108 research outputs found

    Transferts culturels et déclinaisons de la pédagogie européenne: le cas franco-romand au travers de l'itinéraire d'Alexandre Daguet (1816-1894)

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    Cette thĂšse vise Ă  rĂ©Ă©valuer la circulation des savoirs pĂ©dagogiques dans l’espace francosuisse. MĂ©thodologiquement, nous nous proposons d’insister sur les modalitĂ©s de passage de ces savoirs d’un contexte culturel Ă  l’autre, en Ă©tudiant les acteurs, les vecteurs, ainsi que les inĂ©vitables transformations sĂ©mantiques qui accompagnent nĂ©cessairement ces Ă©changes transnationaux. Cette recherche, articulĂ©e sous la forme d’une Gesellschaftsbiographie, prend pour guide le thĂ©oricien des idĂ©es Ă©ducatives, Alexandre Daguet (1816-1894). Il s’agit d’éclairer son rĂŽle de mĂ©diateur privilĂ©giĂ© dans le transfert de savoirs pĂ©dagogiques entre la Suisse romande et la France, en Ă©tudiant notamment son rĂŽle de passeur via la revue L’Éducateur. Bien qu’il ait dĂ©clinĂ© l’appel de Ferdinand Buisson Ă  Ă©difier avec lui une « oeuvre internationale d’éducation », il n’en a pas pour le moins jouĂ© un rĂŽle de « courtier » dans la diffusion de savoirs spĂ©cifiques, vĂ©hiculĂ©s notamment par les proscrits français rĂ©fugiĂ©s en Suisse romande dĂšs 1852. Cette thĂšse permet de souligner comment les savoirs pĂ©dagogiques europĂ©ens, Ă©laborĂ©s de maniĂšre collective, sont diversement dĂ©clinĂ©s selon des spĂ©cificitĂ©s locales. Dans ce sens, il s’agit de montrer qu’à mesure que les identitĂ©s se solidifient, les spĂ©cificitĂ©s nationales sont de plus en plus exaltĂ©es lors des Expositions universelles et les « exotismes » bientĂŽt dĂ©valorisĂ©s, voire mĂȘme dissimulĂ©s au profit d’un certain gĂ©nie national. Cette recherche souhaite donc contextualiser cette apparence trompeuse de SonderfĂ€lle, pour mettre davantage de relief dans la construction collective d’une pĂ©dagogie europĂ©enne mĂ©tissĂ©e. Mots clĂ©s : Alexandre Daguet, Suisse, transferts culturels, transformation sĂ©mantique, circulation des savoirs, histoire de la pĂ©dagogie, Ferdinand Buisson, TroisiĂšme RĂ©publiqueThis thesis seeks to reassess the way in which pedagogical knowledge circulated between France and Switzerland. In terms of method, we have chosen to focus on the way in which this knowledge passed from one cultural context to another by studying the related actors and vectors, as well as the inevitable semantic transformations which, of necessity, accompany transnational exchanges of this nature. The research takes the form of a Gesellschaftsbiographie, with a guide in the person of educational theorist Alexandre Daguet (1816-1894). It aims to shed light on his role as a key mediator in the transfer of pedagogical expertise between French-speaking Switzerland and France, with a special emphasis on the way he used the review L’Éducateur to take this knowledge across borders. Although Daguet turned down the proposal by Ferdinand Buisson to work with the latter to create an “international treatise on education”, he nevertheless acted as a ‘broker’ in the trade of specific knowledge, passed on in particular by the French political exiles that took refuge in French-speaking Switzerland from 1852 onwards. The thesis also highlights the way in which European pedagogical knowledge, developed collectively, was applied in a variety of ways depending on local particularities. The issue here is to show the way in which, as identities became more firmly established, distinctive national features were increasingly honoured at Universal Expositions, while the various forms of “exoticism” soon fell out of favour, sometimes even to the point of being concealed in favour of national genius. This research therefore seeks to contextualise the deceptive semblance of SonderfĂ€lle and provide a clearer picture of the collective emergence of a multifaceted European pedagogy. Key words : Alexandre Daguet, Switzerland, cultural transfer, semantic transformation, circulation of knowledge, history of pedagogy, Ferdinand Buisson, French Third Republi

    Regular languages are Church-Rosser congruential

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    © 2015 ACM 0004-5411/2015/10-ART32 15.00. This article shows a general result about finite monoids and weight reducing string rewriting systems. As a consequence it proves a long standing conjecture in formal language theory: All regular languages are Church-Rosser congruential. The class of Church-Rosser congruential languages was introduced by McNaughton, Narendran, and Otto in 1988. A language L is Church-Rosser congruential if there exists a finite, confluent, and length-reducing semi-Thue system S such that L is a finite union of congruence classes modulo S. It was known that there are deterministic linear context-free languages which are not Church- Rosser congruential, but the conjecture was that all regular languages are of this form. The article offers a stronger statement: A language is regular if and only if it is strongly Church-Rosser congruential. It is the journal version of the conference abstract which was presented at ICALP 2012

    Das Transversale und das Spezifische von wirksamem Fachunterricht – AnsĂ€tze einer Allgemeinen Fachdidaktik

