257 research outputs found

    Positive definite and related functions on hypergroups

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    In this paper we make use of semigroup methods on the space of compactly supported probability measures to obtain a complete Lévy-Khinchin representation for negative definite functions on a commutative hypergroup. In addition we obtain representation theorems for completely monotone and completely alternating functions. The techniques employed here also lead to considerable simplification of the proofs of known results on positive definite and negative definite functions on hypergroups

    Holomorphic transforms with application to affine processes

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    In a rather general setting of It\^o-L\'evy processes we study a class of transforms (Fourier for example) of the state variable of a process which are holomorphic in some disc around time zero in the complex plane. We show that such transforms are related to a system of analytic vectors for the generator of the process, and we state conditions which allow for holomorphic extension of these transforms into a strip which contains the positive real axis. Based on these extensions we develop a functional series expansion of these transforms in terms of the constituents of the generator. As application, we show that for multidimensional affine It\^o-L\'evy processes with state dependent jump part the Fourier transform is holomorphic in a time strip under some stationarity conditions, and give log-affine series representations for the transform.Comment: 30 page

    Continuous Equilibrium in Affine and Information-Based Capital Asset Pricing Models

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    We consider a class of generalized capital asset pricing models in continuous time with a finite number of agents and tradable securities. The securities may not be sufficient to span all sources of uncertainty. If the agents have exponential utility functions and the individual endowments are spanned by the securities, an equilibrium exists and the agents' optimal trading strategies are constant. Affine processes, and the theory of information-based asset pricing are used to model the endogenous asset price dynamics and the terminal payoff. The derived semi-explicit pricing formulae are applied to numerically analyze the impact of the agents' risk aversion on the implied volatility of simultaneously-traded European-style options.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Yield Curve Shapes and the Asymptotic Short Rate Distribution in Affine One-Factor Models

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    We consider a model for interest rates, where the short rate is given by a time-homogenous, one-dimensional affine process in the sense of Duffie, Filipovic and Schachermayer. We show that in such a model yield curves can only be normal, inverse or humped (i.e. endowed with a single local maximum). Each case can be characterized by simple conditions on the present short rate. We give conditions under which the short rate process will converge to a limit distribution and describe the limit distribution in terms of its cumulant generating function. We apply our results to the Vasicek model, the CIR model, a CIR model with added jumps and a model of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type

    On small-noise equations with degenerate limiting system arising from volatility models

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    The one-dimensional SDE with non Lipschitz diffusion coefficient dXt=b(Xt)dt+σXtγdBt, X0=x, γ<1dX_{t} = b(X_{t})dt + \sigma X_{t}^{\gamma} dB_{t}, \ X_{0}=x, \ \gamma<1 is widely studied in mathematical finance. Several works have proposed asymptotic analysis of densities and implied volatilities in models involving instances of this equation, based on a careful implementation of saddle-point methods and (essentially) the explicit knowledge of Fourier transforms. Recent research on tail asymptotics for heat kernels [J-D. Deuschel, P.~Friz, A.~Jacquier, and S.~Violante. Marginal density expansions for diffusions and stochastic volatility, part II: Applications. 2013, arxiv:1305.6765] suggests to work with the rescaled variable Xε:=ε1/(1γ)XX^{\varepsilon}:=\varepsilon^{1/(1-\gamma)} X: while allowing to turn a space asymptotic problem into a small-ε\varepsilon problem with fixed terminal point, the process XεX^{\varepsilon} satisfies a SDE in Wentzell--Freidlin form (i.e. with driving noise εdB\varepsilon dB). We prove a pathwise large deviation principle for the process XεX^{\varepsilon} as ε0\varepsilon \to 0. As it will become clear, the limiting ODE governing the large deviations admits infinitely many solutions, a non-standard situation in the Wentzell--Freidlin theory. As for applications, the ε\varepsilon-scaling allows to derive exact log-asymptotics for path functionals of the process: while on the one hand the resulting formulae are confirmed by the CIR-CEV benchmarks, on the other hand the large deviation approach (i) applies to equations with a more general drift term and (ii) potentially opens the way to heat kernel analysis for higher-dimensional diffusions involving such an SDE as a component.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Analysis of Fourier transform valuation formulas and applications

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    The aim of this article is to provide a systematic analysis of the conditions such that Fourier transform valuation formulas are valid in a general framework; i.e. when the option has an arbitrary payoff function and depends on the path of the asset price process. An interplay between the conditions on the payoff function and the process arises naturally. We also extend these results to the multi-dimensional case, and discuss the calculation of Greeks by Fourier transform methods. As an application, we price options on the minimum of two assets in L\'evy and stochastic volatility models.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Appl. Math. Financ