67 research outputs found
El maravilloso mundo de la oralidad
129 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto de investigaci?n fue motivado a partir de una problem?tica detectada, la cual observ? la dificultad que presentaron los ni?os en la expresi?n oral en el grado de pre jard?n de la Instituci?n Educativa.
Teniendo en cuenta esta problem?tica se retomaron aportes te?ricos como el MEN, la Constituci?n Pol?tica, la Ley 115 de 1994, los lineamientos curriculares el Decreto 2247 de 1997, que tienen como fin mejorar la calidad de la educaci?n preescolar, y se realizaron encuestas observaciones, y entrevistas a la comunidad educativa en general, obteniendo informaci?n clara de los ni?os, sirviendo de base para enriquecer conocimientos y marcar cambios en los procesos de ense?anza aprendizaje dentro y fuera del aula, de una forma pedag?gica y arm?nica que es fundamental en el desarrollo del ni?o en la etapa inicial.
Teniendo en cuenta estos conocimientos se implementaron actividades acordes a las necesidades e intereses de los ni?os, con el fin de potenciar en ellos el desarrollo de la oralidad, mediada a trav?s de la narrativa, teatro y arte teniendo en cuenta que cada una de estas actividades contaba con unas su actividades para mejorar el lenguaje, las habilidades motrices, estimular la imaginaci?n, creatividad y la l?dica ayudando de esta manera a un buen desarrollo integral, social e intelectual en los ni?os y ni?as de la Instituci?n Educativa.
Con base en estas actividades se logr? potencializar en los ni?os el desarrollo de habilidades y capacidades en los diferentes aspectos social, emocional, cognitivo, comunicativo y motor, logrando el ?xito en los objetivos propuestos.This Research Project was a motivation at the beginning of a problematic in the educative institution that was detected in a difficulty that Pre-Kinder children showed in their oral expression.
Considering this problematic, some theoretical supports were retaken from the Ministry Of National Education, the Law 115, 1994, the curriculum guidelines of the Decree 2247, 1997, which purpose is to improve the educative quality in the pre scholar area, and some interviews were generally conducted in the educative community, gathering clear information about the children, using it as a base for enriching our knowledge and making changes in the teaching - learning process, inside and outside the classroom, in a pedagogical way which is fundamental in the development of the child in his or her early stage.
Basing on this knowledge, some activities were carried out according to the students? interests or necessities, in order for their speech development to strengthen, through different ways such as narrative, role plays, body language and motor skills, stimulating their ability to imagine, creativity and ludic, helping in this sense for a good integral, social and intellectual development in boys and girls inside the educative community.
And according to these tasks, it was achieved to strengthen their development of skills and capabilities in the social, emotional, cognitive, communicative and motor aspects, as a success in the proposed objectives.
Keywords: oral, communication, pedagogical project, integral development, educative institution, knowledge, teacher ? student, learning-teaching, ludic, language, early education, cognitive development
Compartiendo espacios educativos con los ni?os y ni?as a trav?s de actividades recreativas para formar en h?bitos saludables
161 p. Recurso Electr?nico?Durante el primer proceso de nuestra carrera universitaria, se desarroll? el siguiente proceso: en el primer semestre se construy? la historia de vida, entre el segundo y el quinto se desarroll? un proceso continuo e integral mediante observaciones, permitiendo caracterizar el grupo o la poblaci?n objeto de intervenci?n en el Hogar Infantil Consota. En las observaciones se evidenci? una problem?tica relacionada con la falta de h?bitos de higiene en los ni?os y las ni?as; por lo tanto es importante promover unos adecuados h?bitos de higiene en la comunidad educativa ya que estos se constituyen en una parte indispensable del curr?culo de la educaci?n infantil. Seg?n lo planteado por Larousse, (1950) la prevenci?n es "preparaci?n, disposici?n que se toma para evitar alg?n peligro"(p. 755)
Se hace necesario la formaci?n de h?bitos de higiene y generar conciencia sobre el valor y la necesidad de la salud para crear ambientes saludables. Seg?n el MEN, la Ley General de Salud, los Alimentos son determinantes en el desarrollo integral de la vida.
Es claro comprender como este proyecto permiti? implementar las actividades recreativas tales como jugando al lavado de manos, collage saludable, adivinanzas creativas entre otras, para as? alcanzar buenos h?bitos saludables en la comunidad educativa, a trav?s de esto los ni?os y las ni?as asimilaron, conocieron, manifestaron, personificaron, percibieron y verbalizaron el mundo que los rodea y se apropiaron de la importancia que tienen los h?bitos saludables afrontando as? el autocuidado, integraci?n personal, los buenos h?bitos, entre otros textos que fomentaron el cuidado integral de cada ni?o y ni?a. Se concluye que los h?bitos saludables son fundamentales ya que son una herramienta educativa para la construcci?n de la higiene en los ni?os y las ni?as, fortaleciendo las condiciones salubres esenciales, para prevenir las enfermedades e infecciones.
