2,317 research outputs found
Die konsep van biobeskikbaarheid en die neerlê van eenvormige standaarde vir toelaatbare chemiese kontaminante in die grond
The original publication is available at http://www.satnt.ac.za/Soils are very heterogeneous substrates providing an environmental matrix with varying spatial and temporal
gradients of pH, organic carbon, particle size distribution, moisture content as well as biological factors
associated with soil organisms. These chemical, physical as well as biological factors determine the
bioavailability of chemicals to soil-dwelling invertebrates. This review of recent literature on the use of the
bioavailability concept in soil ecotoxicology indicates that the concept is often used unqualified and
indiscriminately to mean different things to different authors. A clear understanding of the concept is crucial
for toxicity testing, environmental monitoring, risk assessment and the setting of soil quality criteria since
knowledge of the actual exposure of organisms, and not merely the total amount of the chemical, is required.
The aim of this paper is to contribute towards a clarification of the concept. Apart from defining or
describing bioavailability, the problems related to the comparability of toxicity data between soils and species, inter-soil and inter-species comparisons of toxicity data are discussed. The potential role that
biomarkers can play in assessing bioavailability, is touched upon. In an effort to prescribe uniform criteria or
standards for environmental quality, both biotic and abiotic characteristics, which determine the
bioavailablity of contaminants should be considered. This requires a dynamic approach which takes both
uptake processes as well as a variety of other biological factors into consideration. It is concluded that
bioavialiblity should be interpreted qualitatively and that the rate of uptake of a contaminant could possibly
serve as a measure of bioavailability. The development of standardised protocols for exposure of selected
species and the measurement of biological responses with the aid of biomarkers could serve to refine and
take risk assessment a step further.Publishers' Versio
The concept of bioavailability and establishing uniform standards for permissible chemical contamination of soil
The original publication is available at http://www.satnt.ac.zaSoils are very heterogeneous substrates providing an environmental matrix with varying spatial and temporal gradients of pH, organic carbon, particle size distribution, moisture content as well as biological factors associated with soil organisms. These chemical, physical as well as biological factors determine the bioavailability of chemicals to soil-dwelling invertebrates. This review of recent literature on the use of the bioavailability concept in soil ecotoxicology indicates that the concept is often used unqualified and indiscriminately to mean different things to different authors. A clear understanding of the concept is crucial for toxicity testing, environmental monitoring, risk assessment and the setting of soil quality criteria since knowledge of the actual exposure of organisms, and not merely the total amount of the chemical, is required. The aim of this paper is to contribute towards a clarification of the concept. Apart from defining or describing bioavailability, the problems related to the comparability of toxicity data between soils and species, inter-soil and inter-species comparisons of toxicity data are discussed. The potential role that biomarkers can play in assessing bioavailability, is touched upon. In an effort to prescribe uniform criteria or standards for environmental quality, both biotic and abiotic characteristics, which determine the bioavailablity of contaminants, should be considered. This requires a dynamic approach which takes both uptake processes as well as a variety of other biological factors into consideration. It is concluded that bioavialiblity should be interpreted qualitatively and that the rate of uptake of a contaminant could possibly serve as a measure of bioavailability. The development of standardised protocols for exposure of selected species and the measurement of biological responses with the aid of biomarkers could serve to refine and take risk assessment a step further.Grond is ’n besonder heterogene substraat en ’n matriks vir variërende ruimtelike en temporale gradiënte van pH, organiese koolstof, partikelgroottes, voginhoude asook biologiese faktore geassosieer met grondlewende organismes. Hierdie chemiese, fisiese sowel as biologiese faktore bepaal die biobeskikbaarheid van chemiese stowwe vir organismes wat in die grond lewe. Hierdie oorsig van onlangse literatuur oor die gebruik van die konsep van biobeskikbaarheid in die ekotoksikologie, lei tot die slotsom dat hierdie konsep dikwels ongekwalifiseerd en teenstrydig gebruik word omdat dit verskillende dinge vir verskillende outeurs beteken. ’n Heldere begrip van die konsep is van wesenlike belang vir die interpretasie van toksisiteitstoetse, omgewingsmonitering en risiko-assessering van omgewingskontaminante. Dit is ook nodig vir die stel van grondkwaliteitskriteria omdat kennis van die werklike blootstelling van organismes nodig is, en nie bloot van die totale hoeveelheid van die chemiese stof in die omgewing nie. Die doel van hierdie bydrae is om die konsep duidelik toe te lig ter wille van konsekwente en verantwoordbare aanwending daarvan. Afgesien van die definiëring of omskrywing van biobeskikbaarheid, word die probleme rondom die vergelykbaarheid van toksisiteitsgegewens tussen gronde en tussen