1,909 research outputs found


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    In this article we propose, still in an embryonic way, to analyze the Akrasia theme in the mediation pacts and the adhesion to arbitration processes.For this purpose, we consider some critical subjects for ADRs and, the Right: the asymmetrical relations, the contexts of imbalance of powers (in this article, labor and, gender); the high degree of conflict and violence (as domestic), bringing particular questions that seem relevant to us.In our point of view the Akrasia theme in ADRs is a significant field to research to a) understand how Akrasia can occur in the adhesion to arbitration and the pacts (settlements or agreements) in the mediation process; b) know how Akrasia can happen in asymmetrical relations and high degree of conflict and violence; c) identify instruments for overcoming Akrasia in ADRs and; d) understand if Akrasia would be able to invalidate the adhesion to ADRs and decision-making acts.It is relevant to think and talk about Akrasia in ADRs that is currently encouraged by the Brazilian Judicial Justice Policies.At these days, in Brazil, there is practically an epidemic phenomenon of ADRs chambers creation, projects in the Judiciary, and where we have quickly trained mediators and arbitrators, who start their work without a due reflection time, in a supposed new glamorous business market.So, We are talking about Akrasia in ADRs, thinking about autonomy in the decision-making process, especially in delicate situations of asymmetry, bringing any particular questions that seem relevant to us, in this context and to this context.Are we accepting Akrasia in arbitration adhesions and the mediation decision-making process, against the autonomy of the will? Is this an issue, a theme that interests just Brazil?Article信州大学経法論集 5(ブラジル・日本国際セミナー特集号) : 179-205(2019)departmental bulletin pape

    Bases teóricas de gestão da informação: das origens aos desafios na sociedade contemporânea

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    It presents a scenario of information management, with reflections about its theoreticalbases, origins and the main challenges that this area must face in the contemporarysociety, whose characteristics bring with it demands and information needs that requirenew conducts of management and protagonism of the organizations, with a specialemphasis on libraries and the professionals that work in it, in relation to the theme thatguides communities towards the feasibility of sustainability. Considerations are offered onthe importance of information management as a preponderant factor to help the process ofdissemination of information, as a strategy to raise awareness of the communitiesinvolved, considering that those who have access to properly managed informationconsidered relevant, at the right time and intelligently utilized, can be labeled asinformation literate and able to eradicate poverty and inequality, improve agriculture,provide quality education and promote health, culture, research and innovation –Important themes for this area of management in the world contemporary

    Literacy Solidarity Program, a Strategy of Success for Educating Youth and Adults in Brazil

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    the Literacy solidarity program is a development forum of social action which is based on partnerships between the federal government, private initiative and civil societ

    400 anos sem Cervantes. Dom Quixote de la Mancha morte em 3 tempos

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016Se estamos celebrando a morte e queremos darlhe a dignidade merecida, impossível será abordála pelas vias já frequentadas e visitadas. Escolhemos a Poética por ser ela a guardiã da chave que abre ao humano, por nela pressentirmos a possibilidade de alcançar o dilema mais intrigante, inquestionável e inevitável do homem – sua consciência de “serparaamorte”. Esse percurso será realizado em 3 etapas. A morte de Dom Quixote personagem, investigada enquanto existência, onde esse tema estará mais concentrado; a morte de Cervantes e seus desdobramentos a partir da publicação do plágio de Avellaneda; e, ainda, a da obra, em sua salvaguarda como arte. Pretendese, nesse percurso, trazer à discussão, além das questões sobre o ser e sua travessia entre o nascimento e a morte apresentadas por Heidegger em Ser e Tempo, a velha polêmica trazida pelo mesmo autor em A origem da obra de Arte. Entre autor, personagem e obra; quem morre, quem fica?UNILA­-UNIOEST

    Comprometimento Organizacional dos Trabalhadores da Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasília

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    O presente trabalho pretendeu identificar o nível de comprometimento dos trabalhadores da biblioteca Central da UnB, O instrumento de pesquisa foi uma versão reduzida do questionário de Comprometimento Organizacional ; Foram envolvidos todos os servidores, prestadores de serviço, e estagiários que trabalham na biblioteca, perfazendo um total de 178 sujeitos, obtendo um total de 103 questionários respondidos. Investigamos também a presença de correlações significativas entre o fator Comprometimento e as variáveis demográficas dos participantes da pesquisa. Os resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa não podem ser generalizados, entretanto, espera-se que eles possam contribuir para o aumento do conhecimento na área