Palabras clave: higiene, prevenci?n, cuidado, infancia, educaci?nDuring the first trial of our college career, developed the following process: life history was built in the first half between the second and the fifth semester between the second and the fifth was developed a continuous and integral process by means of observations, allowing characterizing the group or population subject to intervention in the Children's garden child home. The observations showed a
Problem related to the lack of hygiene in the boys and girls; it is therefore important to promote appropriate hygiene habits in the educational community since they constitute an indispensable part of the curriculum of early childhood education. According to the issues raised by Larousse, (year 1995) prevention is "preparation, provision is taken to avoid any danger"(p.755.)
The formation of habits of hygiene is necessary and raises awareness of the value and the need of health to create healthy environments. According to the MEN, the General Law of health, foods are determinants in the development of life. It is clear to understand how this project allowed implementing recreational activities such as playing the washing of hands, healthy collage, and creative including riddles to achieve
good habits in the community education, through this the children assimilated, met, expressed, personified, perceived and expressed the world that surrounds them and appropriated the importance having healthy habits so facing the car care, personal integration, good habits, among other texts which promoted the comprehensive care of each boy and girl. It is concluded that healthy habits are critical since they are an educational tool for the construction of the hygiene in the children, strengthening the essential healthy conditions, to prevent diseases and infections.
Keywords: Hygiene, Prevention, Care, Children, Educatio
Escherichia coli O26 in feedlot cattle: Fecal prevalence, isolation, characterization, and effects of an E. coli O157 vaccine and a direct-fed microbial
Escherichia coli O26 is second only to O157 in causing foodborne, Shiga toxinâproducing E. coli (STEC) infections. Our objectives were to determine fecal prevalence and characteristics of E. coli O26 in commercial feedlot cattle (17,148) that were enrolled in a study to evaluate an E. coli O157:H7 siderophore receptor and porin (SRPÂź) vaccine (VAC) and a direct-fed microbial (DFM; 106 colony-forming units [CFU]/animal/day of Lactobacillus acidophilus and 109 CFU/animal/day of Propionibacterium freudenreichii). Cattle were randomly allocated to 40 pens within 10 complete blocks; pens were randomly assigned to control, VAC, DFM, or VAC+DFM treatments. Vaccine was administered on days 0 and 21, and DFM was fed throughout the study. Pen-floor fecal samples (30/pen) were collected weekly for the last 4 study weeks. Samples were enriched in E. coli broth and subjected to a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) designed to detect O26-specific wzx gene and four major virulence genes (stx1, stx2, eae, and ehxA) and to a culture-based procedure that involved immunomagnetic separation and plating on MacConkey agar. Ten presumptive E. coli colonies were randomly picked, pooled, and tested by the multiplex PCR. Pooled colonies positive for O26 serogroup were streaked on sorbose MacConkey agar, and 10 randomly picked colonies per sample were tested individually by the multiplex PCR. The overall prevalence of E. coli O26 was higher (p<0.001) by the culture-based method compared to the PCR assay (22.7 versus 10.5%). The interventions (VAC and or DFM) had no impact on fecal shedding of O26. Serogroup O26 was recovered in pure culture from 23.9% (260 of 1089) of O26 PCR-positive pooled colonies. Only 7 of the 260 isolates were positive for the stx gene and 90.1% of the isolates possessed an eaeÎČ gene that codes for intimin subtype ÎČ, but not the bfpA gene, which codes for bundle-forming pilus. Therefore, the majority of the O26 recovered from feedlot cattle feces was atypical enteropathogenic E. coli, and not STEC
Laparotomy enables retrograde dilatation and stent placement for malignant esophago-respiratory fistula
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malignant esophageal stenosis with complete obstruction and esophagorespiratory fistula (ERF) is difficult to treat with standard endoscopic techniques.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a patient in whom with local recurrence of esophageal carcinoma an esophagotracheal fistula occurred. Initially the patient had undergone esophageal resection with interposition of a gastric tube. Due to complete obstruction of the lumen by recurrent tumor conventional transoral stent placement failed. For retrograde dilatation a laparotomy was performed. Via a duodenal incision endoscopic access to the gastric tube was achieved. Using a guidewire the esophageal obstruction was traversed and dilated. Then it was possible to place an esophageal stent via an antegrade approach.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Open surgery enables a safe access for retrograde endoscopic therapy in patients who had undergone esophageal resection with gastric interposition.</p
Is the covering of the resection margin after distal pancreatectomy advantageous?
BACKGROUND: In recent years, many advances in pancreatic surgery have been achieved. Nevertheless, the rate of pancreatic fistula following pancreatic tail resection does not differ between various techniques, still reaching up to 30% in prospective multicentric studies. Taking into account contradictory results concerning the usefulness of covering resection margins after distal pancreatectomy, we sought to perform a systematic, retrospective analysis of patients that underwent distal pancreatectomy at our center. METHODS: We retrospectively analysed the data of 74 patients that underwent distal pancreatectomy between 2001 and 2011 at the community hospital in Neuss. Demographic factors, indications, postoperative complications, surgical or interventional revisions, and length of hospital stay were registered to compare the outcome of patients undergoing distal pancreatectomy with coverage of the resection margins vs. patients undergoing distal pancreatectomy without coverage of the resection margins. Differences between groups were calculated using Fisherâs exact and MannâWhitney U test. RESULTS: Main indications for pancreatic surgery were insulinoma (n=18, 24%), ductal adenocarcinoma (n=9, 12%), non-single-insulinoma-pancreatogenic-hypoglycemia-syndrome (NSIPHS) (n=8, 11%), and pancreatic cysts with pancreatitis (n=8, 11%). In 39 of 74 (53%) patients no postoperative complications were noted. In detail we found that 23/42 (55%) patients with coverage vs. 16/32 (50%) without coverage of the resection margins had no postoperative complications. The most common complications were pancreatic fistulas in eleven patients (15%), and postoperative bleeding in nine patients (12%). Pancreatic fistulas occurred in patients without coverage of the resection margins in 7/32 (22%) vs. 4/42 (1011%) with coverage are of the resection margins, yet without reaching statistical significance. Postoperative bleeding ensued with equal frequency in both groups (12% with coverage versus 13% without coverage of the resection margins). The reoperation rate was 8%. The hospital stay for patients without coverage was 13Â days (5â60) vs. 17Â days (8â60) for patients with coverage. CONCLUSIONS: The results show no significant difference in the fistula rate after covering of the resection margin after distal pancreatectomy, which contributes to the picture of an unsolved problem
Detection of stx1 and stx2 Genes in Pennsylvanian White-Tailed Deer
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli carrying the stx1 and/or stx2 genes can cause multi-symptomatic illness in humans. A variety of terrestrial and aquatic environmental reservoirs of stx have been described. Culture based detection of microbes in deer species have found a low percentage of samples that have tested positive for Stx-producing microbes, suggesting that while deer may contain these microbes, their overall abundance in deer is low. In this study, quantitative PCR (qPCR) was utilized to test for the presence of stx genes in white-tailed deer fecal matter in western Pennsylvania. In this culture independent screening, nearly half of the samples tested positive for the stx2 gene, with a bias towards samples that were concentrated with stx2. This study, while limited in scope, suggests that deer may be a greater reservoir for stx than was previously thought
Presence of pathogenic Escherichia coli is correlated with bacterial community diversity and composition on pre-harvest cattle hides
Citation: Chopyk, J., Moore, R. M., DiSpirito, Z., Stromberg, Z. R., Lewis, G. L., Renter, D. G., . . . Wommack, K. E. (2016). Presence of pathogenic Escherichia coli is correlated with bacterial community diversity and composition on pre-harvest cattle hides. Microbiome, 4, 11. doi:10.1186/s40168-016-0155-4Background: Since 1982, specific serotypes of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) have been recognized as significant foodborne pathogens acquired from contaminated beef and, more recently, other food products. Cattle are the major reservoir hosts of these organisms, and while there have been advancements in food safety practices and industry standards, STEC still remains prevalent within beef cattle operations with cattle hides implicated as major sources of carcass contamination. To investigate whether the composition of hide-specific microbial communities are associated with STEC prevalence, 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) bacterial community profiles were obtained from hide and fecal samples collected from a large commercial feedlot over a 3-month period. These community data were examined amidst an extensive collection of prevalence data on a subgroup of STEC that cause illness in humans, referred to as enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). Fecal 16S rRNA gene OTUs (operational taxonomic units) were subtracted from the OTUs found within each hide 16S rRNA amplicon library to identify hide-specific bacterial populations. Results: Comparative analysis of alpha diversity revealed a significant correlation between low bacterial diversity and samples positive for the presence of E. coli O157:H7 and/or the non-O157 groups: O26, O111, O103, O121, O45, and