spesies bespreek. Verder word die potensiële rol wat biomerkers in grondorganismes kan speel om biobeskikbaarheid te bepaal, aangeroer. In ’n poging om eenvormige kriteria of standaarde vir omgewingskwaliteit neer te lê, sal rekening gehou moet word met beide biotiese sowel as abiotiese eienskappe wat die biobeskikbaarheid van chemiese stowwe vir grondorganismes bepaal. Dit vereis dus ’n dinamiese benadering wat beide fisies-chemies gedrewe desorpsieprosesse en fisiologies gedrewe opnameprosesse, sowel as ’n verskeidenheid ander biologiese faktore, in ag moet neem. Die bevinding is dat biobeskikbaarheid kwalitatief geïnterpreteer moet word en dat die opnamekoers van ’n chemiese stof moontlik as maatstaf van biobeskikbaarheid kan dien. Die ontwikkeling van gestandaardiseerde protokolle vir blootstelling van geselekteerde spesies en meting van biologiese response met behulp van biomerkers kan risiko-assessering verfyn en ’n stap verder neem.Publishers' Versio
Carbon Ignition in Type Ia Supernovae: An Analytic Model
The observable properties of a Type Ia supernova are sensitive to how the
nuclear runaway ignites in a Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf - at a single point
at its center, off-center, or at multiple points and times. We present a simple
analytic model for the runaway based upon a combination of stellar
mixing-length theory and recent advances in understanding Rayleigh-Benard
convection. The convective flow just prior to runaway is likely to have a
strong dipolar component, though higher multipoles may contribute appreciably
at the very high Rayleigh number (10) appropriate to the white dwarf
core. A likely outcome is multi-point ignition with an exponentially increasing
number of ignition points during the few tenths of a second that it takes the
runaway to develop. The first sparks ignite approximately 150 - 200 km off
center, followed by ignition at smaller radii. Rotation may be important to
break the dipole asymmetry of the ignition and give a healthy explosion.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures, submitted to ApJ, corrected typo in first
author's nam
Correction of diffraction effects in confocal raman microspectroscopy
A mathematical approach developed to correct depth profiles of
wet-chemically modified polymer films obtained by confocal Raman
microscopy is presented which takes into account scattered contributions originated from a diffraction-limited laser focal volume. It is demonstrated that the problem can be described using a linear Fredholm integral equation of the first kind which correlates apparent and true Raman intensities with the depth resolution curve of the instrument.
The calculations of the corrected depth profiles show that considerable differences between apparent and corrected depth profiles exist at the surface, especially when profiles with strong concentration gradients are dealt with or an instrument with poor depth resolution is used. Degrees of modification at the surface obtained by calculation of the corrected depth profiles are compared with those measured by FTIR-ATR and show an excellent concordance.</p
Sellulêre biomerkerresponse as maatstaf van gevoeligheid van klipmossels (Mollusca) vir kadmiumbesoedeling
The original publication is available at http://www.satnt.ac.za/Die bioakkumulasie van kadmium in tussengetyspesies kan stres veroorsaak wat op sellulêre vlak
meetbaar is. Verskeie klipmosselspesies kom volop op rotse aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kuslyn voor
en kan moontlik vir ekotokiskologiese monitering gebruik word. Die oogmerk van die studie was
om sensitiwiteitsdata te verkry wat kan bydrae tot die kies van ’n geskikte spesie vir monitering en
die uiteindelike daarstelling van ’n model vir spesie sensitiwiteitsverspreiding (SSV) wat ’n
biomerkerrespons as eindpunt gebruik. Die klipmossels Cymbula oculus, Scutellastra longicosta,
Cymbula granatina en Scutellastra granularis en watermonsters is in Valsbaai versamel. Analises
van kadmium in water en biologiese monsters is met behulp van atoomabsorpsiespektrofotometrie
uitgevoer. Blootstellings van organismes aan subletale vlakke van kadmium is uitgevoer in statiese
vloeitenks oor ’n periode van drie dae. Daar was ’n matige toename in liggaamskonsentrasies van
kadmium oor tyd. Resultate wat by drie blootstellingskonsentrasies gekry is, het geen betekenisvolle
verskille in metaalkonsentrasies tussen die verskillende C. oculus monsters uitgewys nie.
Betekenisvolle verskille tussen die kontrole en die blootstellingsgroepe vir elke individuele
blootstellingstyd is vir die spesie verkry behalwe tussen die kontrole en die 1mg/L CdCl2
blootstellingsgroep na 24 en 72 uur van blootstelling. Cd liggaamskonsentrasies (sagteweefsel)
het tussen 4.56 en 21.41μg/g (nat massa) gevarieer.
Gemiddelde Cd konsentrasies in sagteweefsel van S. longicosta was aansienlik laer (variërend
tussen 1.18 en 19.58 μg/g Cd ) as in weefsel van C. oculus. Die kontrolegroep van hierdie spesie
het betekenisvol verskil van die 0.8 en 1 mg/L CdCl2 blootstellings na 48 en 72 uur.
Gemiddelde Cd liggaamskonsentrasies in S. granularis was die hoogste van al die blootgestelde
spesies en het ’n vlak van 148 μg/g Cd by die hoogste blootstellingskonsentrasie bereik en het
betekenisvol verskil van die ander monsters se gemiddeldes met die uitsondering van die 0.8 mg/
L CdCl2 blootstellingsgroep by 72 uur en die 1 mg/L CdCl2 groep by 24 uur. Betekenisvolle verskille
is ook verkry vir die liggaamskonsentrasies van Cd van C. granatina tussen die drie verskillende
blootstellingskonsentrasies en drie blootstellingstye.
