266 research outputs found

    Sol-gel synthesis and multiferroic properties of pyrochlore-free Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 thin films

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    Lead iron niobate (PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3 - PFN) thin films were synthesized by a modified sol-gel route, which offers the advantage of a rapid, simple and non-toxic reaction method. Polycrystalline perovskite-structured PFN thin films without pyrochlore phases were obtained on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates after sintering by rapid thermal annealing at 650 {\deg}C. TEM and AFM images confirmed the excellent quality of the sintered film, while EDS spectroscopy revealed the presence of oxygen vacancies near the film/substrate interface. Electric measurements show good dielectric properties and ferroelectric behavior, characterized by typical C-V curves and well-defined P-E ferroelectric loops at 1 kHz, with remanent polarization values of ~12 uC/cm2. The polarization, however, increases with decreasing frequency, indicating the presence of leakage currents. I-V measurements show a significant increase in DC-conduction at relatively low fields (around 100 kV/cm). The films display ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature, with magnetic remanence around 30 emu/cm3 and a coercive field of 1 kOe. These values are significantly higher than those obtained for PFN powders fabricated by the same sol-gel route, as well as the magnetization values reported in the literature for epitaxial films.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Diversidad de Anolis (Lacertilia:Dactyloidae) en bosque pluvial tropical, del Chocó- Colombia

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    Objective: To determine the diversity of Anolis, in areas of tropical rainforest in the area of influence of the Environmental Station of Alto San Juan, municipality of Tadó, Chocó - Colombia. Materials and methods: to carry out this research, the method of visual encounter survey (Visual Encounter Survey “VES”) was used, in relation to these three plant coverings were selected. Result: The genus Anolis is made up of seven species, of which the most representative for its abundance were Anolis chloris with 49.7% (N: 35), Anolis notopholis with 24.6% (N: 18) and Anolis maculiventris with 17.8% (N: 13). Zone 3 (Forest) with seven species, with three exclusives (A. lyra, A. granuliceps and A. latifrons), followed by Zone 2 (Ecotona) with four species, with an exclusive (A. anchicayae). The forest zone presented the best equity values (H`: 1,371). The ecotone presented a higher equity value (J ’= 0.86). The Pielou index for the three zones predicts an almost normal distribution of the individuals in the evaluated zones. Charm to dominance the highest record was obtained in the management area. Conclusiones: The vegetation cover, which is subject to constant intervention by different management processes, turned out to be the one that best offers attributes so that populations can be favored, since Anolis chloris, A. notopholis and A maculiventris, presented a good representativeness in terms of relative abundance in this disturbed area.Objetivo: Determinar la diversidad de Anolis, en zonas de bosque pluvial tropical en la zona de influencia de la Estación Ambiental del Alto San Juan, municipio de Tadó, Chocó – Colombia. Materiales y métodos: para realizar esta investigación se utilizó el método de relevamiento por encuentros visuales (Visual Encounter Survey “VES”), en relación con estos se seleccionaron tres coberturas vegetales. Resultado: El género Anolis lo constituyen siete especies, de las cuales las más representativas por su abundancia fueron Anolis chloris con 49.7% (N: 35), Anolis notopholis con 24.6% (N: 18) y Anolis maculiventris con 17.8% (N: 13). La Zona 3 (Bosque) con siete especies, con tres exclusivas (A. lyra, A. granuliceps y A. latifrons), seguida la Zona 2 (Ecotona) con cuatro especies, con una exclusiva (A. anchicayae). La zona de bosque presento los mejores valores de equidad (H`: 1.371), El ecotono presentó mayor valor de equidad (J’=0.86). El índice de Pielou para las tres zonas predice una distribución casi normal de los individuos en las zonas evaluadas. Encanto a la dominancia el mayor registro se obtuvo en el área de gestión. Conclusiones: La cobertura vegetal, que está sujeta a constante intervención por diferentes procesos de gestión, resulto ser la que mejor ofrece atributos para que poblaciones puedan resultar favorecidas, ya que Anolis chloris, A. notopholis y A maculiventris, presentaron una buena representatividad en términos de abundancia relativa en esta área perturbada.  O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a diversidade de Anolis, em áreas de floresta tropical úmida na área de influência da Estação Ambiental de Alto San Juan, município de Tadó, Chocó - Colômbia, para realizar esta investigação, a método de pesquisa para encontros visuais (Visual Encounter Survey "VES"), em relação a estes, três coberturas vegetais foram selecionadas; onde Anolis é representado por sete espécies de que o mais representativo para a sua abundância estavam Anolis chloris com 49,7% (N: 35), Anolis notopholis 24,6% (N: 18) e Anolis maculiventris com 17,8% ( N: 13). Zona 3 (Floresta) com sete espécies, sendo três exclusivas (A. lyra, A. granuliceps e A. latifrons), seguidas pela Zona 2 (Ecotona) com quatro espécies, sendo uma exclusiva (A. anchicayae). A zona florestal apresentou os melhores valores de equidade (H`: 1,371), sendo que o ecótono apresentou o maior valor patrimonial (J '= 0,86). O índice de Pielou para as três zonas prevê uma distribuição quase normal dos indivíduos nas áreas avaliadas. Charme para o domínio o registro mais elevada foi obtida na área de gestão, os resultados dizem-nos que a cobertura vegetal, que está sujeita a intervenção constante por diferentes processos de gestão, provaram ser as melhores ofertas de atributos que as populações podem ser favorecidos, desde Anolis chloris, A. notopholis e A maculiventris, mostraram boa representatividade em termos de abundância relativa nesta área perturbada


