1,325 research outputs found

    Optical system evaluation

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    Optical and infrared sensors have an important role to play in modern military engagements, as the deployment of passive Systems increases. To guarantee the efficient development and usage of such equipment, at a reasonable cost, a reliable and realistic simulation of sensor performance is fundamental. The research project presented in this thesis consists of two parts. First, basic software modules that characterize the target-detector radiative transfer problem were developed. This was accomplished by developing separate modules for each physical aspect of the problem. The second part concerned the viability of implementing the physics of such real-world radiative transfer effects into existing military simulation tools. The chosen simulation environment for this effort was NPS Platform Foundation, an existing simulating software package that was developed at the Naval Postgraduate School.http://archive.org/details/opticalsystemeva1094531363NANABrazilian Navy author

    Why choose an english career path?: type of motivation of three freshmen students of an english teaching program at a chilean private university

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)As English has been the language used to communicate worldwide and has had an impact on the educational system and the working life, the aim of this study is to discover how elements such as type of school and agents influence students’ motivation to enter an English teaching program. This study has a qualitative approach and its research design is life stories. This research focused on freshmen students’ thoughts and experiences, which were collected through semi-structured interviews containing questions that address the participants’ past, present, and future experiences. Freshmen students were chosen for this research since they could provide us with the opportunity to comprehend the elements that influenced their decisions to choose the program. Finally, the data were analyzed by the four researchers individually and the product was discussed collectively so that the study was reliable enough. The results showed that the most predominant types of motivations were intrinsic and altruistic. Furthermore, it was discovered that the type of school they attended influenced the development of these motivations in different degrees.Debido a que el inglés ha sido el idioma predilecto para la comunicación global, éste ha tenido un impacto en el sistema educacional y la vida laboral. El objetivo de este estudio es descubrir cómo elementos como tipo de escuela y agentes, influencian la motivación de estudiantes de primer año para elegir estudiar la carrera de pedagogía en inglés en una universidad privada de Chile. El estudio tiene un enfoque cualitativo, cuya técnica de investigación es historias de vida. El centro de interés es la recolección de pensamientos y experiencias de estos estudiantes a través de entrevistas mixtas que contienen preguntas que apuntan a experiencias de los participantes en el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Elegimos entrevistar a estudiantes cursando el segundo semestre de universidad porque nos provee de la oportunidad de conocer los elementos que influenciaron la decisión de estudiar esta carrera. Finalmente, los resultados fueron analizados por cada uno de los cuatro investigadores por separado para luego discutir los resultados en conjunto, esto con el fin de proporcionar la confiabilidad requerida. Los resultados mostraron que los tipos de motivación predominantes fueron motivación intrínseca y altruista. Además se demostró que el tipo de colegio influenciaba el desarrollo de estas motivaciones en distintos grados


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    Based on the recent literature about Local Productive Arrangements - LPAs, the analysis tries to build specific indicators to analyze those agglomerations. The indicators was elaborated based on information obtained form the questionnaire of the project "MPEs em Arranjos Produtivos Locais no Brasil" carried out by UFSC and SEBRAE-NA and from different researches developed by RedeSist. The analysis was carried based on indicators obtained by a sample of 83 firma of the arrangement specialized in the electrical-metal- mechanics sector located in the region of Joinville-SC Twenty-four indicators were selected, divided in four themes: technological efforts; technological learning; technological cooperation and technological performance. Based on those indicators, a statistical multivariate analysis was applied in order to identify the main factors that affect the firm's competencies e and to map the different groups of firms with similar characteristics in the arrangement. The main focus of the analysis in the identification of a "dynamic core" of enterprises, which can stimulate the improvement of technological competences of the arrangement as a whole.

    Padrões de Aprendizagem, Cooperação e Inovação em Aglomerações Produtivas no Brasil: Uma Análise Multivariada Exploratória

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise exploratória sobre os principais fatores que condicionam padrões de aprendizado, práticas cooperativas e desempenho inovativo em aglomerações produtivas no Brasil. Tal análise baseia-se em evidências empíricas oriundas de um conjunto de 28 estudos de caso envolvendo aglomerações localizadas em diferentes regiões do país e que contemplam uma gama variada de setores. A partir do desenvolvimento de um conjunto de indicadores que captem as dimensões acima destacadas, foram aplicados procedimentos referentes à análise multivariada na amostra em questão. Os resultados revelaram a presença de quatro padrões gerais em relação aos processos de aprendizagem e esforço tecnológico, cooperação e desempenho inovativo, mostrando uma forte influência das características específicas das regiões, em paralelo a uma influência menos significativa, porém presente, dos determinantes setoriais. Um segundo esforço implementado refere-se ao desenvolvimento de funções de classificação de novas aglomerações nos padrões identificados na amostra. Os resultados obtidos com este procedimento alcançaram uma taxa de acerto de 100%, mostrando-se uma boa ferramenta para a classificação de novas aglomerações nos padrões identificados.Aglomerações Produtivas, Análise Multivariada, Padrões de Aprendizagem, Cooperação e Inovação.