1,038 research outputs found

    Cavity-enhanced optical detection of carbon nanotube Brownian motion

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    Optical cavities with small mode volume are well-suited to detect the vibration of sub-wavelength sized objects. Here we employ a fiber-based, high-finesse optical microcavity to detect the Brownian motion of a freely suspended carbon nanotube at room temperature under vacuum. The optical detection resolves deflections of the oscillating tube down to 50pm/Hz^1/2. A full vibrational spectrum of the carbon nanotube is obtained and confirmed by characterization of the same device in a scanning electron microscope. Our work successfully extends the principles of high-sensitivity optomechanical detection to molecular scale nanomechanical systems.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Isotopic difference in the heteronuclear loss rate in a two-species surface trap

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    We have realized a two-species mirror-magneto-optical trap containing a mixture of 87^{87}Rb (85^{85}Rb) and 133^{133}Cs atoms. Using this trap, we have measured the heteronuclear collisional loss rate βRbCs\beta_{Rb-Cs}' due to intra-species cold collisions. We find a distinct difference in the magnitude and intensity dependence of βRbCs\beta_{Rb-Cs}' for the two isotopes 87^{87}Rb and 85^{85}Rb which we attribute to the different ground-state hyperfine splitting energies of the two isotopes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Theoretical analysis of the implementation of a quantum phase gate with neutral atoms on atom chips

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    We present a detailed, realistic analysis of the implementation of a proposal for a quantum phase gate based on atomic vibrational states, specializing it to neutral rubidium atoms on atom chips. We show how to create a double--well potential with static currents on the atom chips, using for all relevant parameters values that are achieved with present technology. The potential barrier between the two wells can be modified by varying the currents in order to realize a quantum phase gate for qubit states encoded in the atomic external degree of freedom. The gate performance is analyzed through numerical simulations; the operation time is ~10 ms with a performance fidelity above 99.9%. For storage of the state between the operations the qubit state can be transferred efficiently via Raman transitions to two hyperfine states, where its decoherence is strongly inhibited. In addition we discuss the limits imposed by the proximity of the surface to the gate fidelity.Comment: 9 pages, 5 color figure

    Estimation of the Required Amount of Hydrological Exploration in Lignite Mining Areas on the Basis of Hypothetical Hydrogeological Models

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    Mine drainage is a necessary but very costly precaution for open-pit lignite mining in sandy aquifers. Consequently, the minimization of the number of drainage wells and their optimal operation become important tasks in designing mine drainage systems. Comprehensive groundwater flow models have to be used, both, for the design of drainage wells, and for the analysis of water management strategies in mining areas . The accuracy of computations with such models depends on the precision of the underlying hydrogeological informations. In order to get these informations detailed and costly hydrogeological explorations have to be done in the mining regions. The basic informations are obtained using exploration drilling. The cost for hydrogeological exploration are approximately a linear function of the number of exploration bore holes. Therefore the reduction of drilling gets a key role in reducing costs of exploration. This might be done by: increased use of geophysical exploration methods; complex analysis of exploration results using mathematical statistical methods; precise estimation of the required amount of hydrogeological informations. The paper describes a mathematical approach to support the complex decision making procedure of estimating the optimal amount of hydrogeological exploration with respect to a given mine drainage goal

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases

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    We study the behavior of quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1d) Bose gases by Monte Carlo techniques, i.e., by the variational Monte Carlo, the diffusion Monte Carlo, and the fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo technique. Our calculations confirm and extend our results of an earlier study [Astrakharchik et al., cond-mat/0308585]. We find that a quasi-1d Bose gas i) is well described by a 1d model Hamiltonian with contact interactions and renormalized coupling constant; ii) reaches the Tonks-Girardeau regime for a critical value of the 3d scattering length a_3d; iii) enters a unitary regime for |a_3d| -> infinity, where the properties of the gas are independent of a_3d and are similar to those of a 1d gas of hard-rods; and iv) becomes unstable against cluster formation for a critical value of the 1d gas parameter. The accuracy and implications of our results are discussed in detail.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Impact of localization on Dyson's circular ensemble

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    A wide variety of complex physical systems described by unitary matrices have been shown numerically to satisfy level statistics predicted by Dyson's circular ensemble. We argue that the impact of localization in such systems is to provide certain restrictions on the eigenvalues. We consider a solvable model which takes into account such restrictions qualitatively and find that within the model a gap is created in the spectrum, and there is a transition from the universal Wigner distribution towards a Poisson distribution with increasing localization.Comment: To be published in J. Phys.

    Transitions In Spectral Statistics

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    We present long range statistical properties of a recently introduced unitary random matrix ensemble, whose short range correlations were found to describe a transition from Wigner to Poisson type as a function of a single parameter.Comment: 12 pp. late

    Ordered and periodic chaos of the bounded one dimensinal multibarrier potential

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    Numerical analysis indicates that there exists an unexpected new ordered chaos for the bounded one-dimensional multibarrier potential. For certain values of the number of barriers, repeated identical forms (periods) of the wavepackets result upon passing through the multibarrier potential.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 1 Table. Some former text removed and other introduce