366 research outputs found

    High-performance real-world optical computing trained by in situ model-free optimization

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    Optical computing systems can provide high-speed and low-energy data processing but face deficiencies in computationally demanding training and simulation-to-reality gap. We propose a model-free solution for lightweight in situ optimization of optical computing systems based on the score gradient estimation algorithm. This approach treats the system as a black box and back-propagates loss directly to the optical weights' probabilistic distributions, hence circumventing the need for computation-heavy and biased system simulation. We demonstrate a superior classification accuracy on the MNIST and FMNIST datasets through experiments on a single-layer diffractive optical computing system. Furthermore, we show its potential for image-free and high-speed cell analysis. The inherent simplicity of our proposed method, combined with its low demand for computational resources, expedites the transition of optical computing from laboratory demonstrations to real-world applications

    Is ChatGPT a Good Recommender? A Preliminary Study

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    Recommendation systems have witnessed significant advancements and have been widely used over the past decades. However, most traditional recommendation methods are task-specific and therefore lack efficient generalization ability. Recently, the emergence of ChatGPT has significantly advanced NLP tasks by enhancing the capabilities of conversational models. Nonetheless, the application of ChatGPT in the recommendation domain has not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we employ ChatGPT as a general-purpose recommendation model to explore its potential for transferring extensive linguistic and world knowledge acquired from large-scale corpora to recommendation scenarios. Specifically, we design a set of prompts and evaluate ChatGPT's performance on five recommendation scenarios. Unlike traditional recommendation methods, we do not fine-tune ChatGPT during the entire evaluation process, relying only on the prompts themselves to convert recommendation tasks into natural language tasks. Further, we explore the use of few-shot prompting to inject interaction information that contains user potential interest to help ChatGPT better understand user needs and interests. Comprehensive experimental results on Amazon Beauty dataset show that ChatGPT has achieved promising results in certain tasks and is capable of reaching the baseline level in others. We conduct human evaluations on two explainability-oriented tasks to more accurately evaluate the quality of contents generated by different models. And the human evaluations show ChatGPT can truly understand the provided information and generate clearer and more reasonable results. We hope that our study can inspire researchers to further explore the potential of language models like ChatGPT to improve recommendation performance and contribute to the advancement of the recommendation systems field.Comment: Accepted by CIKM 2023 GenRec Worksho

    Single-shot Interferometric Polarization Microscopy

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    We developed a novel interferometric microscopy technique, named Single-shot interferometric polarization microscopy (SIPM), to measure the birefringence distribution of an anisotropic sample. We use right-handed circular polarized He-Ne laser to illuminate the sample. Meanwhile, we built a near common-path interferometer with a Wollaston prism and a linear polarizer. A new digital holography algorithm is developed to simultaneously retrieve the retardance and orientation distributions with a single shot. Samples of quarter wave plate and liquid crystal are used to validate the efficiency of our method. We can recover the retardance of anisotropic sample with 4% error by an imaging speed of 150fps. We believe that our method has a great potential to be applied in biomedical observation and material inspection. The experiment setup for Single-shot Interferometric Polarization Microscopy (SIPM) is shown in Fig.1(a). The wavelength of the laser is 633nm. The NA of the objective is 0.16 and the magnification is 4X. One of the axes of Wollaston Prism is set to be horizontal (zero degree), while the LP is 45 degree to the Wollaston prism. The design of near common-path interferometry provides with us the possibility of recovering the complex field, so that a single-shot image will elucidate the results of multiple measurements. Combining digital holography and Jones calculus, we designed an algorithm which can recover both the retardance and orientation angle distribution with a single interferometric image. Therefore, SIPM is much faster than the other intensity measurement based polarization microscopy techniques. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract


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    The title compound, C22H16N2O4, was obtained unintentionally as the product of an attempted synthesis of a new phthalocyanine. The dihedral angles formed by the central benzene ring with the aromatic rings of the meth­oxy­phen­oxy groups are 85.39 (5) and 64.19 (5)°

    Recent, slow normal and strike-slip faulting in the Pasto Ventura region of the southern Puna Plateau, NW Argentina

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    Recent normal and strike-slip faulting on the Puna Plateau of NW Argentina has been linked to lithospheric foundering, gravitational spreading, plate boundary forces and a decrease in crustal shortening from north to south. However, the timing, kinematics and rate of extension remain poorly constrained. We focus on the Pasto Ventura region (NW Argentina) located on the southern Puna Plateau and recent deformation

    Late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Ailao Shan-Red River fault (SE Tibet): implications for kinematic change during plateau growth

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    Surface uplift, river incision, shear zone exhumation, and displacement along active faults have all interacted to shape the modern landscape in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The Ailao Shan-Red River fault, a major structure in the tectonic evolution of southeastern Asia, is an excellent recorder of these processes. We present new stratigraphic, structural, and low-temperature thermochronologic data to explore its late Cenozoic tectonic and geomorphic evolution. The stratigraphic and structural observations indicate that the major bend in the fault was a releasing bend with significant Miocene sedimentation in the early–middle Miocene but became a restraining bend with abundant shortening structures developed after the late Miocene reversal of displacement. We also document exhumation of the shear zone from two low-temperature thermochronologic transects. New apatite (U-Th)/He(AHe) data and published thermochronologic results reveal two accelerated cooling episodes, backed by stratigraphic and geomorphic observations. The first rapid cooling phase occurred from ca. 27 to 17 Ma with removal of cover rocks and exhumation of the shear zone. The second accelerated cooling episode revealed by our AHe data commenced at 14–13 Ma, lasting 2–3 Myr. The Ailao Shan range may have risen to its modern elevation with high-relief topography developing due to river incision. We interpret the onset of this rapid exhumation to reflect renewed plateau growth associated with lower crustal flow
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