36 research outputs found

    Job stress and burnout related to the preventionof health at work

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    [Resumo] Este artigo trata sobre os accidentes laborais e a influencia do estrés, que dalgunha forma é un elemento omnipresente en todos os procesos que afectan á seguridade e á saúde no traballo,mais ao tempo resulta, na maioría dos casos, sutil e posúe unha carga de imprecisión que fai difícil a súa concreción, avaliación, operatividade e manexo. Os factores psicosociais non poden considerarse como elementos secundarios ou complementarios dentro do concepto de seguridade e saúde laboral. Son elementos substantivos, e probablemente cada vez han selo máis debido á crecente importancia dos factores organizacionais na estrutura actual do traballo. De acordo coa Lei de prevención de riscos laborais e co Regulamento dos servizos de prevención, as empresas teñen a mesma obriga de avaliaren os riscos psicosociais que calquera outra clase de risco. Así, a avaliación de riscos psicosociais convértese nunha ferramenta preventivade grande importancia, posto que identificar, valorar e controlar os factores de risco de orixe psicosocial e planificar as medidas preventivas correspondentes conduce a unha xestión eficazdas persoas da organización e tradúcese nun mellor rendemento, un menor absentismo eunha maior satisfacción destas. A manifestación máis estudada e máis tratada é a aparición da síndrome de esgotamento profesional ou do profesional queimado (burnout) entre os traballadores. Neste artigo analízase este fenómeno e propóñense estratexias para a súa superación.[Abstract] This article focuses on occupational accidents and the influence of stress, which in some way is an omnipresent element in all the processes that concern safety and health at work but, at the same time, it is, in most cases, subtle and with a load of imprecision that makes its concretion, evaluation, management and operability difficult. Psychosocial factors cannot be considered as secondary or complementary in the concept ofsecurity and occupational health. They are substantive factors which significance is increasingdue to the importance of the organizational factors in the current structure of work.According to the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks and with the Regulation of the Prevention Services, there is the same obligation for companies to evaluate psychosocial risks than any other class of risks. Psychosocial risk evaluation becomes a very important preventive tool, since the identification, evaluation and control of risk factors of psychosocial origin and planning of preventive measures lead to an effective management of the people who are part of the organization. As a result of this, better performance, lower absenteeism and greater satisfaction are acquired.The most studied and treated sign is the appearance of burnout among t

    Análisis de la Ley de prevención de riesgos laborales, desde los puntos de vista de la prevención y de la psicología de las organizaciones

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    [Resumen] Los accidentes de trabajo se han convertido en uno de los fenómenos más disfuncionales del mundo laboral, por sus consecuencias, su constante aumento y sus dificultades para poder establecer programas de prevención eficaces y duraderos. Las consecuencias de la accidentalidad son negativas para todas las partes implicadas: para los accidentados y su familia, pero también para el buen funcionamiento laboral y económico de las empresas y para la administración. Por otro lado, existe una ausencia de cultura preventiva, atribuible a la creencia generalizada por parte de empresarios y directivos de que los recursos asignados en este campo suponen desembolsos ajenos al fin productivo y, por tanto, disminuyen la competitividad y rentabilidad de la empresa. La Administración ha ido regulando las actividades de la industria en general y, en particular, de aquellos sectores o actividades que puedan presentar un mayor riesgo o que concentran índices de siniestralidad elevados.[Abstract] The accidents of work have turned into one of the most disfunctional phenomena of the labour world, for his consequences, his constant increase and his difficulties to be able to establish effective and lasting programs of prevention. The consequences of the accident are negative for all the implied parts: for the rough ones and his family, but also for the good labour and economic functioning of the companies and for the administration. There exists an absence of preventive culture, attributable to the belief generalized on the part of businessmen and executives of whom the resources assigned in this field suppose disbursements foreign to the productive purpose and, therefore, they diminish the competitiveness and profitability of the company. The Administration has been regulating the activities of the industry in general and, especially, of those sectors or activities that could present a major risk or that concentrated high accident rates

