1,751 research outputs found
Risks at work: the demand and supply sides of government redistribution
To understand how the welfare state adjusts to economic shocks it is important to explain both the genesis of popular preferences and the institutional incentives of governments to respond to these preferences. This paper attempts to do both, using a general theoretical framework and detailed data at both the individual and national levels. In a first step, we focus on how risk exposure and income are related to preferences for redistribution. To test our hypotheses, we extract detailed risk exposure measures from labor force surveys and marry them to cross-national survey data. In a second step, we turn our attention to the supply side of government redistribution. Institutions, we argue, mediate governmentsâ reactions to redistributional demands following economic shocks. Using time-series cross-country data, we demonstrate how national training systems, electoral institutions as well as government partisanship shape government responses. -- Um zu verstehen, wie Wohlfahrtsstaaten auf ökonomische Schocks reagieren, ist es wichtig, sowohl die Nachfrage- als auch die Angebotsseite von Umverteilung zu analysieren. Wie entstehen Umverteilungs-PrĂ€ferenzen in der Bevölkerung? Welche institutionellen Anreize haben Regierungen, darauf zu reagieren? Das vorliegende Papier wendet einen generellen theoretischen Rahmen und umfangreiche Individual- und Aggregat-Daten an, um diesen Fragen nachzugehen. Dazu wird zuerst analysiert, wie Risiken im Arbeitsmarkt und das Einkommen Umverteilungs-PrĂ€ferenzen von Individuen beeinflussen. Die abgeleiteten Hypothesen werden an neuen DatensĂ€tzen getestet. Diese kombinieren Informationen von Arbeitsmarkterhebungen und Umfrage-Daten fĂŒr mehrere LĂ€nder und Jahre. In Sachen Angebotsseite wird argumentiert, dass unterschiedliche Regierungen auf ökonomische Schocks unterschiedlich reagieren, abhĂ€ngig von Institutionen. Das Papier testet diese und andere Hypothesen auf der Aggregatsebene anhand von vergleichenden Zeitreihen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Art und Weise, wie Regierungen auf ökonomische Schocks reagieren, von Ausbildungs- und Wahlsystemen sowie der parteipolitischen FĂ€rbung der Regierung mitbestimmt werden.Public Opinion,Preferences,Redistribution,Varieties of Capitalism,Partisanship,Unemployment,Occupations
The conception of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany in comparison to the Constitutional Court of South Africa
Germany as well as South Africa have established Constitutional Courts. The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, located in Karlsruhe (cf § 1 II BVerfGG), commenced its work in September 1951. Up to 1995 the Federal Constitutional Court heard more than 120,000 case
Risks at work: the demand and supply sides of government redistribution
"To understand how the welfare state adjusts to economic shocks it is important to explain both the genesis of popular preferences and the institutional incentives of governments to respond to these preferences. This paper attempts to do both, using a general theoretical framework and detailed data at both the individual and national levels. In a first step, we focus on how risk exposure and income are related to preferences for redistribution. To test our hypotheses, we extract detailed risk exposure measures from labor force surveys and marry them to cross-national survey data. In a second step, we turn our attention to the supply side of government redistribution. Institutions, we argue, mediate governments' reactions to redistributional demands following economic shocks. Using time-series cross-country data, we demonstrate how national training systems, electoral institutions as well as government partisanship shape government responses." (author's abstract)"Um zu verstehen, wie Wohlfahrtsstaaten auf ökonomische Schocks reagieren, ist es wichtig, sowohl die Nachfrage- als auch die Angebotsseite von Umverteilung zu analysieren. Wie entstehen Umverteilungs-PrĂ€ferenzen in der Bevölkerung? Welche institutionellen Anreize haben Regierungen, darauf zu reagieren? Das vorliegende Papier wendet einen generellen theoretischen Rahmen und umfangreiche Individual- und Aggregat-Daten