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    The acts of corruption of public officials in Peru generate damages to supra-individual interests, because the right to "social welfare" of the citizens is violated (art. 44 of the Constitution) which the State guarantees, and therefore the obligation to compensate arises (art. 35 of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption), and to determine who would intervene as a legitimate subject would be the anti-corruption public prosecutor, in such a way that the violated interest that only has a diffuse existence and not in the individuality of the persons is guaranteed

    NaI(Tl) Scintillator's Response Functions for Point-like and Distributed Gamma-ray Sources

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    The response functions of a NaI(Tl) detectors have been estimated using Monte Carlo methods. Response functions were calculated for monoenergetic photon sources (0.05 to 3 MeV). Responses were calculated for point-like sources and for sources distributed in Portland cement cylinders. Calculated responses were used to estimate the detector efficiency for point-like and distributed sources. Samples of cylindrical Portland cement were prepared and exposed to the photoneutron field produced by a 15 MV linac used for radiotherapy. Short half-life radioisotopes were induced and the activity was determined by measuring the pulse-height spectra with a NaI(Tl) g-ray spectrometer that was calibrated using point-like sources. Instead of doing corrections due to differences between the geometry, material and solid angle of point-like sources used for calibration, and the Portland cement cylinders, the detection efficiency was determined using the ratio between the efficiencies for the point-like and the distributed sources estimated with the Monte Carlo calculations, and the activity of the induced isotopes in cement was obtained

    Aportes a la distribución del género Micrurus (Serpentes: Elapidae) en el Departamento del Chocó, Colombia

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    We studied the potential distribution and richness of coral snakes, genus Micrurus (Serpentes: Elapidae), for the tropical rain forest in the department of Chocó; Through a detailed review of collections in the SIB-Colombia databases (Biodiversity Information System-Colombia) for the distribution of potential, the Maxen program was used, generating a map for each species. The review showed a total of 145 individuals in collections of the seven species reported for Chocó, deposited in eight scientific collections of the SIB; the species M. dumerilli and M. ancorali, were those that presented the most in the collections consulted; M. dumerilli is one of the most widely distributed species because it remains in the rainforests colonizing different microhabitats, followed by M. ancoralis that is distributed in the department of Chocó, Cauca, Risaralda, Nariño and Valle del Cauca; On the other hand, in the analysis of endemic species it was found that M. spurelli is a species that is only distributed in the department of Chocó. The subregions of the south and the center harbor the greatest wealth of this genus, thus obtaining 100% of the species that are reported for the department of Chocó.Se estudió la distribución potencial de las serpientes de coral, género Micrurus (Serpentes: Elapidae), para el bosque pluvial tropical en el departamento del Chocó; por medio de una revisión detallada de colecciones en la bases de datos del SIB-Colombia (Sistema de Información de Biodiversidad-Colombia) para la distribución potencial se utilizó el programa Maxen, generando un mapa para cada especie. La revisión arrojo un total de 145 individuos en colecciones de las siete especies reportadas para el Chocó, depositados en ocho colecciones científicas del SIB; las especies M. dumerilli y M. ancorali, fueron las que más registro presentaron en las colecciones consultadas; M. dumerilli es una de las especies de mayor distribución pues permanece en las selvas tropicales colonizando distintos microhábitats, seguida de M. ancoralis que se distribuye en el departamento del Chocó, Cauca, Risaralda, Nariño y Valle del Cauca; por otro lado, en el análisis de especies endémicas se encontró que M. spurelli es una especie que solo se distribuye en el departamento del Chocó. Las subregiones del sur y del centro albergan la mayor riqueza de este género, obteniendo así el 100% de las especies que son reportadas para el departamento del Chocó

    Aportes a la distribución del género Micrurus (Serpentes: Elapidae) en el Departamento del Chocó, Colombia

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    Se estudió la distribución potencial de las serpientes de coral, género Micrurus (Serpentes: Elapidae), para el bosque pluvial tropical en el departamento del Chocó; por medio de una revisión detallada de colecciones en la bases de datos del SIB-Colombia (Sistema de Información de Biodiversidad-Colombia) para la distribución potencial se utilizó el programa Maxen, generando un mapa para cada especie. La revisión arrojo un total de 145 individuos en colecciones de las siete especies reportadas para el Chocó, depositados en ocho colecciones científicas del SIB; las especies M. dumerilli y M. ancorali, fueron las que más registro presentaron en las colecciones consultadas; M. dumerilli es una de las especies de mayor distribución pues permanece en las selvas tropicales colonizando distintos microhábitats, seguida de M. ancoralis que se distribuye en el departamento del Chocó, Cauca, Risaralda, Nariño y Valle del Cauca; por otro lado, en el análisis de especies endémicas se encontró que M. spurelli es una especie que solo se distribuye en el departamento del Chocó. Las subregiones del sur y del centro albergan la mayor riqueza de este género, obteniendo así el 100% de las especies que son reportadas para el departamento del Chocó

