46 research outputs found


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    While physiotherapists play a critical role in addressing the healthcare priorities and well-being of various populations in the rapidly changing healthcare, recent studies show that they are facing a number of challenges at their workplace, which could have an effect their performance in terms of the quality of healthcare services they provide. Studies further show that dissatisfaction at the workplace could lead to high employee turnover, which has negative health, economic and social outcomes for the employees, organization and the society at large. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the challenges that physiotherapists in Qatar face and how they affect their performance and retention. To achieve this, this study used a mixed method approach that involved a quantitative survey of 100 physiotherapists working in various parts of Qatar and qualitative interviews with 10 hospital staff and 25 former employees of Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar. The findings of the study show that low pay and unfavorable employment contracts are the leading challenge that most physiotherapists face in Qatar, with many stating their willingness to leave if they got better paying and contract terms. The increasing demand for physiotherapist services were identified as yet another major challenge that physiotherapists face in Qatar. Due to the high demand, physiotherapists are forced to put in more working hours, but their pay does not increase to compensate for the extra effort that they put in. As a result, majority of the physiotherapists end up being demotivated, which not only affects their performance but also increases employee retention. In light of these findings, this study recommends better pay and contract terms alongside policy changes, organizational change, professional education, support, mentorship, and training as ways of motivating employees

    Modification of asphalt mixtures for cold regions using microencapsulated phase change materials

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    Phase change materials (PCMs) may be used to regulate the temperature of road surfaces to avoid low-temperature damages when asphalt materials become brittle and prone to cracking. With this in mind, different asphalt mixtures were modified with microencapsulated phase change materials (i.e. tetradecane) to assess their thermal benefits during the phase change process. Likewise, the effect on the mechanical performance of PCMs as a replacement of mineral filler was assessed. Special attention was paid to dry and wet modification processes for incorporating the PCMs into the mixtures. The results showed that PCM modifications are indeed able to slow down cooling and affect temperatures below zero. Approximately, a maximum of 2.5 °C offset was achieved under the tested cooling conditions compared to the unmodified reference specimens. Regarding the mechanical response at 0 °C and 10 °C, the results indicated that the PCM modification significantly reduces the stiffness of the material in comparison with the values obtained for the reference mixture

    Cycling stability of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) of six molecular weights: influence of thermal conditions for energy applications

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    Utilizing energy storage technologies is beneficial for bridging the gap between supply and demand of energy, and for increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy system. Phase change materials (PCM) offer higher energy density and compact storage design compared to conventional sensible heat storage materials. Over the past years, polyethylene glycol (PEG) gained attention in the PCM field, and several new composites of PEGs are developed for thermal energy storage purposes. PCMs are investigated at a given heating/cooling rate to evaluate their phase change temperature and enthalpy. In the case of PEG, some molecular weights show a melting behavior that depends on the thermal history, such as the crystallization conditions. This study investigates the relationship between the molecular weight of PEGs (400 to 6000 g/mol), cooling/heating rates, and the behavior during phase transitions. To evaluate the performance of PEGs as a PCM under various thermal conditions. Experiments were performed using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and the transient plane source method (TPS). All PEG molecular weights were subjected to the same cooling and heating conditions, cooling and heating rate and number of cycles, to decouple the thermal effects from molecular weight effects. The behavior of phase transition for different thermal conditions was thoroughly analyzed and discussed. It was found that the melting temperature range of PEGs with different molecular weight was between 5.8 \ub0C and 62 \ub0C (at 5 \ub0C/min). Each PEG showed unique responses to the cooling and heating rates. Generally, the behavior of the crystallization is changing most between the thermal cycles, while the melting peak is stable regardless of the molecular weight. Finally, it is recommended that the characterization of PEGs and their composites should be conducted at a heating and cooling rate close to the thermal conditions of the intended thermal energy storage application

    Analyse de la cristallisation du PLA (Acide PolyLactique) sous écoulement : quantification des effets thermique et mécanique

