73 research outputs found

    Fortaleciendo los h?bitos lectores implementando la literatura infantil como estrategia l?dico pedag?gica para enriquecer las habilidades comunicativas de los ni?os y ni?as del grado preescolar

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    116 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto de investigaci?n centra su acci?n en estimular desde edades tempranas, la lectura y el acercamiento a los libros, como v?a para desarrollar h?bitos lectores y enriquecer las habilidades comunicativas. Tiene como objetivo fijar en el ni?o el h?bito de la lectura donde el principal factor es determinar aquellas posibles causas que propician o desmotivan a los ni?os el deseo de leer dentro de su mundo, aprender a tener un h?bito lector a temprana edad se ve como una necesidad en el desarrollo personal y social de cada uno de los ni?os, por eso vemos necesidad o alternativa de desarrollar estrategias l?dico pedag?gicas como la literatura infantil, por medio de un proyecto pedag?gico de aula para fortalecer h?bitos lectores, que le permitan transformar su inteligencia creadora, mejorar sus competencias comunicativas entre las que aparecen, leer, escribir, hablar y escuchar adem?s permite acercarlos de manera agradable a los textos. Conforme con esto, se tiene como referencia la investigaci?n formativa, de igual manera un modelo de investigaci?n cualitativo con enfoque etnogr?fico, con ?nfasis participativo y cooperativo, utilizando instrumentos como entrevistas, cuestionarios entre otros dentro del desarrollo del proyecto. El cual se llev? mediante dos fases, la primera se hizo mediante la observaci?n de la cual se detect? una problem?tica y la segunda en la cual se hizo una intervenci?n mediante el proyecto pedag?gico de aula, que dio paso a la participaci?n activa de toda una comunidad educativa. Palabras clave: literatura ? lectura ? h?bitos ? cuentos ? habilidades comunicativasThe present research project focuses on stimulating reading and the approaching to books from early ages, as a way to develop reading habits and enriching communicative skills. Its aim is to establish the habit of reading in children, where the main factor is to determine those possible causes that encourage or discourage children the desire to read within their world; learning to acquire a reading habit at an early age is seen as a necessity in the personal and social development of each child, thus, it is seen the necessity or alternative to implement dynamic-pedagogical strategies such as children's literature, through a pedagogical classroom project to strengthen reading habits, that allows him to transform his creative intelligence and to improve his communicative competences such as, reading, writing, speaking and listening; it also allows to connect them in a pleasant way to texts. Accordingly, the research is based on formative research, as well as a qualitative research model with an ethnographic approach, with a participative and cooperative emphasis, using instruments such as interviews, questionnaires and others within the project development. This was carried out in two phases: the first one was done through the observation in which a problematic was detected and the second one, where an intervention was made through the classroom pedagogical project, which gave way to the active participation of an entire educational community. Keywords: Literature - reading - habits - stories - communicative skill

    Encapsulación de la piperine presente en la especie Piper tuberculatum utilizando vesículas multilamelares y determinación de su poder antioxidante

