41 research outputs found

    Soils in the Slovenian educational system

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    There is a considerable amount of confusion in the topics regarding soils on all levels of Slovenian education. The fundamental problem is the naming for soil itself. Several different names appear for soil that deal with more or less the same natural phenomenon. Other problems include lack of official Slovenian soil classification, sometimes out of date soil topics in primary and secondary school, inexpert use of soil names for soil types of the World, none existing special soil studies. There are a lot of existing initiatives to improve the current state, but the differences among soil scientists are impeding the process

    Post-fire succession: Selected examples from the Karst region, southwest Slovenia

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    Forests in Submediterranean Slovenia are threatened by wildfires every year. The article presents the main characteristics of post-fire regeneration in the Karst area. The rate of succession was studied by comparing two burned sites with different periods after the last fire. Field plant sampling was used to determine the plant cover and species composition on each site. Vegetation characteristics were contrasted with nearby unburned sites. We found that the plant species composition of burned areas is similar to that of areas unaffected by wildfire, and that the monitored site has been colonised by specific pioneer plant species five years after the wildfire

    Vinova loza i vinogradarstvo Krasa (Slovenija)

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    Vine in the Slovene Kras (Karst) region is unique due to the specific geologic, climatic, geomorphologic and soil conditions. Small sized villages with low number of inhabitants are typical for the area as well as fragmented land units. The percentage of the active population in agricultural sector is continuously decreasing. With the land use data for years 1961, 1994 and 2000 we studied the changes in land use by land register units in the area. Abandonment of arable land and its grass overgrowing, insufficient vineyard renewal, abandonment of cattle breeding and forest overgrowing are the biggest threats to the vine growth in the area. Due to forest overgrowing the local wind called "burja" is weaker and less frequent which leads to higher relative air moisture. The last mentioned fact is of the most important ones, because the local vine is very sensitive to high air moisture conditions which cause different kinds of plant diseases. The renewal of the vineyards in the Karst area is insufficient to maintain the present situation. In the last few years local farmers have been trying to protect the local wine called "Teran" as a regional specialty.Vinova loza na Krasu uspijeva zbog posebnih geoloških, klimatskih i geomorfoloških te pedoloških prilika. Za to područje karakteristična su sela s malim brojem stanovnika, usitnjenim zemljišnim posjedima i stalnim smanjivanjem udjela zaposlenih u primarnom sektoru. Na osnovi podataka za godine 1991., 1994. i 2000. utvrdili smo stanje i promjene u upotrebi parcela u katastarskim općinama na istraživanom području. Napuštanje obradivih površina i njihovo ozelenjivanje, nedostatno obnavljanje vinograda, odbacivanje ispaše, zarašćivanje pašnjaka, a s time nezaustavljivo širenje šumskih površina, predstavlja najveću prijetnju vinovoj lozi na Krasu. Upravo širenje šumskih površina smanjuje također čestinu i snagu bure, što se odražava u većoj relativnoj vlazi, pa je tako loza refošk najviše pogođena budući da je osobito osjetljiva na plijesan. Vinograde na Krasu ne obnavljaju u dovoljnoj mjeri da bi se održalo barem postojeće stanje. Već neko vrijeme pokušavaju kraški vinogradari zaštititi vino teran kao regionalnu posebitost slovenskog Krasa

    Fizičko-geografski uvjeti za rast vinove loze na području Krasa, Slovenija

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    The paper presents the results of research that focused on dependence of vine growth to physical geographical conditions in the research area of Karst region - geologic, geomorphologic, climatic and soil conditions. Among the conditions the biggest impacts are climatic and soil conditions. We have found that in the case of the research area the geologic conditions are as important as climatic and soil conditions. Vine growth is best in the middle part of the research area, between the villages of Tomaj, Dutovlje in Križ and also in the area of Avber and Komen where specific geological formations cause the better soil quality.U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja utjecaja fizičko-geografskih čimbenika (geološka građa, reljef, klima i pedologija) na rast vinove loze. Uz klimu i tlo, kao najvažnije čimbenike za rast vinove loze, istraživanjima je ustanovljeno da na području Krasa jednako značenje ima i geološka podloga. Vinova loza najbolje uspijeva na središnjem dijelu proučavanoga područja, i to između Tomaja, Dutovlja i Križa te u okolici Avbera i Komna, gdje su specifične geološke osobine pogodovale i nastanku kvalitetnijih tala