    Seguridad y salud laboral desde la psicología social y de las organizaciones

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    [Resumen] Los accidentes de trabajo se han convertido en uno de los fenómenos más disfuncionales del mundo laboral, por sus consecuencias, su constante aumento y sus dificultades para poder establecer programas de prevención eficaces y duraderos. Los factores psicosociales no pueden considerarse como elementos secundarios o complementarios dentro del concepto de la seguridad y la salud laboral. Son factores sustantivos y, probablemente, cada vez lo sean más debido a la creciente importancia de los factores organizacionales en la estructura actual del trabajo. Por otro lado, existe una ausencia de cultura preventiva, atribuible a la creencia generalizada por parte de empresarios y directivos de que los recursos asignados en este campo suponen desembolsos ajenos al fin productivo y, por tanto, disminuyen la competitividad y rentabilidad de la empresa.[Abstract] The accidents of work have turned into one of the most disfunctional phenomena of the labour world, for his consequences, his constant increase and his difficulties to be able to establish effective and lasting programs of prevention. Psychosocial factors cannot be considered to be secondary or complementary security and occupational health, are sustantive factors and, probably increasing as more due to the importance of the organizational factors in the current structure of work. There exists an absence of preventive culture, attributable to the belief generalized on the part of businessmen and executives of whom the resources assigned in this field suppose disbursements foreign to the productive purpose and, therefore, they diminish the competitiveness and profitability of the company

    The Influence of the Violence of Gender and his Repercussion in the Labour Welfare

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    [Resumo] A violencia de xénero transcendeu severamente en todo o universo feminino e non podía ser doutro xeito que tamén tivese un grande impacto no mundo laboral. A violencia que sofren as mulleres pode afectar ao seu benestar no traballo e mesmo á súa permanencia nel, xa que en moitos casos causa unha redución significativa das súas condicións físicas ou psicofísicas. Hoxe é un gran problema da nosa sociedade e un símbolo da desigualdade existente nela. É unha violencia dirixida contra as mulleres polo feito de selo, porque son consideradas polos seus agresores persoas sen os dereitos mínimos de liberdade, respecto e capacidade de decisión. A medida en que as leis están relacionadas coa resolución e a protección das mulleres vítimas desta lacra é o tema deste artigo.[Abstract] Gender violence has transcended severely throughout the female universe and it could not be otherwise that it has also had a great impact on the world of work. The violence suffered by women can affect well-being at work or even the loss of it, since in many cases it causes a significant reduction in their physical or psychophysical conditions. It is today a great problem of our society and a symbol of the inequality existing in it. It is a violence that is directed against women for the very fact of being, because they are considered by their aggressors, lacking the minimum rights of freedom, respect and decision-making capacity. To what extent laws are concerned with solving and protecting women victims of this scourge is the subject of this articl

    Psychosocial Factors and Work Environment

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    [Resumo] As variables psicosociais non poden considerarse compoñentes secundarias ou complementarias do concepto de seguridade e saúde laboral, senón que o son substantivas, debido á crecente importancia dos factores organizacionais na estrutura actual do traballo. Así, de acordo coa Lei de prevención de riscos laborais e co Regulamento dos servizos de prevención, as empresas teñen a mesma obriga de avaliar os riscos psicosociais que calquera outra clase de risco. De feito, a identificación, a valoración e o control dos factores de risco de orixe psicosocial, xunto coa planificación das medidas preventivas correspondentes, conducen a unha xestión máis eficaz das persoas da organización. Neste artigo analízanse os principais estudos que tiveron en conta a relación entre variables psicosociais e clima laboral desde os inicios do estudo destas[Abstract] Psychosocial factors cannot be considered as secondary or complementary elements within the concept of occupational safety and health. They are substantive factors due to the growing importance of organizational factors in the current structure of work. In accordance with the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks and with the Regulation of Prevention Services, there is the same obligation on the part of companies to assess psychosocial risks as any other kind of risk. In fact, the identification, assessment and control of risk factors of psychosocial origin and the planning of the corresponding preventive measures, lead to an effective management of the people of the organization. This article analyses the studies that have taken into account the relationship between psychosocial variables and work environment since its inceptio