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    Was ist das Transversale und das Spezifische von wirksamem Fachunterricht? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wurden Interviewartikel von rund 200 Fachdidaktikerinnen und Fachdidaktikern bzw. Lehrpersonen von elf SchulfĂ€chern beigezogen. Die Texte wurden mittels lexikometrischer Verfahren ausgewertet; es wurde eine Frequenzanalyse durchgefĂŒhrt und mit einer explorativen Faktorenanalyse nach einer korrelativen Struktur gesucht, um abschließend hierarchische Cluster der FĂ€cher im Hinblick auf ausgewĂ€hlte Merkmale wirksamen Fachunterrichts zu erstellen. Es zeigte sich, dass den Merkmalen „Kognitive Aktivierung“ und „Konstruktive UnterstĂŒtzung“ je nach Schulfach unterschiedliche Bedeutung beigemessen wird. Ergebnisse empirischer Studien, denen hĂ€ufig nur Mathematik- oder Physikunterricht zugrunde liegt, können deshalb möglicherweise nur mit Vorsicht verallgemeinert werden. Dieses Ergebnis wird u.a. als Hinweis gedeutet, den Ansatz einer Metawissenschaft „Allgemeine Fachdidaktik“ weiterzuverfolgen

    Pantoprazole Does not Affect Serum Trough Levels of Tacrolimus and Everolimus in Liver Transplant Recipients

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    Background: Liver transplant recipients are frequently treated with proton pump inhibitors. Drug interactions have been described especially with respect to omeprazole. Due to the lower binding capacity of pantoprazole to CYP2C19 this drug became preferred and became the most used proton pump inhibitor in Germany. The data on the influence of pantoprazole on immunosuppressive drugs in liver transplant recipients a very scarce.Methods: The authors performed a single center analysis in liver transplant recipients on the effect of pantoprazole on the serum trough levels of different immunosuppressants. The trough levels were compared over a period of 1 year before and after start or stop of a continuous oral co-administration of 40 mg pantoprazole once daily.Results: The serum trough levels of tacrolimus (n = 30), everolimus (n = 7), or sirolimus (n = 3) remain constant during an observation period of at least 1 year before and after co-administration of pantoprazole. None of the included patients needed a change of dosage of the observed immunosuppressants during the observation period.Conclusions: The oral co-administration of pantoprazole is safe in immunosuppressed liver transplant recipients according to the serum trough levels of tacrolimus, everolimus, and sirolimus. This analysis provides first data on the influence of pantoprazole on immunosuppressive drugs in liver transplant recipients

    Electrophysiological Properties of Adult Zebrafish Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells

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    Low remyelination efficiency after spinal cord injury (SCI) is a major restraint to successful axonal and functional regeneration in mammals. In contrast, adult zebrafish can: (i) regenerate oligodendrocytes and myelin sheaths within 2 weeks post lesion; (ii) re-grow axonal projections across the lesion site and (iii) recover locomotor function within 6 weeks after spinal cord transection. However, little is known about the intrinsic properties of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), the remyelinating cells of the central nervous system (CNS). Here, we demonstrate that purified OPCs from the adult zebrafish spinal cord are electrically active. They functionally express voltage-gated K+ and Na+ channels, glutamate receptors and exhibit depolarizing, tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive spikes, as previously seen in rodent and human OPCs. Furthermore, we show that the percentage of zebrafish OPCs exhibiting depolarizing spikes and Nav-mediated currents is lower as compared to rodent white matter OPCs, where these membrane characteristics have been shown to underlie OPC injury susceptibility. These findings imply that adult zebrafish OPCs resemble electrical properties found in mammals and represent a relevant cell type towards understanding the biology of the primary cells targeted in remyelination therapies for non-regenerative species. The in vitro platform introduced in this study could be used in the future to: (i) elucidate how membrane characteristics of zebrafish OPCs change upon injury and (ii) identify potential signaling components underlying OPC injury recognition

    Dynamic T cell migration program provides resident memory within intestinal epithelium

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    Migration to intestinal mucosa putatively depends on local activation because gastrointestinal lymphoid tissue induces expression of intestinal homing molecules, whereas skin-draining lymph nodes do not. This paradigm is difficult to reconcile with reports of intestinal T cell responses after alternative routes of immunization. We reconcile this discrepancy by demonstrating that activation within spleen results in intermediate induction of homing potential to the intestinal mucosa. We further demonstrate that memory T cells within small intestine epithelium do not routinely recirculate with memory T cells in other tissues, and we provide evidence that homing is similarly dynamic in humans after subcutaneous live yellow fever vaccine immunization. These data explain why systemic immunization routes induce local cell-mediated immunity within the intestine and indicate that this tissue must be seeded with memory T cell precursors shortly after activation

    Monocytes, neutrophils, and platelets cooperate to initiate and propagate venous thrombosis in mice in vivo

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    Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a major cause of cardiovascular death. The sequence of events that promote DVT remains obscure, largely as a result of the lack of an appropriate rodent model. We describe a novel mouse model of DVT which reproduces a frequent trigger and resembles the time course, histological features, and clinical presentation of DVT in humans. We demonstrate by intravital two-photon and epifluorescence microscopy that blood monocytes and neutrophils crawling along and adhering to the venous endothelium provide the initiating stimulus for DVT development. Using conditional mutants and bone marrow chimeras, we show that intravascular activation of the extrinsic pathway of coagulation via tissue factor (TF) derived from myeloid leukocytes causes the extensive intraluminal fibrin formation characteristic of DVT. We demonstrate that thrombus-resident neutrophils are indispensable for subsequent DVT propagation by binding factor XII (FXII) and by supporting its activation through the release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Correspondingly, neutropenia, genetic ablation of FXII, or disintegration of NETs each confers protection against DVT amplification. Platelets associate with innate immune cells via glycoprotein Ibα and contribute to DVT progression by promoting leukocyte recruitment and stimulating neutrophil-dependent coagulation. Hence, we identified a cross talk between monocytes, neutrophils, and platelets responsible for the initiation and amplification of DVT and for inducing its unique clinical features
