858 research outputs found

    “Nobody’s Army”: Contradictory Cultural Rhetoric in Woodstock and Gimme Shelter

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    This essay suggests that the longstanding idea of free rock festivals as a site of transgression and social transformation is based on the successful rhetorics circulated by the two famed films of each, Woodstock: 3 Days of Peace & Music, and Gimme Shelter. I argue that both films worked as cultural, rather than countercultural, propaganda, tacitly substantiating Cold War claims in a time of civic unrest, in part by making economic changes from industrial to post industrial forms both visible and appealing. In it, I discuss how the visual rhetoric of rock festivals evolved via a rhetorical analysis of the films Woodstock and Gimme Shelter, focusing on each film’s insistent narratives about nature, capitalism, rural America, art and freedom. It is my contention there that the effect of these two films, both released in 1970, on future rock festivals cannot be underestimated. Between the two of them, one can account for the highly contradictory beliefs and actions of rock fans at present day concerts where discourses about free love and the emancipatory nature of drug use have degenerated into discourses about female nudity and drug use that have nothing to do with emancipation. The narratives embedded in both Woodstock and Gimme Shelter explain how these ideas have come to be circulated with such effectiveness. They may even explain the continued appeal of the outdoor rock festival today.L’idée selon laquelle les festivals de rock furent des sites de transgression et de transformation sociale provient des discours tenus par deux films fameux, Woodstock: 3 Days of Peace & Music et Gimme Shelter. Je soutiens que ces deux films ont fait œuvre de propagande bien plus que de contre-culture, offrant tacitement de la substance aux définitions dominantes de l’époque, héritées du climat de Guerre froide, comme celle d’une révolte civique, en rendant en partie les transformations économiques en cours (le passage à une économie post-industrielle) à la fois visibles et attrayantes. J’analyse la rhétorique visuelle de ces deux films, en me concentrant sur leurs récits sur la nature, le capitalisme, l’Amérique rurale, l’art et la liberté. L’effet de ces deux films sortis en 1970 sur les festivals de rock à venir ne peut être sous-estimé. Ils nourrirent les contradictions des croyances et actions des fans de rock aux concerts actuels : les discours d’origine sur l’amour libre et l’expérience libératrice de la prise de drogues ont dégénéré en des formes qui n’ont rien à voir avec l’émancipation

    Culturally Responsive Strategies for Effective Teaching

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    Our proposal presents information regarding beliefs about diversity, implicit bias, ESSA, equality, equity, cultural disconnect, and culturally responsive teaching strategies. Our objective is to provide participants with research-based strategies and tools, knowledge, and understanding of culturally responsive strategies designed to raise the bar and close the gap for underserved student groups as identified in the ESSA

    Validez y confiabilidad del cuestionario de adicción a internet y a los videojuegos para adolescentes

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la validez y confiabilidad del Cuestionario de Adicción a Internet y a los Videojuegos para Adolescentes (CAIVA) de los autores Chain-Pinzon y Briñez (2016). La muestra fue conformada por 300 estudiantes adolescentes de una I.E con edades de 11 a 17 años. En relación a los objetivos establecidos se puede decir que: para la validez de contenido se contó con la participación de 8 jueces expertos quienes calificaron los ítems por claridad, coherencia y relevancia, se utilizó el coeficiente de la V de Aiken respetando un intervalo de confianza del 95%, en el cual se presenciaron resultados por encima de lo esperado y evidenciando que el cuestionario presenta este tipo de validez; en el segundo objetivo se determinó la estructura interna por medio del análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) y se obtuvieron valores por debajo del parámetro establecido en el modelo original (bifactorial), es por ello que se propuso un modelo alterno a este, el cual es conformado por un solo factor (adicción al internet) alcanzando valores que se ubican dentro del rango aceptable; finalmente según el último objetivo que pretende determinar la consistencia interna, se utilizó el coeficiente del alfa de Cronbach y se obtuvo un estimado de .72 en el modelo original, ubicándolo en un rango de valoración aceptable, por otro lado, en el modelo propuesto en esta investigación se alcanzó un valor de .62 perteneciente a un rango débil

    Metric Features of a Dipolar Model

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    The lattice spin model, with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic exchange and long range dipolar interaction, is studied by the method of time series for observables based on cluster configurations and associated partitions, such as Shannon entropy, Hamming and Rohlin distances. Previous results based on the two peaks shape of the specific heat, suggested the existence of two possible transitions. By the analysis of the Shannon entropy we are able to prove that the first one is a true phase transition corresponding to a particular melting process of oriented domains, where colored noise is present almost independently of true fractality. The second one is not a real transition and it may be ascribed to a smooth balancing between two geometrical effects: a progressive fragmentation of the big clusters (possibly creating fractals), and the slow onset of a small clusters chaotic phase. Comparison with the nearest neighbor Ising ferromagnetic system points out a substantial difference in the cluster geometrical properties of the two models and in their critical behavior.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, submitted to JPhys