    Wildlife Cats Reproductive Biotechnology

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    Landscape formation, environmental changes and prehistoric occupation (Jacaré-Guaçu River Lowlands, Araraquara area, Southeast Brazil, Late Pleistocene-Holocene interval): correlation between geomorphological, pedological, geochronological and archaeological data

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    This paper presents a geomorphological, pedological and geochronological characterization and contextualization of geomorphogenetic, chronomorphological and environmental sequences from the Araraquara area (central São Paulo State, Southeast Brazil), and their relationship to lithic material from hunter-gatherer archaeological lithic sites. A special emphasis is given to a detailed study of the lowlands of the Jacaré-Guaçu River (between the cities of Araraquara and Boa Esperança do Sul, São Paulo state, Brazil), near the Boa Esperança II hunter-gatherer archaeological site, BES II, in an area of clear asymmetry of the alluvial plain and adjacent slopes. Data derived from the survey of estimated morphogenetic and environmental dynamics are used to contextualize the archaeological material of the BES II site, which is discussed as being associated with the Pleistocene-Holocene transition (an unusual occupation age for the Brazil southeast). We pointed to alternation between successions linked to a quaternary manifestation of a longer pattern of changes of lateral flatting processes and stability of base level with others linked to vertical incision and adequacy to a new base level. We propose a geomorphological model for the Lowlands of Jacaré-Guaçu River, highlighting the possibility that the asymmetry of the plain would be linked to a wider heterogeneity of its geomorphological context of semidetails, partially correlated with the overlapping of neotectonic influence and environmental fluctuations. It is suggested that data from the physical environment of the above mentioned lowlands are compatible with absolute ages obtained by OSL (lower terrace Ia, 14,500±3000 years BP, basal gravel level of the surface coverings, to 10,900±1500 and 4090±340 years BP at the sandy soils and sediments above the gravel) and 14C (8630 years BP, at the level of gleyed sandy-clay soil of 120 cm deep of the low terraces IIa) on archaeological levels of the low terraces of the Jacaré-Guaçu river, in a context of climatic transition from semi-arid conditions to higher humidity, hydrological changes (ephemeral and torrential channels changing to oscillating regimes of perennial channels, with sets of meanders of variable widths of paleochannels, suggesting climatic changes related to the modifications of the fluvial patterns), successive fluctuations (< 10 m) of base levels and large (500 m) lateral migration of the main river to the north guiding the local chronomorphological successions between Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene. The landscape and fluvial dynamics changes over time has influenced the availability of attributes needed for the hunter-gatherer lifestyle (such as fluctuations in the deposition/exposure of river pebbles used as raw material for tool making). Those oscillations are presented as a contribution to explain alternation between more and less dense archaeological levels along the vertical cuts of the low terraces and the location of exception of the BES II site (installed on a fluvial plain and low terraces in a segment characterized by the rarity of rocky outcrops, while most sites in the Araraquara area are linked to slopes, proximal to rocky outcrops - primary sources of lithics artifacts making) on the geomorphological Araraquara area context

    Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment, Shoreline Retreat Rates and Causes of Coastal Erosion Along the State of São Paulo Coast, Brazil

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    Monitoring on coastal erosion problems along the São Paulo shoreline have been carrying out by the author since mid the 80’s, including almost 87% of the whole 430 km length of sandy beaches. Eleven types of indicators of coastal erosional processes have been recognized, which have been attributed to seventeen causes, among them ten correspond to natural mechanisms and seven are due to anthropogenic interference. In this paper is presented rates of shoreline retreat based on the Bruun Rule application for six of the most threatened beaches, for a period as long as 56 years. Risk assessment is also estimated for these six beaches based on two criteria: (i) the total number (sum) of types of coastal erosion indicators found along the shoreline (frequency among the 11 types) and (ii) general spatial distribution (percentage of surface area) of coastal erosion indicators along the shoreline. Causes and effects of the coastal erosional processes are discussed for these six beaches. Results reveal high rates of shoreline retreat, even in non-urbanized areas, as well demonstrate that the six beaches are at very-high risk. Moreover, they indicate that natural mechanisms are very important as cause of coastal erosional processes in São Paulo, sometimes most them the human-induced causes. These studies have widely been supporting the State Plan for Coastal Zone Management, in order to create special rules for occupation and some activities along the shoreline, including engineering works, building and sand beach exploration. Besides, results are being recorded in a geoenvironmental information system for the Coastal Zone of the State of São Paulo (Project SIIGAL), which is in phases of implantation