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    The piperine is an alkaloid present in the vegetal species pipilongo (Piper tuberculatum). Antioxidant properties are associated to this plant. It was encapsulated in multilamellar vesicles (MLV). For that, the validation of the extraction methodology through calibration curves of standard piperine by high resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC) was performed, using a column of C18, mobile phase MetOH: H2O (70:30) and detected by UV to 340nm with a fluency rate of 0.7 mL/ min. The lineal and non-lineal ranges were found between 1 and 300 ppm, with R2 of 0.995. During the extraction of the pipilongo fruit, the effect of two factors, solvents and ultrasound power, was studied, for the optimization of conditions and higher extraction of piperine in pipilongo. The maximum concentration of piperine (246.50 ppm) was found, using ethanol as extraction solvent. The piperine was isolated from its extract, using a solution of KOH with 10 % ethanol. It was purified and characterized by melting point, IR, GC-MS y RMN 1H. Once the extract was obtained, it was proceeded to the formation of liposomes. The phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol vesicles were prepared with extract and with piperine at different concentrations and hydrated with buffer pH 7.40. The average size of the particles formed, measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS), was in a range of 299.7–531.9 nm. For the study of antioxidant activity, a solution of DPPH 0.2 mM was prepared and a reaction was carried out with the extract and piperine liposomes and their corresponding free forms. The IC50 calculated for the extract and piperine were 2.8±0.2 and 21333±1499 ppm, respectively. These values of IC50 were compared against a standard of reference Quercetin, prepared under the same conditions. The test with DPPH showed that the released form possesses greater antioxidant activity while in encapsulation form, it attenuates and stabilizes this capacity.La piperina, alcaloide presente en la especie vegetal pipilongo (Piper tuberculatum) a la cual se le asocian propiedades antioxidantes, fue encapsulada en vesículas multilamelares (MLV). Para ello se realizó la validación de la metodología de extracción a través de curvas de calibración de piperina estándar por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC) utilizando una columna C18, fase móvil MetOH:H2O (70:30) y detectada por UV a 340 nm con una tasa de flujo de 0.7 mL/min. El rango lineal y linealidad fueron halladas entre 1 a 300 ppm, con R2 de 0.995. En la extracción del fruto de pipilongo se estudió el efecto de dos factores, disolventes y potencia de ultrasonido, para la optimización de condiciones y mayor extracción de piperina en pipilongo. La máxima concentración de piperina (246.50 ppm) fue encontrada en las condiciones de ultrasonido (US 20 KHz a 175W, 40 min) utilizando etanol como disolvente de extracción. Del extracto, se aisló la piperina utilizando una solución de KOH 10% etanólico. Fue purificada y caracterizada mediante punto de fusión, IR, GC-MS y RMN 1H. Una vez obtenido el extracto, se procedió a la formación de liposomas. Las vesículas de fosfatidilcolina y colesterol fueron preparadas con extracto y con piperina a diferentes concentraciones e hidratadas con buffer PBS a pH 7.40. El tamaño promedio de las partículas formadas, medido por dispersión de luz dinámica (DLS), estuvo en un rango de 299.7–531.9 nm. Para el estudio de la actividad antioxidante, se preparó una solución de DPPH 0.2 mM y se llevó a reacción con los liposomas de extracto y de piperina y sus correspondientes formas libres durante 60 min, medidos a 520 nm. El IC50 calculado para el extracto y la piperina fueron 2.8±0.2 y 21333±1499 ppm, respectivamente. Estos valores de IC50 fueron comparados frente a un estándar de referencia preparado bajo las mismas condiciones, quercetina (IC50 2.5±0.1 ppm). El ensayo con DPPH mostró que la forma liberada posee mayor actividad antioxidante mientras que en la encapsulación atenúa y estabiliza esta capacidad

    Microplastics in European sea salts – An example of exposure through consumer choice and of interstudy methodological discrepancies

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    Microplastics are contaminants of emerging concern, not least due to their global presence in marine surface waters. Unsurprisingly, microplastics have been reported in salts harvested from numerous locations. We extracted microplastics from 13 European sea salts through 30% H2O2 digestion and filtration over 5-µm filters. Filters were visually inspected at magnifications to x100. A subsample of potential microplastics was subjected to Raman spectroscopy. Particle mass was estimated, and human dose exposure calculated. After blank corrections, median concentrations were 466 ± 152 microplastics kg-1 ranging from 74 to 1155 items kg-1. Traditionally harvested salts contained fewer microplastics than most industrially harvested ones (t-test, p < 0.01). Approximately 14 µg of microplastics (< 12 particles) may be absorbed by the human body annually, of which a quarter may derive from a consumer choosing sea salt. We reviewed existing studies, showing that targeting different particle sizes and incomplete filtrations hinder interstudy comparison, indicating the importance of method harmonisation for future studies. Excess salt consumption is detrimental to human health; the hazardousness of ingesting microplastics on the other hand has yet to be shown. A portion of microplastics may enter sea salts through production processes rather than source materials

    Determinación de microplásticos en sedimento del supra-, meso- e infra-litoral costero del departamento del Atlántico