    Proučevanje vzpetin kopastega krasa s pomočjo digitalnega modela višin

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    Glavni namen članka je prikaz postopka prepoznavanja in klasifikacije geomorfoloških oblik kopastega krasa na štirih različnih območjih v Sloveniji ter na podlagi morfometrične analize podati nove ugotovitve o Dinarskem kopastem krasu. Analiza je potekala s pomočjo programskega orodja ArcMap 10.4.1, kjer smo oblike prepoznali s pomočjo orodja Fill. Avtorja ugotavljata, da je kopasti kras zelo raznolik tip površja, ki se od območja do območja razlikuje. Največji vpliv na oblikovanost vrhov pripisujeta strukturnim geološkim razmeram ter globini vadozne cone


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    Prva ekskurzija Ljubljanskega geografskega društva onstran »Luže« je udeležence popeljala v najbolj zahodno ameriško zvezno državo Kalifornijo, ki ima med vsemi državami v Združenih državah največ prebivalcev. Bolj kot seznanjanju s tamkajšnjim mestnim načinom življenja je bila namenjena ogledom in spoznavanju mnogih naravnogeografskih zanimivosti, ki jih varujejo narodni parki in naravni rezervati. Mnogi pojavi se pojavljajo v presežnikih. V narodnem parku Dolina smrti, kjer je najnižja točka severnoameriške celine, so najvišje temperature tega dela sveta, v narodnem parku Sekvoja rastejo največja živa bitja na svetu, orjaški mamutovci, v White Mountains nad jezerom Mono najstarejša znana drevesa na našem planetu, v rezervatu severno od San Francisca pa najvišja drevesa na Zemlji, obalne sekvoje. Vodniček uporabnika popelje po najbolj zanimivih kotičkih »Zlate države«, kakršen je uradni vzdevek Kalifornije, in jo tako nazorno predstavi v vsej naravni in družbeni raznolikosti, ne ogne pa se niti razvojnim problemom niti prav za ta del sveta tako značilnemu glamurju

    Geografija in rastlinska sukcesija

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    The book (‘Geography and plant succession. Selected examples from Slovene regions’) is dealing with ecological succession which is one of three kinds of changes in vegetation. The other two are regeneration (or the result of necrosis and regrowth of organisms) and fluctuation (or changes in biomass in longer and shorter time cycles–also seasonal changes). Ecological succession or ecological sequence can be understood as a temporal-spatial clarification of the evolutionary development of a community from bare soil to a stable community which is balanced with its environment. The book is divided in two parts. In the first part, succession is presented on a theoretical basis. The development of the concept of succession through history, its mechanisms and processes carried on in it are clarified. Different types of succession as well as pioneer species and climax societies as the starting and final point of the process under consideration are described. In separated chapters, invasive species and soils as well as their role in succession are discussed. In the second part, individual selected environments (gravel pits in rivers, screes, rockfall areas, fire areas and construction pits) where the two major types of succession are prevailing are presented.Knjiga obravnava ekološko sukcesijo, ki sestavlja eno od treh vrst sprememb v rastlinstvu. Poleg nje sta zastopani še regeneracija oziroma rezultat odmiranja in ponovne rasti organizmov, in fluktuacija oziroma spremembe v biomasi v daljših in krajših časovnih ciklih (tudi sezonske spremembe).Ekološko sukcesijo ali ekološko zaporedje lahko razumemo kot časovno-prostorsko pojasnitev evolucijskega razvoja neke združbe od golih tal do ustaljene, s svojim okoljem uravnotežene združbe.Knjiga je razdeljena v dva dela. V prvem je sukcesija predstavljena na teoretični ravni. Pojasnjeni so razvoj njenega koncepta skozi zgodovino, njeni mehanizmi in procesi, ki potekajo v njej. Opisani so različni tipi sukcesij ter pionirske vrste in klimaksne združbe kot začetni in končni pol obravnavanega procesa. V ločenih poglavjih so obravnavane invazivne vrste ter prsti in njihova vloga v sukcesiji. V drugem delu pa so predstavljena posamezna izbrana okolja (rečna prodišča, melišča, podorno gradivo, požarišča in gradbene jame), kjer prevladujeta glavna tipa sukcesije


