199 research outputs found

    In search of a modelling strategy for projecting internal migration in European countries - Demographic versus economic-geographical approaches

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    Internal migration is the most volatile and difficult to predict component of regional demographic change. A pure demographic approach using age and sex-specific parameters of migration intensities cannot fully capture the migration trends over time. One of the approaches that can be used for a better description of past trends and forecasting of future trends is to use additional non-demographic information such as regional economic indicators. In this paper we compare the predictive performance of pure demographic and extended economic-geographical models using data of four European countries at the so-called NUTS 2 level. The models are nested within a GLM specification%2C that allows both demographic and extended models to be written as specific cases of loglinear models. Therefore model fit and performance can be compared directly.

    Te Ira Tangata: A Zelen randomised controlled trial of a treatment package including problem solving therapy compared to treatment as usual in Maori who present to hospital after self harm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, who present to hospital after intentionally harming themselves, do so at a higher rate than non-Maori. There have been no previous treatment trials in Maori who self harm and previous reviews of interventions in other populations have been inconclusive as existing trials have been under powered and done on unrepresentative populations. These reviews have however indicated that problem solving therapy and sending regular postcards after the self harm attempt may be an effective treatment. There is also a small literature on sense of belonging in self harm and the importance of culture. This protocol describes a pragmatic trial of a package of measures which include problem solving therapy, postcards, patient support, cultural assessment, improved access to primary care and a risk management strategy in Maori who present to hospital after self harm using a novel design.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We propose to use a double consent Zelen design where participants are randomised prior to giving consent to enrol a representative cohort of patients. The main outcome will be the number of Maori scoring below nine on the Beck Hopelessness Scale. Secondary outcomes will be hospital repetition at one year; self reported self harm; anxiety; depression; quality of life; social function; and hospital use at three months and one year.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>A strength of the study is that it is a pragmatic trial which aims to recruit Maori using a Maori clinical team and protocol. It does not exclude people if English is not their first language. A potential limitation is the analysis of the results which is complex and may underestimate any effect if a large number of people refuse their consent in the group randomised to problem solving therapy as they will effectively cross over to the treatment as usual group. This study is the first randomised control trial to explicitly use cultural assessment and management.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (ANZCTR): <a href="http://www.anzctr.org.au/ACTRN12609000952246.aspx">ACTRN12609000952246</a></p

    Facile silane functionalization of graphene oxide

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    The facile silane functionalization of graphene oxide (GO) was achieved yielding vinyltrimethoxysilane-reduced graphene oxide (VTMOS-rGO) nanospheres located in the inter-layer spacing between rGO sheets via an acid–base reaction using aqueous media. The successful grafting of the silane agent with pendant vinyl groups to rGO was confirmed by a combination of Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The structure and speciation of the silane-graphene network (nanosphere) and, the presence of free vinyl groups was verified from solid-state magic angle spinning (MAS) and solution 13C and 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements. Evidence from Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) and TEM-High-Angle Annular Dark-Field (TEM-HAADF) imaging showed that these silane networks aided the exfoliation of the rGO layers preventing agglomeration, the interlayer spacing increased by 10 Å. The thermal stability (TGA/DTA) of VTMOS-rGO was significantly improved relative to GO, displaying just one degradation process for the silane network some 300 °C higher than either VTMOS or GO alone. The reduction of GO to VTMOS-rGO induced sp2 hybridization and enhanced the electrical conductivity of GO by 105 S m−1

    Eculizumab is a safe and effective treatment in pediatric patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome

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    Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is caused by alternative complement pathway dysregulation, leading to systemic thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) and severe end-organ damage. Based on 2 prospective studies in mostly adults and retrospective data in children, eculizumab, a terminal complement inhibitor, is approved for aHUS treatment. Here we prospectively evaluated efficacy and safety of weight-based dosing of eculizumab in eligible pediatric patients with aHUS in an open-label phase II study. The primary end point was complete TMA response by 26 weeks. Twenty-two patients (aged 5 months-17 years) were treated; 16 were newly diagnosed, 12 had no prior plasma exchange/infusion during current TMA symptomatology, 11 received baseline dialysis, and 2 had prior renal transplants. By week 26, 14 achieved a complete TMA response, 18 achieved hematologic normalization, and 16 had 25% or better improvement in serum creatinine. Plasma exchange/infusion was discontinued in all, and 9 of the 11 patients who required dialysis at baseline discontinued, whereas none initiated new dialysis. Eculizumab was well tolerated; no deaths or meningococcal infections occurred. Bone marrow failure, wrist fracture, and acute respiratory failure were reported as unrelated severe adverse events. Thus, our findings establish the efficacy and safety of eculizumab for pediatric patients with aHUS and are consistent with proposed immediate eculizumab initiation following diagnosis in children

    Experimental and theoretical correlations between vanadium K-edge X-ray absorption and Kβ emission spectra

