173 research outputs found

    Fiebre mediterránea familiar. Presentación de un caso. Revisión literatura española

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    Recerca i eines de gestió dels recursos hídrics

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    El portal del sud d'Europa

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    A new species of Schizopera (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Miraciidae) from Colombia

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    Objective. The present contribution aims at the description of a new species of the genus Schizopera. Materials and methods. Water samples were collected in littoral areas with mangrove and macrophytes, and in the limnetic zone. Twenty five liters of water were taken. Water samples were filtered with a zooplankton net (45μm) and preserved in 70% ethanol. The filtered samples were concentrated to 100 ml and examined in a Bogorov camera. Copepods were separated. Observations and drawings of S. evelynae sp. nov. were made at a magnification of 1000X. Results. Schizopera evelynae sp. nov. seems to be closely related to S. giselae Jiménez -Álvarez 1988 and to S. pratensis Noodt 1958 based on the armature formula of P1-P4, but can be separated from these two species based on the relative length of P1ENP, length/width ratio of P1ENP2, relative length of the outer proximal and distal spines on P4EXP3, shape of the exopod and relative length of the exopodal setae of the female P5, shape and length/width ratio of the male P2ENP2, and male P5 baseoendopodal lobe:exopod length ratio. A key to the species of Schizopera from America is given. Conclusion. A new species of the genus Schizopera is described. The Colombian material shares most characters with S. giselae and S. pratensis

    Compendio de patologia general

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    Record of Cletocamptus sinaloensis (COPEPODA: HARPACTICOIDA: CANTHOCAMPTIDAE) from the caribbean coast of Colombia

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    Objetivos: Reportar el primer registro de C. sinaloensis para Colombia. Alcance. Presentar una breve descripción de este material para apoyar la identificación del nuevo material encontrado. Metodología: Se tomaron muestras de agua en Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta Colombia utilizando un balde de 25 L. Las muestras se filtraron con una red estándar de zooplancton (malla con diámetro de poro de 45 μm) y se fijaron y conservaron en etanol al 70%. Los copépodos harpacticoides se separaron con un pincel. Las muestras disecadas y los apéndices se montaron en glicerina. Los apéndices disecados se fotografiaron usando una cámara digital Kodak Easy Share C140 adaptada a un microscopio compuesto con un aumento de 1000X. Resultados principales: Cletocamptus sinaloensis parece estar estrechamente relacionado con C. levis Gómez 2005, conocido en Brasil. La cercanía de estas especies se asumió en función de la forma general y el número de setas del palpo mandibular (un segmentado con tres setas), P2-P4 EXP3 y ENP2 con 5-5-4 y 3-3-2 elementos respectivamente, relación longitud: anchura de la rama caudal, y ornamentación del opérculo anal con dos filas de espínulas fuertes. Sin embargo, pueden separarse por 1) el complemento de armadura del exopodo antenal, 2) la longitud del lóbulo exopodal de la P5 de la hembra, 3) la longitud relativa del P3ENP, 4) el número de setas en la P6 de la hembra. Conclusiones: El espécimen de Colombia tiene las características diagnósticas de C. sinaloensis como se describió originalmente, pero muestra diferencias sutiles en la longitud de P1 ENP, en la forma del receptáculo seminal y en la longitud relativa de P6.Objectives: to report the first record of C. sinaloensis for Colombia. Scope: to present a brief description of this material in order to support the identification of the newly found material. Methodology: Water samples were taken at Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta Colombia using a 25 L bucket. Samples were filtered with a standard zooplankton net (45 μm mesh) and fixed and preserved in 70% ethanol. Harpacticoid copepods were separated with a brush. Dissected specimens and appendages were mounted in glycerine. The dissected appendages were photographed using a Kodak Easy Share C140 digital camera adapted to a compound microscope at a magnification of 1000X. Main results: Cletocamptus sinaloensis seems to be closely related to C. levis Gómez 2005, known from Brazil. The closeness of these species was assumed based on the general shape and number of setae of the mandibular palp (one-segmented with three setae), P2-P4 EXP3 and ENP2 with 5-5-4 and 3-3-2 elements respectively, length: width ratio of the caudal rami, and ornamentation of the anal operculum with two rows of strong spinules. Nevertheless, they can be separated by 1) the armature complement of the antennal exopod, 2) length of the exopodal lobe of the female P5, 3) relative length of the P3ENP, 4) number of setae on the female P6. Conclusions: The specimen from Colombia bears the diagnostic features of C. sinaloensis as originally described, but shows subtle differences in the length of P1ENP, shape of seminal receptacle and relative length of P6