    Organizaciones saludables y sostenibilidad: aportaciones desde la formación de la psicología organizacional positiva

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    [Resumen] En el marco contextual que actualmente se encuentra el mundo organizacional han tenido lugar una serie de transformaciones, tomando gran protagonismo conceptos como la sostenibilidad empresarial, la supervivencia o la adaptabilidad. Multiples han sido los intentos del hombre de responder a la pregunta ?cual es la clave del exito para una empresa? Lo que se pretende en este articulo es resaltar la importancia que tiene el capital humano, centrando la investigacion en la emergente Psicologia Positiva, la cual nos ayuda a visualizar los multiples efectos positivos que tienen sus lineas de actuacion reactiva y proactiva (proteccion y promocion), aportando un desempeno optimo de las personas, brindando soluciones eficientes y la importancia de que los trabajadores, la organizacion y la comunidad esten en sintonia para el desarrollo mutuo de este dinamico triangulo pudiendo fortalecer el desarrollo sostenible de las misma

    Social welfare of workers affected by a chronic lung disease

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    We try to verify if there are variables of social welfare able to differentiate chronically ill patients affected by asbestos poisoning from healthy people. We used the scale of Hahn, Cella, Bode and Hanharan, developed to measure the social welfare. After reviewing the literature we intend to verify first the psychometric properties of the previously mentioned scale by using a sample of patients affected, 110, as well as a comparison group of 70 people matched by age and gender blocks, who have been employees of the largest Spanish naval organization. The results indicate a very high reliability of the instrument, and a high concurrent validity of the questionnaire SCL-90. Next an Anova is performed obtaining that, contrary to expectations from the literature, only a variation occurs in three variables: negative social companionship, limitations, and satisfaction. This research opens the possibility for future research studying the age variable as a mediator of social welfare. Finally, the limitations of the study and possible future projects are discussed