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    A series of vanadium compounds was studied by K-edge X-ray absorption (XAS) and K[Formula: see text] X-ray emission spectroscopies (XES). Qualitative trends within the datasets, as well as comparisons between the XAS and XES data, illustrate the information content of both methods. The complementary nature of the chemical insight highlights the success of this dual-technique approach in characterizing both the structural and electronic properties of vanadium sites. In particular, and in contrast to XAS or extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), we demonstrate that valence-to-core XES is capable of differentiating between ligating atoms with the same identity but different bonding character. Finally, density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations enable a more detailed, quantitative interpretation of the data. We also establish correction factors for the computational protocols through calibration to experiment. These hard X-ray methods can probe vanadium ions in any oxidation or spin state, and can readily be applied to sample environments ranging from solid-phase catalysts to biological samples in frozen solution. Thus, the combined XAS and XES approach, coupled with DFT calculations, provides a robust tool for the study of vanadium atoms in bioinorganic chemistry

    Natural history of the peruvian Booby (Sula Variegata) in the Quirilluca Cliffs, Valparaíso, Chile

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    El Piquero Peruano (Sula variegata) es un ave marina considerada amenazada en Chile. Nidifica en los acantilados de la Quirilluca, única área de reproducción continental en la zona central del país. Se estudió esta población para establecer la abundancia y la distribución espacial de la colonia, determinar el período de actividad reproductiva e identificar amenazas actuales para la especie en la zona. Se realizaron 12 visitas entre septiembre de 2013 y mayo de 2015. El mayor número de individuos adultos se registró entre diciembre y febrero, con un máximo de 4638 aves. La reproducción no es sincrónica y abarca un período amplio desde septiembre a abril. Las amenazas principales están concentradas en huevos y pichones, y se distinguen amenazas naturales (predadores aéreos y terrestres, pichones que caen del acantilado) y de origen humano (visitantes, recolección de huevos para consumo, parapentistas que sobrevuelan la colonia).The Peruvian Booby (Sula variegata) is a seabird considered threatened in Chile. This species nest in the Quirilluca cliffs, which is the only continental breeding area in central Chile. We studied this population in order to establish abundance and spatial distribution of the colony, to determine the breeding period and to identify current threats in the area. Twelve censuses were carried out between September 2013 and May 2015. The largest number of adults was recorded between December and February, with a maximum of 4638 birds. Breeding is not synchronic and cover a long period, from September until April. Main threats are focused in eggs and nestlings, and both natural (aerial and terrestrial predators, nestlings that fall off the cliffs) and human related causes (visitors, gathering of eggs for local consumption, paragliders soaring the colony) can be distinguished

    Effects of gestational age at birth on cognitive performance : a function of cognitive workload demands

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    Objective: Cognitive deficits have been inconsistently described for late or moderately preterm children but are consistently found in very preterm children. This study investigates the association between cognitive workload demands of tasks and cognitive performance in relation to gestational age at birth. Methods: Data were collected as part of a prospective geographically defined whole-population study of neonatal at-risk children in Southern Bavaria. At 8;5 years, n = 1326 children (gestation range: 23–41 weeks) were assessed with the K-ABC and a Mathematics Test. Results: Cognitive scores of preterm children decreased as cognitive workload demands of tasks increased. The relationship between gestation and task workload was curvilinear and more pronounced the higher the cognitive workload: GA2 (quadratic term) on low cognitive workload: R2 = .02, p<0.001; moderate cognitive workload: R2 = .09, p<0.001; and high cognitive workload tasks: R2 = .14, p<0.001. Specifically, disproportionally lower scores were found for very (<32 weeks gestation) and moderately (32–33 weeks gestation) preterm children the higher the cognitive workload of the tasks. Early biological factors such as gestation and neonatal complications explained more of the variance in high (12.5%) compared with moderate (8.1%) and low cognitive workload tasks (1.7%). Conclusions: The cognitive workload model may help to explain variations of findings on the relationship of gestational age with cognitive performance in the literature. The findings have implications for routine cognitive follow-up, educational intervention, and basic research into neuro-plasticity and brain reorganization after preterm birth

    Characterizing Nanoparticles in Biological Matrices: Tipping Points in Agglomeration State and Cellular Delivery In Vitro.

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    Understanding the delivered cellular dose of nanoparticles is imperative in nanomedicine and nanosafety, yet is known to be extremely complex because of multiple interactions between nanoparticles, their environment, and the cells. Here, we use 3-D reconstruction of agglomerates preserved by cryogenic snapshot sampling and imaged by electron microscopy to quantify the "bioavailable dose" that is presented at the cell surface and formed by the process of individual nanoparticle sequestration into agglomerates in the exposure media. Critically, using 20 and 40 nm carboxylated polystyrene-latex and 16 and 85 nm silicon dioxide nanoparticles, we show that abrupt, dose-dependent "tipping points" in agglomeration state can arise, subsequently affecting cellular delivery and increasing toxicity. These changes are triggered by shifts in the ratio of the total nanoparticle surface area to biomolecule abundance, with the switch to a highly agglomerated state effectively changing the test article midassay, challenging the dose-response paradigm for nanosafety experiments. By characterizing nanoparticle numbers per agglomerate, we show these tipping points can lead to the formation of extreme agglomeration states whereby 90% of an administered dose is contained and delivered to the cells by just the top 2% of the largest agglomerates. We thus demonstrate precise definition, description, and comparison of the nanoparticle dose formed in different experimental environments and show that this description is critical to understanding cellular delivery and toxicity. We further empirically "stress-test" the commonly used dynamic light scattering approach, establishing its limitations to present an analysis strategy that significantly improves the usefulness of this popular nanoparticle characterization technique