an, um diesen Fragen nachzugehen. Dazu wird zuerst analysiert, wie Risiken im Arbeitsmarkt und das Einkommen Umverteilungs-PrĂ€ferenzen von Individuen beeinflussen. Die abgeleiteten Hypothesen werden an neuen DatensĂ€tzen getestet. Diese kombinieren Informationen von Arbeitsmarkterhebungen und Umfrage-Daten fĂŒr mehrere LĂ€nder und Jahre. In Sachen Angebotsseite wird argumentiert, dass unterschiedliche Regierungen auf ökonomische Schocks unterschiedlich reagieren, abhĂ€ngig von Institutionen. Das Papier testet diese und andere Hypothesen auf der Aggregatsebene anhand von vergleichenden Zeitreihen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Art und Weise, wie Regierungen auf ökonomische Schocks reagieren, von Ausbildungs- und Wahlsystemen sowie der parteipolitischen FĂ€rbung der Regierung mitbestimmt werden." (Autorenreferat
Influence of hydroxyethyl starch (6% HES 130/0.4) administration on hematology and clinical chemistry parameters
Background: The chemical inertness of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) might cause interferences of the colloid with a variety of laboratory tests. We aimed to evaluate potential influences of HES 130/0.4, the newest HES type, on several common hematology and clinical chemistry parameters. Methods and results: A convenient sample of 25 patients scheduled for rheological therapy with 500 mL 6% HES 130/0.4 was evaluated. Blood samples were drawn before and after colloid application. Comparing pre- and post-infusion values of a battery of laboratory tests (i.e., hematology and hemostasis parameters, electrolytes, enzymes, kidney and metabolic parameters, lipids, etc.) in time course, a median difference greater than the reference change value for a specific parameter was considered clinically relevant. Among all parameters tested, only serum amylase activity displayed a clinically relevant difference between pre- and post-infusion values (median increase of 85% due to HES administration). By applying in vitro experiments, we demonstrated that serum amylase values obtained in the samples diluted in a 1:1 ratio with HES 130/0.4 and in samples diluted in a 1:1 ratio with 0.9% NaCl displayed a negligible median difference of 3%. Conclusions: The in vivo effect of HES 130/0.4 administration on serum amylase activity observed in our study was pharmacological (real) in nature. With the exception of the influence of HES 130/0.4 on amylase activity, the effects of HES 130/0.4 on other parameters tested in this study can be interpreted as having no clinical relevance
IS Design Principles for Empowering Domain Experts in Innovation: Findings From Three Case Studies
Today a significant part of innovation activities in firms is carried out within innovation networks of cooperating enterprises. In such networks, one key challenge is to provide software that enables to systematically share and adaptively integrate knowledge between the partnersâ domains of expertise. One potential answer is to apply application software that allows for end-user or domain expert configuration. We provide preliminary empiric evidence from a field test of an expert-configurable collaborative information system in three innovation networks. In a three-year qualitative study, we have identified challenges to software support originating from knowledge, methodical and relational diversity in the networks. We formulate design challenges and design principles relevant for developing and applying domain expert-configurable software. We provide insights into the significance of related user roles in cooperative innovation projects, and offer the role of âfacilitatorsâ as mediating agents in application configuration
Recombinant Escherichia coli produces tailor-made biopolyester granules for applications in fluorescence activated cell sorting: functional display of the mouse interleukin-2 and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