    The Lantern Vol. 48, No. 2, May 1982

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    • Atonement to the Clown • 5 A.M. • Les Moulins a Vent • Isn\u27t It a Bitter Cold • Eyes That Want • I Am a Life Saver • The Death of Chicken Little • The Secret • In a Little Jungle • Night • From Foundlings • Night Was My Friend • The Librarian of Langden Hall • The Heart • Daybreak • City Song • Chance • Cotton Panels • To Phlebas • Attraction • Fall • Coming Home • June • Breaking Free • Mother • Ice Tree • Return from Nhatrang • What It All Comes Down To • To Benjamin • The Light • Piano Practice • Mother\u27s Song to Her Son • Sister\u27s Song • Shopping • Grandfather • Closing Statement • Dreaming • Another Sunset • Clear, Cold and Crystal • Jog!!! • Empty Nightshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1120/thumbnail.jp

    The Lantern Vol. 49, No. 1, Fall 1982

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    • The Dormant Tree • Les Maitres des mots... • The Bartender • Time • Small Silent Creatures • Appreciation de la vie • Mon Seigneur, Mon Ami • In Gratitude • Cathedral • Child • Grow Old With Me • To Keep The Land • Lesetta • No Answer • The Hunt • You Came to Me • A Day in the Life of a Thought • Revenge • The Dance • Unclaimed • Where e\u27er There Be a Reason • Pour le coin • Thinking of You • You Were The Onehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1121/thumbnail.jp

    Formation of cristae and crista junctions in mitochondria depends on antagonism between Fcj1 and Su e/g

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    Crista junctions (CJs) are important for mitochondrial organization and function, but the molecular basis of their formation and architecture is obscure. We have identified and characterized a mitochondrial membrane protein in yeast, Fcj1 (formation of CJ protein 1), which is specifically enriched in CJs. Cells lacking Fcj1 lack CJs, exhibit concentric stacks of inner membrane in the mitochondrial matrix, and show increased levels of F1FO–ATP synthase (F1FO) supercomplexes. Overexpression of Fcj1 leads to increased CJ formation, branching of cristae, enlargement of CJ diameter, and reduced levels of F1FO supercomplexes. Impairment of F1FO oligomer formation by deletion of its subunits e/g (Su e/g) causes CJ diameter enlargement and reduction of cristae tip numbers and promotes cristae branching. Fcj1 and Su e/g genetically interact. We propose a model in which the antagonism between Fcj1 and Su e/g locally modulates the F1FO oligomeric state, thereby controlling membrane curvature of cristae to generate CJs and cristae tips

    A Partial Response to Reintroduced Chemotherapy in a Resistant Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient after Priming with RRx-001

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    As an exceedingly recalcitrant and highly aggressive tumor type without Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment or a known cure, the prognosis of recurrent extensive stage platinum-resistant/refractory small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is worse than other types of lung cancer, and many other tumor types, given a response rate of less than 10% and an overall survival of less than six months. It was broadly classified into three groups based on the initial response to cisplatin/etoposide therapy, platinum-refractory, platinum-resistant, and platinum-sensitive, extensive stage SCLC inevitably relapses, at which point the only standard options are to rechallenge with the first-line chemotherapeutic regimen in the case of sensitive disease or to start the topoisomerase I inhibitor, topotecan. Sensitive disease is defined by a response to the first-line therapy and a treatment-free interval of at least 90 days, while the definitions of refractory and resistant disease, respectively, are nonresponse to the first-line treatment or relapse within 90 days. As an important predictor of response to the second-line treatment, the clinical cutoff of three months (or two months in some cases) for resistant and sensitive disease, which along with performance status prognostically separates patients into high- and low-risk categories, dictates subsequent management. This case report presents a resistant SCLC patient enrolled on a Phase II clinical trial called QUADRUPLE THREAT (formerly TRIPLE THREAT, NCT02489903) who responded to reintroduced platinum doublets after sequential priming with the resistance-reversing epi-immunotherapeutic agent, RRx-001. In the QUADRUPLE THREAT clinical trial, both during priming with RRx-001 and during sequential treatment with platinum doublets, the patient maintained a good quality of life and performance status.Peer reviewe