442 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of myocardial contrast perfusion from biplane cineangiograms by means of linear programming techniques

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    The assessment of coronary flow reserve from the instantaneous distribution of the contrast agent within the coronary vessels and myocardial muscle at the control state and at maximal flow has been limited by the superimposition of myocardial regions of interest in the two-dimensional images. To overcome these limitations, we are in the process of developing a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction technique to compute the contrast distribution in cross sections of the myocardial muscle from two orthogonal cineangiograms. To limit the number of feasible solutions in the 3D-reconstruction space, the 3D-geometry of the endo- and epicardial boundaries of the myocardium must be determined. For the geometric reconstruction of the epicardium, the centerlines of the left coronary arterial tree are manually or automatically traced in the biplane views. Next, the bifurcations are detected automatically and matched in these two views, allowing a 3D-representation of the coronary tree. Finally, the circumference of the left ventricular myocardium in a selected cross section can be computed from the intersection points of this cross section with the 3D coronary tree using B-splines. For the geometric reconstruction of the left ventricular cavity, we envision to apply the elliptical approximation technique using the LV boundaries defined in the two orthogonal views, or by applying more complex 3D-reconstruction techniques including densitometry. The actual 3D-reconstruction of the contrast distribution in the myocardium is based on a linear programming technique (Transportation model) using cost coefficient matrices. Such a cost coefficient matrix must contain a maximum amount of a priori information, provided by a computer generated model and updated with actual data from the angiographic views. We have only begun to solve this complex problem. However, based on our first experimental results we expect that the linear programming approach with advanced cost coefficient matrices and computed model will lead to a

    Stage progression and neurological symptoms in Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense sleeping sickness: role of the CNS inflammatory response

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    Background: Human African trypanosomiasis progresses from an early (hemolymphatic) stage, through CNS invasion to the late (meningoencephalitic) stage. In experimental infections disease progression is associated with neuroinflammatory responses and neurological symptoms, but this concept requires evaluation in African trypanosomiasis patients, where correct diagnosis of the disease stage is of critical therapeutic importance. Methodology/Principal Findings: This was a retrospective study on a cohort of 115 T.b.rhodesiense HAT patients recruited in Eastern Uganda. Paired plasma and CSF samples allowed the measurement of peripheral and CNS immunoglobulin and of CSF cytokine synthesis. Cytokine and immunoglobulin expression were evaluated in relation to disease duration, stage progression and neurological symptoms. Neurological symptoms were not related to stage progression (with the exception of moderate coma). Increases in CNS immunoglobulin, IL-10 and TNF-α synthesis were associated with stage progression and were mirrored by a reduction in TGF-ÎČ levels in the CSF. There were no significant associations between CNS immunoglobulin and cytokine production and neurological signs of disease with the exception of moderate coma cases. Within the study group we identified diagnostically early stage cases with no CSF pleocytosis but intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis and diagnostically late stage cases with marginal CSF pleocytosis and no detectable trypanosomes in the CSF. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that there is not a direct linkage between stage progression, neurological signs of infection and neuroinflammatory responses in rhodesiense HAT. Neurological signs are observed in both early and late stages, and while intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis is associated with neurological signs, these are also observed in cases lacking a CNS inflammatory response. While there is an increase in inflammatory cytokine production with stage progression, this is paralleled by increases in CSF IL-10. As stage diagnostics, the CSF immunoglobulins and cytokines studied do not have sufficient sensitivity to be of clinical value

    Hilft das zahnmedizinische Bonussystem den stationĂ€r PflegebedĂŒrftigen?

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Mundgesundheit bei PflegebedĂŒrftigen ist mangelhaft. ZufĂ€llig ausgewĂ€hlte PflegebedĂŒrftige (Berlin n=75, Nordrhein-Westfalen n=94, Sachsen n=73) aus 30 stationĂ€ren Pflegeeinrichtungen wurden u.a. zu ihrem Verhalten der zahnmedizinischen Inanspruchnahme und der Nutzung ihres zahnmedizinischen Bonusheftes (zBH) befragt. Von 242Befragten (Median: 82Jahre, Range: 43-100Jahre, Frauen: 78,5%) besaßen nur 18,6% ein zBH, dabei gab es keine signifikanten geschlechts- und altersspezifischen Unterschiede. Regionale Unterschiede waren signifikant (Berlin 5,3%, Nordrhein-Westfalen 18,1%, Sachsen 32,9%; χ2-Test p<0,01). Die Zahnzahl war bei Bonusheftinhabern grĂ¶ĂŸer (Mann-Whitney-Test p=0,01), die Zeitspanne zum letzten Zahnarztbesuch geringer (p<0,01). Von den Bonusheftinhabern gaben 18,6% an, den Zahnarzt lĂ€nger als 12Monate nicht aufgesucht zu haben (stationĂ€r PflegebedĂŒrftige ohne Bonusheft 51,3%). Als Beitrag zur QualitĂ€tssicherung, zur oralen Infektionskontrolle sowie zur Verbesserung der mundbezogenen und allgemeinen LebensqualitĂ€t wird die regelmĂ€ĂŸige jĂ€hrliche DurchfĂŒhrung zahnmedizinischer Reihenuntersuchungen mit dem FĂŒhren eines zBH fĂŒr jeden Bewohner vorgeschlage

    Endogenous fantasy and learning in digital games.