BACKGROUND: Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) is a powerful technique for the qualitative and quantitative detection of biomolecules used widely in both basic research and clinical diagnostic applications. Beads displaying a specific antigen are used to bind antibodies which are then fluorescently labelled using secondary antibodies. As the individual suspension bead passes through the sensing region of the FACS machine, fluorescent signals are acquired and analysed. Currently, antigens are tediously purified and chemically cross-linked to preformed beads. Purification and coupling of proteins often renders them inactive and they will not be displayed in its native configuration. As an alternative, we genetically engineered Escherichia coli to produce biopolyester (polyhdroxyalkanoate=PHA) granules displaying diagnostically relevant antigens in their native conformation and suitable for FACS analysis. RESULTS: Hybrid genes were constructed, which encode either the mouse interleukin-2 (IL2) or the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) fused via an enterokinase site providing linker region to the C terminus of the PHA granule associated protein PhaP, respectively. The hybrid genes were expressed in PHA-accumulating recombinant E. coli. MOG and IL2 fusion proteins were abundantly attached to PHA granules and were identified by MALDI-TOF/MS analysis and N terminal sequencing. A more abundant second fusion protein of either MOG or IL2 resulted from an additional N terminal fusion, which did surprisingly not interfere with attachment to PHA granule. PHA granules displaying either IL2 or MOG were used for FACS using monoclonal anti-IL2 or anti-MOG antibodies conjugated to a fluorescent dye. FACS analysis showed significant and specific binding of respective antibodies. Enterokinase treatment of IL2 displaying PHA granules enabled removal of IL2 as monitored by FACS analysis. Mice were immunized with either MOG or OVA (ovalbumin) and the respective sera were analysed using MOG-displaying PHA granules and FACS analysis showing a specific and sensitive detection of antigen-specific antibodies within a wide dynamic range. CONCLUSION: E. coli can be genetically engineered to produce PHA granules displaying correctly folded eukaryotic proteins and which can be applied as beads in FACS based diagnostics. Since PHA granule formation and protein attachment occurs in one step already inside the bacterial cell, microbial production could be a cheap and efficient alternative to commercial beads
Besiedlung von pÀdiatrischen Patienten mit multiresistenten gramnegativen Keimen vor kinderherzchirurgischen Eingriffen und Auswirkungen auf den postoperativen Verlauf
Einleitung Die Inzidenz von mit multiresistenten gramnegativen (MRGN) Bakterien
besiedelten Patienten nahm im Laufe der letzten Jahre signifikant zu. Parallel dazu zeigte
sich ein signifikanter Anstieg nosokomialer Infektionen durch MRGN Keime. In dieser
Studie wollen wir die PrÀvalenz einer Besiedlung mit MRGN Keimen in einer
pÀdiatrischen Population vor kardiochirurgischem Eingriff, korrelierende Faktoren und
den Einfluss auf den frĂŒhen postoperativen Verlauf und die Antibiotikatherapie
Methodik: Wir analysierten retrospektiv alle pÀdiatrischen Patienten, welche unter
Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine (HLM) zwischen Oktober 2012 und Dezember 2015
operiert wurden. Folgende Parameter wurden erfasst: demographische Faktoren,
MRGN-Status bei Aufnahme in die Klinik, Keimspektrum, Abstrichlokalisation und als
Parameter fĂŒr den klinischen Verlauf die MortalitĂ€t, Beatmungsdauer und Dauer des
postoperativen stationÀren Aufenthalts. Eine komparative Analyse wurde bei Patienten
nach Fontan-Operation (MRGN-positiv versus MRGN-negativ) durchgefĂŒhrt. Wir
verglichen die Gruppen hinsichtlich der Risikofaktoren fĂŒr eine MRGN-Besiedlung,
Risikofaktoren fĂŒr eine nosokomiale Infektion (NI), der MorbiditĂ€t (Dauer des
postoperativen Aufenthaltes auf Intensivstation und Normalstation) und MortalitÀt sowie
der Dauer der intravenösen Antibiotikatherapie und den Einsatz von Carbapenemen.
Ergebnisse: WĂ€hrend der Studiendauer von 3 Jahren und 3 Monaten wurden 190
(14,7%) von 1288 FĂ€llen als MRGN-positiv befundet und entsprechende Isolations- und
HygienemaĂnahmen ergriffen. In 64 (29%) FĂ€llen wurden zwei MRGN-positive Spezies
nachgewiesen, in 4 (1,8%) FĂ€llen drei. 120 (54%) der positiven Befunden wurden als
2MRGN, 99 (45%) 3MRGN und 3 (1,4%) 4MRGN klassifiziert. Die hÀufigsten Erreger
waren Escherichia coli (45%), Klebsiella spp. (22%), Enterobacter spp. (14%) und
Citrobacter spp. (11%).