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    Lors de l’injection de polymères, le cisaillement provoque une orientation macromoléculaire donnant lieu à une cristallisation supplémentaire Nous avons modélisé la cristallisation du PLA sous écoulement dans des conditions anisothermes et dans une configuration de cisaillement pur. Le modèle de cinétique de cristallisation est inspiré de celui développé par Boutaous et al. [1], basé sur une modification des models décrivant la théorie globale de germination-croissance [2, 3]. Tous les paramètres des modèles thermique, rhéologique et de cristallisation ont été identifiés grâce à des mesures spécifiques effectuées au laboratoire. Les résultats montrent que le matériau présente une succession de paliers correspondant à des changements de structure cristalline. Une quantification des effets thermique et de l’écoulement sur les cinétiques de cristallisation ainsi que sur la taille des entités cristallines sera présentée et analysée. Des observations sous lumière polarisée corroborent les résultats numériques. [1] M. Boutaous, P. Bourgin, M.Zinet, J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 127, 227--237 (2010). [2] J.D. Hoffman, R.L. Miller, Polymer, 38, 3151--3212 (1997). [3] W. Schneider, A. Köll and J. Berger, Inter. Poly. Proc., 3, 4, 151-154, (1988

    Thermo-optical performance of molecular solar thermal energy storage films

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    Due to their potential for solar energy harvesting and storage, molecular solar thermal energy storage (MOST) materials are receiving wide attention from both the research community and the public. MOST materials absorb photons and convert their energy to chemical energy, which is contained within the bonds of the MOST molecules. Depending on the molecular structure, these materials can store up to 1 MJ/kg, at ambient temperature and with storage times ranging from minutes to several years. This work is the first to thoroughly investigate the potential of MOST materials for the development of energy saving windows. To this end, the MOST molecules are integrated into thin, optically transparent films, which store solar energy during the daytime and release heat at a later point in time. A combined experimental and modeling approach is used to verify the system\u27s basic functionality and identify key parameters. Multi-physics modeling and simulation were conducted to evaluate the interaction of MOST films with light, both monochromatic and the entire solar spectrum, as well as the corresponding dynamic energy storage. The model was experimentally verified by studying the optical response of thin MOST films containing norbornadiene derivatives as a functional system. We found that the MOST films act as excellent UV shield and can store up to 0.37 kWh/m2 for optimized MOST molecules. Further, this model allowed us to screen various material parameters and develop guidelines on how to optimize the performance of MOST window films

    Kanun-ul ticaret

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    Nadir eserdir. Metin Arapçadır

    The notion of gouvernementality at Foucault : gouvernment against gouvernment

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    Cette thèse essayera d’examiner dans un premier temps, la manière dont Foucault établit sa notion de la critique, conçue comme une attitude, un « êthos », une façon d’agir, et qui s’articule à une ontologie du présent. Et dans deuxième temps, la façon dont cette notion de la critique telle que reformulée dans une histoire de la gouvernementalité et inséparable du diagnostic d’une crise inscrite dans les plis des jeux de pouvoir, s’articule avec une analyse qui lui est propre du libéralisme et du néolibéralisme, et qu’il conçoit non pas comme idéologie, mais comme deux formes de gouvernement, et de rationalité gouvernementale complexe. C’est ainsi que nous essayons de suivre comment Foucault élabore son projet critique, en essayant de repérer la manière par laquelle Foucault cherche à établir un diagnostic de ce que nous sommes dans notre présent, par l’analyse critique de ce type de rationalité qui appartient aux sociétés occidentales modernes, et qui se caractérise par une double face individualisante et totalisante. En même temps, c’est une tentative qui vise à élaborer une stratégie de résistance, et à « promouvoir de nouvelles formes de subjectivité » ; à nous émanciper de ce « type d’individualité qu’on nous a imposé pendant plusieurs siècles ». Cette rationalité selon Foucault, trouve son point d’ancrage dans l’« Aufklärung ». Cela nous amène à interroger d’abord le rapport entre la critique et l’Aufklärung qui le conduit à situer son propre projet critique par rapport à la théorie Kantienne. Foucault s’interroge sur la relation entre la rationalisation et le pouvoir. Pour lui, il est inutile d’analyser cette rationalité appartenant aux Lumières. Il proposera une autre manière d’étudier les liens entre la rationalité et le pouvoir : d’abord en traitant la rationalisation de la société et de la culture, non pas de manière globale, mais dans plusieurs expériences comme la folie, la maladie la sexualité etc. Ensuite, malgré l’importance de la période des Lumières, il faut nous dit Foucault remonter à des processus beaucoup plus éloignés, tels que celui du pouvoir pastoral, afin de comprendre le moment dans lequel nous vivons. D’après Foucault en effet, le pouvoir pastoral a donné lieu à un art de gouverner qui intervient en politique à partir du XVIe siècle en formant l’arrière-plan historique de la gouvernementalité. Foucault précise « l’État moderne nait […] lorsque la gouvernementalité est effectivement devenue une pratique politique calculée et réfléchie ». L’une des questions fondamentales de cette époque au sortir de la féodalité, c’est : « Comment gouverner ? ». Cette question n’est pas dissociée, de cette autre question : « Comment n’être pas gouverné comme cela, par cela, au nom de ces principes-ci ? ». Cette question est selon Foucault, du côté d’une méfiance et d’une résistance au gouvernement. Mais aussi, elle exprime une aspiration à gouverner autrement. Autour de cela se construit la notion de l’« attitude critique ». La critique peut alors s’entendre comme « un art de l’inservitude volontaire », très proche, selon Foucault, de la manière dont Kant définit l’« Aufklärung » comme une sortie de l’état de minorité. Il s’agit bien de refuser d’obéir à la vérité en tant qu’elle serait pensée, imposée par un autre, et de penser par soi-même. En effet, l’attitude critique pour Foucault consiste à repenser la question de l’«Aufklärung » de Kant, non pas comme l’aube de la raison, mais comme effort permanent pour interroger la rationalité qui nous régit.This thesis will try to examine at first, the way Foucault establishes his notion of criticism, conceived as an attitude, an "ethos", a way of acting, and which articulates in an ontology of the present. And secondly, the way in which this notion of criticism, as reformulated in a history of governmentality and inseparable from the diagnosis of a crisis inscribed in the folds of the plays of power, articulates with an analysis of his own of the liberalism and the neoliberalism, and such as he conceives not as ideology, but as two forms of government, and of complex governmental rationality. This is the way we try to follow how Foucault elaborates his critical project, by trying to locate the way in which Foucault seeks to establish a diagnosis of what we are in our present, by the critical analysis of this type of rationality which belongs to the modern western societies, and which is characterized by an individualizing and totalizing double face. At the same time, it is an attempt to develop a strategy of resistance, and to "promote new forms of subjectivity"; to emancipate ourselves from that "type of individuality that has been imposed upon us for several centuries". This rationality according to Foucault finds its anchor point in "Aufklärung". This brings us to question at first the relationship between the criticism and the Auflklärung that leads him to place his own critical project with regards to the Kantian theory. Foucault questions the relationship between rationalization and power. For him, it is useless to analyze this rationality belonging to the Enlightenment. He will propose another way of studying the links between rationality and power: at first by handling the rationalization of society and culture, not in a global way, but in several experiences as the madness, the disease, the sexuality Etc. Then, in spite of the importance of the Enlightenment, it is necessary tells us Foucault to go back to far more remote processes, such as that of the pastoral power, to understand the moment in which we live. According to Foucault indeed, the pastoral power gave rise to an art of government which intervenes in politics from the XVIth century, forming the historical background of governmentality. Foucault specifies "the modern state is born ... when governmentality has indeed became a calculated and reflective political practice". One of the fundamental questions of this era after feudalism is "How to govern? ". This question is not dissociated from this other question: "How can we not be governed like that by this in the name of these principles? ". This question is, according to Foucault, on the side of mistrust and resistance to the government. But it also expresses an aspiration to govern otherwise. Around this is constructed the notion of the "critical attitude". Criticism can then get on as "an art of voluntary inservitude" very close, according to Foucault, to the way Kant defines "Aufklärung" as an exit of the state of minority. It is well a question of refusing to obey the truth insofar as it is thought, imposed by another, and to think for oneself. Indeed, the critical attitude to Foucault consists in rethinking the question of Kant's "Aufklärung", not as the dawn of reason, but as permanent effort to question the rationality that governs us. This leads Foucault to question the role of philosophy, whether it can play a role of counter-power. His answer is that philosophy can be counter-power on condition of ceasing to conceive power from a legal or moral point of view. The role of philosophy will then be dice to make visible what is in our daily life, linked to ourselves and because of that which we do not perceive as such. This helps to intensify the struggles, tactics and strategies within power relations

