20 research outputs found

    Democratic Ontologies of Knowledge: Importance Should Be a Given and My Ethical Task Is to Intensify It

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    In this paper, I interrogate ethical and political implications of autoethnography as activism and way of academic life. I indirectly ask, what might democratic ontologies of knowledge produce in Higher Education. I focus on a – more than – refusing to be hemmed – wild – Denzinian performance of autoethnographical writing, the theory of liminality of Victor Turner and the speculative philosophies of Deleuze and Guattari. Liminal moments involve breach, crisis, redress, reintegration, or schism, and is here offered as instances of critical pedagogies in action. And, as I see this, moments of intensities of importance making epistemic authoritarianism in HE visible and painfully affective, keeping me curious, calling me to arms. I write with a teacher trainer mystory on a backcloth of a goal-oriented PISA-infused western liberal mass-educational system and welfare state focussed on participation and autonomy. What do we think education can do?publishedVersio

    Activist ESD Pedagogies and the End of Critique: An Edu/Poetic Attempt to Bring in the Missing Child—Becoming Child

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    The idea of this article is to interrogate what I conceive of as an onto-epistemic acceleration and knowledge production spoken by life. Immanent knowledge practices for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Love, care, learning, and collective responsibility transmigrating throughout the aeons of time. It is an attempt to write planetary differential Activist Pedagogies and Life Sciences: experimentations and explorations of putting parts of components together, reaching into the future, playing toward an interest. It is a nonlinear, mannerist, and poetic approach to education, learning and play, research, and pedagogical practices of critique. An approach and style possibilizing and opening up for affective becomings in which ongoing processes are vitalist parts of ontological change. I work with thinkable categories as they disappear, collaboratively linked to a natural web of human and more-than-human agents. It implies a de-facto end of critique or a normalizing of judgment and/or our assessment practices: a Deleuzian clinical practice. Counting myself in and staying accountable to my immanent situatedness, to the child. Processes seen as zero points in action only graspable in hindsight, hence always unpredictable. Affective processes bring concepts into play and seek to continue keeping them in play. Concepts are thus always performative and methodological, inherently experimental, and open to yet-unknown territories of thought. I speak of happenings in language. Thinking with, through, and beyond concepts involves developing conceptual foci while also, and at the same time, designing for debate. I ask, how to continue not knowing what is right or wrong even in times of crisis?publishedVersio

    Hva er det med Irma? På veg mot immanente kritikk praksiser og rettferdige utdanningsøyeblikk

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    Artikkelen handler om kvalitetsvurdering i et nymaterielt perspektiv: Kroppslig kunnskap og viten. Teori og metode skrives sammen i immanent samtidighet for å gi et bilde på kompleksitet. Både hensikt og mål med artikkelen er å følge den flyten som Irma som hendelse eller event produserer, for å åpne opp potensialitet for en bekreftende eller affirmativ poetiserende kritikkpraksis og en ny forståelse av- og vurdering for kvalitet. Kvalitet skrives fram som en hendelse, intensitet eller kraft i et øyeblikk. Øyeblikket er derfor tekstens eneste og bærende struktur, som kvalitet i bevegelse. Tekstens indre logikk har slik til hensikt å motvirke forsøk på å skape definerte, faste eller bestemte oppfatninger av hva kvalitet er og hvordan kvalitet kan vurderes. På denne måten håper jeg å vise hva nymaterielle perspektiver kan gjøre for å bygge kulturer for innovasjon hvor kvalitet vurderes og produseres igjen og igjen. De setter forskjellighet i bevegelse og åpner opp for å skape rettferdige utdanningsøyeblikk.publishedVersio

    Barnehagepedagogikk og politikk som det å vise nomadisk venting

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    This article is about immanent knowledge practices, non-linear pedagogies and/as policy. Voice is given to unconscious knowledge processes without removing the same processes from logical reasoning or justification. My hypothesis and claim is that complexity is closeness to the practice field, and that reaching goals of meaning-making, knowledge creation, learning and development lies in being open to the art of not knowing and through nomadic waiting. Provisional processes crossing provisional borders enable translations and interpretations beyond known vocabularies in unfinished channels. Not-knowing, patience and radical doubt become prerequisites for taking the position of the child and may develop into a strong source of energy for learning and change.publishedVersio

    Technology and sustainability for/in early childhood education and care

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    Inspired by a posthuman philosophy, this paper explores sustainable natureculture kindergarten praxis as a pragmatic transcorporeal collective engagement with the present and sustainable future events to come. The point of departure is the economic argument for implementing science, technology, ingineering and mathematics education within early childhood education and care as a preparation for the challenges a science- and technology-driven society brings at the forefront. By exploring and experimenting with dataphilosophy as our theory-method and the concept of non-position, we embrace and critique technology and technological solutions in connection with kindergarten praxis and steer them towards new forms of solidarity and socially just pedagogies. Through the article, we ask (in)directly what kind of subject position digitalization as part of a sustainable future requires, and the inevitable questions this subject position regarding professionalism within early childhood education and care brings.publishedVersio