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    This study investigates microplastic contamination in coastal ecosystems of the department of Atla´ntico, Colombia. The lack of information on this emerging contaminant in the region is ecognized. This study aims to determine the presence and characterization of microplastics in coastal sediments of three littoral zones (supra, meso and infra) and to evaluate their potential long-term environmental impact. Quality measures and contamination controls will be implemented in the collection and extraction of samples. Statistical analysis will allow classifying microplastics according to size, shape and chemical composition. The aim is to demonstrate the current presence of microplastics in coastal ecosystems and the risk they pose to the environment. This study Will provide fundamental information to understand and address the problem of microplastic pollution in the Atlantic region, thus contributing to the conservation and proper management of these ecosystems.En este estudio se investiga la contaminación por microplásticos en los ecosistemas costeros del departamento del Atlántico, Colombia. Se reconoce la falta de información sobre este contaminante emergente en la región. Se tiene como objetivo determinar presencia y caracterización de microplásticos en los sedimentos costeros de tres zonas litorales (supra, meso e infra) y evaluar su potencial impacto ambiental a largo plazo. Se implementarán medidas de calidad y controles de contaminacio´n en la recolección y extracción de muestras. El análisis estadístico permitirá´ clasificar los microplásticos según tamaño, forma y composición química. Se busca evidenciar la presencia actual de microplásticos en los ecosistemas costeros y demostrar el riesgo que representan para el ambiente. Este estudio proporcionara´ información fundamental para comprender y abordar el problema de la contaminación por microplásticos en la región del Atlántico, contribuyendo así a la conservación y gestión adecuada de estos ecosistemas

    Survey and analysis of microsatellites from transcript sequences in Phytophthora species: frequency, distribution, and potential as markers for the genus

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    BACKGROUND: Members of the genus Phytophthora are notorious pathogens with world-wide distribution. The most devastating species include P. infestans, P. ramorum and P. sojae. In order to develop molecular methods for routinely characterizing their populations and to gain a better insight into the organization and evolution of their genomes, we used an in silico approach to survey and compare simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in transcript sequences from these three species. We compared the occurrence, relative abundance, relative density and cross-species transferability of the SSRs in these oomycetes. RESULTS: The number of SSRs in oomycetes transcribed sequences is low and long SSRs are rare. The in silico transferability of SSRs among the Phytophthora species was analyzed for all sets generated, and primers were selected on the basis of similarity as possible candidates for transferability to other Phytophthora species. Sequences encoding putative pathogenicity factors from all three Phytophthora species were also surveyed for presence of SSRs. However, no correlation between gene function and SSR abundance was observed. The SSR survey results, and the primer pairs designed for all SSRs from the three species, were deposited in a public database. CONCLUSION: In all cases the most common SSRs were trinucleotide repeat units with low repeat numbers. A proportion (7.5%) of primers could be transferred with 90% similarity between at least two species of Phytophthora. This information represents a valuable source of molecular markers for use in population genetics, genetic mapping and strain fingerprinting studies of oomycetes, and illustrates how genomic databases can be exploited to generate data-mining filters for SSRs before experimental validation

    Characterization of cytomegalovirus lung infection in non-HIV infected children

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a prevalent pathogen in the immunocompromised host and invasive pneumonia is a feared complication of the virus in this population. In this pediatric case series we characterized CMV lung infection in 15 non-HIV infected children (median age 3 years; IQR 0.2–4.9 years), using current molecular and imaging diagnostic modalities, in combination with respiratory signs and symptoms. The most prominent clinical and laboratory findings included cough (100%), hypoxemia (100%), diffuse adventitious breath sounds (100%) and increased respiratory effort (93%). All patients had abnormal lung images characterized by ground glass opacity/consolidation in 80% of cases. CMV was detected in the lung either by CMV PCR in bronchoalveolar lavage (82% detection rate) or histology/immunohistochemistry in lung biopsy (100% detection rate). CMV caused respiratory failure in 47% of children infected and the overall mortality rate was 13.3%. Conclusion: CMV pneumonia is a potential lethal disease in non-HIV infected children that requires a high-index of suspicion. Common clinical and radiological patterns such as hypoxemia, diffuse adventitious lung sounds and ground-glass pulmonary opacities may allow early identification of CMV lung infection in the pediatric population, which may lead to prompt initiation of antiviral therapy and better clinical outcomes

    Understanding water and energy fluxes in the Amazonia: Lessons from an observation-model intercomparison