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    Many people believe that educational games are effective because they motivate children to actively engage in a learning activity as part of playing the game. However, seminal work by Malone (1981), exploring the motivational aspects of digital games, concluded that the educational effectiveness of a digital game depends on the way in which learning content is integrated into the fantasy context of the game. In particular, he claimed that content which is intrinsically related to the fantasy will produce better learning than that which is merely extrinsically related. However, this distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic (or endogenous and exogenous) fantasy is a concept that has developed a confused standing over the following years. This paper will address this confusion by providing a review and critique of the empirical and theoretical foundations of endogenous fantasy, and its relevance to creating educational digital games. Substantial concerns are raised about the empirical basis of this work and a theoretical critique of endogenous fantasy is offered, concluding that endogenous fantasy is a misnomer, in so far as the "integral and continuing relationship" of fantasy cannot be justified as a critical means of improving the effectiveness of educational digital games. An alternative perspective on the intrinsic integration of learning content is described, incorporating game mechanics, flow and representations

    Assessment of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty by quantitative coronary angiography: diameter versus densitometric area measurements

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    Cineangiograms of 138 patients who underwent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) were analyzed with a computer-based coronary angiography analysis system. The results before and after dilatation are presented. In a first study group (120 patients), the severity of the obstructive lesions derived from the automatically detected contours was evaluated in absolute terms and in percent-diameter reduction. In a second group of patients, 18 coronary lesions were selected for their extreme severity and symmetric aspect before angioplasty as assessed from multiple views. In the second group, the densitometric percent-area stenosis was used to assess the changes in cross-sectional area after PTCA and was compared with the circular percent-area stenosis computed from the diameter measurements. Before PTCA, a good agreement exists between the densitometric percent-area stenosis and the circular percent-area stenosis. After PTCA, important discrepancies between these 2 types of measurements are observed. It is suggested that these discrepancies in results after PTCA can be accounted for by asymmetric morphologic changes in luminal cross section, which cannot be assessed accurately from diameter measurements in a single-plane view

    Early detection of restenosis after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty by exercise-redistribution Thallium scintigraphy

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    The value of exercise testing and thallium scintigraphy in predicting recurrence of angina pectoris and restenosis after a primary successful transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was prospectively evaluated. In 89 patients, a symptom-limited exercise electrocardiogram (ECG) and

    International nifedipine trial on anti-atherosclerotic therapy (INTACT) - methodologic implications and results of a coronary angiographic follow-up study using computer-assisted film analysis

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    Animal experiments demonstrated a significant suppressive effect of various calcium channel blockers on the formation of atherosclerotic lesions. Therefore, a prospective, placebo-controlled, randomized, double blind multicenter study was performed to investigate the inhibitory influence of the calcium channel blocker nifedipine (80 mg/day) on the progression of coronary artery disease in man. Study endpoints were changes of coronary morphology documented by coronary angiography with particular respect to the formation of new coronary stenoses. In 348 out of 425 patients included in the study, coronary angiograms were repeated after three years. The angiograms were standardized by induction of a maximal coronary vasodilation with high doses of nitrates and by using absolutely identical angiographic projections. Quantitative analysis of coronary cineangiograms was performed with the computer-assisted contour detection system CAAS. Parameters were mean and minimal diameter of all segments and minimal stenosis diameter, percent diameter stenosis, length and plaque area of all stenoses. Continuous intake of study medication was registered in 282 patients, 134 on nifedipine and 148 patients on placebo. In these patients, a total of 3808 coronary segments with 893 stenoses (≄ 20% diameter reduction in at least one angiographic projection) were compared on the baseline and follow-up cineangiograms. The changes in all angiographic parameters analyzed averaged over all patients by considering all angiographic projections analyzed, indicated significant progression of the disease (p < 0.006). The average changes in all parameters were even about three times more profound, when in the individual patients only the respective projections indicating the maximal changes were considered for the calculation (p < 0.001). However, with neither of these two analysis modes, the differences in progression between the treatment groups were statistically significant. In the follow-up angiograms, a total of 196 new coronary lesions (185 stenoses, 11 occlusions) were found at previously normal arterial sites. In patients on nifedipine, an average of only 0.58 new lesions per patient were detected versus 0,80 lesions per patient on placebo (-27%; p=0.031). INTACT is the first prospective angiographic trial on the progression of coronary artery disease using computer-assisted quantitative coronary angiography in such a high number of patients. All parameters analyzed indicated significant progression of coronary artery sclerosis. Nifedipine had no influen
