1,382 research outputs found

    Aysha King - medical treatment and the notion of 'neglect'

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    This article discusses the legal questions relating to parental rights to remove their child from hospital, and the international consequences

    The politics of Higher Degree supervision. Or: why Einstein would never get his PhD!

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    By reference to Newmanian principles and ethics of higher education the article seeks to argue that generation of knowledge and intellectual advances cannot be simply left to the whims of the violence market forces, student satisfaction surveys and metrics of completion rates. Rather, it is argued, that it involves a critical engagement in a political moment of recurring internal and external self-examination generating a critique of supervision as an original contribution to the body of human knowledg

    The "52 week, 24 hour" university

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    The article seeks to consider the cultural and educational implications of ignoring times for pause and reflection by moving to service industry model of delivery higher education based on market considerations

    Good news! The Strasburg Court does not overrule UK laws after all

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    The article argues that the Conservative party proposals to withdraw UK from the European Convention on Human Rights is not just legally illiterate but unsupported by empirical evidence that UK laws are regularly 'overturned' by decisions in the European Court of Human Rights

    Democracy and rule of law: the Hungarian goulash

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    The article discusses the Tavares Report on the new constitutional changes in Hungary, the implications of the new Constitution on Hungary's obligation under the Treaty, on European Union, especially its continuing commitment to the Union founding values of the rule of law and democracy and its obligation to “
respect human dignity, democracy, equality, the rule of law
“, drawing on historical examples. Concluding with the view that should Hungary fail to take steps to correct its apparent trend away from the EU founding values it is at serious risk of placing itself in in breach of its European Union treaty obligations, international legalities, and possibly even breach European human rights law

    A short note on interpretation of legal texts

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    The paper argues that the conventional theories of interpretation, often loosely but conveniently abbreviated for instance to the literal or purposive approaches, fail to problematise the process of interpretation sufficiently, and in fact operate to perpetuate the myth of self-delusion. Accordingly, the validity of the accepted notion of interpretative theory as offering unique or singular opening to understanding of legal texts, is in doubt. Furthermore, it cannot logically follow that the proposition legal texts somehow have the potential to yield unique or singular interpretation beyond a shared belief in a myth of such singular objectivity

    Teaching law etymologically

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    The paper argues that an etymological approach to teaching law can makes learning law 'fun' because this approach illuminates our approaches to understanding of law and opens up infinite ways to interrogate law. This generates novel questions and fresh positions, in contradistinction to a pedagogy, sacrificially, offering ‘answers’ which are then handed down to students as ‘things’ for them to memorise and repeat in their essays and examinations

    'I am on annual leave': why being on holiday is taboo

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    The article argues that the failure to use the word 'holiday' in electronic communication suggests not only a social but also an intellectual degradation and ultimately a breach of the civil society compact as underpinned by the United Nations

    Simple examples of pure-jump strict local martingales

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    We present simple new examples of pure-jump strict local martingales. The examples are constructed as exponentials of self-exciting affine Markov processes. We characterize the strict local martingale property of these processes by an integral criterion and by non-uniqueness of an associated ordinary differential equation. Finally we show an alternative construction for our examples by an absolutely continuous measure change in the spirit of (Delbaen and Schachermayer, PTRF 1995)