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    Tropical forests are an important part of global water and energy cycles, but the mechanisms that drive seasonality of their land-atmosphere exchanges have proven challenging to capture in models. Here, we (1) report the seasonality of fluxes of latent heat (LE), sensible heat (H), and outgoing short and longwave radiation at four diverse tropical forest sites across Amazonia—along the equator from the Caxiuanã and Tapajós National Forests in the eastern Amazon to a forest near Manaus, and from the equatorial zone to the southern forest in Reserva Jaru; (2) investigate how vegetation and climate influence these fluxes; and (3) evaluate land surface model performance by comparing simulations to observations. We found that previously identified failure of models to capture observed dry-season increases in evapotranspiration (ET) was associated with model overestimations of (1) magnitude and seasonality of Bowen ratios (relative to aseasonal observations in which sensible was only 20%–30% of the latent heat flux) indicating model exaggerated water limitation, (2) canopy emissivity and reflectance (albedo was only 10%–15% of incoming solar radiation, compared to 0.15%–0.22% simulated), and (3) vegetation temperatures (due to underestimation of dry-season ET and associated cooling). These partially compensating model-observation discrepancies (e.g., higher temperatures expected from excess Bowen ratios were partially ameliorated by brighter leaves and more interception/evaporation) significantly biased seasonal model estimates of net radiation (Rn), the key driver of water and energy fluxes (LE ~ 0.6 Rn and H ~ 0.15 Rn), though these biases varied among sites and models. A better representation of energy-related parameters associated with dynamic phenology (e.g., leaf optical properties, canopy interception, and skin temperature) could improve simulations and benchmarking of current vegetation–atmosphere exchange and reduce uncertainty of regional and global biogeochemical models

    Aspergilosis pulmonar invasiva: reporte de un caso

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    The fungus Aspergillus spp. causes infections in immunocompromised hosts and produces a variety of clinical syndromes including lung tracheobronchial, chronic necrotizing pulmonary and allergic bronchopulmonary manifestations, as well as aspergilloma, depending on the type of host-fungus relationship involved. Aspergilloma is usually colonized by Aspergillus spp. lesions in the bronchial tree, while invasive forms are characterized by the presence of hyphae below its basement membrane. The objective of the present study was to describe the case of a pediatric patient with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in the form of pseudomembranous tracheobronchitis, including the clinical course, diagnostic approach and paraclinical care provided.The patient was a 5-year-old female with a history of Fanconi anemia who presented with febrile neutropenia and pneumonia. Antibiotic treatment with cefepime provided no improvement in the patient’s condition and computed tomography of the thorax revealed bibasilar pulmonary opacities. Bronchoalveolar lavage and a lesion biopsy were performed after diagnostic bronchoscopy showed a white exophytic lesion. Since pathologic examination revealed numerous septate fungal hyphae exhibiting 45° branching compatible with Aspergillus spp., the patient was treated with voriconazole. Bronchoalveolar lavage culture produced fungi of the Aspergillus flavi complex. A review of pulmonary Aspergillus spp. infection in children is also included, with emphasis on the management and treatment of clinical syndromes. In pediatric patients with hematological diseases who present with febrile neutropenia and respiratory symptoms, it is essential to consider fungi as potential etiologic agents including Aspergillus spp., which is common and causes a variety of clinical syndromes. El hongo Aspergillus spp. causa infecciones oportunistas en huéspedes inmunocomprometidos. Cursa con una variedad de síndromes clínicos en el pulmón, que incluyen aspergilosis invasiva, aspergilosis pulmonar necrótica crónica, aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica y aspergiloma, cuya manifestación depende del tipo de relación con el huésped. El aspergiloma resulta de lesiones colonizadas por Aspergillus spp. en el árbol bronquial, en tanto que las formas invasivas se caracterizan por la presencia de hifas por debajo de la membrana basal del árbol bronquial.El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el caso de una paciente con aspergilosis pulmonar invasiva en su forma de traqueobronquitis seudomembranosa, considerando el curso clínico, el diagnóstico y el manejo paraclínico.Se trató de una paciente de cinco años de edad con antecedentes de anemia de Fanconi, que fue llevada a consulta con neutropenia febril y neumonía. Se inició el tratamiento antibiótico con cefepime, sin mejoría clínica.La tomografía computadorizada (TC) de tórax reveló opacidades parenquimatosas en ambas bases pulmonares. En una fibrobroncoscopia se encontró una lesión exofítica blanquecina en el bronquio principal derecho, que se sometió a biopsia, y se practicó un lavado broncoalveolar. En el examen de histopatología se hallaron hifas tabicadas a 45°, y el resultado del cultivo reveló la presencia del complejo Aspergillus flavi, por lo que se inició la administración de voriconazol. Se revisaron los reportes en la literatura científica sobre la infección pulmonar por Aspergillus spp. en niños, con énfasis en los síndromes clínicos, y en su manejo y tratamiento.Ante la presencia de síntomas respiratorios en pacientes pediátricos con enfermedades hematológicas que cursen con neutropenia febril, es indispensable considerar como agentes etiológicos los hongos, entre los cuales Aspergillus spp. se presenta frecuentemente causando diferentes síndromes clínicos