    Alteraciones de la salud psicosocial en afectados por intoxicación por amianto

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    OBJETIVO Analizar el estado de salud psicosocial y mental de profesionales afectados por el amianto. MÉTODOS Estudio transversal con 110 profesionales en la comarca de Ferrolterra, España, afectadas por intoxicación por amianto; y un grupo de comparación de 70 trabajadores de astilleros, que no presentaban manifestación de enfermedades profesionales. Todos fueron del sexo masculino con edad promedio de 67 años. El estudio se llevó a cabo entre Enero y Junio de 2013. Para la realización de la investigación se empleó como instrumento el cuestionario SCL-90 de Derogatis. Este cuestionario está formado por nueve variables que miden la sintomatología psicosomática, y también, se calculó un índice global de gravedad psicosomática. Se les preguntó a los sujetos sobre su percepción global de sentirse bien. Se analizaron los datos mediante la técnica del Anova, y se realizó una regresión logística. RESULTADOS Los sujetos afectados por la intoxicación por amianto presentaron altos índices de alteración de su salud psicológica en variables como somatización, obsesión-compulsión, sensibilidad interpersonal, depresión, ansiedad, hostilidad, ansiedad fóbica, ideación paranoide, psicoticismo e indicador global de gravedad. CONCLUSIONES La interacción social como factor diferenciador entre trabajadores afectados por síndromes crónicos, debidos al trabajo, frente a los no afectados, permitirá desarrollar programas de intervención basados en el fomento de la red social de los afectados.OBJECTIVE To analyze the state of psychosocial and mental health of professionals affected by asbestos. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted with 110 professionals working in the Ferrolterra region of Spain, who were affected by asbestos poisoning. This group was compared with a group of 70 shipyard workers with no manifestation of work-related diseases. All the participants were male with a mean age of 67 years. This study was conducted in 2013, between January and June, and used the SCL-90 questionnaire by Derogatis as its primary measure for research. This questionnaire consists of 9 variables that measure psychosomatic symptoms. In addition, an overall index of psychosomatic gravity was calculated. The participants were also asked two questions concerning their overall perception of feeling good. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and logistic regression. RESULTS Participants affected by asbestos poisoning showed high occurrence rates of psychological health variables such as somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and global severity index. CONCLUSIONS Social interaction as a differentiating factor between workers affected by work-related chronic syndromes as compared to healthy participants will possibly aid in the development of intervention programs by improving the social network of affected individuals.OBJECTIVE To analyze the state of psychosocial and mental health of professionals affected by asbestos. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted with 110 professionals working in the Ferrolterra region of Spain, who were affected by asbestos poisoning. This group was compared with a group of 70 shipyard workers with no manifestation of work-related diseases. All the participants were male with a mean age of 67 years. This study was conducted in 2013, between January and June, and used the SCL-90 questionnaire by Derogatis as its primary measure for research. This questionnaire consists of 9 variables that measure psychosomatic symptoms. In addition, an overall index of psychosomatic gravity was calculated. The participants were also asked two questions concerning their overall perception of feeling good. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and logistic regression. RESULTS Participants affected by asbestos poisoning showed high occurrence rates of psychological health variables such as somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and global severity index. CONCLUSIONS Social interaction as a differentiating factor between workers affected by work-related chronic syndromes as compared to healthy participants will possibly aid in the development of intervention programs by improving the social network of affected individuals

    Organizaciones saludables y sostenibilidad: aportaciones desde la formación de la psicología organizacional positiva

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    En el marco contextual que actualmente se encuentra el mundo organizacional han tenido lugar una serie de transformaciones, tomando gran protagonismo conceptos como la sostenibilidad empresarial, la supervivencia o la adaptabilidad. Múltiples han sido los intentos del hombre de responder a la pregunta ¿cuál es la clave del éxito para una empresa? Lo que se pretende en este artículo es resaltar la importancia que tiene el capital humano, centrando la investigación en la emergente Psicología Positiva, la cual nos ayuda a visualizar los múltiples efectos positivos que tienen sus líneas de actuación reactiva y proactiva (protección y promoción), aportando un desempeño óptimo de las personas, brindando soluciones eficientes y la importancia de que los trabajadores, la organización y la comunidad estén en sintonía para el desarrollo mutuo de este dinámico triángulo pudiendo fortalecer el desarrollo sostenible de las mismas.Fil: Reig-Botella, Adela. Universidade de A Coruña; España.Fil: Rico Pantín, Noelia. Universidade de A Coruña; España

    Which Personal and Organizational Factors Influence the Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Shipyard Blue-Collar Workers?

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    [Abstract] The purpose of this research was to analyze which personal and organizational factors are related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction of shipyard workers who work in different auxiliary shipyard military companies in the north of Spain. Methods: In total, 567 shipyard workers participated in this cross-sectional survey study. The ages were between 19 and 64 (M = 39.36, SD = 10.01), males 82.52%, females 17.48%. We used a survey that included questions about personal and organizational factors such as physical environment, occupational risks, and psychosocial risks, in addition to the job commitment and job satisfaction scales. Results: The results of this study show that job commitment is significantly related to a higher age, lower education, and environmental risk (low vs. high). Furthermore, job satisfaction (high vs. low) and organizational commitment (high vs. low) is related with environmental risk (low vs. high). Job commitment is also higher in workers with a low educational level and older workers. Job satisfaction is lower in workers with a high educational level. Conclusions: This study shows that different personal and environmental factors influence the shipyard workers’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction