231 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Hydrogen Ion, Phosphate, and Light to the Resting Membrane Potential in Nitella Clavata

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    Through the experiments presented here, we hoped to obtain evidence to further substantiate and characterize the active H+ extrusion mechanism proposed by Kitasato (1968) and Spear, et al (1969)

    Nais(pea)tegelaste kujutamine ooperis Georges Bizet' "Carmeni" näitel

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    Bakalaureusetöö keskendub naistegelaste ning eriti just naispeategelase kujutamisele Georges Bizet’ ooperis „Carmen“. Esimene peatükk annab ülevaate naiste ja naistegelaste kujutamistest ooperis, ühendades omavahel muusikateatri uurimise soouurimuslike küsimustega. Teine peatükk keskendub Georges Bizet’ ooperile „Carmen“, kirjeldades ja analüüsides Carmeni tegelase kujutamist jutustajate vaatepunkti kaudu Mérimée jutustuses, Bizet' ooperis ning tema vastandkuju Micaëlat. Kolmandas peatükis käsitletakse "Carmeni" lavastamist ja lavastuste retseptsiooni Rahvusooper Estonia 2011. aasta ja Vanemuise 2015. aasta lavastuste põhjal

    Financial Impact of Complex Cancer Surgery in India: A Study of Pancreatic Cancer.

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    PURPOSE: The rapidly increasing burden of cancer in India has profound impacts on health care costs for patients and their families. High out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure, lack of insurance, and low government expenditure create a vicious cycle, leading to household impoverishment. Complex cancer surgery is now increasingly important for emerging countries; however, little is understood about the macro- and microeconomics of these procedures. After the Lancet Oncology Commission on Global Cancer Surgery, we evaluated the OOP expenditure for patients undergoing pancreatico-duodenectomy (PD) at a government tertiary cancer center in India. METHODS: Prospective data from 98 patients who underwent PD between January 2014 and June 2015 were collected and analyzed. The time frame for consideration of expenses, including all preoperative investigations, was from the first hospital visit to the day of discharge. Catastrophic expenditure was calculated by assessing the percentage of households in which OOP health payments exceeded 10% of the total household income. RESULTS: The mean expenditure for PD by patients was Rs.295,679.57 (US$74,420, purchasing power parity corrected). This amount was significantly higher among those admitted to a private ward and those with complications. Only 29.6% of the patients had insurance coverage. A total of 76.5% of the sample incurred catastrophic expenditure, and 38% of those with insurance underwent financial catastrophe compared with 93% of those without insurance. The percentage of patients facing catastrophic impact was highest among those in semiprivate wards, at 86.7%, followed by those in public and private wards. CONCLUSION: The cost of PD is high and is often unaffordable for a majority of India's population. A review of insurance coverage policies for better coverage must be considered

    How Seventh Grade Readers Who Completed An Intensive Phonics Intervention Program in Sixth Grade Comprehend Informational Text

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the processes by which seventh grade readers who completed an intensive phonics intervention program in sixth grade comprehend informational text. The informational text chosen for this study was a social studies passage from a seventh grade textbook. Completion of a phonics intervention program presumes an improvement in automaticity, a foundational reading skill characterized by the ability to read with speed and accuracy. Multiple case studies were the overall approach to inquiry and data gathering. With the assistance of a middle school reading specialist informant, the researcher invited the participation of five seventh grade students reflecting a variation in race and gender who were performing below grade level on reading assessments at the beginning of grade six, and who completed an intensive phonics intervention program by the end of grade six. Data collection included administration of an Informal Reading Inventory (IRI) graded word list, reading interest and reading behavior surveys, interviews and observations of students, read and think aloud sessions, an informal comprehension check, and a brief paragraph written by the students to indicate how they saw themselves as readers. The study results suggest that a structured and sequential phonics intervention program holds the promise of improved reading automaticity (the ability to read with speed and accuracy). Reading with speed did not guarantee comprehension. Automaticity was hindered and comprehension affected when students encountered multisyllabic words that were not easily decoded. The five students in this study were able to summarize, paraphrase, infer, predict, interpret, and question marked segments of the text with varying degrees of accuracy, but they were generally unable to demonstrate understanding of the broader ideas and concepts of the selection. Students expressed that they knew comprehension had failed. They did not have the means to repair their comprehension. For these students, explicit comprehension monitoring strategy instruction in addition to a phonics intervention program remains an important component of the reading program

    Engineering the Stacks: Georgia Tech Library's Drupal 8 Transformation

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    Presented at Designing for Digital 2019, Austin, Texas.Heather Jeffcoat, Web & Discovery Management Librarian, Georgia Tech Library.Justin Rent, UI/UX Designer at Mediacurrent.A case study of the strategy, design, and development of Georgia Tech Library’s new Drupal 8 website

    Expression of ras Oncogene p21 Product in Malignant and Benign Lesions and Normal Mucosae of the Stomach in China

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    Expression of c-ras oncogene was analyzed in 75 cases of carcinomas, 38 benign lesions and 22 normal mucosae of the stomach in Chinese subjects by use of the monoclonal antibody rp28, which reacts to the c-Ha-ras and c-Ki-ras p21 products. The incidence of p21 positive cases (more than 20% of total cells stained by rp28) was 90.7% in gastric carcinomas, 10.5% in benign gastric lesions and 4.5% in normal mucosae. While 34/75 gastric carcinomas contained strongly rp28-reactive (+ +) cells, none of the benign lesions or normal mucosae did. The mean percentage of rp28 reactive (+ or ++) cells in each group was 52.2% in gastric carcinomas, 6.3% in benign lesions and 2.3% in normal mucosae. These indicate that ras p21 expression is significantly high in the gas-tric carcinomas compared to the benign lesions and normal mucosae of the stom-ach. Tests of tubular adenocarcinomas with different degrees of differentiation showed significantly higher amounts of p21 product in well differentiated (71.7%) and moderately differentiated (67.3%) samples than in poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas (40.9%), which contained more, in tern, than mucinous adenocarcinomas (39.2%) and undifferentiated carcinomas (27.5%). This sug-gests that Ha- and/or Ki-ras p21 expression may have some roles in the mainte-nance of the glandular structure in gastric carcinomas

    Perinatal palliative care in sub-Saharan Africa: recommendations for practice, future research, and guideline development

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    Worldwide, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest burden of global neonatal mortality (43%) and neonatal mortality rate (NMR): 27 deaths per 1,000 live births. The WHO recognizes palliative care (PC) as an integral, yet underutilized, component of perinatal care for pregnancies at risk of stillbirth or early neonatal death, and for neonates with severe prematurity, birth trauma or congenital anomalies. Despite bearing a disproportionate burden of neonatal mortality, many strategies to care for dying newborns and support their families employed in high-income countries (HICs) are not available in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs). Many institutions and professional societies in LMICs lack guidelines or recommendations to standardize care, and existing guidelines may have limited adherence due to lack of space, equipment, supplies, trained professionals, and high patient load. In this narrative review, we compare perinatal/neonatal PC in HICs and LMICs in sub-Saharan Africa to identify key areas for future, research-informed, interventions that might be tailored to the local sociocultural contexts and propose actionable recommendations for these resource-deprived environments that may support clinical care and inform future professional guideline development