    L'expressió plàstica a l'Escola d'Infants

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    Contribution of the QMS to business continuity and compliance with some SDGs in the midst of the pandemic

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    Los estados miembros de las naciones unidas establecieron 17 objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en el año 2015 con metas claras que esperan cumplir para el año 2030, cuyo seguimiento continuo se realiza a través de indicadores. Aunque se estaban logrando avances en el logro de los objetivos, la pendemia por COVID-19 ocasionó un retroceso. A raíz de la propagación rápida de esta enfermedad se generaró una crisis económica y social a nivel mundial que afectó gravemente el logro de objetivos como el 1 hambre cero, 2 fin de la pobreza y 3 salud y bienestar. Muchas empresas cerraron temporal o permanentemente sus puertas, o disminuyeron sus ventas de forma considerable, lo que trajo como consecuencia grandes índices de desempleo y trabajo informal. Por otro lado, el trabajo en casa inesperado tomó a las empresas por sorpresa, con lo que no se pudo garantizar las condiciones favorables de trabajo, al menos al principio. Las empresas que contaban con un sistema de gestión de calidad bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015 debian contar con las herramientas necesarias para afrontar el cambio y garantizar la continuidad de su negocio, siempre y cuando hayan dado un enfoque adecuado al sistema, y no un cumplimiento mínimo para el logro de una certificación. Esta norma tiene importantes lineamientos para que las empresas se adapten rápidamente al cambio en las necesidades y expectativas de los clientes, tales como el conocimiento y seguimiento al contexto, partes interesadas y requisitos de las mismas, la gestión del cambio y de riesgos.The member states of the United Nations established 17 sustainable development goals in 2015 with clear goals that they hope to achieve by 2030, the continuous monitoring of which is carried out through indicators. Although progress was being made in achieving the goals, the COVID-19 pendemic caused a setback. As a result of the rapid spread of this disease, a global economic and social crisis was generated that seriously affected the achievement of objectives such as 1 zero hunger, 2 end of poverty and 3 health and well-being. Many companies temporarily or permanently closed their doors, or their sales decreased considerably, which resulted in high rates of unemployment and informal work. On the other hand, the unexpected work at home took companies by surprise, so that favorable working conditions could not be guaranteed, at least initially. Companies that had a quality management system under the ISO 9001: 2015 standard should have the necessary tools to face the change and guarantee the continuity of their business, as long as they have given an appropriate approach to the system, and not a minimum compliance for the achievement of a certification. This standard has important guidelines for companies to quickly adapt to changes in customer needs and expectations, such as knowledge and monitoring of the context, interested parties and their requirements, change and risk management.Especializació

    Notes on Halicyclops (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Cyclopidae) from Colombia and the western Caribbean: a new record with a key to species of Group “B” sensu Rocha (1991)

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    Three species of brackish waters microcrustaceans are herein recorded; they belong to the cyclopoid copepod genus Halicyclops and were collected from a coastal system in northern Colombia: H. exiguus Kiefer, 1934, H. venezuelaensis Lindberg, 1954, and H. hurlberti Rocha, 1991. The former has intraspecific variations that deserve further study. The finding of the latter species, previously known from the Eastern Tropical Pacific, represents a new record for Colombia and the Caribbean Sea Basin in the Northwestern Tropical Atlantic. With the finding of H. hurlberti the number of species of Halicyclops known from the Neotropical region and Colombia increases to 20 and 5, respectively. The regional diversity of the genus is probably underestimated. A key to species of the genus belonging to group “B” sensu Rocha (1991) is also provided