637 research outputs found

    Science Education Gone Wilde: Creating Science References That Work

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    A Play Equipment Project at Linksfield Academy, Aberdeen

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    Linn Moor Occupational Centre is situated in its own grounds nine miles from Aberdeen and lies half a mile off the main Aberdeen- Banchory road. It is a Residential Scpecial School for fifty severely mentally handicapped children. These children also have a/lied physical disabilities and have as a rule attended several other establ ishments but because of their adverse behaviour were referred to Linn Moor for a residential placement and are normally referred by their own Education or Social Work Department and come from all over Scotland

    The liquid city of Megalopolis

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    Large city-regions around the world are the principal hubs of economic and cultural globalization. In the United States, for example, 10 megapolitan regions, defined as clustered networks of metropolitan regions, have been identified. Using the criterion of contiguous metropolitan counties, in this paper I propose a definition of US Megalopolis that consists of 52,310 square miles stretching across 12 states, one district (District of Columbia), 124 counties, 13 metropolitan areas and the four major metro regions of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington-Baltimore. In the rest of the paper, I discuss, in turn, the environmental impacts, the economic restructuring and the political entity of Megalopolis.Les grans ciutats regió del món constitueixen els nodes principals de la globalització econòmica i cultural. Als EUA, per exemple, s'han identificat 10 grans regions metropolitanes definides com a xarxes agrupades de grans àrees metropolitanes. En aquest article, hi proposo una definició de Megalòpoli, que comprèn 53.310 milles quadrades i s'estén per 12 estats, un districte federal (Districte de Columbia), 124 comtats, 13 àrees metropolitanes i 4 grans regions metropolitanes (Boston, Nova York, Filadèlfia i Washington-Baltimore). A la resta del treball, s'hi examinen els impactes ambientals, la reestructuració econòmica i l'entitat política de Megalòpoli.Las grandes ciudades regiones del mundo constituyen los principales nodos de la globalización económica y cultural. En los EEUU, por ejemplo, se han identificado 10 regiones metrópolis definidas como redes agrupadas de grandes áreas metropolitanas. En este artículo, propongo una definición de Megalópolis, que comprende 53.310 millas cuadradas y se extiende por 12 estados, 1 distrito federal (el Distrito de Columbia), 124 condados, 13 áreas metropolitanas y 4 grandes regiones metropolitanas (Boston, Nueva York, Filadelfia y Washington-Baltimore). En el resto del trabajo, se examinan los impactos ambientales, la restructuración económica y la entidad política de Megalópolis.Les grandes villes régions du monde constituent les principaux noyaux de la globalisation économique et culturelle. Aux USA, par exemple, on a identifié 10 régions métropoles définies comme des réseaux de grandes aires métropolitaines. Dans cet article, je propose une définition de Mégalopole, qui comprend 53.310 milles carrés et s'étend par douze états, un district fédéral (le District de Columbia), 124 comtés, 13 aires métropolitaines et 4 grandes régions métropolitaines (Boston, New York, Filadelfia et Washington-Baltimore)

    A summary of research on the scientific attitude.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University Includes bibliographical references (leaves 90-93)

    Comparison of Structural Interaction Patterns in African American and Caucasian Clinical Couples: The Moderating Effect of Financial Resources

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    This study focused on degrees to which African American and Caucasian couples who have sought couple therapy at a community clinic differ on measures of relationship boundaries and power/hierarchy. Potential effects that financial resources may have on the relationship between couples' ethnic group membership and their structural patterns were examined. The sample was 77 couples who previously were assessed and treated at a university-based clinic. These two ethnic groups were examined in order to explore potential cultural differences in relationship interaction patterns. Results showed there were no significant ethnic group differences for the three structural dimensions other than a trend for Caucasian couples to exhibit more autonomy between partners than African American couples. There were moderating effects of financial resources in relation to the boundary between the partners and for power dynamics. No significant gender differences were found other than males being more likely to perceive their partner as controlling

    A Thoughtful Approach to Public Education Reform

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    This article restates the underlying rationale for the importance of high-quality K-12 public education. The author describes some of the difficulties reformers encounter in engendering support for and determining the most cogent elements of reform. The differences between the aims and capabilities of school-business partnerships, which essentially assist the current system, and systemic reform, which aims to change the system, led to the formation of the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education. Rennie summarizes the process followed by MBAE in developing a framework for reform and meeting its objectives

    Building Bridges Across the Disciplines: Learning Science Through Technology

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate students' learning and understanding of the concept of forces in the context of a Year 9 class studying an integrated technology unit called the Bridge Project. Data consisted of cases prepared from observational field notes and formal interviews with the teachers and five of the students in the class. The results of the case study indicated that all five interviewed students recognised passive forces involved in the equilibrium situation of the bridge and four of the five students appeared to accept a force as a feature of interaction between two objects. The results were surprising when compared with a vast body of literature that suggests that the majority of students of this age associate forces only with movement and as a property of a single object. Several aspects of the course that may have contributed to the students' understanding of forces are discussed.Recently in Western Australia, subjects such as manual arts, home economics and computing have been superseded by the new learning area of Technology and Enterprise. This new learning area, to be implemented in schools over the next four years, is described in the recently published Curriculum Framework (Curriculum Council, 1998) and has a status equivalent with more traditional learning areas such as science, mathematics and English. The Technology and Enterprise learning area is directly linked with the Science learning area in

    Re Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association and Memorial University of Newfoundland

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    Individual grievances alleging breach of the Collective Agreement between the parties for the period April 1, 1988 - March 31, 1991 in that the Employer violated Article 1.5.1 and other relevant articles in denying the Grievors leave without pay for the purpose of working in the school system to become eligible to get pensionable service credit, and in denying them the right to transfer pensionable service purchased by them into the Teachers\u27 Pension Plan when they were employed by the Employer

    Single camera photogrammetry for reverse engineering and fabrication of ancient and modern artifacts

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    Photogrammetry has been used for recording objects for well over one hundred and fifty years. Modern photogrammetry, or digital image capture, can be used with the aid of a single medium range digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera, to transform two-dimensional images into three-dimensional CAD spatial representations, and together with the use of additive manufacturing or 3D Printing technology, geometric representations of original cultural, historic and geological artifacts can be fabricated in a process known as Reverse Engineering. Being able to replicate such objects is of great benefit in education; if the original object cannot be handled because it is too old or delicate, then replicas can give the handler a chance to experience the size, texture and weight of rare objects. Photogrammetry equipment is discussed, the objective being simplicity of execution for eventual realisation of physical products such as the artifacts discussed. As the processing power of computers has increased and become more widely available, and with the use of computer software programs it is now possible to digitally combine multi-view photographs, taken from 360° around the object, into 3D CAD representational virtual images. The resulting Data is then reprocessed, with a secondary computer program, to produce the STL file that the additive manufacturing machines can read, so as to produce replicated models of the originals. Three case studies are documented: the reproduction of a small modern clay sculpture; a 3000-year-old Egyptian artifact; and an Ammonite fossil, all successfully recreated, using additive manufacturing technology