Zwischen den MRGN-positiven und MRGN-negativen Patienten zeigte sich hinsichtlich
MortalitÀt, Beatmungsdauer und postoperativer stationÀren Aufenthaltsdauer kein
signifikanter Unterschied. Es zeigte sich eine Korrelation zwischen der Herkunft aus dem
Ausland und einem positivem MRGN-Befund. In der der Fontangruppe gab es keinen
signifikanten Unterschied von MortalitĂ€t, MorbiditĂ€t, Risiken fĂŒr eine NI oder der
Antibiotikatherapie zwischen MRGN-positiven (n=11) und MRGN-negativen (n=40)
Patienten. Es zeigte sich eine Korrelation zwischen einem positivem MRGN-Befund und
und der Herkunft aus einem MRGN-Risikogebiet und einem linken Systemventrikel.
Zusammenfassung: Eine frĂŒhe, prĂ€operative Erfassung der MRGN-Besiedlung kann
infolge von Isolations- und HygienemaĂnahmen dabei helfen, eine Ausbreitung zu
verhindern. Bei Patienten mit Risikofaktoren fĂŒr einen komplizierten postoperativen
Verlauf, kann durch die BerĂŒcksichtigung des MRGN-Status ein negativer Einfluss einer
MRGN-Besiedlung auf MortalitĂ€t und MorbiditĂ€t reduziert werden. Gerade fĂŒr Stationen
mit einem hohen Anteil von Patienten aus einem MRGN-Risikogebiet erscheint ein
MRGN-Aufnahmescreening als sinnvoll.Introduction The incidence of patients colonized with multidrug-resistant gram-negative
(MRGN) bacteria has shown a significant increase over the last years. An increased
number of nosocomial infections due to MRGN bacteria parallels this finding. In this study,
we aimed to determine the prevalence of colonization with MRGN bacteria in a pediatric
population before cardiac surgery, correlating factors and its impact on early
postoperative outcome and antibiotic therapy.
Methods: Retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent pediatric cardiac surgery
with cardiopulmonary bypass between October 2012 and December 2015. The following
parameters were obtained: demographic information, MRGN-status on admission to the
hospital, spectrum of bacterial species, location of swab, crude mortality rate (CMR),
length of mechanic ventilation and length of postoperative hospital stay. A comparative
analysis was performed in patients after Fontan completion (MRGN-positive versus
MRGN-negative). We compared the groups by risk factors for MRGN colonization, risk
factors for nosocomial infections, postoperative intensive care stay, overall hospital stay,
CMR, length of intravenous antibiotic therapy and use of carbapenems.
Results: During the study period of 3 years and 3 months, a total of 190 (14,7%) of 1,288
cases operated with cardiopulmonary bypass were found to be MRGN-positive prior to
the admission to the hospital and according isolation and hygiene measures were applied.
In 64 (29%) cases we found two MRGN-positive bacteria and in 4 (1,8%) three. There
were 120 (54%) were 2MRGN-positive cases, 99 (45%) 3MRGN- positive and 3 (1,4%)
4MRGN-positive. The most common species were Escherichia coli (45%), Klebsiella spp.
(22%), Enterobacter spp.(14%) and Citrobacter spp. (11%). There was no significant
difference in CMR, length of mechanical ventilation and length of postoperative hospital
stay. A correlation between colonization with MRGN bacteria and admission from a
foreign country was found. In the analysis of patients after Fontan completion there was
no significant difference in CMR, morbidity, or antibiotic treatment between MRGNpositive
(n = 11) and MRGN-negative (n = 40) patients. There was a significant correlation
between MRGN colonization and patients admitted from high risk countries and for
patients with a left systemic ventricle.
Conclusion: Early detection of MRGN-colonization prior to operation can help to prevent
transmission via isolation and hygiene and sanitary measures. Regarding patients with
risk factors for postoperative complications, the influence of MRGN colonization on
Mortality and Morbidity can be reduced. Especially for departments with a high number
of patients from MRGN high risk regions a screening prior to admission seems justified
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