O145. This trend occurred regardless of diversity metric or fecal OTU presence. The number of EHEC serogroups present in the samples had a compounding effect on the inverse relationship between pathogen presence and bacterial diversity. Beta diversity data showed differences in bacterial community composition between samples containing O157 and non-O157 populations, with certain OTUs demonstrating significant changes in relative abundance. Conclusions: The cumulative prevalence of the targeted EHEC serogroups was correlated with low bacterial community diversity on pre-harvest cattle hides. Understanding the relationship between indigenous hide bacterial communities and populations may provide strategies to limit EHEC in cattle and provide biomarkers for EHEC risk assessment
Genetic Diversity and Pathogenic Potential of Attaching and Effacing Escherichia coli O26:H11 Strains Recovered from Bovine Feces in the United States
Escherichia coli O26 has been identified as the most common non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) serogroup to cause human illnesses in the United States and has been implicated in outbreaks around the world. E. coli has high genomic plasticity, which facilitates the loss or acquisition of virulence genes. Attaching and effacing E. coli (AEEC) O26 strains have frequently been isolated from bovine feces, and there is a need to better characterize the relatedness of these strains to defined molecular pathotypes and to describe the extent of their genetic diversity. High-throughput real-time PCR was used to screen 178 E. coli O26 isolates from a single U.S. cattle feedlot, collected from May to July 2011, for the presence or absence of 25 O26 serogroup-specific and virulence-associated markers. The selected markers were capable of distinguishing these strains into molecularly defined groups (yielding 18 unique marker combinations). Analysis of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat 1 (CRISPR1) and CRISPR2a loci further discriminated isolates into 24 CRISPR types. The combination of molecular markers and CRISPR typing provided 20.8% diversity. The recent CRISPR PCR target SP_O26-E, which was previously identified only in stx 2-positive O26:H11 human clinical strains, was identified in 96.4% (161/167 [95% confidence interval, 99.2 to 93.6%]) of the stx-negative AEEC O26:H11 bovine fecal strains. This supports that these stx-negative strains may have previously contained a prophage carrying stx or could acquire this prophage, thus possibly giving them the potential to become pathogenic to humans. These results show that investigation of specific genetic markers may further elucidate our understanding of the genetic diversity of AEEC O26 strains in bovine feces
Percepci?n de utilidad y actitud hacia la lectura como factores determinantes de la satisfacci?n con el e-learning : caso de los trabajadores de una empresa industrial.
En la actualidad nos enfrentamos a una revoluci?n tecnol?gica donde lo ?nico constante es el cambio, ante ello, las personas, instituciones y organizaciones se han visto en la necesidad de evolucionar. La capacitaci?n virtual o e-learning cuyos componentes tales como, la calidad del contenido, la forma de interactividad entre el trabajador y la plataforma, su facilidad de uso, aunado a la actitud lectora que va migrando agresivamente a los medios digitales, proporcionan una experiencia de aprendizaje virtual en la cual la satisfacci?n juega un rol determinante para el ?xito o fracaso del objetivo fundamental, que es la trasmisi?n de informaci?n o contenidos a trav?s de una modalidad menos costosa, orientada a capitalizar los conocimientos. Al evidenciar la relaci?n entre la percepci?n de utilidad y actitud hacia la lectura para determinar la satisfacci?n con respecto al e-learning, se orientan los esfuerzos para optimizar el uso de la plataforma virtual y obtener beneficios no solo para las empresas, sino tambi?n para los trabajadores que incorporar?n nueva informaci?n que los har? altamente competitivos en sus puestos de trabajo actuales y futuros
VAMOS: a Pathfinder for the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
VAMOS was a prototype detector built in 2011 at an altitude of 4100m a.s.l.
in the state of Puebla, Mexico. The aim of VAMOS was to finalize the design,
construction techniques and data acquisition system of the HAWC observatory.
HAWC is an air-shower array currently under construction at the same site of
VAMOS with the purpose to study the TeV sky. The VAMOS setup included six water
Cherenkov detectors and two different data acquisition systems. It was in
operation between October 2011 and May 2012 with an average live time of 30%.
Besides the scientific verification purposes, the eight months of data were
used to obtain the results presented in this paper: the detector response to
the Forbush decrease of March 2012, and the analysis of possible emission, at
energies above 30 GeV, for long gamma-ray bursts GRB111016B and GRB120328B.Comment: Accepted for pubblication in Astroparticle Physics Journal (20 pages,
10 figures). Corresponding authors: A.Marinelli and D.Zaboro
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