4,111 research outputs found

    Phase Transitions in Operational Risk

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    In this paper we explore the functional correlation approach to operational risk. We consider networks with heterogeneous a-priori conditional and unconditional failure probability. In the limit of sparse connectivity, self-consistent expressions for the dynamical evolution of order parameters are obtained. Under equilibrium conditions, expressions for the stationary states are also obtained. The consequences of the analytical theory developed are analyzed using phase diagrams. We find co-existence of operational and non-operational phases, much as in liquid-gas systems. Such systems are susceptible to discontinuous phase transitions from the operational to non-operational phase via catastrophic breakdown. We find this feature to be robust against variation of the microscopic modelling assumptions.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted in Physical Review

    Spectra of Modular and Small-World Matrices

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    We compute spectra of symmetric random matrices describing graphs with general modular structure and arbitrary inter- and intra-module degree distributions, subject only to the constraint of finite mean connectivities. We also evaluate spectra of a certain class of small-world matrices generated from random graphs by introducing short-cuts via additional random connectivity components. Both adjacency matrices and the associated graph Laplacians are investigated. For the Laplacians, we find Lifshitz type singular behaviour of the spectral density in a localised region of small λ|\lambda| values. In the case of modular networks, we can identify contributions local densities of state from individual modules. For small-world networks, we find that the introduction of short cuts can lead to the creation of satellite bands outside the central band of extended states, exhibiting only localised states in the band-gaps. Results for the ensemble in the thermodynamic limit are in excellent agreement with those obtained via a cavity approach for large finite single instances, and with direct diagonalisation results.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Bright single-photon sources in bottom-up tailored nanowires

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    The ability to achieve near-unity light extraction efficiency is necessary for a truly deterministic single photon source. The most promising method to reach such high efficiencies is based on embedding single photon emitters in tapered photonic waveguides defined by top-down etching techniques. However, light extraction efficiencies in current top-down approaches are limited by fabrication imperfections and etching induced defects. The efficiency is further tempered by randomly positioned off-axis quantum emitters. Here, we present perfectly positioned single quantum dots on the axis of a tailored nanowire waveguide using bottom-up growth. In comparison to quantum dots in nanowires without waveguide, we demonstrate a 24-fold enhancement in the single photon flux, corresponding to a light extraction efficiency of 42 %. Such high efficiencies in one-dimensional nanowires are promising to transfer quantum information over large distances between remote stationary qubits using flying qubits within the same nanowire p-n junction.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Updated Report Acceleration of Polarized Protons to 120-150 GeV/c at Fermilab

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    The SPIN@FERMI collaboration has updated its 1991-95 Reports on the acceleration of polarized protons in Fermilab's Main Injector, which was commissioned by Fermilab. This Updated Report summarizes some updated Physics Goals for a 120-150 GeV/c polarized proton beam. It also contains an updated discussion of the Modifications and Hardware needed for a polarized beam in the Main Injector, along with an updated Schedule and Budget.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure

    Retained strength of UHTCMCs after oxidation at 2278 K

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    In the frame of Horizon 2020 European C3HARME research project, the manufacture of ZrB2-based CMCs was developed through different processes: slurry infiltration and sintering, radio frequency chemical vapour infiltration (RF-CVI) and reactive metal infiltration (RMI). To assess the high temperature stability, room temperature bending strength was measured after oxidizing the samples at 2278 K and compared to the strength of the as-produced materials. Microstructures were analysed before and after the thermal treatment to assess the damage induced by the high temperature oxidation. Short fibre-reinforced composites showed the highest retained strength (>80%) and an unchanged stress–strain curve

    Measurement of Angular Distributions of Drell-Yan Dimuons in p+pp + p Interactions at 800 GeV/c

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    We report a measurement of the angular distributions of Drell-Yan dimuons produced using an 800 GeV/c proton beam on a hydrogen target. The polar and azimuthal angular distribution parameters have been extracted over the kinematic range 4.5<mμμ<154.5 < m_{\mu \mu} < 15 GeV/c2^2 (excluding the Υ\Upsilon resonance region), 0<pT<40 < p_T < 4 GeV/c, and 0<xF<0.80 < x_F < 0.8. The p+pp+p angular distributions are similar to those of p+dp+d, and both data sets are compared with models which attribute the cos2ϕ\cos 2 \phi distribution either to the presence of the transverse-momentum-dependent Boer-Mulders structure function h1h_1^\perp or to QCD effects. The data indicate the presence of both mechanisms. The validity of the Lam-Tung relation in p+pp+p Drell-Yan is also tested.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Measurement of Angular Distributions of Drell-Yan Dimuons in p + d Interaction at 800 GeV/c

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    We report a measurement of the angular distributions of Drell-Yan dimuons produced using an 800 GeV/c proton beam on a deuterium target. The muon angular distributions in polar angle θ\theta and azimuthal angle ϕ\phi have been measured over the kinematic range 4.5<mμμ<154.5 < m_{\mu \mu} < 15 GeV/c2^2, 0<pT<40 < p_T < 4 GeV/c, and 0<xF<0.80 < x_F < 0.8. No significant cos2ϕ2\phi dependence is found in these proton-induced Drell-Yan data, in contrast to the situation for pion-induced Drell-Yan. The data are compared with expectations from models which attribute the cos2ϕ2\phi distribution to a QCD vacuum effect or to the presence of the transverse-momentum-dependent Boer-Mulders structure function h1h_1^\perp. Constraints on the magnitude of the sea-quark h1h_1^\perp structure functions are obtained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure