2,154 research outputs found

    Logical Topology Design Using Efficient Heuristics in Wavelength Routed Networks

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    Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) point to point networks play a vital role in the backbone transport networks. The set of light paths at optical layer forms a Logical Topology. This paper deals with the design of Logical Topology for wavelength routed WDM networks. This paper proposes new heuristics on fiber optic networks to develop efficient logical topology design and to examine the critical aspects of performance constraints like single hop traffic maximization, Average weighted hop count and number of wavelengths/Transceivers. Further two new heuristics LUMHSN and ILUMHSN are proposed, tested and compared the performances with the existing HLDA on 14-node NSFNET Model. Keywords: wavelength routed WDM, Logical Topology, single hop traffic, Average weighted hop Count, LUMHSN, ILUMHSN

    Strengthening Smart Contracts: An AI-Driven Security Exploration

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    Smart contracts are automated agreements in which the conditions between the purchaser and the vendor are encoded directly into lines of code allowing them to execute automatically Smart contracts have emerged as a ground-breaking technology facilitating the decentralized and trustless execution of agreements on blockchain platforms However the widespread adoption of smart contracts exposes them to various security threats leading to substantial financial losses and reputational harm Artificial Intelligence has the capability to aid in the detection and reduction of vulnerabilities thereby enhancing the overall strength and resilience of smart contracts This integration can create highly secure and transparent systems that reduce the risk of fraud corruption and other malicious activities thereby increasing trust and confidence in these systems and improving overall security This research paper delves into the innovative applications of Artificial Intelligence techniques to enhance the security of smart contracts Investigating the potential of AI in detecting vulnerabilities identifying potential attacks and offering automated solutions for safer smart contracts will significantly contribute to the development and flawless execution of this emerging technolog

    Extent of Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs on Entrepreneurial and Technological Empowerment

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    Empowerment of women entrepreneurs in the context of technology entails building up the abilities and skills of women to gain insight into the issues affecting them and also building up their capacity to voice their concerns. Technological empowerment of women entrepreneurs will open up avenues to further nrichment. By the use of technology women can broaden the scope of their activities. Hence the present paper focused on analyzing the entrepreneurial and technological empowerment of women entrepreneurs. Majority of the women entrepreneurs had medium level of entrepreneurial and low level of technological empowerment

    732-6 Resection of Aortic Coarctation and Modified Extended Anastomosis of Descending Aorta to Undersurface of Aortic Arch: Effect on Recurrence

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    Recurrent aortic coarctation is a frequent complication requiring reintervention following surgical repair of coarctation of the aorta (COA) in infants and neonates. Recoarctation is most commonly seen within the first year of life and is reported to be as high as 30%. Inadequate removal of ductal tissue, failure of growth in the primary anastomosis, and tension on the suture line have been cited as important factors using standard techniques of resection and end to end anastomosis (RETE) and subclavian flap arterioplasty (SFA). To address these issues, we have employed a technique of coarctation resection and modified extended anastomosis of the descending aorta to the undersurface of the aortic arch (RMEDA) since 1992. The salient features of this technique include extensive mobilization of the aortic arch and neck vessels, resection of the coarctation, careful trimming of all ductal tissue, and ligation of the isthmus just beyond the left subclavian artery (LSCA) allowing the distal arch to serve as an end vessel to the LSCA, and end to side anastomosis of the descending aorta to a separate incision in the undersurface of the proximal aortic arch. Fourteen neonates (median age = 12.5 days) and 5 infants (median age = 62 days) with a mean peak systolic gradient of 33±13 torr across the coarctation segment, underwent RMEDA repair of discrete COA and tubular hypolasia of the arch. Two of these infants had recurrent COA following an initial operation performed elsewhere in the neonatal period. Other procedures performed at the time repair of COA include PDA ligation (14), pulmonary artery banding (3), VSD closure (3), and ASD closure (2). Mean (±SD) aortic cross-clamp time was 19 (±6) minutes and mean intraoperative post-repair peak systolic gradient measured 2.3 (±4.7) torr. Early postoperative complications included a recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and a transient focal tonic clonic seizure. There was one early death from a subsequent surgical procedure. Eighteen late survivors at median follow-up of 12 months (range 3 to 24 monts) were free of recurrent COA by echocardiography and clinical examination and required no catheter or surgical reinterventions. In summary, the technique described herein eliminates the ductal tissue from the anastomotic site, and circumvents distal arch hypoplasia. In our experience, there has been no recurrence at midterm followup; however, further evaluation is needed to ascertain its efficacy in preventing late recurrence of coarctation

    A Low Cost Real Time Embedded Control System Design Using Infrared Signal Processing with Application to Vehicle Accident Prevention

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    Vehicle accidents are most common if the driving is inadequate. These happen on most factors if the driver is drowsy or if heis alcoholic. Driver drowsiness is recognized as an important factor in the vehicle accidents. It was demonstrated that drivingperformance deteriorates with increased drowsiness with resulting crashes constituting more than 20% of all vehicleaccidents. But the life lost once cannot be re-winded. Advanced technology offers some hope avoid these up to some extent.A car simulator study was designed to collect physiological data for validation of this technology. Methodology for analysisof physiological data, independent assessment of driver drowsiness and development of drowsiness detection algorithm bymeans of sequential fitting and selection of regression models is presented. In this paper proposes an approach towardsdesign of a Low cost real time embedded control system which involves measure and controls the eye blink using sensor. Ascar manufacturers / industrial automotive communities, incorporate intelligent vehicle systems in order to satisfy theconsumer’s ever increasing demand for more assistant systems for comfort, navigation, or communication, to address theissue of increased level of cognitive stress on drivers to the sources of distraction from the most basic task at hand, i.e.,driving the vehicle. Driver’s drowsiness detection systems are actually receiving a large interest in the academic andindustrial automotive communities for their potentiality to reduce fatalities Eye detection is a crucial aspect in many usefulapplications ranging from face recognition / detection to human computer interface for, driver behavior analysis. Visionbaseddriver fatigue detection which is non-contact has a key advantage over applicability. In this paper proposes a simpleand economical prototype design as a solution in developing a intelligent vehicles based on IR signal processing formonitoring the driver’s drowsiness level, vigilance and alerting the driver to prevent accidents. This approach is economicaland all the lower income side vehicle owners can afford to installation of this system.Keywords- Intelligent Vehicles, Driver Vigilance, Human fatigue, Safe Navigatio

    Surveillance for Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease among an Industrial Population in Southern India

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    We assessed (i) the risk of cardiovascular disease in an industrial population in Chennai, southern India and (ii) whether the status of treatment and control of diabetes and hypertension would be different in an industrial population, which is provided free healthcare, compared with the general population of Chennai. Subjects residing in the residential areas of 2 industries (Indian Airlines and Integral Coach Factory) in Chennai in southern India were recruited. The subjects were employees (n=440) selected by an age- and sex-stratified random sampling method, and their family members (n=727) in the age group of 20–69 years; a total of 1167 subjects. Fasting plasma glucose, lipid estimations and anthropometric measurements were done in all the subjects. Information on demographic and lifestyle determinants was obtained using a questionnaire. Diabetes was diagnosed using the American Diabetes Association criteria and metabolic syndrome was defined by the Adult Treatment Panel III criteria with modified waist definition for Asian Indians. Results. Age-adjusted prevalence of major risk factors for cardiovascular disease using the 2001 Census of India were as follows: diabetes 11.9%; hypertension 25.4%; dyslipidaemia 40.2%; hypertriglyceridaemia 28.3%; overweight (body mass index ³23 kg/m2) 60.2%; and metabolic syndrome 34.1%. Use of tobacco in any form was present in 22.9% of men and 0.5% of women; 79% of the subjects followed a sedentary lifestyle. Among subjects receiving medication, 42.1% of subjects with diabetes and 55.3% of subjects with hypertension had their disease under adequate control. A comparison of these results with the general population of Chennai showed that the industrial population had a higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in spite of having better access to healthcare facilities. Conclusions. The prevalence of cardiovascular disease was high in this industrial population of Chennai. Although the overall treatment and control of diabetes and hypertension was better than that in the general population, it was still inadequate and this emphasizes the need for greater awareness about non-communicable diseases

    Meglumine Sulphate: an Efficient Catalyst for the Synthesis of bis(indolyl)methanes

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    The reaction of indoles with carbonyl compounds in the presence of 5mol% Meglumine Sulphate (MS) in acetonitrile was executed to synthesize bis(indolyl)methane derivatives using conventional and ultrasonication methods. The reaction proceeded in shorter reaction time in ultrasonication methodology leading to high yield of the products. © 2020 Author(s)