527 research outputs found

    Time-resolved photoluminescence from defects in n-type GaN

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    Point defects in GaN were studied with time-resolved photoluminescence (PL). The effects of temperature and excitation intensity on defect-related PL have been investigated theoretically and experimentally. A phenomenological model, based on rate equations, explains the dependence of the PL intensity on excitation intensity, as well as the PL lifetime and its temperature dependence. We demonstrate that time-resolved PL measurements can be used to find the concentrations of free electrons and acceptors contributing to PL in n-type semiconductors

    Strong suppression of the yellow luminescence in C-doped GaN in air ambient

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    The authors observed a drastic reduction of the yellow luminescence (YL) intensity in carbon-doped semi-insulating GaN in air or oxygen ambient as compared to the intensity in vacuum. The YL intensity dropped about 300 times while the exciton emission remained almost unchanged. The authors assume that the donor-acceptor-pair transitions involving a gallium vacancy complex in a thin near-surface region cause the strong YL. Oxygen molecules or ions induce the surface states acting as a very efficient channel of nonradiative recombination. The results indicate that carbon may not be involved in the acceptor responsible for the YL band in GaN:C

    Defect-Related Luminescence in Undoped GaN Grown by HVPE

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    Hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) is used for the growth of low-defect GaN. We have grown undoped films on sapphire and investigated them using steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL). One of the dominant PL bands in high-quality GaN grown by HVPE is the green luminescence (GL) band with a maximum at 2.4 eV. This PL band can be easily recognized in time-resolved PL measurements due to its exponential decay even at low temperatures (\u3c50 K), with a characteristic lifetime of 1–2 μs. As the temperature increases from 70 K to 280 K, the PL lifetime for the GL band increases by an order of magnitude. This unusual phenomenon can be explained on the assumption that the electron-capture coefficient for the GL-related defect decreases with temperature as T −2.6

    Determination of acceptor concentration in GaN from photoluminescence

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    The concentration of the acceptor responsible for the yellow luminescence (YL) band at about 2.2eV in GaN is determined from photoluminescence. The YL band intensity increases linearly with excitation power density and partially saturates above some critical value. The dependence is quantitatively described within a phenomenological model accounting for recombination statistics in GaN layer and saturation of acceptors with photogenerated holes. The incomplete saturation of the YL intensity at high excitation intensities is explained by gradual saturation of acceptors at different distances from the sample surface. The identity of deep and shallow acceptors in GaN is discussed

    Temperature dependence of defect-related photoluminescence in III-V and II-VI semiconductors

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    Mechanisms of thermal quenching of photoluminescence (PL) related to defects insemiconductors are analyzed. We conclude that the Schön-Klasens (multi-center) mechanism of the thermal quenching of PL is much more common for defects in III–V and II–VI semiconductorsas compared to the Seitz-Mott (one-center) mechanism. The temperature dependencies of PLare simulated with a phenomenological model. In its simplest version, three types of defects are included: a shallow donor, an acceptor responsible for the PL, and a nonradiative center that has the highest recombination efficiency. The case of abrupt and tunable thermal quenching ofPL is considered in more detail. This phenomenon is predicted to occur in high-resistivitysemiconductors. It is caused by a sudden redirection of the recombination flow from a radiative acceptor to a nonradiative defect

    Temperature dependence of defect-related photoluminescence in III-V and II-VI semiconductors

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    Mechanisms of thermal quenching of photoluminescence (PL) related to defects in semiconductors are analyzed. We conclude that the Schön-Klasens (multi-center) mechanism of the thermal quenching of PL is much more common for defects in III–V and II–VI semiconductors as compared to the Seitz-Mott (one-center) mechanism. The temperature dependencies of PL are simulated with a phenomenological model. In its simplest version, three types of defects are included: a shallow donor, an acceptor responsible for the PL, and a nonradiative center that has the highest recombination efficiency. The case of abrupt and tunable thermal quenching of PL is considered in more detail. This phenomenon is predicted to occur in high-resistivity semiconductors. It is caused by a sudden redirection of the recombination flow from a radiative acceptor to a nonradiative defect

    Two-step thermal quenching of photoluminescence in Zn-doped GaN

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    We observed tunable two-step thermal quenching of photoluminescence in high-resistivity Zn-doped GaN. The characteristic temperatures of the first and second steps increase with increasing excitation intensity. The effect is explained within a phenomenological model involving shallow donors, nonradiative deep donors, and two types of acceptors