    Social Licence to Operate e settore petrolifero nell\u2019Amazzonia ecuadoriana: un approccio geografico

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    Gli obiettivi di sostenibilit\ue0 al 2030 del settore del oil & gas indicano come prioritario l\u2019impegno delle compagnie petrolifere nella promozione dello sviluppo sostenibile delle comunit\ue0 presenti nei territori in cui esse operano. In questo modo l\u2019impresa pu\uf2 raggiungere pi\uf9 facilmente la cosiddetta Social Licence to Operate (SLO), ovvero il livello di accettazione delle attivit\ue0 di un\u2019impresa da parte delle comunit\ue0 locali. L\u2019obiettivo di questa ricerca, \ue8 sviluppare e testare un modello per misurare il livello di SLO di una compagnia petrolifera, analizzando in modo critico l\u2019applicazione di questo strumento nell\u2019Amazzonia ecuadoriana. L\u2019area di studio \ue8 il Blocco 10, gestito dalla compagnia petrolifera italiana Agip Oil Ecuador, filiale di Eni. Si tratta di un importante hotspot di biodiversit\ue0 popolato da diverse etnie indigene. La ricerca impiega un approccio geografico abbinato a metodi quali-quantitativi per esaminare le percezioni dei locali in merito agli impatti socio-ambientali delle operazioni dell\u2019impresa, elementi chiave nella definizione della SLO in un territorio. L\u2019assenza di informazioni geografiche precise dell\u2019area di studio \ue8 stata compensata mediante strumenti di Participatory GIS coinvolgendo le comunit\ue0 locali. Infine, l\u2019analisi GIS dei risultati sulle percezioni delle popolazioni permetter\ue0 di comprendere meglio le relazioni spaziali dei conflitti socio-ambientali e degli elementi critici della SLO nel territorio studiato

    Evaluación del cumplimiento de la guía de atención en desnutrición indicada por el Ministerio de Protección Social de 0 a 10 años

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    Malnutrition is a public health problem that mainly affects children in our country. Decree 117 from Resolution 412 establishes the procedures to be followed for diseases that are of public interest, such as malnutrition. Objective: evaluate compliance and use of the guide for the treatment of malnourished, an initiative begun by the head office for promotion of the social protection ministry. Methodology: A descriptive transversal study was carried out in a health center in Cali, Colombia. It included 17 clinical histories of malnourished children with age 0 to 10. Results: A total of 17 clinical histories were reviewed: 41.2% were children 0-2 years old, 58.8% were older than 2 years old. 52.9% were females and 47.1% were males. All the clinical histories of the children less than 2 years old included weight-age, height-age and weight-height. For the children older than 2 years old all the histories had weigh–age, height-age; only 10% included the BMI. Biochemistry tests carried out were in 47.1% of the cases CBC and TSH, 5.9 % had a creatinine test. Only 23.5% had stool studies. 100% of the histories lacked total protein tests, T3 and T4, Transferrin, ureic nitrogen and growth hormone tests. Professional healthcare is provided by a physician and a nursing assistant; 100% of the follow-up is done by the nursing assistant. The children are not seen or monitored by a nutritionist. Conclusions: The Basic Care Guide for Malnutrition is not being totally complied by the Health Services.La desnutrición es un problema de salud pública que afecta en su mayoría a los niños y niñas de Colombia. El decreto 117 de la Resolución 412 de obligatorio cumplimiento reglamenta los procedimientos a seguirse con las enfermedades de interés en salud pública, como la desnutrición. Objetivo: Evaluar el cumplimiento y manejo de la guía de atención en niños diagnosticados con desnutrición Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, se incluyeron 17 registros de niños de 0 a 10 años afectados con desnutrición atendidos en un CAA de Cali. Resultados: Se analizaron 17 historias clínicas. 41.2% niños de 0 a 2 años de edad y 58.8% mayores de 2 años. 52.9% niñas y 47.1% niños. En los niños de 0 a 2 años el 100% de las historias incluía el peso-edad, talla-edad, y peso-talla. En los niños mayores de 2 años el 100% de las historias incluían el peso-edad y talla-edad, solo el 10% incluía el IMC. Las pruebas bioquímicas realizadas fueron en un 47.1% el cuadro hematico y TSH, en un 5.9% la creatinina. El coprológico se indico solo en un 23.5% .El 100% de las historias no incluían exámenes de proteínas totales, T3 y T4, Transferrina, Nitrógeno Ureico y Hormona de crecimiento. La intervención profesional la hace el médico y la auxiliar de enfermería, el seguimiento lo hace la auxiliar. Los niños no son valorados ni seguidos por nutricionistas. Conclusión: La guía de atención básica en desnutrición no se está cumpliendo en su totalidad por parte del CAA