    Study of the PLA crystallization : Effects of nucleating agent and flow on the crystallization kinetics and morphology development

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    Le Polylactide est un polymère biosourcé et biodégradable. Il représente un alternatif potentiel pour certains polymères issus de l’industrie pétrochimique. Néanmoins, il présente une cinétique de cristallisation lente. Dans ce travail, une attention particulière a été portée à la compréhension et la modélisation de la cinétique de cristallisation et la morphologie cristalline induite du PLA. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la cristallisation en conditions statiques du PLA avec et sans agent de nucléation «talc». L’effet du polymorphisme sur les paramètres du modèle d’Avrami est modélisé en conditions isothermes, ensuite la morphologie cristalline induite en fonction de degré de surfusion est discutée pour le PLA avec et sans talc. Dans un second temps, l’effet de la température, le taux et le temps de cisaillement sur la cinétique de cristallisation du PLA et la morphologie cristalline induite est analysée, et la contribution de l’écoulement dans la germination est modélisée. La synergie entre le cisaillement et les particules de talc dans l’amélioration de la cinétique de cristallisation est démontrée par la quantification de la germination thermiquement induite et celle induite par le cisaillement. Enfin, dans le cadre du procédé d’injection, nous avons étudié l’effet de l’histoire thermomécanique et du talc sur les propriétés mécaniques du PLA. L’analyse effectuée a porté sur l’effet des paramètres du procédé d’injection et du talc sur le module de flexion en relation avec la cristallinité induite dans les pièces injectées.The Polylactide is a biobased, biodegradable polymer. It represents a potential alternative for some polymers from the petrochemical industry. Nevertheless, it has a slow crystallization kinetics. In this work, special attention was paid to the understanding and modeling of the crystallization kinetics and morphology induced crystalline PLA. First, we investigated the crystallization of PLA in static conditions with and without nucleating agent "talc". The effect of the polymorphism on the parameters of the Avrami model is modeled in isothermal conditions, then the induced crystalline morphology as a function of degree of supercooling is discussed for PLA with and without talc. In a second step, the effect of temperature, the rate and the shearing time on the crystallization kinetics of the PLA and the resulting crystal morphology is analyzed, and the contribution of the flow in the germination is modeled. The synergy between the shear and the talc particles in improving the crystallization kinetics is demonstrated by quantification of germination thermally induced and that induced by shear. Finally, as part of the injection process, we studied the effect of thermomechanical history and talc on the mechanical properties of PLA. The analysis focused on the effect of parameters of the injection process and talc on the flexural modulus in relation to the induced crystallinity in the molded parts

    Allah Loving to his worshippers The Fact, Its ranks, Causes, Indications And Its Fruits, Refuting Its Deniers

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    This study aims to establish the origin of this believing matter of Islam (Aqeedah); and also indicate its rank concerning to the religion and Belief with declaring what happened to it from deviation and misleading. This study reaches the fact that Allaah, the Almighty loving to his believer is a real confirmed invariable feature of Allah, the Almighty, as properly fit his supremacy. It also actual optional feature related to Allah will and omnipotence. This fact has clear causes and indications refer to it. It also has fruits that worshippers gain in life and life after. It has educational venerable benefits such as: the devotion perfectly to Allah worship and to be charitable to Allah worshippers. Allaah, the Almighty

    Allah Loving to his worshippers The Fact, Its ranks, Causes, Indications And Its Fruits, Refuting Its Deniers

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    This study aims to establish the origin of this believing matter of Islam (Ageedah); and also indicate its rank concerning to the religion and Belief with declaring what happened to it from deviation and misleading. This study reaches the fact that Allaah, the Almighty loving to his believer is a real confirmed invariable feature of Allah, the Almighty, as properly fit his supremacy. It also actual optional feature related to Allah will and omnipotence. This fact has clear causes and indications refer to it. It also has fruits that worshippers gain in life and life after. It has educational venerable benefits such as: the devotion perfectly to Allah worship and to be charitable to Allah worshippers. Allaah, the Almight