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    Pregled znanstvenega, strokovnega in pedagoškega dela prof. Franca Lovrenčaka  ob njegovi 80-letnici Ob 550-letnici rojstva kartografa in horografa Pietra Coppa In memoriam Marjan Tkalčič (1949–2020) Vpogled v socialno geografijo Challenges of Tourism Development in Protected Areas of Croatia and Slovenia Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies Origination. The Geographies of Brands and Branding Brands and Branding Geographie

    Based on FAO Guidelines for soil description (FAO, Rome, 2006) and WORLD REFERENCE BASE FOR SOIL RESOURCES 2014 lnternational soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps Update 2015

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    FulltextSoil investigation may be carried out on various levels of knowledge, research capacity and proficiency. Scientists commonly apply advanced methodology for soil resources inventory, including the professional terminology for landscape and soil description, data acquisition and processing, soil classification and mapping, soil and land evaluation. By default, an internationally accepted system should be recommended. An implementation of such methodology is also recommended in more advanced courses of soil science studies on bachelor and master study levels. However, the long-term teaching experience reveals difficulties connected mainly with complicated terminology and excessive number of characteristics obligatory to know, and justifies some simplification of the language, rules and structure at the introductory stage of teaching. This was the base and rationale for the preparation of simplified Guidelines for Soil Description and Classification: Central and Eastern European Students' Version. This book is divided into three parts. The first one - Site and soil description - follows the layout and content of professional edition of Guidelines for Soil Description, 4th ed., published by FAO (2005), simplified for educational purposes. The order of description has been modified to correspond to the layout of an original Soil description sheet. The second part - Soil classification - is a simplified WRB classification (based on a 2014/2015 edition) limited to reference soil groups known from Central Europe. The third part is an Illustrated explanatory guide that includes: i) examples of typical soil profiles for all Central European Reference Soil Groups; ii) morphological features important for soil description and identification in the field; iii) soil-landscape relationships. The photos have been enriched with graphical tips helpful at the recognizing of important soil features. The textbook was developed in the framework of EU Erasmus+ FACES project (Freely Accessible Central European Soil) aiming to facilitate the knowledge and implementation of an international rules of soil characterization adopted by the FAO. It will be used to unify the presentation of soil data collected in the partner countries. The interpretation of soil data fully based on the international soil classification WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2015) as WRB was endorsed by the lnternational Union of Soil Sciences (lUSS) and accepted by the European Commission as an official system for the European Union. Therefore, this guideline might be a starting point for preparation of basic teaching materials to spread the knowledge on an internationally recommended rules and terminology for soil description and classification. However, this guideline is designed as teaching tool for students in Central and Eastern European countries and therefore it may not be applicable worldwide. Moreover, it is suited for the "first step" training, and it is not substituting any professional original classification. Authors of this guidebook assume that the users are familiar with the basic knowledge in soil science. Therefore, the guidelines do not contain explanations related to basic soil forming factors, soil forming processes and basic physico-chemical features


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    Krajevna skupnost pod drobnogledom v prostoru in času Pregled zgodovine slovenske skupnosti v Elyju, Minnesota/Politična participacija slovenskih etničnih skupnosti v ZDA. Študija primerov v Clevelandu, Ohio, in Elyju, Minnesota Priročnik za prepoznavanje in načrtovanje zelene infrastrukture Novi pristopniki v kmetijstvo: uporaba in učinki rezultatov projekta NEWBIE Poročilo delavnice projekta SYStem (Share Your Soils) v Estremadur