    Identification of point defects in HVPE-grown GaN by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence

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    We have investigated point defects in GaN grown by HVPE by using steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL). Among the most common PL bands in this material are the red luminescence band with a maximum at 1.8 eV and a zero-phonon line (ZPL) at 2.36 eV (attributed to an unknown acceptor having an energy level 1.130 eV above the valence band), the blue luminescence band with a maximum at 2.9 eV (attributed to ZnGa), and the ultraviolet luminescence band with the main peak at 3.27 eV (related to an unknown shallow acceptor). In GaN with the highest quality, the dominant defect-related PL band at high excitation intensity is the green luminescence band with a maximum at about 2.4 eV. We attribute this band to transitions of electrons from the conduction band to the 0/+ level of the isolated CN defect. The yellow luminescence (YL) band, related to transitions via the −/0 level of the same defect, has a maximum at 2.1 eV. Another yellow luminescence band, which has similar shape but peaks at about 2.2 eV, is observed in less pure GaN samples and is attributed to the CNON complex. In semi-insulating GaN, the GL2 band with a maximum at 2.35 eV (attributed to VN) and the BL2 band with a maximum at 3.0 eV and the ZPL at 3.33 eV (attributed to a defect complex involving hydrogen) are observed. We also conclude that the gallium vacancy-related defects act as centers of nonradiative recombination

    Luminescence properties of defects in GaN

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    Gallium nitride (GaN) and its allied binaries InN and AIN as well as their ternary compounds have gained an unprecedented attention due to their wide-ranging applications encompassing green, blue, violet, and ultraviolet (UV) emitters and detectors (in photon ranges inaccessible by other semiconductors) and high-power amplifiers. However, even the best of the three binaries, GaN, contains many structural and point defects caused to a large extent by lattice and stacking mismatch with substrates. These defects notably affect the electrical and optical properties of the host material and can seriously degrade the performance and reliability of devices made based on these nitride semiconductors. Even though GaN broke the long-standing paradigm that high density of dislocations precludes acceptable device performance, point defects have taken the center stage as they exacerbate efforts to increase the efficiency of emitters, increase laser operation lifetime, and lead to anomalies in electronic devices. The point defects include native isolated defects (vacancies, interstitial, and antisites), intentional or unintentional impurities, as well as complexes involving different combinations of the isolated defects. Further improvements in device performance and longevity hinge on an in-depth understanding of point defects and their reduction. In this review a comprehensive and critical analysis of point defects in GaN, particularly their manifestation in luminescence, is presented. In addition to a comprehensive analysis of native point defects, the signatures of intentionally and unintentionally introduced impurities are addressed. The review discusses in detail the characteristics and the origin of the major luminescence bands including the ultraviolet, blue, green, yellow, and red bands in undoped GaN. The effects of important group-II impurities, such as Zn and Mg on the photoluminescence of GaN, are treated in detail. Similarly, but to a lesser extent, the effects of other impurities, such as C, Si, H, O, Be, Mn, Cd, etc., on the luminescence properties of GaN are also reviewed. Further, atypical luminescence lines which are tentatively attributed to the surface and structural defects are discussed. The effect of surfaces and surface preparation, particularly wet and dry etching, exposure to UV light in vacuum or controlled gas ambient, annealing, and ion implantation on the characteristics of the defect-related emissions is described

    Blue luminescence and Zn acceptor in GaN

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    In this paper, we present a comparison of exchange-tuned hybrid density functional calculations with experimental data obtained for the Zn acceptor in GaN. Since this acceptor is one of the few reliably identified defects in GaN, we use Zn-doped GaN as a test case for the widely used HSE06 hybrid functional method of calculations of defect properties in semiconductors. Here, we present the experimental results of luminescence measurements in Zn-doped GaN from which we obtain Zn acceptor defect levels. They are compared with theoretically calculated defect thermodynamic and optical transition levels as well as the zero-phonon line associated with this acceptor. We also analyze the dependence of the results on the exchange-tuning procedure used in the HSE06 hybrid functional. Excellent agreement with the experiment is obtained when the amount of exact exchange in HSE06 is tuned to reproduce the GaN experimental band gap. This favorable comparison with the experimental results for a well-established defect suggests that the exchange-tuned HSE06 hybrid functional yields accurate defect properties in GaN and, therefore, has significant predictive power
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