    Becoming Child and Sustainability — The Kindergarten Teacher as Agency Mobiliser for Sustainability Through Keeping the Concept of the Child in Play

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    In this article, we seek to theorize the role of the kindergarten teacher as an agency mobiliser for sustainability through keeping the concept of the child in play, ultimately envisioning the child as a knowledgeable and connectable collective. This implies a non-dialectical politics of multiplicity ready to support and join a creative pluralism of educational organization and teacher roles for sustainability. Comprising friction zones between actual and virtual multiplicities that replace discursive productions of educational policies with enfoldedness, relations between bodies and becomings. This changes the power, position and function of language in and for agency and change. Not through making the child a constructivist change-agent through language but through opening up the possibilities for teachers to explore relations between language and matter, nature and culture and what might be produced collectively and individually. We go via the concepts of agencement expanding on the concept of agency, and conceptual personae directing the becoming of the kindergarten teacher. Both concepts informed by the transformational pragmatics of Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) and Félix Guattari (1930–1992). The overarching contribution of this article is therefore political and pragmatic and concerns the constitution of subjectivity and transformative citizenships for sustainability in inter- and intra-generational perspectivespublishedVersio

    Re-thinking official educational organization towards friction-zones between divergent knowledges

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    In this article, I re-think official educational organization toward friction-zones. Thinking with a swimming event in physical education, and Deleuze’s notion of pure difference and its accompanying characteristics, non-linearity, decentralization, pluralistic knowledge, virtual and actual multiplicities, nomadic waiting, and open ends, I outline conditions for official educational organization in the encounter between divergent knowledges. The aim is to bring teachers and students closer to each other and paradoxically let up-coming concepts, meanings, and ideas act instead of silence everything that is not in line with predefined educational goals. It is to create common histories of learning and knowledge productions, and hence to produce common grounds in/by motion. Ultimately, it is about inclusive processes in/by motion. And, it is also a call for us all to pay attention and resist unintentional productions of exclusion, and thus all colonizing processes that includes superior knowledge.publishedVersio

    Po/etisk pedagogisk ledelse for kvalitet gjennom skriving mot immanente vurderingspraksiser og tvilens og kroppens vitenskap og metoder

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    Artikkelen handler om po/etisk pedagogisk ledelse og kvalitet i et posthumant perspektiv. Den handler om kroppslig kunnskap og viten. Ledelse mellom og omvendt. Sentralt står et ønske om å utvide vår forståelse av kritikk, øke dybden i — og styrking av våre analytiske blikk. Det innebærer en bevegelse fra hermeneutikk til immanente teorier for ledelse og kvalitetsvurdering. Det er en vitenskapeliggjøring og diffraksjon av pedagogikken hvor naturvitenskapelige, human, — og samfunnsvitenskapelige aspekter sidestilles i prosess ontologisk samtidighet.publishedVersio

    Border Rioting and Crossings Between Disciplines and Professions, Countries and Cultures, Science and Society: An Assemblage of Autoethnographic Stories From the High North

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    We are seven experienced academics and researchers from the high north. All within the field of education. We represent different disciplines, countries, and cultures. What we have in common is a wish to cross borders, collaborate, and learn: make space for storied experiences. Our stories are open ended—we start and end in complexities, and embedded in some sort of post- or trans- perspective be it modernisms, -structuralisms, -humanisms, -colonialisms, -feminisms . . . No conclusions or commonalities are necessary. Rather, we want to draw attention to the metatextualities and freedoms of our storying and the inseparability of opposites. We are learning academics beginning where we are. We are learning academics wanting lives of becoming rather than copying or reinforcing what is already there

    Fugitive Futures and Knowledge Brokering: Adding Value, Habits, and Trust in Early Childhood Education and Educational Research

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    This article is a collective act of writing preoccupied with the future of education. Our perspectives are different but what we have in common is a wish to explore and contribute to educational innovation. Through knowledge brokering, we try to create openings toward expanded meaning fields nourishing valuable diversities of onto-epistemic cultures ultimately preparing students for fugitive futures. Our project is complex and pluriverse like any brokering process for Other and innovation might be. Both method and means however are simple: Through using the concept of oxymoroning as a rhetorical and epigrammatic device for revealing paradox and through this taking part in polysemantic ambiguity, new concepts, knowledges, and habits are possibilized. Through a montage of thoughts, theories, and stories, hopefully thinking for innovation is given a constant continuation.publishedVersio