    Validation of the educational material for the “Niñ@s en Movimiento” (children in motion) program to Treat child Obesity

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    ABSTRACT: To validate the content of the first booklet “Niñ@s en Movimiento” (designed in Spain), in the Colombian setting, targeting parents or caretakers, and overweight or obese children, which is available free online. Methodology: Qualitative research. After a selection process, 14 overweight children and their parents or caretakers were selected to participate. The children were students at the Colegio Básico “Camino de Paz" School in Medellin. To classify anthropometric data, the study used the World Health Organization program. To validate the booklet, a question guideline was drawn up and focus groups were held. The criteria used included attraction, comprehension, identification, acceptance and induction to action. Data were analyzed using the SPSS® software Version 21.0, and a data analysis protocol. Results: In the section “the importance of breakfast”, in the educational material, some parents or caretakers stated that it is necessary to indicate an adequate way to prepare food, how to serve it and the amounts that they should their children, which is not clear in the booklet. Regarding the children, in the sections “my breakfasts” and “food classification”, there were technical words that complicated comprehension. Furthermore, when talking about food classification, there are foods they have not seen nor eaten. In the parent or caretaker criteria evaluation, comprehension was poorly scored, as some of the terms were not clear. The children also ranked negatively this criterion. Vocabulary was difficult to understand because it had a foreign context. Conclusions: Breakfast, although an established habit, can improve; nevertheless, the guidelines of the booklet would have to be adapted to local language and food culture so that these recommendations may improve the applicability of this educational resource.RESUMEN: Validar, en un contexto colombiano, el contenido de la primera cartilla del programa “Niñ@s en Movimiento” (diseñada en España), dirigida a padres o cuidadores, y a los niños que padecen sobrepeso u obesidad, disponible en internet con acceso libre. Metodología: Investigación cualitativa. Tras el proceso de selección, participaron 14 niños con sobrepeso y sus padres o cuidadores, del Colegio Básico “Camino de Paz” de Medellín. Para la clasificación de los datos antropométricos se utilizó el programa de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Para la validación de la cartilla se elaboró una guía de preguntas y se realizaron grupos focales; se usaron los criterios de atractividad, entendimiento, identificación, aceptación e inducción a la acción. Los datos se analizaron mediante el software spss® versión 21.0, y un protocolo de análisis de datos. Resultados: En la sección “La importancia del desayuno”, del material educativo, algunos padres o cuidadores manifestaron que es necesario indicar la forma adecuada para preparar los alimentos, en qué condiciones y qué cantidad deben servirles a sus hijos, lo cual no es claro en la cartilla. Respecto a los niños, en las secciones “Mis desayunos” y “Clasificación de los alimentos” se encontró que las palabras técnicas dificultan la comprensión; además, al hablar de la clasificación de alimentos, algunos no los han visto ni consumido. En la evaluación de los criterios por parte del padre o cuidador, el entendimiento fue mal calificado, porque no son claros algunos términos; los niños también calificaron negativamente este criterio, por la dificultad para entender vocabulario desconocido debido a su contexto extranjero. Conclusiones: El desayuno, aunque es un hábito establecido, puede mejorar; sin embargo, las orientaciones de la cartilla tendrían que adaptarse al lenguaje y a la cultura alimentaria local, para que las recomendaciones mejoren la aplicabilidad de este recurso educativo