Integriteit van lisosoommembrane is bepaal met behulp van die neutraalrooi retensiemetode.
Drie van die vier spesies het ’n betekenisvolle afname in retentsietye getoon met ’n toename in Cd
konsentrasie. Tussenspesieverskille in gevoelighede vir omgewingsrelevante kadmiumkonsentrasies
is deur die biomerkerresponse uitgewys. Gebaseer op die verlaging in NRR tye, is
die volgorde van relatiewe gevoeligheid vir kadmium as volg: S. granularis > C. oculus> S.
longicosta.> C. granatina.Publishers' Versio
Can Deflagration-Detonation-Transitions occur in Type Ia Supernovae?
The mechanism for deflagration-detonation-transition (DDT) by turbulent
preconditioning, suggested to explain the possible occurrence of delayed
detonations in Type Ia supernova explosions, is argued to be conceptually
inconsistent. It relies crucially on diffusive heat losses of the burned
material on macroscopic scales. Regardless of the amplitude of turbulent
velocity fluctuations, the typical gradient scale for temperature fluctuations
is shown to be the laminar flame width or smaller, rather than the factor of
thousand more required for a DDT. Furthermore, thermonuclear flames cannot be
fully quenched in regions much larger than the laminar flame width as a
consequence of their simple ``chemistry''. Possible alternative explosion
scenarios are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, uses aastex; added references. Accepted by ApJ Letter
The impact of beam deconvolution on noise properties in CMB measurements: Application to Planck LFI
We present an analysis of the effects of beam deconvolution on noise
properties in CMB measurements. The analysis is built around the artDeco beam
deconvolver code. We derive a low-resolution noise covariance matrix that
describes the residual noise in deconvolution products, both in harmonic and
pixel space. The matrix models the residual correlated noise that remains in
time-ordered data after destriping, and the effect of deconvolution on it. To
validate the results, we generate noise simulations that mimic the data from
the Planck LFI instrument. A test for the full 70 GHz covariance in
multipole range yields a mean reduced of 1.0037. We
compare two destriping options, full and independent destriping, when
deconvolving subsets of available data. Full destriping leaves substantially
less residual noise, but leaves data sets intercorrelated. We derive also a
white noise covariance matrix that provides an approximation of the full noise
at high multipoles, and study the properties on high-resolution noise in pixel
space through simulations.Comment: 22 pages, 25 figure
Direct Numerical Simulations of Type Ia Supernovae Flames II: The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
A Type Ia supernova explosion likely begins as a nuclear runaway near the
center of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf. The outward propagating flame is
unstable to the Landau-Darrieus, Rayleigh-Taylor, and Kelvin-Helmholtz
instabilities, which serve to accelerate it to a large fraction of the speed of
sound. We investigate the Rayleigh-Taylor unstable flame at the transition from
the flamelet regime to the distributed-burning regime, around densities of
g/cc, through detailed, fully resolved simulations. A low Mach number,
adaptive mesh hydrodynamics code is used to achieve the necessary resolution
and long time scales. As the density is varied, we see a fundamental change in
the character of the burning--at the low end of the density range the
Rayleigh-Taylor instability dominates the burning, whereas at the high end the
burning suppresses the instability. In all cases, significant acceleration of
the flame is observed, limited only by the size of the domain we are able to
study. We discuss the implications of these results on the potential for a
deflagration to detonation transition.Comment: submitted to ApJ, some figures degraded due to size constraint
Surface detonation in type Ia supernova explosions?
We explore the evolution of thermonuclear supernova explosions when the
progenitor white dwarf star ignites asymmetrically off-center. Several
numerical simulations are carried out in two and three dimensions to test the
consequences of different initial flame configurations such as spherical
bubbles displaced from the center, more complex deformed configurations, and
teardrop-shaped ignitions. The burning bubbles float towards the surface while
releasing energy due to the nuclear reactions. If the energy release is too
small to gravitationally unbind the star, the ash sweeps around it, once the
burning bubble approaches the surface. Collisions in the fuel on the opposite
side increase its temperature and density and may -- in some cases -- initiate
a detonation wave which will then propagate inward burning the core of the star
and leading to a strong explosion. However, for initial setups in two
dimensions that seem realistic from pre-ignition evolution, as well as for all
three-dimensional simulations the collimation of the surface material is found
to be too weak to trigger a detonation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, in: Proceedings of the SciDAC 2006 Meeting,
Denver June 25-26 2006, also available at
Constraints On The Delayed Transition to Detonation in Type Ia Supernovae
We investigate the possibility of a delayed detonation in a type Ia supernova
under the assumption that the transition to detonation is triggered by
turbulence only. Our discussion is based on the Zeldovich mechanism and
suggests that typical turbulent velocities present during the explosion are not
strong enough to allow this transition to occur. Although we are able to show
that in carbon-rich matter (e.g., C) the possibility of a
deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) is enhanced, even in this case the
turbulent velocities needed are larger than the expected value of on a length-scale of cm. Thus we
conclude that a DDT may not be a common event during a thermonuclear explosion
of a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap
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