proteins belong to the TBpred training data set, a computational tool specifically designed to predict mycobacterial proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A final validation set of 272 mycobacterial proteins was obtained from the initial set of 852 mycobacterial proteins. According to the results of the validation metrics, all tools presented specificity above 0.90, while dispersion sensitivity and MCC values were above 0.22. PA-SUB 2.5 presented the highest values; however, these results might be biased due to the methodology used by this tool. PSORTb v.2.0.4 left 56 proteins out of the classification, while Gpos-PLoc left just one protein out.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both subcellular localization approaches had high predictive specificity and high recognition of true negatives for the tested data set. Among those tools whose predictions are not based on homology searches against SWISS-PROT, Gpos-PLoc was the general localization tool with the best predictive performance, while SignalP 2.0 was the best tool among the ones using a feature-based approach. Even though PA-SUB 2.5 presented the highest metrics, it should be taken into account that this tool was trained using all proteins reported in SWISS-PROT, which includes the protein set tested in this study, either as a BLAST search or as a training model.</p

    When to Cheat: Modeling Dynamics of Paternity and Promiscuity in Socially Monogamous Prairie Voles (Microtus ochrogaster)

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    In many socially monogamous species, individuals form long-term pair bonds and males mate guard females. Such behavior is thought to help secure intra-pair fertilizations, the result of intra-pair copulations (IPCs), and ensure paternity. However, socially monogamous males are also often opportunistic and seek additional mating opportunities with other females, leaving their partner unguarded. The success associated with a male's decision to seek more mates over guarding his partner might be impacted by the activity of other males, specifically the proportion of other males leaving their territories to seek extra-pair copulations (EPCs). The amount of EPC-seeking males can impact the likelihood of a given male encountering an unguarded paired female, but also of being cuckolded (losing IPCs). It remains unclear under which conditions it is optimal to stay and guard or seek EPCs. Using field data from socially monogamous prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) to generate parameters, we used optimal performance modeling (Monte Carlo simulations) to ask when is it most reproductively advantageous for a bonded male to seek EPCs, despite the risk of losing IPCs. We defined three types of males: exclusive mating bonded males (true residents), non-exclusive mating bonded residents (roving residents), and unpaired males (wanderers). We first modeled the success of an individual male living in a context that incorporated only true and roving residents. We next added wandering males to this model. Finally, we considered the effects of including wandering males and unpaired females in our model. For all contexts, we found that as EPC-seeking in the population increases, the potential reproductive benefit for seeking EPCs increasingly outpaces the rate of cuckolding. In other words, we observe a shift in optimal strategy from true residents to rovers among paired males. Our models also demonstrate that reproductive fitness is likely to remain constant, despite the shift toward obtaining success via EPCs over IPCs. Our results show the dynamic nature of reproductive decision-making, and demonstrate that alternative reproductive decisions yield subtle but important differences despite appearing as balanced strategies

    Interfaz de comunicación, visualización y control de navegación de la plataforma móvil p-metin.

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    Este artículo describe la interfaz de comunicación, visualización y control de navegación, implementada para generar trayectorias en el entorno de trabajo de la plataforma móvil P-METIN. Una de las características principales de dicha interfaz es que en cada trayecto recorrido por la plataforma se tiene información de la lectura de los sensores de abordo. Dicha interfaz se realizó utilizando GUI´s de Matlab