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of four species of staurastrum (meyen 1829, emend. Ralfs 1848) in a colombian eutrophic reservoir

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    Se estudió la dinámica de cuatro especies del género Staurastrum en el embalse Riogrande II (6º 35’ 57’’ y 6º 28’ 79’’N y los 75o 32’ 17’’ y 75º 25’ 85’’O), un embalse eutrófico colombiano, en las escalas espacial y temporal. Las estaciones de muestreo fueron cinco: Presa, Río Grande abajo, Río Chico abajo, Río Chico arriba y Quebrada Las Ánimas. Los muestreos se realizaron cada diez días entre julio de 2002 y julio de 2003. Staurastrum es una desmidia característica de ambientes oligotróficos con pH generalmente bajo; sin embargo, el embalse evaluado es eutrófico. La especie más abundante y más ampliamente distribuida fue S. paradoxum. Los resultados muestran que las cuatro especies fueron altamente dinámicas en el tiempo (CV > 100%) y se distribuyeron contagiosamente en el espacio hacia la estación de mayor eutrofia (Río Chico arriba), principalmente S. gracile (k medio = 2). S. paradoxum presentó un valor de similitud muy pequeño (0.18) con respecto al grupo formado por S. gracile, i>S. tetracerum y S. longipes. El CO2 libre (R = 0.83), la pluviosidad (R = 0.62) y la clorofila a (R = 0.58) incidieron positivamente en la ecología de las especies estudiadas; y negativamente el gradiente lumínico (R = - 0.68). Ninguna de las formas de nutrientes consideradas se asoció significativamente con las variaciones de sus densidades. El comportamiento de las especies se explica por la Teoría del no equilibrio de Harris (1978), donde la estocasticidad del ambiente hace menos severa la competencia entre ellas. La fuerza que dirige la dinámica de estos désmidos es la atelomixis parcial del embalse, que permite que estas microalgas permanezcan en suspensión en la columna de agua. Se constituyeron, dos grupos de especies con estrategias ecológicas combinadas de aprovechamiento del ambiente: el primero, S. gracile, se clasificó como un estratega de la forma transicional R-S, mejor adaptado a las estaciones más eutrofizadas (Río Chico y Río Grande), mientras que la tríada S. longipes-S. paradoxum-S. tetracerum se ajustó más a la estrategia transicional C-S.Dynamics of four species of Staurastrum (Meyen 1829, emend. Ralfs 1848) in Riogrande II reservoir (6 o 35 '57'' - 6 o 28' 79''N; 75 o 32 '17'' - 75 o 25' 85''W) in the spatial and temporal scales were carried out. Sampling stations were five: Dam, Río Grande downstream, Río Chico downstream, Río Chico upstream and Ánimas. Samples were taken every ten days between July 2002 and July 2003. Staurastrum is a characteristic desmid of oligotrophic environments with low pH; however, the reservoir evaluated is an eutrophic one. The most abundant and widely distributed was S. paradoxum. The results show that these four species were highly dynamic over time (CV> 100%) and contagiously distributed in space up to the most eutrophic station (Río Chico upstream), mainly S. gracile (k mean = 2). S. paradoxum showed a very small similarity value (0.18) with respect to the group formed by S. gracile, S. tetracerum and S. longipes. Free CO2 (R = 0.83), rainfall (R = 0.62) and chlorophyll a (R = 0.58) impacted positively on the ecology of the species studied; and negatively light gradient (R = - 0.68). None of the forms of nutrients considered was significantly associated with changes in their densities. The behavior of species is explained by Harris' non-equilibrium theory' where environmental stochasticity makes less severe the competition between them. The driving force behind the dynamics of these desmids is the partial atelomixis which allows these algae to stay suspended in the water column. They formed two groups of species with mixed ecological strategies to use the environment: first, S. gracile, was classified as a transitional form strategist R-S, better adapted to more eutrophic stations (Rio Chico and Rio Grande), while the triad S. longipes-S. paradoxum-S. tetracerum adjusted more to the C-S transitional strategy.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse